![Wake Forest College Alumni News [March 1952]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
WAK E FOREST COLL EG E ALUMNI NEWS. ~larch , 195_~-------------------------P-'ag:_e_T_w_o REUNION CLASSES COMMENCEMENT JUNE 1-2 The Ha lf-Ccntur) C lub, including 1902 a nd a ll earlier cia es. 1906 1912 1931 !9 42 1907 1927 1932 1950 1908 1933 Editor: EVGENE O LIVE, ' I 0 Publi,hed in Oclober, December. March. and J u ne b) Wa ke Fore)t Colle~e. Office of r ublic Rl!laliOn\ and Alumni ACII\Ille~. SPIRIT OF Ellrott Brantl} Earnshav. "'"' for fihy Wake Forest, N C year\ a gentle and win\ome incarnation of WAKE FOREST Sub!-cription Price. One Dollar a ) car the beM we mean b) '' the \Vale Fore~t >prnt" Other.-likc Royall. Poteat. and Gulley - were identified F ntcred a\ o,econd-.class matter at the P o~t Office at \\ake Forest, "rth the College for longer period, of time. but Elliott Earnshaw North Carolina. wa-. known to more (itudcnLo., than any of the ''old guard" because .Jdress all communications to ALUM'"I EW S, H a" e FoTPst, h1\ career included the more recent yea n. of larger cnrollmenh. A 'nrtll Caroliua. major function of his office wa\ the collection of money. Often there were in~tallmcnts and delinquencies. and ~omeum~ repudia· uon of ju\ t obligation\ by pen.on<. who were \Uppoo,ed to pay. ALUMN I ASSOC IA TIO OFFICERS But no one is known to have claimed unfair or even unkind treat­ ment at the hand\ of the warm-hearted Bur\ar. Compassion for Pr~sid•nt-Addison Hewlett, Jr '33 \Vilmington ,..lfst J ' ic~-Prtsidtnt- D r. Vernon Taylor, Jr. ' 36 .. Elkin \tudent\ undergoing financial ~train led him to generous leniency Srocond J ' ic~·Prtside111-Egben L. O av i ~. Jr. ' 33 \Vin)ton-Salem frequently and \Omctimec; to per,onal ~acrifice in providmg aid. It lmmtdiau Past President-Henry Liles, '32 Green'iiboro '' doubtful, however, that his high percentage record for collecting accounb ha~ been ~urpa\\ed by \imilar officials in other in(ititutiono;, EX ECUTIVE COMMITTEE and n io; quite certain that he ha-. had no pee~ in the performance om rs named above and- of , uch function~ \\ith a minimum of friction. Many an alumnu~ H role \II Tribble, u officio \\ ake Fore<t ha'!. c;aid upon paying the last installment on an obligation made H Jb t E Oli ve '18, a ojjit-w ... Lexmgton to the College. " In a way, I'm \Orry thb account is paid in full Judge (he te r R. Morris '25 I 1952 1 t urriwck Dr D R Pe n ' 16 ( 1952). Durham bec a u~e I'll mic,s gelling tho~e delightful Jette~ from Mr. Farnsha" Dr. J lll\en• Hel ms '24 (1951 ) Morganton upon receipt of paymenb." On file in hi -; office are hundreds of A. J. Hutchin 12 ( 195 3) ... Canton carbon copies of ~uch letters that were ~ent to former ~tuden t <;, ~ -\t lanta, Ga. J)can P.1 :kn '} )_; t bearing almo(it always "'Ome personal item <> or bits of humor. John Knott 3 ( 1954) Charlotte was Jamc' ~!a-on '38 ( 19 54) Laurinburg Special note taken of bereavement or other trying circum· Dr I K. SaunJer-. ( 19541 Richmond, Va. stances, revealing a genuine interest in all that concerned the t\ \ ate., Oo\\C!I. ( 1 95.'i) \Va,hi ngton, D. C. fi, es of all members of the Wake Fore;t family . In his office he Dr. He:.th D B11mgardne r 1955) Phrladel phia, Pa. \\·:t, the ~ oul of ~ympathetic underManding always. A~~ociates have Fu~cnc Olive '10 Secretary Woke Forest heard him \BY more than once, "It '' our aim to conduct this office in a ma nner that will cau-.e e'ery pen~on who enters it for any reas on to feel more kindly upon leaving it toward the College, even though we may not be able alway~ to comply with hi~ wi\hes.'' He I N T HIS ISSUE had a pa.,~ ion for friend\hip that was never in conflict with his Photo' of f B Earn<haw and Worth Copela nd devotion to efficiency. A(i bu ~ ine s ~ manager of a complicated and growing enterprio.,e involving studenb, employees, faculty, trustees. Reunion Cla\·.c\, Editoriah and the public, he wa~ the o,ame courteous Chri~tian gentleman F ir~! Building Contract Le t always. A devoted hu~band , loyal church member, good citizen, Au!..erm11n Joim. ·'\dmino., itrati ve Starr, By H. W Tribble. 4 and friend of thou•mnd<> for a long and significant period in the 1952 Summer Sc~-. i on. By J a~ per L. le mory 4 life of Wake Fore;t College. the spirit of Elliott Earn;haw will Howard M. l'hrllip>. Dean of Emory Graduate School 5 contmue to live and move on the campus of his alma mater through rhe W;tt l.. ms Family 6 the generation-,. G ilbert 1 tephcn,on Jo rns Lav. School Faculty Among the Al umni 9 Ph1 laddph ia-Atl antic C it y-Trenton Alumni 12 COPELAND Succeeding Mr. Earnshaw in the Bur\ar\ of· College Cho ir's Spring ltmcrary 14 fice ;, Worth Copeland, B.A .. '39, M.A. '41, Lawyer Alumni Organize 15 NEW BURSAR who has been A-.o;istant Bursar since I 946. Dealing with th t: Dcac-., 8) Tom BaM, Jr .. 15 othing could be more appropriate than the trustee action m3ling hi\ elevation official. \Veil qualified by training and per\Onality for Alumm G1vmg 1n 195 I 18 the paM, he is already experienced and efficient in every detail of Future Wake Fore~ t e r<'l IQ the office\ functtons. Copeland is a native of Ahoskie. served Jnformauon About Former \V F. C. Student'i 20 three yean. as an instructor in mathematics at \ u.,_e Forest, and Faculty Statement About E B. Earn~haw 24 hHd almo~t four yearo; of activity during World War II in the First Contract Le t February 28 A meeting of the Planning and Building Committee of the College was held Febru­ ary :!8 for considering bids on the combina­ tion chapel-church-classroom building sub­ FUTURE mitted by 14 contractors of wide experience and r~oute. Lowest bidder was George W. Kane, Greensboro, who erected all build­ MAIN ENTRANCE ings constructed in recent years on the campus at Wake Forest. The bid for a turn­ t 0 key job was S 1,43 7 ,562, a figure S30,000 below the next lowest bid and close to a half million less than the highest at WAKE FOREST 1,903,124. Committee members were pleased at the COLLEGE bids of so many able firms and feel that a satisfactory contract bas been agreed· upon Equally, if not more important, is the fact that three contractors made a joint proposal which drew forth the following resolution: "Whereas the firms of Fowler-Jones Con­ struction Company of Winston-Salem, Frank L. Blum and Company of Winston­ Salem, and George W. Kane of Greensboro have jointly submitted a very attractive pro­ posal, in writing, for the construction of the principal buildings on the new campus of Wake Forest College at Reynolda, N. C.; "Be it resolved that the planning and building committee looks with favor upon the said joint proposal submitted by Fowler­ Jones Construction Company, Frank L. Blum and Company and George W. Kane for the construction of the principal buildings on the oew campus at Reyoolda, N. C. "Be it further resolved that a special com­ mittee be appointed to negotiate with said contractors in an effort to work out satis­ factory terms of a contract in accordance with said proposal, and to report back to the planning and building committee." Members of the planning and building Hubert Olive of Lexington, Eugene Olive Since the contract letting, a special com­ committee in attendance were 0. M. Mull of Wake Forest and President Tribble of mittee has conferred with Washington of Shelby, Chairman, Worth Copeland of \\fake Forest. authorities in an effon to expedite the re­ WaLe Forest College, Secretary, and E. L. Others present at the meeting were Harry lease of ~teel needed in this construction Davis of Winston-Salem, William Conrad of Parker of Winston-Salem, secretary of the program. Encouragement was received and Winston-Salem, Walter Williams of Burling­ architect's committee. Louis Bouvier of hopes are bright for the beginning, at inter­ ton, A. J. Hutchins of Canton, Charles Winston-Salem, consulting engineer. J. F. vals of about 60 da)'s. other buildings essen­ Babcock of Winston-Salem, Basil Watkins Larson and iles Larson of Reynolds, archi­ tial for the removal of the College to its of Durham, Grover Jones of High Point, tects. new home. Navy. His interest in and loyalty to Wake Forest are unsurpassed, MEMORIAL rn addition to adopting appropriate resolutions dating all the way back to his freshman days. The college is upon the passing of Jllr. Earnshaw (page 24). fortunate in having so capable and so devoted a son to occupy EARNSHAW the Wake Forest Faculty voted heartil)' to create this important position. And Worth Copeland is pleased to have a special committee to consider some fitting form of a permanent in the position she bas filled for many years, Mrs. E. B. Earnshaw memorial to him "bich might be approved and supported by as secretary to the Bursar. Other efficient helpers of several years' faculty, students. trustees~ alumni, and other friends. Information experience each are Assistant Bursar J.
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