4Back Matter 7/1/10 11:41 AM Page 279 Copyrighted Material INDEX Incipits of Unpublished and Little-Known Texts “Alloi~ menv ejsti dw`ron oJ cruso;~ mevga, twelve-syllable verse wJ~ ejxhvrceto ajpo; th`~ qalavssh~, various prayers, exorcisms, epigram, 113 no. 7 etc., 192 no. 5 ΔAnatolikoi; me;n ou\n eijsi;n oiJ a[nemoi kaikia~,v ajphliwvth~ kai; Eij fusikw`~ oiJ praei`~, oiJ ojrgivloi, filovbioi, povrnoi, misoguvnaioi eu|ro~: oJ me;n ajpo; th`~ qerinh`~, anonymous treatise on the ori- kai; ejgkratei`~ oiJ eujmetavdotoi, anonymous erotapokriseis, gin and names of the winds, 152 no. 4 193 no. 16 ΔA n q r w p o v~ ti~ ajpodhmw`n ejkavlesen tou;~ ijdiou~v douvlou~ kai; “Ekqesi~ pistew~v ojrqodovxou peri; th`~ aJgia~v triavdo~ kai; peri; parevdwken aujtoi`~ ta; uJpavrconta aujtou` kai; oJ me;n e[dwken th`~ qeia~v ensaj vrkou oikonomij a~....v Pisteuvw ei~j e{na Qeon; pentev tavlanta. ΔApovkrisi~: ti~v oJ a[nqrwpo~ oJ cristov~ kai; pou` patevra pantokravtora, Germanos I, patriarch of Constan- ajpedhvmhsen: o{tan ajnelhvfqh, anonymous erotapokriseis on tinople, on the cult of icons and the seven ecumenical coun- the New Testament, 194 no. 24 cils, 152 no. 5 ΔAntidoto~v hJ pikra; wjfelei` ei~j pa`sa pononv , anonymous medical ΔEk tou` eJno;~ kai; tou` ajnqrwpinou,v to; pavqo~ kata; tou` ajpaqou`~ recipes, 195 no. 38 kathgovrhtai fuvsew~, scholion on Gregory of Nazianzos, De ΔA p o ; tou` ajdavm e{w~ tou` kataklusmou` eth[ bsmbЈ, anonymous pauperum amore, 243 no. 15 chronicle, 194 no. 27 ΔEn ajrch/ ` h\n oJ lovgo~ kai; oJ lovgo~ h\n pro;~ ton; Qeon; kai; Qeo;~ h\n “Ara ei~j poianv kovlasin ajpevrcwntai pavnte~: ei~j mianv kovlasin oJ lovgo~: oJ me;n Mwu>sh`~ peri; th`~ ktisew~v ton; lovgon poiouv - ajpevrcontai, anonymous text on the punishments of hell, meno~, Philotheos of Selymbria (?), Interpretation of John 1:1, 193 no. 12 263 no. 18 ΔArch; de; oi\on, peri; ajgriovskordon aon. To; ajgriovskordon, e[cei ΔEnenhvnta trei`~ basilei`~ rwmaioi` w{rhsan (!) th;n parou`san ou{tw~, anonymous vernacular treatise on the medical use of Kwnstantinouvpolin (!), anonymous vernacular chronicle, 194 herbs, vegetables, and parts of animals, 192 no. 3 no. 28 ΔArch; mevsh tevlo~ kai; suvsthma pavntwn tw`n shmadiwnv , anony- ΔEn touvtw/ tw/` zwdiwv / genovmeno~ oJ h{lio~ krith;~ ajdevkasto~ gine-v mous treatise on neumes, 161 no. 1 tai, pseudo-Hipparchos of Rhodes, On the twelve signs of ΔArcontwnv trufh; kai; mevqh tw`n ajrcomenwnv nauavgion, unpub- the zodiac, 193 no. 13 lished florilegium of philosophical texts, 152 no. 10 ΔEpi; etou~[ stfЈ a[rcetai hJ duvnami~ tw`n uiJw`n th`~ a[gar, Daniel ΔAssavria ta; noumiav levgetai: qermon; de; spevrmati, scholion on the Monk, Oracles concerning Constantinople, 194 no. 26 Gregory of Nazianzos, Oratio 14, De pauperum amore, 243 ΔEpistrafhvtw tw`n lovgwn blasfhmiav , twelve-syllable verse epi- no. 15 gram, 113 no. 7 Dei` eijdenaiv o{ti oJ Krono~v ejgennhvqh ajpo; th;n Nebrwvd: meta; ga;r ΔEristiko;~ dev ejsti oJ sullogismov~ oJ ejk fainomenwnv endoj vxwn mh; ton; kataklusmon; ejk th`~ fulh`~ tou` Shvm, various anonymous o[ntwn dev, kuriw~v endoj vxwn, Leo Magentinos, commentary on genealogies, 194 no. 29 Aristotle, Topica, 148 no. 4 Diavgnwsi~ peri; tw`n tessavrwn cumw`n tou` ajnqrwvpou: h[toi ai|ma: “Estin ou\n hJ provqesi~ th`~ prokeimenh~v wJ~ sunelontiv favnai ejk flevgma: colh;n xanqh;n kai; mevlaina, anonymous medical th`~ prwvth~ sunqevsew~ tw`n aJplw`n fwnw`n th`~ kata; to; kath- treatise, 194 no. 35 gorikon; eido~,\ Ammonius Philosophus, scholion on Aris- Diafwnein` tine;~ enoj vmisan tou;~ qeiou~v eujaggelista;~, Hesy- totle, De interpretatione, 147 no. 1 chios, presbyter of Jerusalem, Homilia de salvatoris nostri ΔEtumologiav ejstin hJ th`~ dunavmew~ ojrqovth~, ejx aujtou` tou` ojnov- resurrectione, 9 no. 13 mato~ ejrmhneuomenhv , anonymous treatise on etymology, 194 Dia; tiv triav schvmata eijsiv: diovti kai; trei`~ eijsin aiJ pragmatei`ai no. 32 pro;~ a}~ sumbavllontai: ajpodeiktikhv: dialektikhv: kai; sofi - ΔEtumologia.v ÔO mh;n, kata; to; o[noma th`~ selhvnh~ levgetai, ety- stikhv, Leo Magentinos, scholion on Aristotle, Analytica pri- mo logy of the words mhvn, cristov~, ihsouj `~, monogenhv~, and ora, bk. 1, 147 no. 2 qeov~, 9 no. 11 Dihghvsato hJmin` oJ ajbba`~ ÔHsai?a~ o{ti kaqezomenouv potev plhsionv Zh`lo~ ejsti;n hJ pro;~ dikaianv ojrgh;n zevsi~ tou` qumou` kai; e[kkau - tou` ajbba` Makariouv h\lqon pro;~ aujtou;~ eJpta; ajdelfoi;, anony- si~, scholion on Gregory of Nazianzos, De pauperum amore, mous narration on the monk Isaiah, 192 no. 9 243 no. 15 Ei\pen gevrwn: enj panti; e[rgw o{ mevllei~ poiein,` pavntote levge: ÔH dekavplhgo~ tw`n Aiguptij wn.v To; yhlafhton; skovto~: to; u{dwr eja;n ejpiskevyhtaiv me oJ Qeo;~ nu`n, unidentified monastic text, ei~j ai|ma, anonymous notes on the plagues of Egypt, and on 114 no. 10 the form and parts of the earth, 193 no. 18 Ei~j to; mevga o[noma tou` patro;~ kai; tou` uiJou` kai; tou` aJgiouv ÔHnikav ejstaurwvqh oJ cristo;~ h\n to; eto~[ ajpo; ktisew~v kovsmou pneuv mato~ ajmhvn: ”O~ ejkaqevzeton oJ a{gio~ Sumew;n ei~j cru- efldЈ, anonymous text on the years of the Crucifixion and sevon qrononv , anonymous interpretations of amulets, 195 the Nativity of Christ, 194 no. 33 no. 39 ΔIdou; kai; th`~ kefalh`~ th`~ iatrij a~v (!) tevcnh~ ei~j pononv kefalh`~, Ei~j to; o[noma tou` patro;~ kai; tou` uiouJ ` kai; tou` aJgiouv pneuv mato~: anonymous vernacular medical recipes, 192 no. 2 4Back Matter 7/1/10 11:41 AM Page 280 Copyrighted Material 280 Index of Incipits Kovrax ginetaiv para; to; karon; to; mevlan, anonymous text on the Panagia,v devspoina, qeotovke, hJ ejlpi~v pavntwn tw`n peravtwn th`~ etymology of several words, 152 no. 12 gh`~ ajpodiwxonv ajpΔ ejmou` tou` talaipwvrou. , anonymous pen- Kuvrie ajgaqhvn moi th;n hJmevran dwvrhsai. , anonymous peni- itential prayer, 169 no. 15.4 tential prayer, 169 no. 15.5 Pa`sin toi`~ qevlousin endiaj vgwn toi`~ aujtw`n uJgeia~v , testament of Kuvrie dwvrhsaiv moi klauqmon; dihnekh`, anonymous penitential Galen, Hippokrates, and Meletios, 192 no. 1 prayer, 169 no. 15.8 Peri; Plavtwno~ tou` e{llhno~ enj toi`~ tw`n patevrwn fevretai dih - Kuvrie oJ ajnoivxa~ ojfqalmou;~ tuflw`n, a[noixon tou;~ ojfqalmou;~ ghvmasin, anonymous treatise on the philosopher Plato, 152 th`~ dianoia~v mou, anonymous penitential prayer, 169 no. 15.2 no. 11 Kuvrie oJ Qeo;~ hJmw`n oJ diΔ ajgaqovthta plavsa~ ton; a[nqrwpon..., Petro~v oJ ajpo; ΔAntiocevwn qemeliwvsa~ th;n ejkklhsianv ei~j th;n anonymous penitential prayer, 169 no. 15.9 Rwmaiwnv , excerpts from theological treatises, 152 no. 9 Kuvrie rJu`sai me ajpo; qumou` kai; ojxucolia~...v , anonymous pen- Povqen ejpiginwvskein oJ a[nqrwpo~ o{ti o{lo~ ejbaptisqhv , anony- itential prayer, 169 no. 15.7 mous erotapokriseis and excerpts on theological topics, 192 Kuvrie su; ginwvskei~ o{ti hjgavphsav se o{lh/ mou th/ ` yuch/`, anony- no. 8 mous penitential prayer, 169 no. 15.10 Povte e[plasen oJ qeo;~ ton; ΔAdavm: ΔApokrisi~ Martiwv / keЈ: hJmevra Mavrko~ dΔ oJ pavnu deuvtero~ qehgovro~, Philotheos of Selymbria stЈ, anonymous erotapokriseis on the Old and New Testa- (?),verses for Mark, 261 no. 2 ments, 193 no. 22 Matqai`e paneuvfhme eu[lalon stovma, versified invocation to Provblhma protavsew~ diafevrei tw`/ trovpw/: eij me;n ei[poi~ povteron Matthew, 3 no. 2 hJ yuch; nohth; h] ou[, provblhma levgetai, Joseph the Philoso- Matqaio~` ejxevfhne: savrkwsin qeianv , verse for Matthew, 199 pher (Rhakendytes?), scholion on Aristotle, Topica, 148 no. 4 no. 4 Pro~ ejx eJkavstou uiouJ ` tou` Nw`e euJrevqhsan kai; ejmoiravsqhsan. Mevcri me;n Sergiouv tou` eujsebou`~ patriavrcou Kwnstantinou - Shvm eijraioi` (!) Cavm Cananaioi,` ΔIavfeq xavnqoi, Epiphanios of povlew~, pseudo-John, patriarch of Jerusalem, unpublished Salamis, geographical excerpt, 194 no. 23 text on the Franks and Latins, 152 no. 8 Stauroi` Petronv kuvmbacon enj ÔRwvmh Nevrwn, Michael Psellos, Mevga~ [...ij]atro;~ kai; zwgravfo~, verses for Luke, 3 no. 7 poem 90, 152 no. 13 Mevlo~ stichra; mousikh`~ tevcnh~ pevlon a[sw kaqΔ eiJrmon; ojktahv - Stauro;~ monacoi`~, kata; daimonwnv dovru, twelve-syllable verse cw tou` etou~[ , anonymous verses on the sticherarion, 176 no. 3 epigram, 113 no. 7 Mh; pavnta a[nqrwpon eisaj vgage ei~j ton; oikon\ sou, florilegium Suvnqesi~ levgetai hJ katavfasi~ wJ~ sunteqei`sa, scholion on Ar- with passages from Sirach, Neilos, Evagrios Pontikos, and istotle, De interpretatione, 147 no. 1 Dorotheos of Gaza, 192 no. 6 Tevrma tw`n lovgwn Mavrkou tou` qeofqovggou, verse for Mark, 199 Mnhvsqhti tw`n enj pisteiv kai; enj sfragidiv th/` sh/` koimhqentwnv no. 7 patevrwn, funeral kanon for women, 218 no. 7 Th/` prw`th/ th`~ indij ktouv hJ basileiav tou` ΔIsmahvl oJ boulovmeno~ ÔO Qeo;~ tw`n dunavmewn <oJ> iwj vmeno~ pa`san novson, kai; pa`san Mwavmeq, Leo VI, oracle, 194 no. 25 malakianv enj tw`/ law`/, anonymous penitential prayer, 169 no. Tiv ejsti to; ejskhvnwsen enj hJmin:` toutevstin oJ qeo;~ lovgo~ ejsar - 15.3 kwvqh, scholion on the Gospel of John, 211 no. 19 OiJ enj sarki; suvskhnoi kai; sumpolitai` sou, funeral kanon for Tiv h\n to; xuvlon o{ti xuvlon h\n sukh`~, anonymous erotapokriseis monks, 218 no. 4 on theological topics, 193 no. 19 OiJ tav toiau`ta boulovmenoi leptologein` ajnagkavzontai ei~j ia-j To; qumiathvrion to; crusou`n, th;n stavmnon, th;n ravbdon, th;n lu - trikav~ tina~ kai; sunousiastika;~, anonymous text on the cnianv th;n faeinh;n, anonymous megalynarion, 81 no. 5 number of children, 193 no. 15 To;n pantepovpthn hJ tekou`sa parqeno~v , twelve-syllable verse, ÔO Matqaio~` a[nqrwpo~.
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