UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (!ongrfssional1Rfcord th PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 90 CONGRESS SECOND SESSION VOLUME 114-PART 20 SEPTEMBER 5, 1968, TO SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 (PJl<7ES 25747 TO 27094) UNITED STJlTES <70VERNMENT PRINTIN<7 OFFICE, WJlSHIN<7TON, 1968 25804 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE September '5, 1968 The honorary escort included Mr. Peace's on state advisory groups and for a time as remarks of my distinguishedeolleague, associates in The Greenv1lle News and U.S. senator: Senator THURMOND, concerning the pass­ Greenville Piedmont. Representatives of far­ "He was a man Who belieVed In the future this ranging Multimedia operations In Green­ of his nation. He deplored the crepe hangers ing of a former Member of great vllle, Ashevllle, Knoxville and Macon also who keep telllng us how sick we are. He never body, Senator Roger C. Peace, of Green­ attended. doubted the clouds would break." ville, S.C. Also seen among those paying respects The simple and brief services at The Mr. Peace served here only a short were Gov. and Mrs. Byrnes, several members Mackey Mortuary were joined by evangelist time, but he won the admiration and re­ of their famlly and Miss Cassie Connor, Mr. Dr. Bllly Graham and the Rev. James G. spect of aU his colleagues and indeed of Byrnes' secretary for many years; U.S. Sen. Stertz, pastor of First Baptist Church. all in government with whom he came Strom Thurmond; RepubUcan senatorial Brief graveside rites In Sprlngwood Ceme­ in candidate Marshall Parker; U.S. District tery, InCluding reading of the 23rd Psalm contact. Although Mr. Peace served Judge Donald S. Russell; U.S. Rep. Robert by Dr. Graham and a prayer by the Rev. as U.S. Senator, he was first and fore­ T. Ashmore; GreenvlIIe Mayor David G. Trax­ Stertz, concluded the final tribute by Green­ most a journalist with a long and dis­ ler, State Sens. Thomas Wofford, Dick Rlley viIle and South CaroUna residents to the tinguished career as publisher of one of and Harry Chapman and other members of man who had become a giant In the business South Carolina's leading newspapers, the the GreenvlIIe County Legislative Delega­ and civic Uves of both his hometown and Greenville News. tion; S. L. Latimer, editor emeritus of The state. During my tenure as Governor, our Columbia State; Ambrose Hampton, pubUsh­ Honorary escort Included associates of Mr. State embarked on an extensive program er of the Columbia newspapers; Dean Albert Peace at The Greenvllle News and Piedmont. Scroggins and Dr. Reid Montgomery of the Joining Gov. and Mrs. Byrnes in paying designed to lure new industry to South University of South CaroUna Journalism last respects to Mr. Peace were other members Carolina. Through these efforts I learned School; Wright Bryan, Clemson University of the Byrnes family and Miss Cassie Connor, that one of the first things a prospective Vice president for development; Franklin Byrnes' secretary for many years; U.S. Sen. industry looks at when considering a re­ Way, Piedmont and Northern Railway presi­ Strom Thurmond; U.S. Rep. Robert T. Ash­ location or a plant site is the newspaper dent; Lee Ward of Ward-Gr11fith, national more; Chief Judge Clement N. Haynsworth of the particular community involved. advertising representatives; Pierson Mapes of Jr. of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals; U.S. This is a prime reason that Greenville, New York, representing the National Broad­ District JUdge Donald S. Russell; former state casting Co.; Chief Judge Clement Hayns­ Sen. Marshall Parker; Greenv1lle Mayor David S.C., succeeded in attracting the largest worth Jr. of the U.S. Fourth CirCUit Court G. Traxler; State Sens. Thomas Wofford, Dick share of new industry. of Appeals; Dr. Gordon Blackwell, Furman Riley and Harry Chapman and other mem­ Roger Peace's personal philosophy was University president; and CUff Barrows of bers of the Greenv111e County Legislative refiected in his newspaper-a philoso­ the Billy Graham evangeUstlc team. Delegation; S. L. Latimer, editor emeritus of phy of fairness, free enterprise, com­ Remembrances poured In from hundreds The Columbia State; Ambrose Hampton, pub­ munity pride, and progressive local gov­ of others with whom Mr. Peace was asso­ lisher of the Columbia newspapers; Dean ernment. I am also happy to say that the ciated during his 69 years of life, Including Albert SCroggins and Dr. Reid Montgomery policies and traditions of Roger Peace more than a half-century In Which Mr. Peace of the University of South Carollna Journal­ remained a working journalist as well as Ism School; Wright Bryan, Clemson Univer­ are now being ably carried on by Mr. civic leader and foremost buUder In the sity vice president for development and a Ned Ramseur and Mr. Wayne Freeman. communications field. former newspaper editor; Franklin Way, Under their guidance, the Greenville Piedmont and Northern Railway president; News has continued to be the outstand­ [From the Greenv111e News, Aug. 24, 19681 Lee Ward of Ward-GrUnth, national adver­ ing newspaper that Roger Peace sought tising representatives; Pierson Mapes of New ROGER PEACE CALLED AN IRREPLACEABLE MAN to make it, and it continues to provide York, representing the National Broadcasting a living monument to a great and loved Roger C. Peace was eulogized Friday as a Co.; Dr. Gordon W. Blackwell, president of man "who made the most he could of the Furman; and CUff Barrows, of the Graham South Carolinian. Roger Peace's passing Intelllgence and ablllty entrusted to him" in evangellstlc team. is mourned by many in the State of serving his community and fellowman. South Carolina, but his accomplishments The final tribute to the native Greenvillian [From the Greenv1lle News, Aug. 24, 19681 will live long after the mourning has who bullt a communications media organi­ ROGER C. PEACE TRmUTEs FLOW IN FROM passed and indeed as long as the ideas zation after beginning his career as a cub of free enterprise, progressive govern­ reporter was dellvered by Dr. L. D. Johnson, ACROSS UNITED STATES Furman University chaplain. Messages of tribute to Roger C. Peace con­ ment and a responsive democracy are Hundreds of Mr. Peace's associates and tinued to flow In Friday from business of­ cherished. friends attended the services. Among them ficials and friends all over the United States. The PRESIDING OFFICER. What is were dignitaries from throughout South They Included many from executives Who the pleasure of the Senate? CaroUna. knew and worked with him in the various Mr. BYRD of West Virg1nJ.a. Mr. Presi­ The rites were simple, In keeping with the news media fields, many of them In broad­ dent, I suggest the absence of a quorum. Ufe of the writer, publlsher and civic leader, casting: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk in whose death Tuesday, "we have lost wis­ Charlie Crutchfield, president of Jefferson will call the roll. dom and common sense, a quality of Ufe Standard Broadcasting Co.-"He leaves be­ with which we are not abundantly endowed hind a legacy of respect of citizenship, serv­ The blll clerk proceeded to call the roll, In the country just now," Dr. Johnson said. Ice and of significant contribution." Mr. H.ILL. Mr. President, I ask unani­ Dr. Johnson quoted Mr. Peace's own trib­ Julian Goodman, president, National mous consent that the order for the ute to another great South Carollnlan, for­ Broadcasting CO.-"He was a leader In broad­ quorum call be rescinded. mer Gov. James F. Byrnes, of whom he said: casting and journalism Whose accompUsh­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without "I have been nurtured by the fiow of that ments and services we w111 long remember." objection, it is so ordered. greatest of all fountains, his fountain of Paul Rittenhouse, National Broadcasting common sense." CO.-"A gentle man." Walter D. Scott, chairman of the board, The state's elder statesman and Mrs. NBC-"We wlll miss the warmth, affection, DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, AND Byrnes were among the host of long-time good humor and loyal support Which he so HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WEL­ close associates who attended the final rites. generously gave for so many years." FARE APPROPRIATIONS, 1969 Dr. Johnson called Mr. Peace "Irreplace­ David C. Adams, senior executive Vice pres­ able." ident, NBe-"... vigorous and far-sighted The Senate resumed the consideration "Our common mortaUty Is the ultimate leadership made so many contributions to of the bill (H.R. 18037) making appro­ and Indisputable answer to the human feel­ Greenville and South Carolina." priations for the Departments of Labor, Ing that any man Is indispensable. But some Donald J. Mercer, vice president, NBC sta­ and Health, Education, and Welfare, and are Irreplaceable. To a great many people tion relatlons-"We shall remember him who were Indebted beyond calculation· to related agencies, for the fiscal year end­ warmly for his many contributions to the ingJune 30, 1969, and for other pur­ him, Roger Peace was such a man," he said. communications world." "Roger Peace was a man who was content R. C. Doane, board chairman emeritus, In­ poses· to know and to be unknown, a man who be­ ternational Paper Co.-"He was a great per­ A GOOD EDUCATION lieved In the meaning of old fashioned In­ son and wlll be missed by many persons." Mr. HANSEN. Mr. President, there is tegrity, a man who knew how to Usten, to WIlllam H. Gambrell of Belton, former one thing that cannot be taken away extend the h::md and heart of friendship New York City banker now associated with from a person after he has received it. and sympathy," Dr. Johnson said. Peoples National Bank-"I knew him 50 years The Furman chaplain and former pastor And that is a good education.
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