ESSENCE OF PRATYAKSHA BHASKAR (References- Part I: Puranas; Part II: Upanishads; Part III: from Vedas; Part IV: other Sources) Edited and translated by V.D.N.Rao, Retd. General Manager of India Trade Promotion Organisation of Ministry of Commerce of Govt. of India, New Delhi presently at Chennai 1 Other Scripts by the same Author: Essence of Puranas:-Maha Bhagavata, Vishnu Purana, Matsya Purana, Varaha Purana, Kurma Purana, Vamana Purana, Narada Purana, Padma Purana; Shiva Purana, Linga Purana, Skanda Purana, Markandeya Purana, Devi Bhagavata;Brahma Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Agni Purana, Bhavishya Purana, Nilamata Purana; Shri Kamakshi Vilasa Dwadasha Divya Sahasranaama: a) Devi Chaturvidha Sahasra naama: Lakshmi, Lalitha, Saraswati, Gayatri; b) Chaturvidha Shiva Sahasra naama-Linga-Shiva-Brahma Puranas and Maha Bhagavata; c) Trividha Vishnu and Yugala Radha-Krishna Sahasra naama-Padma-Skanda-Maha Bharata and Narada Purana. Stotra Kavacha- A Shield of Prayers Purana Saaraamsha; Select Stories from Puranas Essence of Dharma Sindhu Essence of Shiva Sahasra Lingarchana Essence of Paraashara Smtiti Essence of Pradhana Tirtha Mahima Dharma Bindu Essence of Upanishads : Brihadaranyaka , Katha, Tittiriya, Isha, Svetashwara of Yajur Veda- Chhandogya and Kena of Saama Veda-Atreya and Kausheetaki of Rig Veda-Mundaka, Mandukya and Prashna of Atharva Veda ; Also ‘Upanishad Saaraamsa’ (Quintessence of Upanishads) Essence of Virat Parva of Maha Bharata Essence of Bharat Yatra Smriti Essence of Brahma Sutras Essence of Sankhya Parijnaana- Also Essence of Knowledge of Numbers Essence of Narada Charitra; Essence Neeti Chandrika Essence of Hindu Festivals and Austerities Essence of Manu Smriti*------------------- Quintessence of Manu Smriti* Essence of Paramartha Saara* Note: All the above Scriptures already released on www. Kamakoti. Org/news as also on Google by the respective references. The one with * is under process] 2 PREFACE (Pratyaksham Devata Suryo Jagatchhaykshu Divakarah, tasmaad abhayadhikaraachid Devata naasti shaashvati/ Yasmaadidam jagajjaatam layam yaasyati yatra cha/(Bhagavan Suryanarayana is the readily available vision to the eyes in the whole Universe beyond whom could be no other Deity; the entire ‘Jagat’ has emerged and also terminated only by him.) Praktyashya Bhaskara Darshana is indeed a boon to ‘charaachara Jagat’ as well as a standing and ready reminder to us human beings to sincerely observe the established priniciples of Dharma-Nyaya- and Karma expected of us without expecting results! Even Bhaskara Deva performs His duties! Who commands Him to do so! Only Pratyaksha Bhaskara Himself has to explain! The more a limited human mind about Pratyaksha Bhasara introspects, the deeper one gets unclear and hazy about this eternal phenomenon! Prima facie, descriptions of Puranas appear to have succeeded in explaining the ‘ifs and buts’ and the peripherals ; Upanishads seem to defy intensive definition and Vedas too -on the face of it- have reached the semblances of precision about what is Readily Seen yet Unknown! Perhaps only Jnaanis like Maharshis and Devas with access to ‘nirukta’or the ‘gupta jnaana’ possess the Unknown and Undefined. As the vortex like guess work continues for ever; one is reminded of the analogy the proverbial elephant and the blind! As the topic of a Script on Pratyakshara Bhaskara was mooted to HH Vijayendra Saraswati of Kanchi Mutt, he remarked spontaneously : ‘that is all about Jnaana’, sounding whether ‘Ajnanis’ could hardly fathom ‘Jnaana’! But the everhelpful Swami guided me about three Sources of a) Puranas b) Upanishads and c) Vedas and encouraged me to attempt a Script as He always encourages a student but with a smile! ; He infused interest in me, as though that human perseverance ought to be tried even in the face of utter bewilderment! His suggestions were drops of ‘amrit’ that enabled my struggle to sketch this Script in pooling my best thoughts and efforts so as to possibly get me a pass mark! Some oft remembered concepts have been referred to like Mantra Pushpa and Sandhya Vandana etc. vide ‘Aruna Prashna’ in Taittireeya Aranyaka - besides several other facts in the rest of Upanishads ; Ratha Saptami, Planetary System, Eclipses’ etc in Puranas; and Aditya Hridaya and Surya Namaskaaras from 'Other Sources' . A detailed Surya Shataka in sanskrit by Mayura Pandita- contemporary to Kalidasa too as translated into English is annexed. This indeed is the outcome as the Essence of Pratyakshara Bhaskara which is dedicated and placed at the lotus feet of Maha Swami Paramacharya. V.D.N.Rao Chennai 3 CONTENTS Introduction: Page 4 Part I: References of Puranas ( P. 5-71 : alphabetical order) Bhagavata: Shishumaara planetary system- Bhavishya: Ratha Saptami- Brahma: Dwadashaadityas- Brahma: Suryaaraadhana, Suryoshtottara- Brahma Vaivarta: Surya restores Yagjnyavalkya’s memory- Devi Bhagavata: Planetary System- Linga Purana: Suryopasana Vidhi in detail- Markandeya Purana: Surya Deva-Vedic Origin, Physical Birth, Wedding and Progeny; Matsya Purana: Kashyapa and Aditi gave birth to Vivaswaan Surya, whose wives were Sangjna,Raagjni and Prabha. Surya-Chandra Gati Varnana: Some interesting facts about His self- pradakshina, through tri lokas, nakshatra mandali- Narada Purana &Dharma Sindhu: Graha Kaalamaana and Eclipses-Padma Purana: Highlights of Surya Vamsha; Surya Purana: Surya Ratha Varnana; security to Surya Deva Radha; Surya’s features as per Rithus or Seasons- Shri Krishna’s son Samba’s leprosy due to curses and Surya Deva reverses- Varaha Purana: Jnana Shakti of the Supreme Energy but a token sign of Surya’s luminosity and heat! Vishnu Purana : Suryodaya and Suryastama are mere concepts since he is constant and stable. Part II: References from Upanishads ( P. 72- 143 ; alphabetical order) Aaitareeya- Brihadaranyaka- Chhandogya-Isha- Katha-Kaushitaki-Kena- Maitreyi-Narayana- Surya- Svetaashwara- Taittiriya Brahmana-Taittireya Aranyaka: Aruna Prashna highlighting Gayatri Mantra and Mantra Pushpa Part III: References from Vedas ( P. 144- 187) Rig Veda- Shukla Yajur Veda- Krisha Yajur Veda- Saama Veda- Atharva Veda Part IV: Other References : (P. 188- 196) a) Aditya Hridaya b)Surya Namaskaras c) Maha Soura Sukta d) Dwaadasha Aryaachhanda Stuti ANNEXTURE : Surya Shataka by Mayura Pandita of Kalidasa’s time (P. 197-222) QUINTESSENCE / SYNOPSIS OF ESSENCE OF PRATYAKSHA BHASKARA ( P 223-235) 4 ESSENCE OF PRATYAKSHA BHASKARA Adideva namastubhyam praseeda mama Bhaskara Divaakara namastubham Prabhakara namostute, Sapaswarathamaarudham Prachandam Kashyapaatmajam shvetapadmadharam Devam tam Suryam pranamaamamyham/ Lohitam rathamaarudham sarva loka pitaamaham, mahaa paapaharam Devam tam Suryam pranammmyaham/ Traigunyam cha mahaashuram Brahma Vishnu Maheshwaram,Mahaa paapaharam Devam tam Suryam pranamaamyaham/ Brumhitam tejah punjam cha Vaayum aakaasha - meva cha, Prabhum cha sarva lokaanaam tam Suryam pranamaamyaham/ Bandhuka pushpa sankaasham haara kundala bhushitam, ekachakradharam Devamam Suryam pranamaamyaham/ Tam Suryam jagatraaram mahatejah pradipanam, maha paapa haram Devam tam Suryam pranamaa mya - ham/ Tam Suryam jagataa naatham jnaana vigjnaanamokshadam, maha paapaharam Devam tam Suryam pranamaamyaham/ Suryaashtakam pathennityam graha peedaan pranaashanam, aputro labhate putram daridro dhanavaan bhavet/ Aaryaah sapta sadaa yastu saptamyaa saptadhaa japet, tasya gehamcha deham cha padamaa Satyam aunchati/ Nidhiresha daridraanaam roginaam paramoushadham, siddhi sakala karyaanaam gaayeyam samsmritaa Raveh// (Suryaashtakam) Introduction: Pratyaksha Bhaskara is glorified by Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and innumerable other Sources. Following are a few excerpts from Puranas, Upanishadas and Vedas to signify that magnificenceof Surya eva as there are countless adulations to whom one visions, feels, and notices daily as the distant one on Akasha but too near in one’s ‘daharaakaasha’ of the Antaratma or the Inner Conscience! He is the Singular Vyakta Deva yet Shaaswatam Vishnum Anantam Ajam Avyayam or Everlasting , All pervading, Limitless, Self Born and Beyond Comprehension! Be that as it may, one stands and stares the only magnificence right above, the Singular Bhagavan that none could ever miss, but might ignore casually. Thus He is there always - one may not deeply think of Him but ignore Him either; indeed He is the everlasting Entity evoking the Singular Feeling of the eternal Truth of Existence. One sees Him unless blind; one hears of Him sometimes with rumbling of clouds on the sky unless one is deaf; one feels Him unless one has no touching sensation; one cannot eat food as there are no crops to be sustained without Him; one cannot think of Him unless one has no mind; one cannot exist as one cannot breathe; and finally one cannot exist without His existence! The cause and effect cycle is as everlasting as the Pratyakshara Bhaskara is eternal; like the food and water, mind , thought and prana might fly away from us the two way traffic of Beings, but as the Natural Gifts to them, He is omni present, omni scient and omni potent. The magnificence of Pratyaksha Bhaskara is neither escapable nor ignorable at any time or Season; yet , like the kaala maana or the Time Cycle, one’s age might wither and memory might dry up in the struggle for existence! But He is There Ever and Ever! 5 Part I: REFERENCES FROM PURANAS Bhagavata Purana Lokaaloka is the border beyond which are the three other Lokas, viz.Bhurloka, Bhuvarloka and Swarloka. On the top of Lokaloka, there are four Gajapaties controlling the
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