20740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE September 20, 2005 S. 1340 extends that provision until then, accomplished great things in the fields tleman from Texas (Mr. AL GREEN) 2016, and this legislation is supported of science, technology, aeronautics, and each will control 20 minutes. by the Bush administration, a host of aerospace exploration; The Chair recognizes the gentleman conservation groups, including Ducks Whereas women have worked since the from California (Mr. CALVERT). 1960’s for the right to play a vital role in GENERAL LEAVE Unlimited, the Congressional Sports- NASA’s missions in outer space; man Foundation, and the International Whereas after more than twenty years of Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask Association of Fish and Wildlife Agen- waiting, the first American woman, Sally unanimous consent that all Members cies. Ride, flew in outer space in 1983 aboard the may have 5 legislative days within Mr. Speaker, I urge a yea vote so Space Shuttle Challenger; which to revise and extend their re- that we can send this conservation Whereas in 1984, Kathryn Sullivan became marks and include extraneous material measure to the President. the first American woman to perform a space on H. Res 450, the resolution under con- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of walk aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger sideration. during mission STS–41; my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Whereas in 1986, Christa McAuliffe, who objection to the request of the gen- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield was to be the first teacher and civilian in myself such time as I may consume. space after being selected from 11,000 appli- tleman from California? Mr. Speaker, the purpose of S. 1340 is cants, and Mission Specialist Judith There was no objection. to extend for 10 years the authorization Resnick, were killed aboard the space shut- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I yield to use surplus funds in the Pittman- tle Challenger just 73 seconds after lift-off myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, I want to commend the Robertson wildlife restoration account during mission STS–51L; gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. to support wetlands restoration Whereas in 1992, Mae Jemison became the first African-American woman to fly in outer MALONEY) for her insight into the con- projects, coordinated under the North space aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor tributions of women in the NASA com- American Wetlands Conservation Act. during mission STS–47; munity and to the success of our Na- The accrued interest generated by Whereas Shannon Lucid previously held tion’s civil space program. funds deposited in the Pittman-Robert- the United States record for the amount of House Resolution 450 goes a long way son account since 1989 has provided time spent living and working in space on a in recognizing the importance of single mission aboard the Russian Mir space- over $235 million to fund North Amer- women to our Nation’s civil space pro- ican wetlands conservation projects station for over 6 months in 1996; Whereas in 1999, Eileen Collins became the gram, from Commander Elaine Collins across the country. and Mission Specialist Wendy Law- This extension will ensure the con- first woman to command a space mission when Space Shuttle Columbia deployed the rence of the Discovery mission, to the tinuation of this valuable conservation Chandra X-Ray Observatory; other 40 women who have served in funding source, and will be important Whereas in 2003, Mission Specialists NASA’s Astronaut Corps. to our future efforts to restore pro- Kalpana Chawla and Laurel Clark were To all of the women who offer ground tected wetland habitats in the region killed aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on support for the launches, these women devastated by Hurricane Katrina. reentry during mission STS–107; in the sciences, our Nation offers a re- I urge Members to support this wor- Whereas we celebrate America’s Return to Flight with Space Shuttle Discovery’s STS– sounding thanks. thy legislation. Not all of those women are often in Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance 114 mission, which Eileen Collins com- manded and on which Wendy Lawrence the spotlight, but they still serve as in- of my time. served as Mission Specialist; and spiring role models for all our daugh- Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I yield back Whereas great strides have been made in ters. What better way to have our chil- the balance of my time. the Space Shuttle and International Space dren think they can be whatever they The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Station era to increase the number and aspire to be than to have everyone LAHOOD). The question is on the mo- prominence of women serving in the NASA share the opportunity to get a bite of tion offered by the gentleman from Ar- Astronaut Corp, thereby giving us hope for the apple of success. izona (Mr. RENZI) that the House sus- the future of American women in space, in- In order for the United States to re- pend the rules and pass the Senate bill, cluding Ellen Baker, Yvonne Cagle, Tracy Caldwell, Kalpana Chawla, Laurel B. Clark, tain its global competitive edge, we S. 1340. Mary Cleave, Catherine Coleman, Eileen Col- need the contributions from all of our The question was taken; and (two- lins, Nancy J. Currie, Jan Davis, Bonnie citizens. Since all advanced societies thirds having voted in favor thereof) Dunbar, Anna Fisher, Linda Godwin, Susan now depend on technology for their the rules were suspended and the Sen- J. Helms, Joan Higginbotham, Kathryn Hire, economic might, the new measure of ate bill was passed. Marsha Ivins, Mae C. Jemison, Tamara E. that might are those graduates with A motion to reconsider was laid on Jernigan, Janet Kavandi, Susan L. Kilrain, degrees in science and engineering. the table. Wendy Lawrence, Shannon Lucid, Sandra The United States is slipping in this Magnus, Megan McArthur, Pamela Melroy, f Barbara Morgan, Lisa Nowak, Karen Nyberg, category. We are producing a shrinking RECOGNIZING SPACE SHUTTLE Ellen Ochoa, Judith A. Resnik, Sally K. share of the world’s technological tal- COMMANDER EILEEN COLLINS, Ride, Patricia C. Hilliard Robertson, Mar- ent. China and India are the newest MISSION SPECIALIST WENDY garet Rhea Seddon, Heidemarie Sefanyshyn- and strongest competitors. The last LAWRENCE, AND THE CONTRIBU- Piper, Nicole Scott, Kathryn C. Thornton, time the U.S. graduated more engineer- Janice Voss, Mary E. Weber, Peggy Whitson, ing and scientific Ph.D.s than Europe TIONS OF ALL OTHER WOMEN Sunita Williams, and Stephanie Wilson: Now, WHO HAVE WORKED WITH NASA and three times as many as Asia was in therefore, be it 1975. Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I move Resolved, That the House of Representa- These trends have reversed so now to suspend the rules and agree to the tives— the European Union graduates about 50 resolution (H. Res 450) recognizing (1) recognizes Space Shuttle Commander percent more Ph.D.s than the United Space Shuttle Commander Eileen Col- Eileen Collins, Mission Specialist Wendy Lawrence, and the contributions of all other States, and Asia is slightly ahead of lins, Mission Specialist Wendy Law- women who have worked with the National the United States. rence, and the contributions of all Aeronautics and Space Administration fol- At the current rate, China will prob- other women who have worked with lowing the successful mission of the Space ably overtake us by 2010. They have al- NASA following the successful mission Shuttle Discovery on STS–114; and ready produced nearly as many engi- of Space Shuttle Discovery on STS–114, (2) celebrates the many achievements of neering graduates in a month as we do as amended. women in the National Aeronautics and in a year. Outstanding role models in- The Clerk read as follows: Space Administration and congratulates spire our young ladies to pursue a life Commander Collins and the rest of her crew. H. RES. 450 of study and work in science and engi- Whereas the National Aeronautics and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- neering. Space Administration was created in 1958 ant to the rule, the gentleman from Seeing these women doing exciting under President Eisenhower and has, since California (Mr. CALVERT) and the gen- important jobs in our space program is VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:30 Feb 28, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK15\NO-SSN\BR20SE05.DAT BR20SE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 20741 the best way that I know to encourage were staggering blows to our country. Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I thank our children to do the same. But I know that our space program will the gentleman for yielding me this Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank rebound from these disasters, as it al- time. I rise in favor of House Resolu- again the gentlewoman from New York ways has, with a new sense of purpose, tion 450, recognizing Shuttle Com- (Mrs. MALONEY) for her thoughtful leg- stronger and more determined than mander Eileen Collins and Mission Spe- islation. I plan to support this impor- ever. cialist Wendy Lawrence, who are an in- tant legislation when it comes to a I also know that as we rebuild, Amer- spiration to women everywhere. They vote and encourage all Members to do ican women will be leading the way, in- serve as role models to young women the same. spired by the sense of duty to our coun- and have succeeded in fields tradition- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of try and by the women who have come ally dominated by men. my time.
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