7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER WCOM VOttME LXXIV, NO. 8. RED BANK, N, J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1951 SECTION ONE^PAGES 1 TO 16. Cravany Naned Named Clarkaon •Slllh Soldiers Umve for Two Week* at Pine Camp VFf Fair Opens Police Request M-Hour Work Week; College Prexy Mayor White 'Hears' From Pennsy Scrip Or. William o. VaaMoU, mm tt Tonight at Home; KEAlf SBUHQ-Tke appointment the late Mr. and MM. Henry C. A 40-hour week was ql ef JUMI 1. Oravaay ef Mcachway Vaa Mot. of Atlantic Higalaaea. Dodge Main Prize for P.ed Bank policemen at Monday tt the chairmnihip of a scrap has been appeiated sxresideat of G.O.P. Women night's meeting of the mayor M4 ••blliaatioa committee la Haa- Clarkioai college of techaslagf at couftnl. mouth county waa aanouaced this PoUdiaa, N. T. He has been a Cm-iia Nighl TiMtwrro* week by tt* Mattoaal Protaettea member *t th* faculty tt Worth To Hold Party The request came in » letter freflt authority a* MM Departaaent af Carslla* SUta eeUega the laet U 1 •• Display ModH Shawn local 3», Patrolmen's Benevoleai yeara. OCEANPOKT -- A committee in association, read hy Borough Clark! Of Felix Adlrr Ming" Amy Shim. The local's territ«IJ» Or. VaaNete, who is « yean eld, charge of tlie annual welfare card includes Red Bank, Vfiddletown, parly sponsored by the United la etptcted t* take over hi* duties MIDDLETOWN—The sixth an- Little Silver, Oceanport and Eataet* Oct. 1. He succeeds Dr. ieaae H. nual fair of Middlctuun township Woman's Rrpublir.an club of Mon- towtv The letter indicated thai Oavia, who will becoaae president post, Veterans of Foreign Wai's, mouth county met ISM Thursday Middletown also is being asked ta> af Stevens Institute ef TecaaeLagr will start tonight on grounds adja- with the co-chairmen, Mi.-. Edward , .. „ Hosokm. glace MM he has been cent to thr post home on rt. 35 near J. Pavirs „„* Mr. Bull Bruno, at ^\^'^T.ballot. So actioH n 'H!.*?was ! director *>f the departawat af en- he township hall, run through the home of Mrs. Davies at Goose- Councilman Everett Baynton roe* gineering research aad prefasisr at Saturday and also will he held neck point. Metallurgy at Nafth CaraUae State. omniending that it be referred ta next Thursday, Friday and Satur- The fiaity will be held at 1:30 the police committee. CouneilaaaM Dr. VaaNete waa ham la Atlantic day, Aug. 3ft, 31 and Sept. 1. Thursday, Sept. 13, it the Marine Cjenrge A. Gray, chairman of tht) Highlands, urber* he «neat hi* boy- A 1951 Dod;;c sedan, equipped grill. Anbury Talk. police, committee, did not attend) hood days aad where he waa grad- with radio and heater, will he Mrs Ruth H-isco and Mr?. Jacob the. meeting. uated with honore from tha high awarded th*> fin.il night. Hausriing were appointed to assist ichool. H* It also a graduate ef In other hu«m*M. an ordininee) Reautlatr Polytechnic Iaatltute, One of the special attractions at Troy, N. T. He received Ms aus- the fair will be a circus night to- tcr'a degree (roe* the UaWeretty morrow in thr basement nf thr post home wh^n Fevern! members nf the posed law, Borough Attorney of Vermont and a doctor ef philos- New York city and New Jersey ophy degree from Pennsylvania nf other prizes were Xrt. Edward Reussille said it was drawn aa • "ring" nf the Circus Modrl Huild- fire protection measure is well M state eollege. t-rA and Owners association and Osborn, Mrs. Onrgc M. B' (man, Mrs. Catherine Orsor, Mrs. Ltiaiks to insure the safety of children. Dr. VaaNote married a daughter other model builders will present He Bald that cars presently par keg of Dr. Daniel Poling of Philadel- an exhibit of model cii'-jses. In- Stephens and Mrs. Hooker. Mrs. phia. H* alepmother resides at At- cluded in the display will he minia- Tlumias F. Morfont will hive j on the circles make it Impouibl* lantic Highland*. ture tents, figures, animal.", cages, charge of the membership table. 'or a fire truck to pan. circus parades, trapeze- sets, hand Mrs. F. O. Hayes and Mrs. F. S. White In Menn»a«lh balancer* and wllrf nnintnl arts. Curtis are publicity chairmen. A letter was received freae) tn addition to the above mention- Checker Stores concerning the die* Chttdren accompanied hy their carded proposal to make a Street Garden Club Sets parents will receive gifts at the ed, the following are also members circus display. William F. Ogden of the party committee: Mrs. Alton mtrance to the parking lot freaa of Lenlson ave., BelforJ, a mem-V. Evaru, Iconic Branch, president; Monmouth st. Stating that ha to Appointed by ths War Produe- ber of the ring which is named Mrs. Jeannette, Wright, Naveslnk; "sorry to hear" that the plan ktf tlen board during Werld War II to Date for Tour been scrapped, the store's manage* RUUSON-A twir af h*m*i aad for Felix Adler, the famous clown, MM. N. J. Nevlu*. Jr.,Gooseneck Pt.; handle all scrap programs In tha will appear at the exhibit dressed Mrs. Catherine Lutx, Union Beach; asked that "some sort of county, Mr. Ornvany enabled the gardens In this area la being way or sidewalk" be provided planned by tha Rumso* Garden aa a clown. Mr. Ogden early this Mrs. George Smock, Mrs. Edward eeuaty to sustain an enviable rec- month completed a tour begun in English and Mrs. Frank Rowland, Monmouth st. to the lot. ord and ta play an Important part club (or Thursday, Oct. 4, ta taha th* pine* of the elub't annual Sow- June with the Hunt brothers cir- Asbury Park; Mrs. Conover Bur- A letter fiom the Pennsylvania* la successful programs on a state- eui throughout northern New Jer-lew and Mrs. Franklin Cottrcll, railroad company Informed council wide basis, a department spokes- er show, Mrs. Frederick Freilng- huysen, president, announced today. sey. He ii employed nt the Nival Matawnn; Mra. Lawrence, A. Car- that two railroad officials had rtatt> man said this week. Ammunition depot at Karle. ton, Jr., Mlddletown township: Mrs. ed the borough in an attempt Ml However, same phasai ef the see Mayor Katharine Elkua Whits. Mr. Oravany also took part In ahow'i competition „,<„, mama* The ring has presented exhtbl- Un&Maier, Leonardo; Mrs. George band drivss during the war and but that she was net In taws. and ether garden clubs will be re- tlom at events sponsored by Yarnall, Belford; Mrs. Irving Ben- supervised the collection of waste- churches, achools and hobby clubs nett, Mrs. Edward Broege, Mrs. After the meeting, Mrs. White Mia) paper In the county. He aald Tues- tained. Exhibits tor various parts she pres-med the visit waa oeee* of Us house and special dinner in Now Jersey, New York and Elvln Simmill and Mrs. Don day that he plant an early meet- Massachusetts, according to Mr. Schmidt, Belmar Mrs. Freda Win- sloned by council's objection to tM Ing with representatives from In- table arrangements will be Judged. proposed Increase In eommutatltsa Clubi of ths New Jersey Oarden Ogden, who says other members klcman, Port Monmouth; Mrs. Paul dustrial planti In the eounty and also have appeared with circuses. Orertin, Neptune; Mrs. Joseph Ir- ratei. At the Aug. ( meeting, Ike) Indicated that he'll seek a represen- club will be Invited to exhibit hall mayor—in commenting on • table arrangements. Among these are Willard T- North-win. Red Bank; Mrs. Dorman Me tative In each of tha county's mu- rup of Now York city, who per-Faddln, Long Branch; Mil. Phoebe lengthy letter from ths Central nlclnalltlas and communities ta su- Tea will be served in the loggia railroad—sail that, "aa usual." ta* overlooking the gardens ef the formed with the Gray and Wheeler Neldinger and Mrs. Elisabeth Huy- Pennsylvania line had not a** pervise local scrap collections. It it elrcua In 1S99, and Osborne ler. Key port; Mils Roselle F. Buck- beted, the department spokesman Bertram Hi •orden estate on River knowledge Red Bank'a protest ta id. The Washington eottage, his- Sehleents of Oceanport, who let-num. Sea Oirt; Mrs. Dorothy Ui- Mid, that his experience gained ters circus signs. John Brlden of the rs'.e hike. slderable help In solving tome ef torical Revolutionary war land- dllla, Portaupeck; Mrs. Ella Blel, mark on tha estate of Mrs. Arnold Newark has been awarded prltes Oceanport; Mrs, Eugene Qardella, An ordinance waa Introduced Ik daring the hut war will be of eon- by the New York Zoological soci- appropriate I2XM0 for n garage) the following problems: Wood, Naveslnk River rd., will be Sea Bright; Mra. Thomas Compton, Included In tha tour which will also ety for hU carved reproductions Keansburg, Mrs. John Adalr, High- and storage building at TS Chert* During the past few months, the open to the public the bosses of of animals, Mr. Ogden says. lands, and Mrs. Stan Tracy, Allen- nut it. Bonds will be issued te ta* department spokesman said, It has Mra. Henry Mercer, Rutnsoa rd., A typical circus presented during hunt. extent of |2S,M0. At the lait meet* become Increasingly apparent that ing, bids on the garage were re* 1 Rumson, Including the greenhouses; two-day show at New Bedford, the shortage of scrap Is a urioui Mrs. Frederick Burl. Ridge rd., and Man., Mr. Ogden says, included 30 jected becauae an Insufficient handicap to staet milli trying to Mrs. Nicholas Rutgers, Nsveilnk elephant*, SO wagons and 140 amount had been provided for the) cope with demandi of industry for River rd., Mlddletown.
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