www.ukrweekly.com Лі-ОО ХЯ — - Ml Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association| ' ЗЄЖ — О t о -4 X oo II ж-чо OO-D rainian ї oatm Vol. L No. 48 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1982 25 cents Post runs UN IS director's letter Eighteen Detroit ethnic groups refuting article on OUN-Nazi link purchase local radio station WASHINGTON -The Washington accused the Post of shoddy journalism DETROIT - Eighteen ethnic groups discontinued. Post on November 18 printed a letter by for not checking the accuracy of Mr. of Metropolitan Detroit have joined The area's ethnic groups felt a void Katherine Chumachenko, director of Loftus's charges and information con­ forces to purchase a radio station to had arisen and that radio programs the Ukrainian National Information cerning the OUN. The article appeared broadcast their ethnic programs. were a necessity in order for the respec­ Service here, strongly repudiating a under the headline "Not a Collabora­ The station, WPON (1460 AM), is tive communities to keep in contact November 8 article which accused the tor." owned by an association of foreign- with their members. Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists The full text of the letter follows. language broadcasting directors, who As a result, the radio program direc­ (OUN) of collaborating with the Nazis. created a corporation named Foreign tors of 18 ethnic groups, including The article, written by Thomas Radio Programs Inc. Among the asso­ Ukrainians, Poles, Hungarians, Ru­ OToole, dealt with a controversial new ciation's 30 members are two Ukrai­ manians, Jews, Arabs, Russians, Ger­ book by John Loftus, a former prosecu­ The Ukrainian community in the nians, Wasyl Kolodchin, director of the mans and others, decided to purchase tor for the Justice Department's Nazi- United States is very disturbed and Ukrainian Community Hour, and the a Pontiac, Mich., radio station. hunting bureau, which said that the angry with the biased and unsubstan­ Rev. Bernard Panczuk, director of the The new owners of WPON are taking OUN was a Nazi-sponsored group with tiated facts presented in an article by Ukrainian Religious Hour. steps to obtain Federal Communica­ ties to the Gestapo and the SS. Thomas OToole entitled "Nazi Colla­ According to Mr. Kolodchin, who tions Commission approval for an Although the book is titled "The borators Were Recruited as 'Asset,' " has been director of Ukrainian radio increase in the station's transmission Belarus Secret" and contains only four fNovember 81 Mr. OToole Is one-sided programs in the Detroit area since the power in order to reach listeners in a pages on the OUN, Mr. O'Toole's approach to the question makes it 1950s, the station is the first in the larger area. article focused mainly on the charges ob.vious that he did not check any of the United States to be owned by a coalition The new Ukrainian radio programs against the group. facts in the book "The Belarus Secret" of ethnic groups. will begin on Saturday, December 4. In her letter, Ms. Chumachenko (Continued on page 4) .Previously the Detroit area's, ethnic The.Ukrainian Community Hour de- groups broadcast theif programs over ЬШЖТГиЖ, while the Ukrainian station WMKZ of Detroit, but in July Religious Hour's first broadcast is at 2 ownership of the radio station changed p.m. The programs will be aired each California Ukrainian's tenacity hands and ethnic programming was Saturday at these times. led to child seat safety law Multiculturalism grant DAVIS, Calif. - Thanks to the she was in a car seat, Mrs. Chalupa efforts of Tanya Chalupa, on January said. The importance of child car I, 1983, a Child Seat Restraint Law seats was emphasized when Mrs. Ukrainian studies center gets S23,520 will take effect in the state of Cali­ Chalupa met a child badly injured in fornia, reported The Davis Enter­ a car accident because he was not in a WINNIPEG - The Canadian mi­ Dr. Klymasz has published widely in prise, a local paper, recently. car seat. nister of state for multiculturalism the areas of folklore and ethnic studies. Mrs. Chalupa is singlehandedly She then began to actively pursue awarded a 523,520 grant to the Centre He received a bachelor's degree from the responsible for the passage of the law sponsorship of the bill; Sen. Nick for Ukrainian Canadian Studies, St. University of Toronto, master's from the | which requires -that children under Petris, (D-Oakland) was working on Andrew's College, at the University of University of Manitoba and a doctorate the age of 4 or weighing less than 40 an educational bill that required car Manitoba. from the University of Indiana. Dr. pounds be strapped into a car seat. dealers to give car buyers brochures The 523,520 grant was awarded Klymasz has taught at Memorial Uni­ The bill also provides that children about car seats for children. under the Canadian Ethnic Studies - versity, the University of Alberta, and UCLA. riding in cars driven by friends must Mrs. Chalupa wanted to do much Visiting Professorship Program to Dr. be secured by lap belts, not a shoulder more; she attended meetings and got Robert B. Klymasz, who is teaching The Centre for Ukrainian Canadian harness. Those not complying with Sen. Petris to author her bill. How­ both credit and non-credit courses at Studies recently reported an enrollment the law may be cited and fined S50. ever, as a sponsor she was expected the center, in conjunction with the increase of 15 percent. Mrs. Chalupa began working on to do all the work. She traveled Continuing Education Division and in Over 100 students have registered in this project in 1980 when she joined throughout the state, organizing, the department of Slavic studies, the center's courses for 1982-83. Twelve the California Children's Lobby as a speaking, phoning, encouraging, primarily in the areas of Ukrainian courses or sections of courses are being volunteer. This action was triggered lobbying and educating. Canadian folklore and culture and taught. These include: "History of by a personal incident that happened Finally, the bill was presented on ethnic traditions in Canada. Ukraine" - Dr. O.W. Gerus/S. Hry- when Mrs. Chalupa and her husband the Assembly floor, the politicians In order to make these courses ac­ niuk; "Ukrainians in Canada" (second Leo, a professor of psychology at the laughed, calling it a "motherhood cessible to wide segments of the commu­ term) - S. Hryniuk; "Government, University of California at Davis, and apple pie bill." But Mrs. Chalupa nity, they are being taught at various Politics and Society in Soviet Ukraine" with their daughter, Alexandra, were continued fighting. She fought the locations in Winnipeg and in Dauphin, - Dr. D. Daycock; "History of Eastern driving through the Italian Alps on a bill out of the Senate Finance Com­ (the first time the University of Mani­ Christianity" - R. Yereniuk; "Major rainy day in 1979. The parents were mittee and when the bill was not toba has offered a course there). (Continued on paft 4) in the front seat and although their 2- passed on the consent calendar, she Dr. Klymasz is teaching Ukrainian year-old daughter wanted to join fought it onto the floor and changed, Canadian folklore, and together with them in the front, they decided that it negative votes to positive ones. With guest participants, he is also offering a INSIDE: series of a Sunday afternoon lecture- would be safer for Alexandra to stay just days to spare, she fought it Dissident profile: Olos Berdnyk - in the car seat in back. through the Senate and into the discussions titled "Ukrainian Canadian Culture." page 2. Thank goodness they made this Assembly. She used testimony, films, Roman Solchanyk on leadership decision, Mrs. Chalupa told G ret el her own story and advice from Topics to be discussed include "U- changes in Communist Party of Wandesforde-Smith of The Davis experts. krainians in Winnipeg: The New Wave"; Ukrainian SSR - page 6. Enterprise; because about a minute Gov. Edmund G. Brown sign­ "Tracing your Roots"; "Intermarriage: The study of Ukrainian history in later, their car spun out of control. ed the bill into law on September 9. Does It Work?"; ^Cultural Exchanges"; U.S.: perceptions and misconcep­ The parents were bruised and shaken, Mrs. Chalupa was recently inter­ "Winnipeg's Bilingual Program"; "Ma­ tions by John S. Reshetar Jr. - but their daughter, although crying, viewed by ABC-TV of Los Angeles naging a Ukrainian Organization"; "It page 7. was safe and unhurt: about her efforts to enact the child Pays to be Ukrainian"; "Books in Pro­ gress"; and "Ukrainian Art in Winni­ Roman Sawycky's Sounds and What saved Alexandra was that car seat law. views - page 8. peg" 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1982 No. 48 Missing historian was jailed Dissident profile ELLICOTT CITY, Md. - Ukrainian torney in the Volhynia region of Ukraine historian Evhen Kramar, whose disap­ until 1973, when he was dismissed from Oles Berdnyk: pearance in 1981 sparked speculation his post: He was persecuted for being that he had been arrested, was in fact unemployed, and he reportedly was taken into custody for a year, according assigned to forced labor and placed in a a visionary behind bars to the Smoloskyp Ukrainian Informa­ mental hospital for a time. tion Service. JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Futurist It has been learned that Mr. Kramar, Mr. Kramar was a frequent contribu­ philosopher, mystic and science- a 49-year-old former jurist, was recently tor to academic journals in the western fiction writer, Oles Berdnyk does not released from prison after serving a one- Ukrainian city of Lviv, often writing on fit easily into the mold of political year sentence for "parasitism," the the Princely Era in Ukrainian history.
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