nEBWBi^nm’ Mr. and ICia. WOUam F. Dalton An 8-pound son was bom ysster- ■f -ti. ■, wa a t Pine atroet are apendlng their dtqr aftomoce to Mr. sad Mrs. ju s d iin o w N vaeatibn at the A o n near Weet- Charlas, B. L'Bsparanos o f 18 Church strest, at the Maples hospi­ port, conn. tal on Oak street. Mrs. L'Bspsrancs Traipl* StaUn I ar early toaigM. hold Its ragulsr meetlnc toax>r> was the former Mias Vlviim Ds- ;M (» at 8 o'clock In Odd Miaa BvaUne Pentland of Foster forgs. Hale's 39^ Anniversary tVWIom han. ICombora aro urged to street and Miss Lillian Reardon of MANfUESTBRr-A (TTY OF VILLAGE (HARM 1 aa the bnelneee wHl include West Center street have left for The family a t Chaster L. Boliln- son of Hiddls Turnpike West, Is' The Anniversary Sale tar the annual ouUnr next West Swanxey, N. H., where they MANCHESTER, CONNn TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1936. ’ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CB ith. will enjoy a two weeks' vacation. spending their vacation at Warran, Maine. SALE Of These Two Stores PATTERSON’S MARKET Vacation Villa At Nice Leased By Edward VHI FREE— THURSDAY at 8 P. M. Open Toeeday Night DnUI 9 O’aock. Brings You These Specials For Tuesday HEAT IN NORTHWES CHICKENS TO 5 LUCKY PEOPLE! CLOHED AU Day Wednesday— Winners Most Be Present Merohaats* Day. Double Green Stamps Given In All Departments All Day No Strings Attached. Nothing To Buy. Tuesday. Just Send In This Coupon With Name and Address. IS BROKEN BY SHOWERi POPULAR MARKET—Rubinow Building Remember The For the Anniversary Sale. Name ................................................................................................ Only! Dentil List Reaches 1, POPULAR 87” X 105” Handmade Body of Yomig Felix Per Karpis Pleads Guilty A d d ress.............................................................................................. PRIZES CASHIERED NAVY Witii Over 400 in Mkl^^ MARKET One $29.95 C andlew ick kins Found by Friend; Had On Conspiracy Charge 855 Main Street G. E. OFnCER SEIZED gan Alone~- AAA Planf j Rubinow Building SPREADS srm m p s Been Knocked Down, BUY HERE AND SAVE! Vacuum Beautiful new patterns with GIVEN ALL DAY TUESDAY IN BOTH Alvin^roachine gunner ^for or the Bai^er- Gigantic Cattle Biiyn|^ Cleaner loads of tufting. All colors: Then Shot; Tifl Emptied. ON SPMHARGE Karpla, dethroned king of gangland, Karpis mob.I ob. anand............................... Charles (Big Fits) Giventry Summer Festival EXTRA SPECIAL! Red, rust, brown, all white, rose, THESE STORES pleaded guilty to conspiracy in tos ffitweritagerald, of Los Angeleo, beaded green, orchid, blue and gold. You guilty. Thatr sentences have bean Program; Temperature Given Away will really be agreeably sur­ $100,000 ransom kidnaping of Wil­ deferred until toe end of toe present Wednesday, July 15 VEAL LEGS New London, July 14.— (AP) — liam Hamm, Jr., 8L Paul brewer, MUk-Fed EVERY prised at the amount of tufting Ex-’Ll-Com. J. S. Farnsworth trial. Drop. 2nd Congregational Church - Coventry at this low price. Special: Felix Perkins, 18, of Jordan road, as his case waa called for trial in Two others were indicted as par- Aospioee of Coventry Pmgment Boolety. DAY Th€ COM Waterford, night attendant at Ar­ Federal Court today. ■ tleipanta in toe Hamm abduction ■ 2ft' '.’1 e lb. J W . H A L C Charged With Imparting Federal Judge M. M. Joyce de­ but, because they ore ■erving'terms thur W. Atkinson’s gasoline station In AlcatTM prison for tha Edward DROrOHT AT A CHLANCtt Candy • loe Cream • Popoom • Soda • Fancy Work - NovelUes MANCHESTER CONN* ferred sentence until toe conclusion 1 5 each an the Boston Post Road, a abort of toe trial of BMmund C. Barthol- G. Bremer kidnaping, were and Plants Booths. $1-88 U. S. Secrets to Japanese Choice distance east of Mosbroker’s Cor­ mey, former postmaster of Bensen- brought to trial. are Arthu a t. Pnol—«ea* wave brekM fi- ner, was shot to death early this vllle, III., and John P. (Jack) Pelfer, (Doe) Barker. cb< as co-leade nerthweat states by rains In pa>t)t'< TOM THCMB WEODINO — » P. M. morning in resisting a holdup of the Nary Agent S t Paul night club ownsr whose with Karpla In the two Mdnapinge, at Mfaineaota, North and Old Fashioned and Hodam Wedding Gown Parade. LAM B LEGS 2000 Yards New Fast Color C .f HOUSC'^SON. ■taUon. trial on similar tdiarges opened this who la serving a life term. 8^') Dakota. INC. Medical Examiner Ross E. Black morning. Thomas J. Newman, at­ E3mef Fanner, former tavern Keeper Detroit—MIobigan heat daalha at BenseavUle,.ni., sentenced, to Free Concert by State Trade School Oroheetra of Manchester. a t Waterford determined through an Washington. July 14. — (AP) — Pwedent-setUng King Edward vn i of England has prepared again to make history to becoming toe first torney for Karpis, told toe court hts |waa 486 mark; look to "cool fir ^ 1 7 c lb. BriUsh monar^ to sj^nd a vacation to a foreign land. The sumptuous villa (above) belonging to Maxine client, one of toe actual kidnapers of years’ imprisonment. from tho west for relief Wodneedair. Sapper Served From B to 7tS0 P. M. — SBe. autopsy performed this forenoon Secretly arrested here after a long that young Perkins had been struck EUlott on toe French Riviera, near Nice, where he spent so many delightful hours os Prince of Wales, has Hamm, desired to plead ntlty. ' Boltoil, Ooorge F. Sullivan, U. 8. Oolorado Spitngai rnin Bw PERCALE PRINTS vigil by naval officers and Justice been leased for toe "Summer Buckingham Palace.” , Because of toe intense beat. Judge dietrict attorney said, would be the tary at Agriniltara Waflaea' FCIX EVKNXNO ENTBBTAINMllNT a hard blow on the Jaw before he FreA or Smoked A beautiful range of pattema for sum­ was shot and that he was down on Department Agents, John S. Joyce modified the usual custom of government’s principal wltneoa. The dares gevernment pieparad trial ortglaalty was scheduled'far Admiseion: Adnlte, SSo. Children, Me. mer, new designs and colorings, small the ground or In the act of getting Farnsworth, a former lieutenant- appearing In Federal court with “lake care at tha drooght" - irB and large florals, stripes, plaids and geo­ up when shot. eoata, permitting all to appear In November, but beoauae of toe "pre­ commander to tbe navy, was charg­ Chicago-. Grata tradwa flgain^ S h ou ld ers metric patterns, 38” wide. Guaranteed 4 yds- 0 0 c Cash Register Looted shirt sleeves as tbe trial opened. carious” health oif Bolton, suffering Natlen<a drought loss at mem ffwa 'I fast color. Regular 25o yard. The J W . H A L C CORK The autopsy showed that the bul­ ed today with sending a confldentl- BASTILE DAY OBSERVED PRESIDENT NEARS Karpis’ plea was tos third admis­ from tubereulosla, Judgi Joyce ad- a binteu deOars. ^ : let entered the left chest and trav­ al naval publication to an agent of sion of defendants In toe kidnaping. M a n c h es t er Co n n * (Oonttnoed on Ppga Two) Waaklagton —AAA plans 1 9 « «>• elled downward. the Japanese navy. Previously, Byrop Bolton, alleged drenght emergeucy caitie bnytaff 69c Hale’s M. K. M. According to Dr. Black the youth A former resident of Cincinnati, pengram. - died from internal bleeding and Farnsworth had been discharged VACATION PLACE Tuesday, July 14 Fresh Made BY LEFTISTS IN FRANC Dee Mntnee Iowa anSem PINEHURST probably lived from 20 minutes to an from the service nine years ago on 8ay. Fear for com enp as TUESDAY SPECIALS hour after being eboL charges of conduct prejudicial to tootature dwindles. An Old Manchester Custom . F ra n k fu rts In addition to tbe evidence of a the Navy. He faces arraignment FIGURES DROUGHT LOSSES HOSIERY struggle, the casta registered In tbe before United States Commissioner To Spend Next Two Weeks If yon are a newcomer to Manoheeter, this news may seem M odel Two Celebrations Combined O ilot8». July 14— (A P )-8 »d t.'« BIngless Sheer Chiffon gas station was found rifled of 626 Needham C. Turaage. If he pleads RELIEF DEADLOCK strange to you . for the last several yean the majority of IN THE SELF SERVE AND to cash. ing rain in tore# northwest ib s . AV-1 5-Thread Seml-Chiffon Innocent the case may be turned Bfanobeater atorea have declared a fuU day HoUday qn the third 2 2 9 ^ Tbe crime was discovered by Jo- over to the grand Jury immediate­ Bot Threatened Trouble in Sailing in North Atlan­ brought hops of gsnaral rdtof. i Wednesday of each July to celebrate Marctaants’ Day. At one 7-Thread Service Weight AT MORE THAN A BILUON Grand Prize: HEALTH MARKET aepb Deveau, 21, a chum of the slain ly. tram .too lethal hast wavs ttme the Mercbanta need to Use up thetr ca n along Main street Popular summer shades: youth who lives to Morningslde Roger Robb, assistant United FINAUY SMASHED and an go off to Savin Bock or some A cre resort on a picnio. Plato tic Waters. gripped toe NaUon for U One $181.00 G. E. Toasty, misty, nude, snappy, Lean, Tender, Smoked Park nearby. Deveau had gone to States district attorney, said a Does Not Materialize; Late yean it baa changed and the larger stores hold eepante marimba. Special: vlrit Perkins after taking his father warrant alleged that the offense causing upward at 1,880 deaths ^ picnics. AU this by way of remtadlng you that Pinehunt Oro- Corned Beef Electric to work. He found the body to was committed May 15. 1985.
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