TIE 10BITI0 ILGEI SOCIETY ()F"F"lCIAL PUBLICATION A magazine devoted to the study of Horatlo Alaer, Jr., hIS life, works, and influence on the culture of America.. 1832 - \899 VOLUME XXXVII MARCH·APRIL 1999 NUMBER 2 Dash to DeKaib H.A.S. Convention update -- See Page 3 Altgeld Hall, on the campus of Northern Illinois University. Mrs. Pollifax and Tattered Tom: A sequel -- See Page 7 Earl Reed Silvers: An appreciation -- See Page 11 Ragged Dick in the inetie -- See Page 9 Page 2 NEWSBOY March-April 1999 HORATIO ALGER SOCIETY To further the philosophy ofHoratio Alger, Jr. and to ellcourage Presiaent's cofumn the spirit ofStrivealld Succeed that for haifa celltury guided Alger's ulldaullted heroes - lad who e stmggle:. £'pitomized the great Americall dream and flamed hero ideals ill co/miles millions of youllg Americans. Had lunch with our ditor, Bill owen, while he wa OFFICERS inLan ingg ttingth January-F bruary ewsboyr ady CARL T. HARfMANN PRESIDE T to mail. W had a very intere ting con ersation relative CAROLNACKENOFF VICE-PRESIDE T to th m rit of an antique mall over an indep ndent CHRISTINE DeHAAN TREASURER antique hop. r know that the b t book I have found ROBERT E. KASPER EXECUTfVE SE RETARY ha eben in mall antique hop ,whereas Bill feel you p nd your tim b tter looking at the mall where you ARTHUR P. YOU G (1999) DIRECTOR ar abl to view many different shop at one sitting. ROBERT R. ROUTHIER (1999) DIRECTOR (1999) DIRECTOR At th Antiqu onnection in Lan ing, wher my on ROBERT G. COLLMER MICHAEL MORLEY (2000) DIRECTOR ha a booth (he handle comic and r lat d item ), J an LAWRENCE R. RICE (2000) DIRECTOR and I put out a few books. Ray Wal h, owner of the PETER C. WALTHER (2000) DIRECTOR uriou U d Bo kstore in Ea t Lansing (one of the b t ANGELO SYLVESTER (2001) DIRECTOR in Michigan) al 0 has a booth at the mall. B tw en u , THOMAS S. DAVIS (2001) DIRECTOR m t of the good books that come into the mall are ROSERT L. KERSCH (2001) DIRECTOR pick d up. Deal r elling it m th y pecialize in to LEOMSOS"SE NETT EMERITUS other deal ar very common. I guarantee that you will RALPH D. GARD ER EMERITUS n t find a fir t dition in OJ of ancy Drew orHardy Boy . Newsboy, the om ial new I It r of the Iloralio Alger W ha on dealer in Potter ille, Mich., who buy Society. is publish d bi-monthly ( ix i ue per y arlo Mem­ e tat and leftover it m from hou e sale . He ha ber hip fee for any 12-month p liod is $20. with ingle thou and of books and ell th m thr e for a dollar. issue ofNewsboycosting 3.00. PI ase mak all remittance Mo t f hi b ok ar not old, more modem lit ratur , payable to the Horatio Alger So iety. but g d r ading material. nce in awhile we find an Memb r hip application . ren wal . han es of addre author w collect. and other corr spondenc should be cnl to Horatio Alger Society, P.O. Box 70361, Richmond, VA 23255. Drop u a lin and let u know about your booking Newsboyisindexed in the Modern Languag As 0 iation' peri nc . International Siblio raphy. I'd tiI< toremind rybody again to make donations BOOKS RECOMMENDED BY B.A.S. for ur annual fund-rai ing auction. Thi i a tradition -Horatio Alger. Jr.. A Compr hensiue Bibliography. by Bob that goe back to the earliest day of the Society, in the Bennett (PF-265). 1960s, and continue to be a major m an of fund­ -HoratioAIg ror, The Am rican H ro Era. by Ralph D. Gardner rai ing. While consignment have become more popu­ (PF-053). -The F1ctional R public: Horatio Alg r and American Political lar in r c nt y ar ,donation mean all of the proceeds Discours . by arol NackenofT (PF-92I ). from tho item go to H.A.S. They don't neces arily -Publication Formats ojthe 59 Stories by Horatio Alg r. Jr. as hay to b Alger b ok . You can donate other erie R printed by theJohn C. Winston Co.. by Bob Sawyer (PF-455) book, memorabilia (popular items include souvenirs and Jim Thorp (PF-574). -Horatio Alger Books Publish d by A.L. Burt. by Bradford S. from pa t H.A. con ention ), along with art -and­ hase (PF-412). craft item (homemade jam and reli h s, etc.). -Horatio Alger Books Published by M.A. Donohue & Co.. by If ou don't have r om to bring your auction item Bradford S. Cha e (PF-412). with you, nd them to Samuel Huang, Founder Me­ -Horatio Alger Books Published by Whitman Publishing Co.. by Bradford S. Cha e (PF-412). morial Library, F 403, Northern Illinois University, -The Lost UJe ojHoratio Alger. Jr., by Gary S hamhorst with o Kalb, IL 60115. Be ure you mark them with your Jack Bales (PF-258). name, and wheth r th yare a donation or con ignment. Newsboy ad rates: Full page. $32.00: on -half p, ge. 17.00: one­ I quarterpage.S9.oo:per olumnln h(11n hdeepbyapprox.31/21n hes hope to you all in oeKalb. wide). $2.00. Send ad . with heck payabl to (Ioratio Alger Society. P.O. Your Partic'tar Friend, Box 70361. RI hmond. VA 23255. The above rate apply to all wantad . along with ad olTering non-Alger arl T. Hartmann (PF-102) books for sale. How ver. Il Is th polley of the Horatio Alger Society to 4907 Alli on Drive promote the exchange of Alger book and retat d Alger materials by providing space free ofcharge to our m mbers for the sale only ofsuch an ing, MI 48910 mat rial. Send ads or -Le ters to the Editor" to Newsboy editor WU1lam R. E-mail: [email protected] Gowen (PF-706l at 23726 N. Overhill Dr.. Lake Zurich. IL 0047. March-April 1999 NEWSBOY Page 3 Dash to DeKaib A '99 Horatio Alger Society Convention update Th 1999 Horatio Alger oci ty convention, "Da h to DeKalb," i drawing near, and we hope you will be able to mak it to orth rn Illinoi Univer ity May 13-16. o Kalb i locat d about one hour's dri e we t of hicago on Inter tat 88 (the Ea t-We t Tollway). Ify u ar coming to th con ntion byplane, hicago'sQ'Har Int rnational andMidway airp rt areapproximately 60 mil ea t of 0 Kalb. Locator map of th airport and dir ction via Int r tate highway can b found on Pag 5. To ummariz : If you arrive at 'Har, you will take Interstate 294 (th Tri- tat T llway) outh to 1- 8 w t and drive appr imat ly 35 mile to th econd DeKalb e it at Anni lidden Road (mil po t 92). An alt mate route i 1-90 we t fr m 'Har to Illinoi Rt. 47, south on Rt. 47 to 1- ,and w t n 1-8 to Annie lidd n R ad. Ifyou arriv at Midway Airport, you will take icero Av nue (Illinoi Rt. 50) n rth about a mile to I-55 (the The Egyptian Theater is one of many historic attrac- Stev n on E pr way), go outh on I-55 (r ally, outh­ tions in DeKalb, III. Northern illinoiS University Photo we t) to 1-294, it north n 1-294 to 1- ,th n w t n 1- h . PI ant that a clarifica- 8 a d scrib d above. tion need to be made in the enclo d con enti n Th dir ti n are the am for tho driving to the chedul for Saturday morning, May 15. Th annual convention. If you ar arriving from the ea t (Indiana, H.A.. members' book ale i going to b h Id b ­ hio, etc.), you will take the Indiana Toll Road to th tw en 7:30 and 9 a.m. in the Found r M morial Frank Borman xpr way (1-80/94) we t, follow it to Library taff lounge, in conjunction with the r I a e th Tri- tat T llway (1-294), go north to 1-8 w t, and and igning of Brad ha ' n w b ok, Horatio Alger foUow the dir tion abov . Books Published by The ew York Book Company. Th IfY u ar oming from th north (Minn otaorcentral breakfa t buffet will al 0 b erved from 7:30 to a.m. Wi consin), take 1-90 outh to Rockford, Ill., pick up 1-39 in th arne room. outh to 1- (ab ut 22 mil ) and driv a tto the Anni Th event list d from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on th ch dul Glidd n Road xit. a the "book ale" i really the H.A. m mb r 'con ign­ From th outh ( t. Loui, tc.) take I-55 north to m nt auction. Thi e ent will take pIa in th R g n Blo mington, m., pick up 1-39 n rth and drive about 90 Room locat d in Holme Student nter, a Ii t d on minut t 1- ,thn attoth Annie lidd nRoad it.
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