Working Paper Assessment of the Influence of Forest Exploitation on Species Biodiversity in the Russian Far East 1ASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis A-2361 Laxenburg Austria IL A. ....a ....a Telephone: +43 2236 807 Fax: +43 2236 71313 E-Mail: [email protected] Assessment of the Influence of Forest Exploit at ion on Species Biodiversity in the Russian Far East Tl/'orl;ing Papers are i~lterinlreports on L\rorli of the International Institute for Applied Systems i\nalgsis and have received 0111~-lilllitecl review. Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represe~lt those of the Institute, its National Member Organizations, or other orgallizatio~lssupl~orting the worli. slllASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis A-2361 Laxenburg Austria .Im. Telephone: +43 2236 807 Fax: +43 2236 71313 E-Mail: info~iiasa.ac.at Foreword Siberia's forest sector is a topic which has recently gained considerable international interest. IIASA, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Russian Federal Forest Service, in agree- illeilt with the Russian Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, signed agreements in 1992 and 1994 to carry out a large-scale study on the Siberian forest sector. The okerall ob- jective of tlle study is to focus on policy options that would encourage sustainable develop~nent of the sector. The goals are to assess Siberia's forest resources, forest industries, and infrastruc- ture; to examine the forests' economic, social, and biospheric function\; with these functions in mind, to identify possible pathways for their sustainable development; and to translate these pathways into policy options for Russia11 and international agencies. The first phase of the study concentrated on the generation of extensive and consistent databases for the total forest sector of Siberia and Russia. Tlle second phase of the study encompassed assessrne~ltstudies of the greenhouse gas bal- ances, forest resources and forest utilization, biodiversity ancl landscapes, non-wood products ancl functions, environ~nentalstatus, transportation infrastructure, forest industry and nlarbets. and socioecononlic problems. This report, carried out by Olga Upllyrltina from the Biology and Soil Sciellccs Illstitutc 01 the Russian Academy of Sciences during her stay at IIASA in 1996. is a contributio~ito tlle analyses of the issue of biodiversity. Contents ... Foreword 111 Abstract vii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background information ................................ 1 1.2 Objectives of the study ................................ 2 1.3 Research rnethotls ................................... 2 2 The Russian Far East: General Assessment of Current Biodiversity Situation 2 2.1 Introtfuction ....................................... 2 2.2 Tlle RFE - specific features of biodiversity ..................... :1 2.3 Primorsliiy Iiray: Current fauna status ........................ 3 2.4 C!oilclusions ....................................... 4 3 The Systein of Protected Area in the Russian Far East 4 3.1 Introduction ....................................... 4 3.2 Types and forms of protected areas in Russia and their role in the preservation of biological diversity .......................... 5 3.2.1 Znpovtr1rzik.s (Strict Natural Reserves) .................... .i 3.2.2 National Parks ................................. 5 3.2.3 Znknzniks .................................... (i 3.2.4 Natural nllonurnents .............................. Ci 3.2.5 Other forms of protected areas ........................ 6 3.3 Numbers and scale of Znpoucdniks and Zakazniks in the RFE ........... -r 3.4 Protected area system: Current status and problems ................ i 3.4.1 General assessment ............................... i 3.42 Prilnorskiy Iiray: Main problems and trends in the protected area system ............................. 9 3.5 C'onclusions ....................................... 10 4 Assessnlent of the Russian Forest Exploitation in the Region 10 4.1 Introduction ....................................... 10 4.2 Forest esploitatiol~in the Russia.11 Fa.r Eat ..................... 11 4.2.1 Forests and forestry ............................. 11 3.2.2 Logging tecllnologies .............................. I1 4.2.3 Reforestatioll .................................. 11 4.3 Current threat to the forests in the RFE ....................... 12 4.4 ~onclusions ....................................... 12 5 Assessi~lentof Major International Investments in the Forest Industry in the Russian Far East 12 5.1 Introduction ....................................... 12 5.2 Two 14emoranda .................................... 13 5 ..3 Major interllational investments in the timber industry ............... 13 5.3.1 fIyundai Logging .Joint Venture ........................ 13 5.3.2 Trade and Development Agency JTDA, US) ................. 13 5.3.3 Export-Import Bank (US) ........................... 14 34 Overseas Private Investlne~ltCorporation (OPIC, US) ........... 1-1 .5.3..5 Enterprise Funds (US) ............................. 14 5.3.6 Japanese investments ............................. 14 5.3.7 Joint ventures in Ichabarovskiy Iiray ..................... 15 5.4 Large-scale development of ports, roads. and rail infrastructure .......... 15 5.4.1 Development of the Nel'ma-Sukpai Logging Road ............. 15 .5. 4.2 Developlnent of specialized coastal ports ................... 13 5.5 Biodiversity conservation programs .......................... 15 5.5.1 Environmental Policy and Technology Project (USAID) .......... 15 5.5.2 US Forest Service ................................ 15 5.5.3 Iihor river watershed .............................. 16 5.6 Conclusions ....................................... 16 6 Analysis of Forest-Dwelling Endangered Species of Vertebrates 16 6.1 Introduction ....................................... 16 6.2 The Amur/Siberian Tiger (Panthera tigris altnicn) ................. 17 6.2.1 C:eneral information .............................. 17 6.2.2 Historical trends of distribution and population size ............ 17 6.2.3 Current situation and the future trend .................... 19 6.2.4 hlain causes of the tiger disappearance .................... 19 6.2.5 Conservation measures, existing and future protectioli needs ........ 2% 6.2.6 Conclusions ................................... 25 6.3 Anlur leopard (Pantl~erripnrrlus orientalis) ..................... 25 6.i3.1 General inforlnation .............................. 25 6.i3.2 Historical trends of distribution and population size ............ 26 6.3.3 Current status and future trends ....................... 2S 6.3.4 Genetic conditions ............................... 28 (3 ..3 .5 blain causes of extinction ........................... 29 6.3. Conservation measures. existing and future protection needs ........ 32 6 ..3 .7 Collclusions ................................... 3.5 6.4 Hilllalayan Black Bear ( Ursus (S~1enarcto.s)thibetnn.u.s) .............. 3.5 6.-4.1 General infornlation .............................. 33 G.4.2 Trends in geographical distributioli and population size .......... 36 G.4..3 Main causes for the decrease of the populatioll ............... 37 6.4 .4 Existing and future protection needs ..................... :J8 6.4.5 C'onclusions ................................... 139 6.5 Birds ........................................... 39 6.5.1 Introduction .................................. :39 6.5.2 Blakiston's Fish-Owl ( Iietupa blnkistoni, Seebohm, 1884) ......... 40 6 .5 ..3 Scaly-sided Merganser (Alergus .sqvonzntus, Gould, 1864), and Mandarin duck (Aix galericulntn, Linnaeus, 17-58) ........... 41 G.Fj.4 Siberian Grouse (Dendragopus falcipennis, Hartlaub 1885) ......... 42 6.5.5 Forest dynamics and successiolls of bird colnmunities ............ -13 6.5.G Future trends in ornithofauna of Primorye .................. -14 6.5.7 C'onclusions ................................... 45 7 Conclusions and Recommendations 4 5 7.1 Conclusions ....................................... 46 7.2 Recolnlilendations ................................... 46 Appendix 61 References 62 Abstract Deforestation is the primary cause of species's habitat losses and, as a consecluence. a tleclille of the nunlber of iildividuals of populations and the size of distributions of forest-cl~vellinganiinal species takes place. In the Russian Far East recent forest exploitation has affected populatiolls of several verte- brate species, and brought them to the edge of extinction. Current foreign investnlents in forest enterprises, and thus an expected rapid industrial development of tlle forest sector in tlir region, do not give hope for tlle threatened species survival linless urgent protectioli measules are taken. In this particular study, assessments of the influence of forest exploitation lias been done by studying the development of a couple of so-called key-stone species, namely the Ainur tiger and the Arnur leopard, the Himalayan Black Bear, and four endangered species of birds and bird communities. A detailed analysis of tlle species development has been carried out with respect to historical trends in distribution and populatioil size, current status and futurc trends. nlain factors of disappearance, relationship to forest practises, and existing and fnture protectioil nleasures Additionally, short assessnlents of the recent forest managenlent, tlle scale of current foreigii iilvestmellts in forest enterprises, and an overview of the present biodiversity status and tlie protected area system in the region have l~eencarried out. vii
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