List of Failed Companies.Xlsx

List of Failed Companies.Xlsx

Date company Price when Date of Final price for Code Company flagged as flagged as corporate investors ($) unhealthy unhealthy ($) collapse GPA Greyhound Pioneer Australia Limited 17/03/1997 0.52 23/06/2000 0.00 PAS Pasminco Limited 4/09/2000 1.73 19/09/2001 0.00 AEH1 Aerosonde Holdings Limited 20/03/2002 0.15 30/08/2002 0.00 CHG Chieron Holdings Limited 17/03/1999 0.15 30/08/2002 0.00 HTS Harts Australasia Limited 18/09/2000 0.92 30/08/2002 0.00 LIB LibertyOne Limited 19/03/1999 0.77 30/08/2002 0.00 NFR Nonferral Recyclers Limited 21/03/2001 0.52 30/08/2002 0.00 SCG1 Smart Communications Group Limited 20/03/2001 0.69 30/08/2002 0.00 SFO Seafood Limited 28/08/2000 0.17 30/08/2002 0.00 AEL Antaeus Energy Limited 17/03/1997 2.80 19/09/2002 0.00 ASR Australian Rural Group Limited 21/03/2002 0.47 27/09/2002 0.00 BLR Black Range Minerals Limited 19/03/1997 0.24 31/03/2003 0.00 PPH1 Pan Pharmaceuticals Limited 3/03/2003 1.30 22/05/2003 0.00 CHV CMG CH China Investments Limited 6/03/2002 0.56 9/07/2003 0.00 BAE Barron Entertainment Limited 17/03/1997 55.97 1/09/2003 0.00 CRX1 China Region Investments Limited 12/03/1997 0.47 1/09/2003 0.00 EEI Earth Essence International Limited 21/03/2001 0.13 1/09/2003 0.00 IPW IPWorld Limited 1/05/1997 0.28 1/09/2003 0.00 NMW Normans Wines Limited 19/02/1999 0.94 1/09/2003 0.00 NWL1 New Tel Limited 19/03/1997 0.74 1/09/2003 0.00 BGN BresaGen Limited 25/02/2000 1.09 20/01/2004 0.00 YOW Yowie Group Ltd 14/09/2000 1.15 23/02/2004 0.00 AMV Alamain Investments Limited 20/03/2000 0.06 31/08/2004 0.00 AVF Australian Value Funds Management Limited 14/09/2000 0.90 31/08/2004 0.00 FDR Federation Group Limited 19/03/1997 64.00 31/08/2004 0.00 ITN Intercard Wireless Limited 19/03/1997 0.68 31/08/2004 0.00 NFG National Forge Limited 16/09/1998 0.20 31/08/2004 0.00 RAL Recruiters Australia Limited 15/09/2000 1.40 31/08/2004 0.00 RYW Reynolds Wines Limited 15/03/2002 0.85 31/08/2004 0.00 STH Strarch International Limited 6/01/1997 0.18 31/08/2004 0.00 TSS Tassal Limited 30/08/1999 1.40 31/08/2004 0.00 ECT Environmental Clean Technologies Limited 3/09/2002 0.62 19/11/2004 0.00 HCD1 Huadu City Developments Limited 3/09/2004 0.90 30/08/2005 0.00 MWC Media World Communications Limited 19/03/1997 0.69 30/08/2005 0.00 PLN Planar Semiconductor Inc. 21/03/2001 0.30 30/08/2005 0.00 TMN Telemedia Networks International Limited 18/09/2000 1.63 30/08/2005 0.00 OTT Open Telecommunications Limited 18/09/2001 4.42 31/05/2006 0.00 DID Didasko Limited 19/03/1997 1.00 29/08/2006 0.00 DNX DenX Limited 19/03/2003 1.73 29/08/2006 0.00 LVG Laverton Gold NL 19/03/1997 0.30 29/08/2006 0.00 SGW Sons of Gwalia Limited 23/02/2004 0.93 29/08/2006 0.00 SKD Stockford Limited 6/03/2002 1.22 29/08/2006 0.00 MZU Mazu Alliance Limited 16/09/1998 0.90 17/11/2006 0.00 NFO Network Foods Limited 17/12/1997 0.53 9/02/2007 0.00 ATI Atlantic Limited 19/03/1999 0.55 16/02/2007 0.00 ZLD Zelira Therapeutics Limited 5/10/2004 0.20 3/05/2007 0.00 ALO Auto Group Limited 19/02/1997 0.92 30/08/2007 0.00 AVT AVT Plasma Limited 16/09/2002 0.52 30/08/2007 0.00 CAT1 Catuity Inc. 6/01/1998 0.36 30/08/2007 0.00 ECI EC-Asia International Limited 2/03/2005 0.25 30/08/2007 0.00 Copyright (C) Lincoln Indicators Page 1 out of 8 Date company Price when Date of Final price for Code Company flagged as flagged as corporate investors ($) unhealthy unhealthy ($) collapse SLN Selwyn Mines Limited 11/03/2002 1.20 30/08/2007 0.00 IBR Iberian Resources Limited 21/03/2005 0.36 5/12/2007 0.00 NOP New Opportunity Limited 7/09/2005 0.67 29/01/2008 0.00 SCU Stemcell United Limited 5/09/2007 0.59 5/05/2008 0.00 IVQ Invitrocue Limited 23/08/2002 0.19 6/06/2008 0.00 OPL Opyl Limited 19/03/1997 0.44 29/08/2008 0.00 IXL IXLA Limited 7/03/1997 3.50 1/09/2008 0.00 T3D 333D Limited 5/09/2007 0.19 17/09/2008 0.00 PRN1 Pelsart Resources NL 6/01/1997 0.15 25/09/2008 0.00 AFG1 Allco Finance Group Limited 24/08/2007 1.80 4/11/2008 0.00 CAD Caeneus Minerals Ltd 29/09/2008 0.28 12/11/2008 0.00 RPG Raptis Group Limited 17/03/1997 0.33 21/11/2008 0.00 MCT Metalicity Limited 14/03/2006 0.26 2/12/2008 0.00 TSL Titanium Sands Limited 21/03/2005 0.27 18/02/2009 0.00 BNB Babcock & Brown Limited 27/02/2007 7.98 13/03/2009 0.00 KHF KH Foods Limited 28/09/2004 1.42 25/03/2009 0.00 CIH China Construction Holdings Limited 20/03/2000 0.33 27/03/2009 0.00 MJC Mejority Capital Limited 2/03/2007 1.17 14/04/2009 0.00 EWN Erawan Company Limited 7/12/1999 0.45 15/04/2009 0.00 BNT Bounty Mining Ltd 30/09/2004 0.22 10/08/2009 0.00 AHG2 Advance Healthcare Group Limited 19/03/1997 0.85 1/09/2009 0.00 AHI Allco HIT Limited 23/08/2007 2.80 1/09/2009 0.00 BXP Bill Express Limited 3/09/2007 0.28 1/09/2009 0.00 CDR Commander Communications Limited 9/09/2002 0.93 1/09/2009 0.00 CFK CFK Childcare Centres Limited 14/09/2005 0.57 1/09/2009 0.00 CUO Copperco Limited 30/09/2008 0.20 1/09/2009 0.00 DES Destra Corporation Limited 19/03/1998 0.25 1/09/2009 0.00 OCV Octaviar Limited 22/02/2007 0.75 1/09/2009 0.00 RCA Raw Capital Partners Limited 14/09/2005 1.00 1/09/2009 0.00 RRT Record Realty 30/08/2007 0.95 1/09/2009 0.00 VCR Ventracor Limited 12/03/1997 0.46 1/09/2009 0.00 ASU Alpha Technologies Corporation Limited 5/09/2007 1.00 2/09/2009 0.00 TPP Tempo Australia Ltd 17/03/2006 0.62 18/11/2009 0.00 RAT Rubicon America Trust 13/08/2007 1.10 23/12/2009 0.00 REU Rubicon Europe Trust Group 17/08/2007 1.02 23/12/2009 0.00 RJT Rubicon Japanese Trust 3/09/2008 1.12 23/12/2009 0.00 IME ImExHS Limited 20/03/2006 1.01 18/03/2010 0.00 KNM Kneomedia Limited 19/03/1997 0.25 9/04/2010 0.00 OAR Oakdale Resources Limited 2/03/2004 0.12 24/06/2010 0.00 GPE Green Pacific Energy Limited 18/11/2003 0.70 23/08/2010 0.00 CIY City Pacific Limited 26/02/2008 1.15 31/08/2010 0.00 CPR CLIVPEE Limited 9/03/2006 1.06 31/08/2010 0.00 FEA Forest Enterprises Australia Limited 29/08/2008 0.61 31/08/2010 0.00 FUL Fulcrum Equity Limited 17/03/1997 0.32 31/08/2010 0.00 GTP Great Southern Limited 29/11/2007 1.85 31/08/2010 0.00 GUI Guilford Investments Limited 28/02/2005 0.60 31/08/2010 0.00 LVL LV Living Limited 7/03/1997 0.24 31/08/2010 0.00 MRI MRI Holdings Limited 3/09/2004 0.07 31/08/2010 0.00 NLX Nylex Limited 26/02/2001 0.68 31/08/2010 0.00 PLT Polartechnics Limited 19/03/1997 0.20 31/08/2010 0.00 Copyright (C) Lincoln Indicators Page 2 out of 8 Date company Price when Date of Final price for Code Company flagged as flagged as corporate investors ($) unhealthy unhealthy ($) collapse TMR1 Tamaya Resources Limited 5/03/2008 0.05 31/08/2010 0.00 TPF Timbercorp Primary Infrastructure Fund 3/09/2008 1.17 31/08/2010 0.00 CBK CB Australia Limited 1/09/2006 1.15 22/10/2010 0.00 LHM Land & Homes Group Limited 3/03/2005 0.22 31/05/2011 0.00 PSC Prospect Resources Limited 19/03/2010 0.20 1/07/2011 0.00 VMX Valmec Limited 21/03/2006 0.20 1/07/2011 0.00 AVS Avastra Sleep Centres Limited 30/07/2004 0.85 14/07/2011 0.00 BCO BCD Resources (Operations) NL 8/03/2000 0.32 30/08/2011 0.00 CEG CEC Group Limited 3/09/2004 1.15 30/08/2011 0.00 CMQ Chemeq Limited 31/07/2003 0.25 30/08/2011 0.00 CXH Compass Hotel Group 3/09/2008 1.05 30/08/2011 0.00 GNB Greenbox Group Limited 19/02/1998 0.65 30/08/2011 0.00 HDI Handini Resources Limited 24/12/2009 0.46 30/08/2011 0.00 PMX Palamedia Limited 16/09/1999 0.18 30/08/2011 0.00 PNM Pallane Medical Limited 16/09/2005 0.18 30/08/2011 0.00 PRC Pike River Coal Limited 3/03/2008 0.86 30/08/2011 0.00 TIM Timbercorp Limited 21/11/2006 0.07 30/08/2011 0.00 VIR1 Viridis Clean Energy 1/03/2006 1.06 30/08/2011 0.00 WFL Willmott Forests Limited 29/08/2008 0.90 30/08/2011 0.00 CVI CVI Energy Corporation Limited 3/01/1996 0.14 6/09/2011 0.00 SNR Synergy Plus Limited 3/03/2005 0.37 15/09/2011 0.00 CNP CNPR Group 9/02/2007 1.03 23/11/2011 0.00 PHL Pearl Healthcare Limited 30/08/2010 0.13 29/06/2012 0.00 PTN Prime Retirement and Aged Care Property Trust 29/02/2008 1.00 30/08/2012 0.00 QMG Quay Magnesium Limited 22/02/2005 0.60 30/08/2012 0.00 RLG1 RCL Group 1/03/2007 1.00 30/08/2012 0.00 ZHE Zheng He Global Capital Limited 3/03/2011 0.24 30/08/2012 0.00 CXD CathRx Ltd 20/02/2006 1.35 21/12/2012 0.00 AAS Asian Pacific Limited 5/03/2007 0.41 30/08/2013 0.00 AIE Autodom Limited 5/03/2007 0.05 30/08/2013 0.00 AKW Arturus Capital Limited 19/03/1997 1.00 30/08/2013 0.00 APB Arafura Pearls Holdings Limited 5/09/2007 0.27 30/08/2013 0.00 BEC Becton Property Group 29/08/2008 0.52 30/08/2013 0.00 CNC Consolidated Capital Investments Limited 30/08/2007 1.76 30/08/2013 0.00 CNH China Steel Australia Limited 3/09/2010 0.30 30/08/2013 0.00 CNR Coonawarra Australia Property Trust 5/09/2007 0.96 30/08/2013 0.00 CPK CP1 Limited 26/02/2008 2.80 30/08/2013 0.00 CPN Carpathian Resources Limited 3/10/2001 0.21 30/08/2013 0.00 GEN2 Genesis Research & Development Corporation Limited21/02/2007 4.70 30/08/2013 0.00 GIA Giaconda Limited 15/03/2006 0.50 30/08/2013 0.00 GNS Gunns Limited 23/08/2010 4.00 30/08/2013 0.00 HST Hastie Group Limited 12/09/2005 1.52 30/08/2013 0.00 HWE Henry Walker Eltin Group Limited 23/08/2004 0.58 30/08/2013 0.00 HZL HZ Lim Limited 3/03/2009 0.58 30/08/2013 0.00 ION ION Limited 27/08/2004 0.08 30/08/2013 0.00 MLC Mothercare Australia Limited 25/08/2003 0.75 30/08/2013 0.00 MST Metal Storm Limited 15/03/2000 3.23 30/08/2013 0.00 NER Neo Resources Limited 19/03/1997 0.42 30/08/2013 0.00 NLG National Leisure & Gaming Limited 4/08/2006 0.49 30/08/2013 0.00 ONL One North Entertainment Limited 18/09/2002 1.10 30/08/2013 0.00 Copyright (C) Lincoln Indicators Page 3 out of 8 Date company Price when Date of Final price for Code Company flagged as

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