RESTRICTED ADP/W/42/Add.l GENERAL AGREEMENT ON 25 October 1982 TARIFFS AND TRADE Special Distribution *• See bound volume for :.:.^ Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices for mÉàÊÙkat+d to this document. BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE OPERATION OF THE AGREEMENT Note by the Secretariat Addendum Attached' is the Summary of Anti-Dumping Actions taken within the period 1 July 1980-30 June 1981 and 1 July 1981-30 June 1982. The late submission of several semi-annual reports and the lack of more detailed information made impossible more comprehensive analysis of the developments in this field. However some preliminary conclusions can be drawn. 1. There has been some increase in the number of anti-dumping actions in 1981/1982 as compared with 1980/1981: (a) Initiations: 1980/1981 - 71 (7)1 1981/1982 - 156 (19) (b) Provisional measures: 1980/1981 - 39 (2) 1981/1982 - 41 (8) (c) Definite duties: 1980/1981 - 24 (-) 1981/1982 - 60 (6) (d) Price undertakings: 1980/1981 - 11 (1) 1981/1982 - 18 (1) 2. Actions J:aken by the three most active Parties (Canada, EEC and the United States ) in the anti-dumping field affect (at least in the quantitative sense) mainly other developed Parties. It does not seem that this conclusion would be modified if the analysis was completed by inclusion of cases which were dismissed or terminated by a negative finding in the course of an investigation. Number in brackets indicate actions affecting developing countries. 2 Australia has not been included in this analysis because insufficient information was available. ANNEX Summary of Anti-Dumping Actions Reporting Reporting Initiation Provisional measures Definite duties P-loe undertaking Outstanding* •o > country period No. Countrles3 Involved No.i Countrles3 Involved No. Countries-' involved No. Countries^lnvolved anti-dumping 01 C7 (Q TO 1 July 1980- 15 CA DD HU JP 9 CN PR IT KR 4 DE PR IT JP 1 JP 85 30 June 1981 CH DE (5) IN TW DD OB JP TW CN OB IT DB ro US 1 July 1981- 51 BE ft) PR 7) KR TV (2) 11 CA PR(2) JP(3) TW(2) AR CA(7) PI (2) JP(16) 1 TW n.a. 30 June 1982 CA(3) OB VE DE HU KR m AT(2) CS. , PR (If) SU Q. CL IT AU DD(2) OB TW Q. DE (7) JP 4) RO BE DE(3) IT (2) TO BR 1 July I9OO- 22 ES (2) PL TO 8 CA US(7) 5 US (5) 8 BR PL, , US n.a. 30 June 1981 A (2) HUI21 SE. , ES R0(2) CE2 c s JP{2) US(9) JP SE 1 July I98I- 39 AT CS(8) PLC») 7 !BR(1) PL(1) US(1) 5 CA(l) if CS(5) PL(3) TO" n.a. 30 June 1982 AV ES(2) R0(6) iC3(l) R0(3) US (H) HU(3) R0(3) BR (2) HU(5) us(7) JP US 1 July 1980- 29 BE PI LU SU 20 BRBE ES IT PL 15 BE ES NL SU 123 30 June 1981 BR OB(3) MY, , «g(7) LU su. DE OB PL US (8) CN PR NL(2) , DE(2. ). ™0B(2. .) NL us (7) DE (3) HK PL ES JP SO —•• - • Canada 1 July 198I- 61 BE (3) PI(2) JP(5) RO 23 CH 0B(2) JPC») 30(2) 8 IN KR SO US (2) - 159 30 June 1982 BR (2) PR (8) KR(3) SE CN HK MY U3(f) JP PL SU CH 0B(3) LU SO DE IN NL TO HK MY TW. , PI IT DS(8) IN NL US (5) PT ES (3) IT(8) PT(2) TO 1 1 July 1980- * 2 CH 2 CH 2 iCH Plnland 30 June 1981 DB DB IDE 1 July 1980-^ 1 IT Austria 30 June 1981 1 July 1981-5 2 KR Sweden 30 June 1982 TO ^-Calculated for each exporting country and each product (country x product). Calculated on a basis of products only, irrespective of the number of exporting countries, these numbers would be considerably lower. The actions taken Into acoount are only those reported in aooordanoe with the footnote to the standard form (ADP/3). ^Actions taken with respect to the Parties only. 'Countries or customs territories. The abbreviations used are those adopted by the ISO. AT-Austrla, AU-Australla, BE-Belglum, BH-Brazil, CA-Canada, «{«Switzerland, CL=Chlle, CN-Chlna, DD-Qerman.Dem.Rep., DB-Fed.Rep of Oermany, ES-Spaln, Pi-Finland, PR-France, OB-Unlted Kingdom, HK-Hong Kong, HU=Hungary, IH-Indla, IT=Italy, JP-Japan, KR-Korea, LU-Iuxembourg, MY-Malaysia, NL-Netherlands, PL-Poland, PT-Portugal, RO-Romanla, SE=3weden, 30-Slngapore, SU-USSR, TW=Taiwan, US-United States, TO-Yugoslavia. **No action has been reported for the period 1 July 1981-30 June 1982. 5NO aotion has been reported for the period 1 July 1980-30 June 1981. Note: The difference in the number of oases between this table and the table attached to L/5229 result mainly from the methods used In each calculation. The table in L/5229 Includes all cases reported in semi-annual reports for a given period. Irrespective of whether the reported aotion has indeed taken place within such a period. The above table includes only those aotions whioh were reported and effectively have taken place within the reporting period. Numbers in brackets lndloate the number of products subject to anti-dumping aotions. .
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