BANK HOLIDAY FIRE UP THE BARBIE £1 £6 Co-op Burgers/Kebabs/Sausages £4 454g/400g £2 £5 .50 RRP £1.85 RRP £2.89 £2 RRP £6.71 RRP £7.25 1ltr 570ml £3 4x330ml 75cl 8QOHVVRWKHUZLVHVWDWHGDOORƨHUVDYDLODEOHIURPWK0D\8WK0D\ 32SWLRQ+-HPSVRQśV Coca-Cola: 1.25ltr Equiv to 10.0p/100ml; Heinz Tomato Ketchup: 570ml Equiv to 35.1p/100ml; Co-op British Quarter Pounder Burgers/Sticky Maple Pork Kebabs/ Irresistable Cumberland Sausages: 454g/400g Equiv to £5.51/£10.00/£7.50/kg; Peroni: 4x330ml Equiv to £3.79/ltr; Gallo White Zinfandel: 75cl Equiv to £6.00/75cl. Charity begins in our store Making a Difference Locally is the great way for you to help www.jempsons.com your community every time you shop. All BBQ SEASON Products +$/) +$/) PRICE PRICE Donate Locally .49 £1 .50 £1 ($&+ £1 :DOOśV7KLFN3RUN6DXVDJHV 6HULRXVO\&UHDP\&KHGGDU RRP £2.99 RRP £1.29 RRP £3 454g 4pk/6pk 150g Wall’s Thick Pork Sausages: 454g Equiv to £3.28/kg; Baker Street Hot Dog Rolls/Burger Buns: 4pk/6pk; Seriously Creamy Sliced Mature Cheddar: 150g Equiv to £1.00/100g. BANK HOLIDAY ESSENTIALS £3 £1 £1.50 £2 ($&+ ($&+ ($&+ Heinz Tomato Ketchup/Hellmann’sp/He lmann’’ss Real Mayonnaise Squeezy: 570ml/430ml EqEquiv to 35.1p/46.5p/100ml5 RRP £3.50£3.50 RRP £1.35 RRP £2/ £3 RRP £3.99 3kg 70g/ 100g/ 120g 4pk/ 6pk 264ml/ 270ml BETTER THAN +$/)35,&( £2 £6 £4.50 £1 ($&+ ($&+ RRP £2.25/£1.99 RRP £3.59 RRP £8.99 RRP £5.59 130g/160g 8x200ml 18x330ml/15x330ml 3x330ml £5.50 £8 £16 £19 ($&+ ($&+ ($&+ RRP £6.60/ £7.10/ £7.25 RRP £11.75/ £11.15 RRP £11.75/ £11.15 RRP £25.19 75cl 75cl 70cl 70cl Supagrill Barbecue Briquettes: 3kg; Cadbury Buttons/ Freddo Caramel & Chocolate/ Guylian Seashell Bars: 70g/ 100g/ 120g Equiv to £1.43/£1.00/83.4p/100g; Nestlé Nobbly Bobbly Lolly/ Wall’s Mini Calippo Orange, Lemon & Lime: 4pk/ 6pk Equiv to 54.0p/100ml; Wall’s Magnum Double Raspberry/ White Chocolate Cookies: 264ml/ 270ml Equiv to 76.0p/74.0p/100ml; Jacob’s Cracker Crisps Thins Sea Salt & Pepper/Pringles Rice Fusion Peking Duck & Hoisin Sauce: 130g/160g Equiv to 77.0p/62.5p/100g; Robinsons Fruitshoot Orange/Apple & Blackcurant No Added Sugar: 8x200ml Equiv to 12.5p/100ml; Diet Coke/Coke Zero/Coca-Cola: 18x330ml/15x330ml; Desperados Tequila Beer: 3x330ml Equiv to £4.55/ltr; Hardys Pinot Grigio/ Pinot Pinot Noir/ Echo Falls White Zinfandel: 75cl Equiv to £5.50/75cl; Brancott Sauvignon Blanc/La Gioiosa Prosecco Brut: 75cl Equiv to £8.00/75cl; Absolut Blue/ Vanilia: 70cl Equiv to £22.86/ltr; Bombay Sapphire: 70cl Equiv to £27.14/ltr. FOR THE FRUIT BOWL £1.50 £2 ($&+ ($&+ &RRS1HFWDULQHV3HDFKHV RRP £2 Co-op Grapes 1’s 500g Co-op Nectarines/Peaches: 1’s Equiv to £1.50/pk; Co-op White/Red Seedless Grapes: 500g Equiv to £4.00/kg. LET’S BEGIN WITH BREAKFAST +$/) £2.99 +$/) PRICE £2.992.999 PRICE .50 .49 £1 £1 £1 ($&+ RRP £2 RRP £2 RRP £2.35 225g 225g 1kg £2 £3 £1 ($&+ ($&+ &UDYHQGDOH RRP £3.29 RRP £3.59/ £3.89 RRP £1.49 500g 570g 1.4ltr +$/) PRICE .80 £1 .27 £1 ($&+ £1 7KH+DSS\(JJV&R RRP £1.59 RRP £2.75 RRP £2.20 340g 300g 10pk £2.50 £3 £4 ($&+ +HULWDJH%DFN%DFRQ RRP £6.69 RRP £6.75 375g 240’s 200g Belvita Breakfast Milk & Cereals/ Honey & Nuts: 225g Equiv to 44.5p/100g; Kellogg’s Krave Chocolate Hazlenut/ Frosties: 375g/ 500g Equiv to 39.7p/29.8p/100g; Quaker Porridge/ Scott’s Porage Oats: 1kg Equiv to 15.0p/100g; Weetabix Weetos Chocolately Hoops: 500g Equiv to 40.0p/100g; W.K. Kelloggs Granola Plain No Added Sugar/Coconut, Cashew & Almond: 570g Equiv to 52.6p/100g; Cravendale Whole/ Semi-Skimmed Milk: 1.4ltr; Hartley’s Strawberry/ Raspberry Jam: 340g Equiv to 22.0p/29.4p/100g; Gale’s Clear Honey Jar/ Squeezy: 300g Equiv to 42.3p/100g; The Happy Eggs Co. Free Range Medium Eggs: 10pk; Heritage Unsmoked/ Smoked Back Bacon: 375g Equiv to £6.67/kg; Tetley Tea Bags: 240’s Equiv to 1.3p/Each; Kenco Smooth Jar: 200g Equiv to £2.00/100g. EVERYDAY VA LU E RRP £1.59/ £1.69 110g/ 100g RRP £1.89/ £1.49 227g/ 1’s RRP £1.65/£1.99/£1.50 107g/110g/300g RRP £1.99/ £2.30 RRP £1.39 150g 500ml RRP £1.99/£1.89/£2.29/£1.65 266g/ 124g/190g/100g £1 EACH RRP £1.39 RRP £1.89/ £1.50 60g 6pk RRP £1.99 6pk 3HWLW)LORXV Nestlé Aero Creations RRP £1.75 RRP £1.99 RRP £1.55 6x47g 4x57g 64pk 'HOLFDWHVVHQ)LQH(DWLQJ &RRNHG+DP RRP £1.45/ £1.35 RRP £1.20 RRP £2.69/ £1.49 100g 60g 3x100g 150ml/ 250ml Cadbury Dairy Milk/ Ritter Sport Nut Perfection Honey Salt Almonds: 110g/ 100g Equiv to 91.0p/£1.00/100g; After Eight Bitesize/Bournville Dark Buttons/Victoria Pick & Mix: 107g/110g/300g Equiv to 95.3p/91.0p/33.4p/100g; Ginsters Original Cornish Pasty/ Vale Of Mowbray Medium Pork Pie: 227g/ 1’s Equiv to 44.1p/100g/£1.00/ Each; McVitie’s Dark Chocolate Digestives/Cadbury Wispa Biscuits/ McVitie’s Penguin/Flipz Dark Chocolate Pretzels: 266g/ 124g/190g/100g Equiv to 37.3p/80.6p/£1.00/100g/12.5p/Each; Jacobs Blue Cheese/Mini Cheddars Crinklys Cheese: 150g Equiv to 66.6p/100g; Monster Energy Absolute Zero/ Ultra Violet: 500ml Equiv to 20.0p/100ml; Matt Fridge Raiders Roast Chicken: 60g Equiv to £1.66/100g; Mr Kipling Unicorn Slices: 6pk; Mr Kipling Viennese Whirls/ Crimbles Big Choc Macaroons: 6pk; Pampers Baby Fresh Unscented Wipes: 64pk; Petits Filous Strawberry & Raspberry: 6x47g Equiv to 35.5p/100g; Nestlé Aero Creations: 4x57g Equiv to 43.9p/100g; Delicatessen Fine Eating Cooked Ham: 100g Equiv to £1.00/100g; Dreamies Cheese/ Felix Goody Bag Original Mix: 60g Equiv to £1.66/100g; Pedigree Pouch Jelly Chicken: 3x100g Equiv to 33.3p/100g; Sure Bright/ Dettol Handwash Grapefruit: 150ml/ 250ml Equiv to 66.7p/40.0p/100ml. MEAL FOR TONIGHT £2.89 £4.50 &RRS%HHI0LQFH &RRS%ULWLVK&KLFNHQ)LOOHWV 500g 600g .50 .50 85p £1 £2 ($&+ &RRS2QLRQV Co-op Peppers RRP £3.99 3’s 500g 350g/ 329g our price £2.15/ £1.79 each 425g ANY our price £1.99/ £2.15 each 2 FOR 450g/ 64g £2 our price £1.45/ £2.25/£2.29 each our price £1.65/ £1.99 each 500g/470g 250g Co-op British Beef Mince: 500g Equiv to £5.78/kg; Co-op British Chicken Fillets: 600g Equiv to £7.50/kg; Co-op Onions: śV(TXLYWRS(DFK&RRS3HSSHUVJ(TXLYWRS(DFK2OG(O3DVR6WDQGŚ16WXƨ%%4([WUD0LOG7DFR Kit: 350g/ 329g Equiv to 71.4p/76.0p/100g; Sharwood’s Black Bean & Red Pepper/ Prawn Crackers: 425g; Patak’s Tikka Masala/ Korma Curry Sauce/ Plain Pappadums: 450g/ 64g; Napolina Fusilli/Dolmio Original Bolognese/ White Lasagne Sauce: 500g/470g; Tilda Steamed Plain Basmati/ Uncle Ben’s Express Egg Fried Rice: 250g. All GREAT DEALS Products +$/) Donate Locally 2 FOR 2 FOR PRICE £1 £1.30 54p our price 69p each our price 95p/89p each RRP £1.08 32.5g/40g/42g 30g/38g/28g 154g 2 FOR .25 £2 £1.50 £1 ($&+ ($&+ RRP £2.79 our price £1 each RRP £1.65/ £2.09/ £1.91 10x25g 80g 6x17.5g/ 6x25g 2 FOR 2 FOR £2 £1 £2.50 ($&+ RRP £3/ £2.50 our price 70p each our price £1.65 each 1’s 1.5ltr 1ltr £1.15 £2 £1.35 ($&+ ($&+ ($&+ RRP £1.55 RRP £3.59/ £4.05 RRP £2.45 500ml 4x500ml 2ltr Walkers Cheese & Onion/Doritos Cool Original/Milkybar Mixups/Galaxy Darker Milk/Pringles Original: 32.5g/40g/42g Equiv to £1.57/£1.20/100g; KitKat Senses Salted Caramel/Lindt Lindor Mint/KP Choc Dips Original: 30g/38g/28g Equiv to £2.17/£1.72/£2.33/100g; Oreo Cookies Original/ Golden Crunch: 154g Equiv to 35.0p/100g; Walkers Cheese & Onion/ Ready Salted: 10x25g Equiv to 80.0p/100g; Doritos Chilli Heatwave/ McCoy’s Muchos Smoky Chilli Chicken: 80g; Wotsits/ McCoy’s The Classics/ Sunbites Sour Cream & Cracked Black Pepper: 6x17.5g/ 6x25g Equiv to 95.3p/83.4p/100g; Co-op Irresistible Salted Caramel Cake/ Mary Berry’s Lemon Yoghurt Loaf: 1’s; Highland Spring Still Water: 1.5ltr Equiv to 5.6p/100ml; Robinsons Apple & Blackcurrant/ Orange No Added Sugar: 1ltr Equiv to 10.0p/100ml; Monster Energy/ Ripper: 500ml Equiv to 23.0p/100ml; Ribena Blackcurrant/ Lucozade Sport Orange/ Raspberry: 4x500ml Equiv to 10.0p/100ml; 7Up Sugar Free/ Tango Cherry: 2ltr Equiv to 6.7p/100ml. GREAT DEALS 3 FOR .50 £1 £2 £1 ($&+ ($&+ our price 59p each RRP £2.60 RRP £2.09/ £1.79 115g 400g 20’s +$/) BETTER THAN .50 PRICE +$/)35,&( £1 .60 ($&+ £2 60p RRP £3 RRP £5.20 RRP £1.25 136g/ 113.6g/ 156g 100g 90g 2 FOR .50 £3.50 £3 £2 ($&+ ($&+ our price £2.71 each RRP £5.50 RRP £2.70 RRP £3.05/ £2.99 240g/ 220g 4x145g 4x198g 4x415g/ 4x400g Hartley’s Strawberry/ Raspberry Jelly No Added Sugar: 115g; Chocolate/ Caramel Spread: 400g Equiv to 50.0p/100g; Twinings Pure Green/ Infusions Herbal Peppermint/ Camomile: 20’s Equiv to 7.5p/Each; Nescafé Gold Cappuccino/Unsweetened/ Latte Sachets: 136g/ 113.6g/156g Equiv to £1.10/£1.32/96.2p/100g; Kenco Millicano: 100g Equiv to £2.60/100g; Pot Noodle Original Curry/ Beef & Tomato: 90g Equiv to 66.7p/100g; John West Light Lunch Tuna French/ Mexican: 240g/ 220g; John West Tuna Chunks in Brine/ Spring Water: 4x145g; Green Giant Original/ Salt Free Naturally Sweet Sweetcorn: 4x198g Equiv to 25.2p/100g; Heinz Baked Beanz/ Spaghetti: 4x415g/ 4x400g; FEED THE FAMILY ALL )25-867 £5* OR RRP £3 RRP £1 RRP £3 490g/ 480g 750g 480ml 0HDO'HDOLQFOXGHV&KLFDJR7RZQ7DNHDZD\3HSSHURQLRU&KHHVH3L]]DSDFNRI+HULWDJH/LJKWO\6SLFHG3RWDWR:HGJHVDQGWXERI&DGEXU\)ODNH,FH&UHDP Chicago Town Takeaway Loaded Pepperoni/ Cheese Pizza/ Heritage Lightly Spiced Potato Wedges/ Cadbury Flake Tub: 490g/ 480g/ 750g/ 480ml.
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