MATING TYPE MUTATIONS IN VARIETY 1 OF PARARIECIULI AURELIA, AND THEIR BEARING UPON THE PROBLEM OF MATING TYPE DETERPtIINATIONl HENRY M. BUTZEL, JR.* Department oj Zoology, Indiana University, Bloonzinglon, Indiana Received August 16, 1954 HE discovery of complementary mating types in Paramecium aurelia (SONNE- T~~~~1937), together with the later finding that the complementary mating types are hereditarily diverse but genically identical (SONNEBORN1942), raised a fundamental problem in the genetics of this organism: how do genically identical cells become hereditarily diverse mating types? The general rule of genic identity is shown by all but two of the nearly 200 stocks in SONNEBORN'Scollection; an entirely homozygous clone can give rise to both mat- ing types following autogamy. Stocks of this sort are called two-type stocks. The two exceptions show that the genic constitution can play a role in control of mating type. Here we deal with one of these two exceptions, stock P of variety 1, which is pure for mating type I and never yields the complementary type 11. Stocks of this sort are called one-type stocks. By suitable crosses SONNEBORN(1939) has shown that the difference between the one-type condition and the more frequent two-type condition is due to genes at a single locus. A dominant allele, +mtr, determines the two-type condition, and its re- cessive allele, mtI, the one-type condition. Stocks homozygous for mtI are therefore genetically incapable of producing mating type 11. This paper deals with the analysis of two mutant stocks incapable of producing mating type 11, and with the analysis of a genetic character responsible for an al- tered frequency of the two alternative mating types in stocks genetically capable of producing either mating type I or 11. As will be made clear, the two mutant stocks pure for mating type I contain genes apparently similar to that in stock P, while the genetic character responsible for the altered frequency of mating type deter- mination is probably not allelic to the mtr locus. Following the presentation of the data, an hypothesis dealing with mating type determination and development will be presented. METHODS AND MATERIALS The methods used throughout this work, with one exception to be described, fol- low those set forth by SONNEBORN(1950). 1 Contribution No. 556 from the Department of Zoology, Indiana University. Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Zoology, Indiana University. This investigation was supported in part by grants to DR. T. M. SONNEBORNfrom the Rockefeller Foundation and from the American Cancer Society upon recommendation of the Committee on Growth of the National Research Coun- cil. * The author was a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow during 1952-53, and a Cra- mer Fellow during 1948-49. Present address: Department of Biology, Union College, Schenectady 8, New York. 322 HENRY M. BUTZEL, JR. Stocks P and 90 of variety 1 served as the normal stocks in these experiments. Stock P, as has already been mentioned, is pure for mtr, while stock 90 of this variety is a normal two-type stock, giving rise to clones of mating type I and I1 following nuclear reorganization. Both mutant stocks arose from stock 90. One stock, now designated as stock d-11, was obtained by NANNEY(personal communication) by exposing a single line of descent to heat shock during three successive nuclear reorganizations. At each reor- ganization macronuclear regeneration (SONNEBORN1940) occurred. Following the third reorganization a single isolated individual, the first to be studied in this line of descent, gave rise to culture d-11 which has remained pure for mating type I for three years. The second mutant stock, designated as stock d-40, arose as follows: a single animal from a type I1 clone was irradiated under a General Electric Germicidal Lamp (dosage equalled 1100 in approximately 0.10 mm. depth of stand- ard bacterized culture fluid contained in a pyrex depression slide. Irradiation was carried out in a dark room with a yellow bulb furnishing the only source of extrane- ous light. Since the experiments were designed to obtain mutants no attempt was made to avoid the possible further actions of various components in the medium by reisolating the irradiated cell into fresh medium. Following irradiation the slide depression was merely filled with 1 cc of standard bacterized culture fluid and then placed in a metal moist chamber and kept in the dark for 24 hours at 27°C. The single irradiated animal was allowed to give rise by fission to a small culture. A single animal isolated from this culture gave rise to another small culture in which conjugating pairs were observed and isolated. (This suggests that autogamy occurred during the development of this subculture and so yielded both mating types.) One product of the first fission of one exconjugant gave rise to stock d-40 which has remained pure for mating type I for over two years. RESULTS Evidence for the dependence of the one-type condition of stocks d-11 and d-40 upon a single recessive gene If the one-type condition in the two mutant stocks depends upon a single reces- sive gene in each, crosses of each stock to a two-type stock should yield the follow- ing: 1) the F1 should be capable of producing both mating types I and 11; 2) the backcross to the mutants should result in a 1:l ratio of one-type to two-type ex- conjugant pairs; 3) the backcross to the two-type parent should give no segregation; 4) the Fz by autogamy should segregate in a 1: 1 ratio of one-type to two-type clones; and 5) the FZ obtained by selfing the FI should result in a 3:l ratio of two-type to one-type exconjugant pairs. The data confirm the hypothesis that both the mutant stocks contain a single recessive gene restricting them to mating type I. Crosses of both mutant stocks to stock 90 resulted in an F1 showing the two-type condition. The backcross of Fl clones from the cross of stock d-11 X stock 90 to the mutant parent yielded 97 one- type and 85 two-type exconjugant pairs. Backcrossing the same F1 to stock 90 re- MATING TYPES IN PARAMECIUM 323 sulted in no segregation in the 30 pairs observed. Similarly, a backcross of stock d-40 X stock 90 F1 clones to stock d-40 yielded 60 one-type and 65 two-type ex- conjugant pairs, and no segregation was obtained in 30 backcross pairs with stock 90 used as one parent. In addition, Fz clones obtained by autogamy in the FI of the d-40 X 90 cross yielded a total of 132 one-type clones, and 140 two-type clones (183 clones failed to survive autogamy). Selfing in one F1 clone resulted in 92 two-type and 29 one-type exconjugant pairs. All these data are reasonably close to the expected ratios, and indicate that stocks d-11 and d-40 contain a single recessive gene restricting each of them to the one-type condition. Evidence for the allelism of the genes controlling the one-type trait in stocks P, d-11, and d-40 In order to determine whether the genetic basis of the one-type condition in the two mutant stocks was dependent upon the presence in each stock of an allele of mfz, stocks d-11 and d-40 were each crossed to stock 90 and an Fl obtained. The Fl from each was then crossed to stock P. If the mutant stocks contain an allele of the mtz gene a 1: 1 segregation of one-type to two-type progeny should be found, since this would be similar to a backcross. Such was the case for both stocks; the F1 of the d-11 X 90 cross when crossed to stock P yielded an FZof 35 one-type and 47 two- type exconjugant pairs, and the F1 of the d-40 X 90 cross yielded an FZconsisting of 74 one-type and 82 two-type exconjugant pairs after being crossed to stock P. At the same time the crosses to stock P were carried out, control backcrosses were made to prove the Fl was heterozygous at the mt locus (data given above). Again the segregation data indicate a 1:l ratio is found, and give evidence that both stocks d-11 and d-40 contain an allele of the mtz gene previously known in stock P. Evidence for the presence of a dominant modifying factor, InI, in stock d-40 Before discussing the further results of crosses of stock d-40 to stock 90, the usual method of scoring for mating type ratios must be described. First, however, the meaning of the term caryonide needs to be recalled. A caryonide is a group of cells containing macronuclei descended from the same ancestral macronucleus. Normally this means descent from one product of the first fission after autogamy or conjuga- tion, for products of the fertilization nucleus give rise independently to two new macronuclei that separate into different cells at the first fission. SONNEBORN(1937) and KIMBALL(1937) have shown that the members of a caryonide are nearly always identical in mating type, but that the two caryonides from a single fertilized cell are often different in mating type. Hence the usual method of scoring is to grow and test all caryonides separately. The modiiication of this procedure used in the present study, in order to examine larger numbers, was to forego isolation of caryonides, growing the two caryonides from each fertilized cell in one culture, a clone.
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