Air Force Chief of Staff Gen John P. Jumper Commander, Air Education and Training Command Gen Donald G. Cook http://www.af.mil Commander, Air University Lt Gen Donald A. Lamontagne Commander, College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education Col Bobby J. Wilkes Editor Lt Col Anthony C. Cain http://www.aetc.randolph.af.mil Senior Editor Lt Col Malcolm D. Grimes Associate Editors Dr. Doris Sartor Maj Donald R. Ferguson Professional Staff Marvin W. Bassett, Contributing Editor Larry Carter, Contributing Editor http://www.au.af.mil Mary J. Moore, Editorial Assistant Steven C. Garst, Director of Art and Production Daniel M. Armstrong, Illustrator L. Susan Fair, Illustrator Mary P. Ferguson, Prepress Production Manager Air and Space Power Chronicles Luetwinder T. Eaves, Managing Editor http://www.cadre.maxwell.af.mil The Air and Space Power Journal, published quarterly, is the professional flagship publication of the United States Air Force. It is designed to serve as an open forum for the presentation and stimulation of innova­ tive thinking on military doctrine, strategy, tactics, force structure, readiness, and other matters of na­ tional defense. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the Journal are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanc­ tion of the Department of Defense, the Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Air University, or other agencies or departments of the US government. Articles in this edition may be reproduced in whole or in part without permission. If they are reproduced, Visit Air and Space Power Journal on-line the Air and Space Power Journal requests a courtesy at http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil line. or E-mail to [email protected] Winter 2002 Volume XVI, No. 4 AFRP 10-1 Prelaunch Notes . 4 Flight Lines The Best in Professional Air and Space Power Thought . 5 Ricochets and Replies . 7 Vortices Toward Defining Air Force Leadership . 9 Dr. Mike Thirtle Creating Strong Leaders and Strong Units: Using Air Force History as a Leadership Tool . 17 James T. Hooper PIREP Air Staff Rides: Wartime Leadership Experience . 25 Capt Gilles Van Nederveen, USAF, Retired Dr. Daniel R. Mortensen Features Emotional Intelligence: Implications for All United States Air Force Leaders . 27 Lt Col Sharon M. Latour, USAF Lt Gen Bradley C. Hosmer, USAF, Retired The Sources of Leadership Doctrine in the Air Force . 37 Shannon A. Brown, PhD The Oath of Office: A Historical Guide to Moral Leadership . 47 Lt Col Kenneth Keskel, USAF Train Like We Fight, Fight Like We Train: Establishing the Air and Space Expeditionary Force Training Center . 59 Lt Col Bradley D. Spacy, USAF Lt Col Michael I. Trapp, USAF Command and Control of Air and Space Forces Requires Significant Attention to Bandwidth . 69 Lt Col Kurt A. Klausner, USAF Valuing Air Force Education and Training: Faculty Duty and Leader Development . 79 Dr. James M. Smith Col Douglas J. Murray, USAF Fodder for Your Professional Reading: The Officer as a Teacher . 87 Dr. David R. Mets Net Assessment Crimson Sky: The Air Battle for Korea . 104 John R. Bruning Reviewer: Capt Kevin D. Smith, USAF Reach for the Sky: The Story of Douglas Bader, Legless Ace of the Battle of Britain . 104 Paul Brickhill Reviewer: John H. Barnhill On the German Art of War: Truppenführung . 105 Bruce Condell and David T. Zabecki, trans. and eds. Reviewer: Lt Col Robert B. Kane, USAF The Dynamics of Military Revolution, 1300–2050 . 106 MacGregor Knox and Williamson Murray, eds. Reviewer: Lt Col Anthony C. Cain, USAF Jungle Ace: Col. Gerald R. Johnson, the USAAF’s Top Fighter Leader of the Pacific War . 107 John R. Bruning Reviewer: Garner Johnson Hit to Kill: The New Battle over Shielding America from Missile Attack . 108 Bradley Graham Reviewer: Kenneth P. Werrell The Phantom Defense: America’s Pursuit of the Star Wars Illusion . 108 Craig Eisendrath, Melvin A. Goodman, and Gerald E. Marsh Reviewer: Kenneth P. Werrell Intelligence Services in the Information Age: Theory and Practice . 110 Michael Herman Reviewer: Capt Gilles Van Nederveen, USAF, Retired Controlling Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons: Obstacles and Opportunities . 110 Jeffrey A. Larsen and Kurt J. Klingenberger, eds. Reviewer: Lt Youssef H. Aboul-Enein, USN Minuteman: The Military Career of General Robert S. Beightler . 111 John Kennedy Ohl Reviewer: Maj James Gates, USAF Index . 114 Mission Debrief . 126 Air and Space Power Journal Board of Reviewers Prof. Tami Davis Biddle Dr. Tom Keaney Duke University School of Advanced International Studies Lt Col Price T. Bingham, USAF, Retired Johns Hopkins University Melbourne, Florida Prof. Theodore Kluz Lt Col Matthew Caffrey, USAFR USAF Air War College Operations Directorate Dr. Charles Krupnick Headquarters USAF US Army War College Brig Gen Phillip D. Caine, USAF, Retired Dr. Benjamin S. Lambeth Monument, Colorado RAND Dr. Don D. Chipman Lt Col David MacIsaac, USAF, Retired USAF Squadron Officer College Montgomery, Alabama Dr. Clayton K. S. Chun Dr. Karl P. Magyar US Army War College Montgomery, Alabama Dr. Mark Clodfelter Col Edward Mann, USAF, Retired National War College Colorado Springs, Colorado Dr. James Corum Dr. Jerome V. Martin USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies Peru State College Dr. Conrad Crane Col Phillip Meilinger, USAF, Retired Strategic Studies Institute Science Applications International Corporation US Army War College Prof. John H. Morrow Jr. Dr. Dik A. Daso University of Georgia National Air and Space Museum Dr. Daniel Mortensen Smithsonian Institution USAF College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research Dr. Lee Dowdy and Education Alabama State University Prof. James Mowbray Col Dennis M. Drew, USAF, Retired USAF Air War College USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies Dr. Karl Mueller Brig Gen Charles Dunlap Jr., USAF RAND Staff Judge Advocate Dr. Richard R. Muller USAF Air Combat Command USAF Air Command and Staff College Dr. Stephen Fought Col Robert Owen, USAF, Retired USAF Air War College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Col David M. Glanz, USA, Retired Dr. Reina J. Pennington Journal of Slavic Military Studies Norwich University Col Thomas E. Griffith, USAF Dr. James Smith USAF 39th Support Group USAF Institute for National Security Studies Incirlik, Turkey Col James Spencer, USAF Dr. John F. Guilmartin Jr. USAF Academy The Ohio State University Col Richard Szafranski, USAF, Retired Dr. Grant T. Hammond Toffler Associates Center for Strategy and Technology Air University Dr. James Titus USAF Academy Prof. Daniel Hughes USAF Air War College Col Mark Wells, USAF USAF Academy Dr. Thomas Hughes USAF Air War College Dr. Kenneth P. Werrell Lt Col Mark P. Jelonek, USAF Christiansburg, Virginia Space Division Dr. Harold R. Winton USAF Weapons School USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies 3 APJ LT COL ANTHONY C. CAIN,EDITOR IR AND SPACE Power Journal Throughout the coming year, we will (ASPJ) welcomes Lt Col Malcolm devote several pages of each issue of ASPJ Grimes, who steps in for Lt Col to the history of air and space power as Scott Wierschke as senior editor. part of our preparation for the winter AColonel Grimes recently completed a tour 2003 issue, which will commemorate the as professor of air and space studies at centennial of powered flight. If you have Grambling State University in Grambling, an article or would like to write one re- Louisiana. lated to the history, doctrine, technologi- Congratulations to Mr. Al Lopes, editor cal development, or future of air and of ASPJ in Portuguese, who recently re- space power, please let us know! ceived the Medalho do Mérito Aeronáutico We also have plans to feature articles (Aeronautical Medal of Merit) from the on counterproliferation, emerging air Portuguese government. This award, the and space power technologies, regional equivalent of the US Legion of Merit, rec- security issues, the war on terrorism, and ognizes Mr. Lopes for his years of excellent special operations, as well as on leading work as editor and for his selfless service as air and space power professionals. Send host to international students and their E-mail to us at [email protected] for in- families at the Air War College and Air formation on how to go about getting Command and Staff College, Maxwell your work published. AFB, Alabama. Congratulations, Al! It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. ––Robert H. Goddard 4 APJ LT COL ANTHONY C. CAIN,EDITOR The Best in Professional Air and Space Power Thought ECENTLY, THE ASPJ staff received peditionary force want to understand. In keep- comments from readers, both offi- ing with General Fairchild’s original vision, cers and enlisted members, from today’s Journal seeks to become a unique forum all over the Air Force. Although we for dialogue, education, mentoring, debate, Rfound all of the comments useful and appre- and professional development. ciate the time and effort it took to complete “But I don’t write like a PhD.” That’s okay— the survey, the remarks contain recurring most people don’t, and it’s not necessary to themes that the editorial staff must address. be a “natural born writer” to succeed as an “Let’s face it—almost nobody reads Air and ASPJ contributor. What matters is that, as con- Space Power Journal. The articles are generally scientious members of the service, you have written by students doing some project; they are all valuable ideas to contribute to our profes- full of academic rigor and written to get a decent sion. This turns into a “win-win” situation for grade, but people who have something to say in the both you and the Journal, which gets a wide field don’t have time for that nonsense.” Although range of sources to add to the evolving debate this type of sentiment did not pervade the com- about how best to develop and employ air ments we received, it occurred often enough to and space power.
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