This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: [email protected] 1) u Treman family. *r;l Parers, 1838-1954. 19 cubic ft. BZz M Summary: Parers of the Treman family of Tom~kinsCounty, New York, contain business and family material, includins correspondence, diaries, scrarbooksr a9 printed matter of Elias Treman and his uife Elizabeth Lovejoy Treranr Robert Hz Tremanr Charles E. Tremanr Robert E. Treman, and Allan H. Treman. Papers of z Robert H. (Cornell University Class of 1878) and Robert E. (Cornel-1 ~niversitrz Class of 1909) Trendan concerning Cornellr collected durinsi their uears as 0 University Trustees, 1891-1953); also, Class of 1878 Programsr corres~ondence.~ and other items. Account hooks of Treman Brothers Harduareq Trumanshursr 1838-2 1839, and miscellaneous business papers of Treman and Kins Hardware, Ithacav 1845-19003 Renney familr material, 1855-1869; Ithacav Neu York memorabilia; Tornado Hook and Ladder Company items; diaries and scrapbooks of travel in C Europe, the Middle East, and the United States; Presbyterian Church material; H and Ithaca architect William Henry Miller,s blueprints and s~ecificationsrca.2 1901, for the residence of Robert H. Tresan. i? H Indexes: Unpublished guide. M Described in REPORT OF THE CURATOR AND ARCHIVIST, 1948-50- 1950-54, 1954-58:* and 1962-66. * Cite as: Treman Family. Papers, t1303. Departmentof Manuscripts and g 3: University Archives, Cornell University Libraries. sH 1. Millerr William Henrrr 1848-1922, 2. Renne~family. 3. Treman, Allan H.r 1899-1975. 4. Treman, Charles E., 1868- 5. Treaanr Elias, 1822-1898. 6. Tremanh Elizabeth Lovejoy. 7. Treman, Robert E.r 1888-1953. 8. Trenlan, Robert H., 1858€' 1937. 9. Corr~ellUniversity. Class of 1878. 10. Cornell University--Trustees. 11. Tornado Hook and Ladder Company. 12. Treman and Kin¶ Harduare. 13. Treran Brothers Harduare. 14. Harduare-stores+ 15. Presb~terians--Neu York (State) l6r Ithaca (N.Y.! 17. Trrrmansburs (N.Y.) 18. Europe--1lescrirtior1 and travel, 19.' C Near East--Description and travel. 20. United States--Descri?tion and travel. 5 21. Blueprints. 22. Diaries. 23. Scrapbooks. 24. S~ecifications. 2 z"2 H LCCN: MS623437 ilS624504 ilS73377 M RGPN: 1303 < 111: NYCV85-A349 CC: 9554 DCF: a PROC: d ms DEC 0 5 1989 Treman Family. Papers, 1840-1954. 4 Guide Table of Contents Descriptions, shelf list Scrapbooks Robert E. Treman Robert H. Treman World War I Bcw 7.7 Other (photographs, broadsides, blueprints, 'F2 aid n & musuem items) &,+?C? Gena Trumbull .-.. Treman family. #I303 Tr- family papers, 1838-1954. STATUS: 1T LCCN: Kroch Lib Rare & Mss - Archives 0001 BOX 1 '"' (K-129-J-8-A) 0002 Box 2 " (K-129-J-8-B) 0003 Box 3 1' (K-129-J-8-C) 0004 Box 4 " (K-112-B-4-B) 0005 Box 6 " (K-112-B-4-C) 0006 Box 5 (4'%7~?,)-2eb~+k)h.-**V. 0007 Nos.1-6 (16') (K-112-A-5-C) 0008 N0s.7-12 " (K-112-F-5-A) 0009 NOS 13-19 " (K-112-F-5-B) 0010 NOS. 20-27 'I (K-112-F-5-C) r' , ' 0011 Nos. 28-31 + (K-112-F-6-A) 1:.sk[rL.. * L,.L.L, -\ 0012 (6 vols) " s $8 C-, 0013 (+fcsc~ 0014 m (-1 I, 0015 (- (- 1 1 A) Adk.,f-,,,I: .+,, /r+o- lYle 0016 81 (-1 1, " 1q41-1754 I, 0017 I1 HF-Wrr-r-s,ru;.<a.,f-&'&, Au,&+ ~~r*.fdb~ 0018 " (w)&A.F-'++R&.,~,~,h ++,~&~+~.~-p~e~d-~* f,!!L''.'~ 0019 I/ (-) ' IX \~o.&w,,,~,,GidOb !I 0020 0021 0022 ,, 0023 (m- - -B) 4 0034 Vol 1 (K-135-I-8-A) E u,h?CV4,qa, ~u.&.~~Jav,3,1945 0035 FOLDER IN BOX 73 (d-107-B-4-B) ., . , .. , . : . ,: ,~,, . $ ,, .. ... '<. " '$; ,.. , , , , , ,_,, :5- ,: . ji?&j&&&:,u;.~957.,:?, ,?<&/363 , , .<. ,I .. .. r 3 , , 5;,; , . ..., , < ;; ~,"$.>. , - ., , . , # s .:' .,',,::. :,, .; v* . : < , . i.. , , , ;... >.. .,,:,,,*.:. ;)t,,.,$ii:,.,! .j.<%."[#4,,!A, , ; *:,,.*:', ., .- .* ! .. 4 : ,. ,$ 2 +L: '1.:. ,' I " f ~%, ,y j.:. v .,. .:, CO~IONO'FBEOI~&~ANDUNIVES~~P~-..:..~...~4,;.:.... , .. , ~ .i: ,: . <..,"., , a ... ,, .. .]';;,,,t.:,ri.-. .r,,,.z.a ,; .,. 9,; . .~.:, ,~,. ., .. , " ' , , . , , ."'ir, ,,,,,,, ..: " . , ... ., . , , .:, :.* . , , , .I . : % < 3, .. , .! , ,. , , , , , :. , , . ,,. ,.; .., , . , : '4 ,, .- s- ="&4 &=-5-7, ,' . , L . : B4.66 5 .large boxes'of scrapbooks - -am3 busidess . .. 7-K-,,*- , ,~.:f F r expriences... or the.,. ~~~..ede&d . - , , ;. , , . , @ : ? : .. .; .:h:. .. ' ,.: 3 sddoxes of loose letters - m@%cc~t,j"3qta." ., ..: ,. a.. ':" ? . , .. , .. , 1- ~L.P 1 r~fedcertificate - the Ithaca dspt. to R. H, ~aran,. &ginel *cg~i&u,+ C&. 0 : , . ,.* ! .. I .: ,*, . :, . .> !>;:,. , z,;;::. 8 .> , . i'. / i, This ~lmmary~~s oriwad mD1.e recent mrlal h Ramen w.. , .. ,; : . 1 Treman Family. Papers, l840-195&. Additional scrapbooks, diaries, personal and business correspondence, photographs, printed materials, including bulletins and reports, other printed matter, and miscellaneous items af the Truman Family (8ee 1950- 199Reool-t) concerning Cornell University and Ithaca, World Wars I and 11, Robert H./hmanls resignation (1919) as assistant secretary af the Federal Reserve bard, the death of Elias Treman(1898), Robert 8. h- man's activities as gwernor af the Federal Reserve Bank af New York (1916-1917). travel in Europe and the ,Middle Bast, social work and civil defense, Charles E. Truman's accomplishumnts as N. Y. S. SuperMendent of Public Works (1912). and other matters. Cornell lwterial, collected by Robert 8. hm (Class af '78, Mee1891-1937) and Robert Ellas Treman (Class af '09, trustee 1931-1953). pertains to faculty, student and alumni activities, University development, promotion, and administra- tion, housing, purchasing problems, educational standards, military train- ing at Cornell, the selection of the University president (1936). and construction af the Moaliley House. Included are correspondence and other papers of or about lbrg A. Msitt, Liberty We Bailey, Osorge Lincoln Bnrr, Admiral Richard E. md, Jams F. mnes. Ihmd bra I$y, Thomas E. Dewey, James A. Parley. Henry Ford, Frank Gannett, hvid Starr Jordan, Rerbert Lehman, Robert E. RacKeneie, bane W. Kalott, Barold Medim, Pranklin Delano Roosevelt, Katherine Slater, Alfred E. Smith, Carom Slater Treman, lleorgiana Wmbull, Aendrik Willem Tan Loon, Andmw D. White. Tompkins County. (18)ft.) Removed and described separately in 54-8 Report: 1789 - Awlla Decker Letter. 1798 - Sterling ~iary(typescript copy). Additionrl Notes for Tremm Papers (1954-58 Bept) Postcrrda - added to Postcard Collection (about 1800) All ste$soopic slides - added to Steroscopic SlideCollection - assorted md World War I - see separate liat for latter World Warn I letters (see separate list) Mac. plmphlets d personal effects (individual folders of houses, parks, frmily, and T -K ~uilding) Large photos. ,, Correspondence from fuuilies wersrrs added to letter cdlection. - ~d /L: 1. Neaphytou Daub; Athens, Greece 2. Bettinn, Fritz md Christine Johnske - Bermrn Obb, Gerrmny 3. Elabeth md Water fiulita, Braumchueig, Gerumny January 12, 19k7 - hrch 30, 1953 4. John and Greta Boxter, Elstree, Hertq, December 1947 - Januuy 24, 1952 5. Mrs. Eve Ticehurst, Mddleacx, Engld April 28, 1947 - January 4, 1950 6. Mrs. W. J. A. Van Alkemde, Bmsterduu, Netherlds 7. *it%Schreiber, Bra~schueig,Gerrmng July 20, 1951 - December 2, 1952 TREMAN FAMILY. PaWM, 1S7&19411 3 vols., 113 items. This addition [see 1948-1958 includes Elids TreI!t~'s notes concerning cutolrasr credit and other business of the ~r6man. King h Cmpany hardware store (1 ~1.. 187611 architect William Hurry Hiller's blueprints and apecification(20 '78 it-, 2. 1901) for the residence of Rdwt Henty Treman ('W,trustee 1891-1937). canceled checks (2 vols., 1904-1910) signed by Treman a behalf of the Cornell University ~thleticField Cdttes, typescript and printed copies of speeches he gave as President of the AoPrican Bankers Associa- tion (1914) and the National Hardwan Association of the dnited States (1919, 1920) and before the Rotary Club in Ithaca (=early 19M'sI, describ- ing the appearance of Ithaca fifty years before, improvements made since, and futwe efforts required to develop the city and enhance 6 lives of ita residents; obituary noticem (1937) and resolutions of the Cornell \ University Board of Trustees upon his death, eiSppinga, guest lists, and other W. and prihPsd mat- (1919-1922) concerning the participation of Allan 8. Treman 2 trustee 1955-1960) in the Cornell Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs, Orchestra, and Cox-Roosevelt Club and in Quill and Dagger and Kappa Alpha8 %&letter (1941) tn Robert E1i.w Treman ('09, trustee 4 1931-1953) from Franklin W. Olin ('86) referring to the American college baseball-Wowing record set by his father, R. II. Treman. T~mpkinsCounty. I13031 -- ------- -- -- -- - - -- 1303 0 -Enlerprlrlng ~ Farnllles: Ilhaca, N.Y. .. , Partial Treman Family Tree Abner Treman m Mary McLdlan 1761-IS2l 1767-1852 Ashbel Treman m May Aywa 17961837 179%1887 Leowd rn Almira Corley Alouisa ) d 1943 Louisa Mann Tumr d 1976 I Eugenia JumJue m Ahw Booth . hbem Arthw Bon m Murray 16861951 18881966 \ -1951 1901-1985 Wodwmd Mylderse Van Ckl 71kn Oi%21F Arthw B. h. RohHenry m LamHmie 185B1937 186!51944 Roh kneCastle m mas m Carolyn Slat- Chce Pwli BLd m. WM Hosk m EllenFRncaBsr(m 1888.1953 191 1- lSS1975 1 1%- 1983 m Laura T. Almql6st Carol T. Clenchin 19291983- 1931-1962 - ~ .- 1 D&oribed.' July 29. 1957.~ ~ > < . ... .r , .by Joan.. Gilhgher - .: . -$ .', - -'@.5'Ws.~ 4.. , , , . .. ti: : ~. , . ' J..,),.I".Ir.,.-.... .-, ., Complete list of- (1-1953) of the Rwm Wmily oont+hg famFly and Imsiasss letters. clippings. Pad miso. raterld. TMs list ah o n the tram1 bbof the i-.
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