™ G. G. DANDEKAR MACHINE WORKS LTD. Built to Last ee a Ref No.: GGD/Sec./2020/01/03 Dated: 18" January, 2020 BSE Scrip Code: 505250 To Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited 1“ Floor, P. J. Towers Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: Copies of Board Meeting Notice published in Newspapers Please find enclosed copies of notice published in the The Free Press Journal (English) and Mahasagar (Marathi) on 18 January 2020, regarding notice of the Board Meeting scheduled to be held on 27 January 2020. You are requested to take the same on records. Thanking You Yours Faithfully, For G. G. Dandekar Machine Works Limited Ajay Shrivastava = 3| Company Secretary\\% = j} X o x YS Encl: As above. Qe ZY CIN : L99999MH1938PLC002869 Regd. Office & Factory : B-211/1, MIDC Butibori Industrial Area, Kinhi Village, Tah. Hingna, Dist. Nagpur - 441122, Maharashtra Tel. : (07104) 667300 Fax : (07104) 667302 Website : www.ggdandekar.com MUMBAI | SATURDAY | JANUARY 18, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE mm i 1 Mt et lagha My Cha Pekan edhaba A Mae 10, WND | pwsarsnp rents || Abridged Tender Notice No: Sinbunkar MT Chev PER | Sane tenet Oraignsinun| | sheaebualates nets! eatin Vi Pa sen DATED TET 0 Cate || Ula aretoctlbe pepe nee owns “O1 iores Man weteoneenSea amen saneow SLADE Yad SaA sample ad "evant HMED SH ASTORI | persongentities having ce stirs i ‘Singhvacant pion ot ee ated rtor ieenacertnets SMES Wa, uted cena sf tnsana8 mereicerm avon 3 MER E rspect meresoat ie ate i Cola A a Oa || tinge ender West mics saeetl AMKUPSIME GOELGERSON WINCH AS IS MR MENTIONEDLODHI |]|| Sermonchang Wt mortgay to,toca seoe Iwona NATHNTOWoRAaHE WTEMBURCARODASSrORT © || samme mato bequest Sores Pen ac EN S860 || succession. gi. lion, charge, ° " ¥ eaebate Wepet sae fombor PRRVEMY-wnMerrom CHR CECUARECN BENALT OF MY MINOR |] passeasion, temily rangemest orang, No ol Fie Shares rom poalunnarenive omaasi HOM act SHANEny MY Fill] StentPoymer aoa arr tatoos Nein wi tan pean we at me eons Taxeniimi aneNo. No, 18 CHS | |TWs Mmaten: ic otea avaiable on) | iteTy's a proper of stlfama0Lng wate Bee (sesetzree L182 eR seguir OWA 618798 HE. Mt parenGE 8 eee et ares SHAGUFTA[RIVE CHMNCED MOHD WYYUSUF NAME MEMON TsOM TO ‘out CUI | Seemedyt ena ryrremcp eqn tee ero wlanSee srk ascSing apono ovtSAAMI SADE WeRS AAGstig, eatLecce OrRE OMat Mitg | enn Eth Sk fest CLeiii28 FROM MEMONA AS aug 10 | MEWS te as rand ated 0099 panymia as Mr iat te . [AVENGED Hawe'saOM Gabe ersee ame, rc ADANEMUNE ASE. URES AS pen |} Se wt 7 (ave dey re - fhm Gompion No P8008 om ‘ey Satan) | an a0 WO, we gEzg oat |] om paeonte ets bas cacensed art rember oman Secreay MOKA CARO NO 578500 0S,u (HAVERAGE CHANSED”CRANGED” MYM-NARE-TROW RAE ERO |] heed hve wan vind and ovinaCCRAVECHANGEDMY-RAME'FIOM Aaa ansunon TO. PAREKHNgee’ “SPERAg. AFIT 1 cdAtdeseed in gatresponue he teMOU tha pe | The sama shoud FROMAS PERAt, GOVT EN amr ERT rR WaT ne on on ul, sosenan| Pace remepenirayor giaemcercamierayrow To. BW Under Meeere were £ GAZETTEMO: (7359, Gtttad Resio@ey,PANE RO) arMagAllTORRE coMPaunn, ||| Saveroa iNo. 467ero si caremndoncoe fotance,hen seanet. Swett ef| atthe voice of Sh Pc || sigpoainwatnpi ction arose | womanPe a Ma feaiyg | SE7ORETHEONBLE ESTATE USHiK aTRUNAA “WUETOU THOM MAAASIIRGawed WEST" HAVEMadoc Claaceo hy 08 Aru shane a 522ge MoHectares | ab sae enh wing sg we | Shop‘Thomas, AdvocateNo,” TO,” High Court,Ess |||] Iegiven da af pula, ‘rugFat No.1Co. waestunted ta and abeoietan owned | THE NewCOMPANY HDA ASSSURANCE SJDOWRATHAG PER ONGUMENT. NAMETD DEEPA VLA PRAND FOR ALL Saibaba, Nagar. || Moye documont “shous be | 1h" ne vetoy Coopuraie Aponnreg Unters 3.01 Cuatst PURPOSES, £1503 || ne st doy dance tate | Ieee Teese cee eee ering Peace MORE || Sie Tone sanecone | [tee 2 he ain Pal | UHAUTHONDEDSECU CT, CRANGEDAVE WY RAKE-FROW OUD COEETA VUAVASHNAHRRYNAGY HAVE Sper CHSL Monghit Row Vie 2 za || staten ws oases 28, OF Suthaah AME GPAYARL'? OME TO NeW CAGED My MAME TOSEETARARAS | eae rwtent| ee xn Mose Sith ere Secument fany,latog wich || te aomerh Pandey (Advocate) | | Mumba 400067 (oe Sone) and tnd | CASENOS CLI KOLAOF 996 NAME BHAVANA JAIDEQ. MaLvivA PER DOCUMENT C1965 DSK Legat | |##est om Pe cae of pubicabonheeat.ang! * m Office SGATETTE REFNO(he 19127182) [CTORNIT”VIRV ASEAN" WaR Advocaenans Saciors | [4 a th cir. i, te ootoa No; a9.Cre. Gr. For thebeieg Sochiy the orginalwon svoedbona 10fie litymernber pal vgOf | U7Trt WEW INDIA. ASSURANCE“heise. CO. IraVe-eRmseEW-Wane FamCL21 NALHAVE CHANGEDAS. PER t4Y DOCUMENTSNAME TO ROMNITVIZ || flor1208. 12dow 884i fabs Snape Cori Bayt Tews Nag 2, ||| {Oreshte ne eratacoreany conradwe tc.o bane ben ADVOCATE{P.C.HIGH THOMAS) COURT |||} (€}School. ‘ntumaa’-101 Thakur Vilagw, Kandiva | | todashare Shawbearing CotealeNos. 51 fe Na,40 compdcad13 aned || SMRUEVTATO.Vette . a AADHAR CARDO L983 iosRows Wits || 94°M& Oipem J. Saacate(Advoene) | | Pisce Mumbai Mobile: 982138252 or 2.101984 te tad Shae). By af M ous Sen ahs (HAVE CHANGED WWE F5OW | Dawe: 1 dana, 2008 Dato : 17.01.2020 2606 2511 Agreement sted 230520) the sa |. oy the ater sated il oe ove te woe, a ell = Hiralya rug § Co, cide eas Fiat || Hobie Eat tice the New lo 10 MOHAMMED Fas 1110 McGM Mids, Ar wines of | AienceCo Ltd seein eviion of aon aor SRAM AS PER APMOMNT 8 {ib neces documents and paymerd mo aWoeT Fen Soefaa “tae8 renRAVE CHANGED “WANE” FA ‘TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED mf§ racoeay Ouse bymeen McG. M. Mila] fei[1st No, 9. Sunawalechek Ce tid or ee Coe DECLARATION OF NOTICETHIRD INTERIM DIVIDEND 1-Gp,et Sefom ie name ot30 WG. Mk Mua fecion aes existed by obi METH PRAKASH UOAM TO. MCET CLot035 8 ‘AND RECORD DA‘ adr rdarlopmentproces ofthe ea | Fat Wo. is, Sonauala Cn Ita, [PRAKASH UOANI AS PER DECLARATION,.-982 MOHDCHASEDHAVE NOOR MOHDMY OURESHIWANE FROMTO JAANJAR a a va eT Wl le Sociely,ee an Agrearrartee daiag 24.12.2004 Shi a54am 2 wae acovredyt | CRAVECHANCES WANE FROM «MOHAMMED NOOR Fro Soar 30 natnDuengle pe ena sare oh Teer Laces eee | tw waa Asurnce ™ SAKEENMANROO CHOUGLE TO URESMI AS PRR AFFIDAVIT.CL-1GS8 8 ‘he Company, he Th inti Dien wl be pid on Fy. Jerary 3, 2020 equy SHANEEN MADBOO. CHORE AS PER HAVE CHUNDESHY WANE-FROM ‘shaetolis of be Company whore names appea ine Regierct Merabers ofthe Company DecLanariON (13824 KUM. SUMAN OO LAL CHANG TO | | inthe ttoores of the Devositories as beneficial oamers of Ihe said shares as on Tiare SUmGC UT MAE SUMAN BAINSH RATHOD_AS |, Sour. 25 220 beng neces Date oat puro. MANUUSIIA MADHUKAR QURGE TO Gesia ‘The tals oe sad meeting are alo ave coe watt cle Company (wen cs.2om) SANAIVANL SANIAY NUNDHE AS PE (ae Sag | and he wat of te sock eschanges where te shares ofthe Compony ar ited DECLARATION cave AYSHABR \. SHAIKH 10 le. BSE Lined (wwnbseindia.con)0d Natonal Stock Exchange of iia Limited (HAVE CRED% WY WE FO Asean Srna RaAgee | (ema senca.com) CHIRAG PAWANKUWAR YUAN TO Se 15;93805 CheWO 0 CMIRAG PAWAN ViIAN AS PER ane For TATA CONSULTANCYSERVICES LIMITED DECLARATION © MUSTAOUE MUMAMMAD PATEL TO Rajendra Mohotkar : # cs : RE ENCED A TOO TRO MUSTACUE, MOMUED PATEL AS £ z ba i i : i 4 PETER (PETER KARUMANION! TO PEM GOVT. GF ra | Jani on . ‘Company Secretary Fazaotanad© Mi. tong | Mieesurobee id et dca Sa DETER KARMANN APE GAZETTE NO. DID CIEE Best2 sorter aaauneen ee Roce: Mabe fare fe tail Share ae banened es are DECLARATION L220 HAVE CHANGED MYWAME-FAOM | ol'said Gala, @} Orpieal Soci ory 17;2020 by the Sooety on 96.02.2018,The said [Ge removal atsoowl the araties (HAVECHASED AY Wave Fria REEMA, PRATHAESH Postenuen a Cortinanon Fora FaosebonedAha tina od Yt he Fat 3 ve EMALL KIRAN ALVE TO HEWALL TOACEMA TARE AS | Noma 87) Ona Share Coca Sh Foo Nima Blcing Nariman Poing, Mumbsi 400021 amon be Satanoa ond | Bion. 2h tI pont ont « GURUDAS CHONKAR AS PER SELF PER AMILAVIT CL-1038F | Fésued. by ‘The Small incustses CoH] ‘Tel: 91 22.6778 9595 alee ot hie Legal Represerativescl Late Sh DECLARATION Cae [erative ei, | {malt investorelalonsercscom Website:www tescom AX perseea rou |Srtiae Nahr na, te Tavera | SANAFRA TO SANA RARISH SHAIKH Ag | Fnapucl St ba Ul A comethas} iN: 22210MH19950LC08478) of the said Flt No, 901 and the said |S6t Known, unathorred accupent OAK, NEGT DVN SMG Dagnge _PER COCUMENTS, Cine 6 fesege ea ‘Meas (Comper Shares by wey sae echageancy 15'S) tre arr dated 2H Deeb [RINE ONWAN 0 IWAN Sng Wc CRAVECHARGED NWA Og | Je 04/2018 snd 2020505 A ror, uk ura | 003 hor ASPERSELPOCCLARATON -CL3S2? SOAK GANA HEAL TO SANA aS | aor wo Inde roasted1 bervmaoreormeeg sre] eked ce ny ¢ co i HAVE CHANGEDWy Wa Fou SWAN AS ER COLUMNS, 61.10084 | [Apert Nag sey caenintel peperenrahagees oeere, ceane STO JASWHNT © RAVAL TO UAGWAN Fsacae-srars-niy ine FRET Sonus Sead ries Uebel are tarby ‘CHANDULALsii eae RAWAL noone,AS PER GOVT, OF Mi saanay ane | feyEee satan“ah, “eel "anaea DEONAR ABATTOIR mecmecaicnemrrasequated fo make the sam || ReseSepresemeatheresentativeeso ate aes pest Se Anarene sn Department, General Manager, Deonar Abattoir ae fet nal | rei any rad ere ree. Cena ye Bos e-TENDER NOTICE" Sieh ose 04 arrcmmonars PER GAZETTEae NOa (MM1820784)ry SANDRUM, ZAHOOR EAD NAGORITe MORAMNED AS. PER The Municipal Commissioner of MCGM invites Tenders for the following |_| sen waned andor stented. Seach ____GoSi6AIUA th work returnable on the due date of 22.01.2020, Dated 1a yt Sanur, 2020. wal [Tatura eaeoe Sioned (CRAVE CHANGED Tay" NAME FROM TRA SOR OY Te TT Tt ‘Ear ‘ADRNORMA / MOHAMED ASD ISBN AABID ASHRAF!ASHE aks NAMDOP NAGORTo MOHANBED #8 PE | Sr.
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