• R. I. Historical Society ' 68 Wate r man St. fr ~vide nce, R. I . THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND VOL. II. No. 15 Entered as Second-Class Matter, Nov. 7 , 1929, at the Post Of. fice al P rovidence, R. I., Under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE JEWISH HERALD PROVIDENCE, R. I., J 5 ents the Copy Elected Judge 0 ER 2000 ATTE 1 D By the Way GRO TD-BREAKING Rhode Islantl Jeivry to EXERCISE O Y Tidbits and News of Greet M . .LiK. Ussislik·in <tt Jewish Personalities muel . I. Magi Tur First lily DAVID , -~'77'·. TY7T'z 'hovelf ul on ite for Jew- Narra ·r111sett 011. ftfonclr,y i h Home for Age - - ;- Good-Bye More Lhan 2000 pc·ople at nd the TO l· ioc:. Zi i ... l L<·ach•r lo , 'p•·• a, Publie xerc1 s when the ground w,, 1930! brok n Sunday aft rnoon for he new ling• T h•· U«·ec·h r(J h 't Lr Jewish Hom for th~ A~ed a Cha If Harry Houdini were alive, he'd and H1lls1 dc avenu The 1w w horn,·. an,l Cia Offi ·,al say "no wonder." An odd combina­ which wilJ locau,d off Ifo . tr d tion was this super-magician- this oppo::,ite t.h enlranc~ lo Black i;, ton JOSEPH ,I. f son of a small town Wisconsin Rabbi. boul varcl, w1U r plac · h • ·v ·nl!, - By KLE I Th,• , 1ty of , w He would perform spiritistic phe­ y ar-old structur c,o Orm tr t York to, 11 ,,I [r. nomena, which would make men like P rom1n nt J ews r ·pr ntml( oflt- hod ' 1t • , pub- Conan Doyle gape with wonder an in gr ,;, n I H >ll d ci l and profc::, iomd lifr· w •re r• . - , explain: "You have spiritualislic, su­ en . Sp •ak n, lncludt: c.J Samur•l H, Wi pernatural powers." gid, G ncral Chwrmnn of th · i i • I J, 'And Harry would say: "Fiddle­ Building Fund Commit c ; Superior ·u rn th sticks. The call can be explained in , Court J uslic, J . J •rom . Hwn, Ho n- . o " Ztort a natural, common sense way. There orary Chainnan of Lhc I . I. " is no supernatural." , Philip C. J oslin, former l• ·c , 1 - But if Houdini were assigned a lhe Rhod Island Hou e of ·pr <·n ­ 0 1k hotel room, the integers of whose lativ s; Aid nnan ol S. Brom m , nd u ffi(J fl number summed up to 13, he would Mrs. J nme Gol milh, Pr 1d n o( bl rn raise a Comanche yell. He didn't be­ the Ladi s' Organization of ih J • · h a rbur lieve in the supernatural-he wasn't Home for the Aged. Mr. J olin pr •­ D ~ Lo l ,. r •- superstitious, but "13," well, he didn't sided. JC p1•c,pl · hr,l for want to have anything to do with Mr. Magid, who has assum d clir c­ c,f Z11,n, w ·r • that number. tion of th build.mg comm.i r ·,,d MAURICE ROB1NSON on for the institution, thanked organizations B a.u · r1f J , v,n• ,t ;,clivtly 1n Z1()n­ and indlviduals who assisted in the . t work I Lhi, cr,untry, Provid1•nct· Elected by City Council to Office of Blaming It financing of the project, and kecl w..., I ·c o on · of h · citi to Municipal Judge lhcir continued support. He praist!d bt· VI it.r•d Jn th• li..m1h.·cl 1Un ·r;,ry ,,r On the Number the work as exemplilying the best r. U .i h.ktn Rhod · 1 J· ncl J •wry ---□--- Jewish traclitions in the care of their J.11 ind · •d fortun• t<: to h.Jv • lh • privr­ And so, I say, if Houdini were here, aged, a work which he said had its lef(.'< of hn,rin~ th1 inv·rm,tionr.l and reviewing 1930, the year he first real start in this country nearly chara r, an I b..Uroom CJ{ th ar­ would say-"no MIRIAM HOSPITAL wonder." Its integers 200 years ago with the construction m~ ·tt Ht!lt.t•J wW • fill ·d to c;,­ add up to "13." Is it any wonder TO HOLD ANNUAL of a Jewish Home for the Aged in pac1ty on Monrroy ·v n.ing. that in the Jewish world, it was the New York City. The initial inspira­ year of the unfortunate Whit'e Paper, MEETING Ar~h1 bald Sllv .rman, who SUNDAY tion for similar work in Provid nee n . ds n intr duction w Rhod, l - and in the general. the. bigger world ,, he ~dited to co-operating grp-ups of of humanity-the year of the stock 1 nd r, , d ho h· br ught much To be Held at Community Cen­ women's organizations. fame t lhis · • beca o( hN na­ exchange crasb, and general hard These women, through whose per­ times. ter; Officers and Trustees ti()nal and mt •malional Ji:wish ;,c 1vi­ sistent eifort.s the original home here lif!s, •.vill ct o! oh- i.rm&n of th(: ve­ Somehow, I, myself, cannot blame to be Elected came to be built, also were praised all this bad luck on an innocent com­ rung and will in rc.duC(; '·The: rand by Mr. Joslin, who said they h ad Old Man of Z ion" bination of numbers, though I am reached their goal by adding practi­ aware of the professions .and philoso­ The annual meeting of the Miriam The: comm1 e ext<:n an invita- Hospital will be held at the J ewish cal achievement to the laudable vi.r­ tion v, E<w,ryone to gritet and lu:.ir phy of the modern numerologists, and tue of human compassion. He said know that this number Community Center, Benefit street, on Mr. Uss1!!hkin and aJso announc 1 monkey busi­ Sunday afternoon, the home will provide a haven not ness has even a decided Jewish angle Jan. 11th, at three th.at th re wdJ be no collecUon made o'clock. only for aged persons of Providence, for fun . -in the Kahbalah, the Agadah and but will keep open its doors for all Jewish mystic literature generally. In addition to the rendition of re­ :MEN A CHEM M. USSISHKIN Every J ewish organization in the ports, showing the activities of within-the state. !I When Neysa McMein, the. artist, the te has be n invited to .send a re-p ­ hospitcal during 1930, the election of Alderman Brornson expressed his 1r. Ussishkin's visit to Providence resentative to s rve on the reception declares that she wasn't a success un­ officers and members gratification over the prospect of com­ til she so modified of the Board of will be featured by a visit to the S ta committee. her name, as to Trustees will take place. The nom­ pleting the "chain , of worthy Jewish conform to this so-called science of House and City Hall, where he will Mr. J oseph Smith, President of the inating committee, of which Mr. Al­ institutions in the state," in the build­ be rec,eived by Governor Norman S. Providence Z1onist District, has been numbers, she could almost go to the ter Boyman is chairman, will submit ing of an adequate home for the aged Passover Haggadah for justification. Case and Mayor James E. Dunne. appointed the Chairman of the Re­ the following slate: and infirm. He called for support of ception Committee Yet, nevertheless, I file my de­ Mr. Ussishkin, who has earned a and the other Officers for 1931 the project as one worthy of every­ are Dr. Ilie Berger, Max L. Grant, murrer-hut it has been a pediculous one's best effort. place for himself in the history of President, Max L. Grant; Vice the J ewish National Archlba]d Silverman, Mrs. Archibald year nevertheless, if you will pardon Mrs. Goldsmith expressed the ap­ Home as the Presidents, Alter Boyman, Samuel M. "Redeemer of lhe Emek:' has galvan­ Silverman, Charles Silverman, Sam­ the expression. Magid, Mrs. Abraham Klemer; Treas­ preciation of her group to all others uel M. Magid, Bernard Depression did not ized American Zionism. From the M. Goldowsky, hit poetry. urer, Helal Hassenfeld ; Corresponding which had co-operated in the realiza­ Alter Boyman, J oseph M. Finkle, Mr. While business may have been bad, tion of a long-sought moment of his arrival in America on Secretary, Samuel Temkin; Financial goal. Dec. 2nd, one and Mrs. Samuel tlichaelson. however, and troubles have beset us After a prayer by Rabbi Jacob S. festive occasion fol­ Secretary, Harry S. Beck. lowed another Henry Burt, Morris Beeber, J acob S. from other directions, I am glad to Sonderling of Temple Beth-Israel, in honor of the dis­ Trustees tinguished guest, creating a new en­ Rabinowitz, Robert Berstein, Sol S. say that one business is still running One Year: Hon. Sol S. Bromson, Mr. Magid turned the first shovelful Brornson, Jonas Goldenber on thusiasm and vigor amongst the J ews g, James a foll-time basis. I refer to the Hon. Charles Brown, Mrs. Charles C. of earth. Judge Hahn also wielded Goldman, Henry Hassenfeld, manufacture of the world in the present Palestine Abra­ of Yiddish poetry. Brown, Jacob Ernstof, Irene Finkle­ the shovel. ham Hl;ller, Joseph Keller, Helal If you want to know situation. how unimpor­ stein, Mrs. L. M. Grant, Harry Lyon, Funds for the new building were Hassenfeld, Abraham Heller, Joseph tant after all is this matter of busi­ Samuel A Olevson, Mrs.
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