MORNING DECEMBER 20 1897 that tatywtl lo fairly envelop her tinaHo- liot iievwiH fiuncy to control nml Uoit- Uluid her An hour later Jiavlnjt spokcii ft l w- HEARTS BOWED nonb to lior lioKfcss Port nouglit out a quiet comer In the conservulory tuul Kit then tx Uiiir nnd wmtchlnc tho new ur- DOWN rlVslrf Tho wttrmlti of Uie rotn H- rtltlful after thu cold drive and the glri- lPMird iviek iiinong tho cUshkiiM with a- ense of quleit penco nwi vm plNisitr- nAftir all ht lv d beeji tiinklug iv frreal- By Weight ofWoe to Weakest fiuS about tiotKnjr sho would Iw very l ppy iwvd Philip wall slw woitlit tie Hopes Will Cling nWo to uct th graekitw ttehefnetrea and sec him famous and bo gla4l tl it tho roue- Isul dechled things Just ns ll had Bhe was Khut at to Imvo all s t iit u But whr cttoir to tli weak hopes when e r- tied Kind ot those few Ittamonts to ivst- talnty and safety l wlthlnyour reach Mnn- In Hy nnd by Sir Ocorgo would ciunu yons new School of MediJlao his Homeo and find her It was very pleusalvt heru- nathlo Horns niiMing theso tall Jeathrrypalws 1W- Keraedlrn re-¬ tho iiuititcal epbisli ut tho i ntatn lnick place darknes among the dim shadows and slia luid not with light sorrow rlept a wilnk nil night owing to Mint i wlthiUdntM vtiitiht wvrry tuul hiu ryvlkls tlrooiietl pain with peace she mado an effort to recover but It- dtttnts with wvnicd that the white t was proving health They are dow ti not within Mia reach her lids nml woultl bo rufuied- and every > mlxeil up iil- of all T en all ios the loio eck bed In ailghliiK at he and slowly ahaiighie Its America today ereaniy pi tali 10 a brilllnttt crimson Sla- may be rid ot its To All Pointsittthe ouihostit stareil oghast ind tried wonWy to rcnwT- occupant If tbo- ptrnie but thu roso only hiltuheil n d- peoplo will brush irotiston tn 8t t otils ind return AVMI m h jH down uliooH one ot ttu 4ew iirimseii taI firejudlce out ot To KatvaaiClly und return into her lap m It said Its no lis your nnd ac- ¬ To Hnnnloil and j tniE lliig and forgive my UtugliI i but cept the health nound trip tlekofs on salo Dccembei iMS I ktaew llwit 1 w as a ff l rc< o nil the time that is offered M and Kl all tickets limited for returnil and 1 kksw ihli wmy just to gniao you Thou- thirty days right this night And then tho red root- sandshnvedono r S Tor further Information ndlrcsa > r coi >d and kissed her ami sho bluslivd- dono so and they nnd mtirmurwk Oh Phlllpl gladly relate on Tt n COUtTNI3V ctiS their experience Reader It Ityourturnnaw- Passenger and Agent Now Philip HcrltHge a by tio means IMillllps Ticket ejj tho recreant lover that l >orH lanchxl hint Mr Krank U Ml Honmn- No 211 Main street Phoio No 70 was an y >utvg Btrect San Antttito Tex nays I silfi- lie enthusiastic lxilnter aixl fcred for four yeara with that terrlblo whim really Interested in a piece of woik Hheumatlsm wits apt to bo entirely oblivious of his sur-¬ disease I tried nearly ZW rounding every remedy that waa brought to my Mul lie wan yery honestly lit notice but nothing did me any good lovo with llorls though beliw a con- ¬ Munyona scientious as well level hemlcd young until I tried IMicumatlsm as Cure 1 am happy to tell you I feel let- ¬ Hum ho deemed that ho had no right to ter new than I over did In my life and bind a irlil w young until hti proveil Hut I liavo only used four bottles ot your 4io ocwihl keep her III comfort And when great romedv Illy mother was troubled on tho night beforv ho went away shoiads- with tho samo disease and nsu con- ¬ liuwii him that she cam lie had blessed stipation Your remedies have cured her IN liis stars but Qicil mniutully to his ileler- of both troubles I am dally praising ftJH niliiatdon mul genu off with a gay jivitlng your remedies to my friends word ltltlrt diivimliur whit th conso- Alonzo Crnwford J Commerce Street queiico of hts icHccncv wouM be- Dallas Tex says I havo laid Hheu- Onoo away bo grew afraid to wrtto matlpm for years 1 secntod sample bot- ¬ livery letter ho tried to pen seemed to tle of Munynnn Itheuinntlsin Cum 1 Route cry aloud Doris I lovo you I 1 lovo yon have taken two bottles > ind have had And so this stupid young nuili tore them jnoro relief thnu 1 have had for years or the up mul got dow4i to Ids work with a grim Munyon Itu u separate specific for each m determination Ho Jud Intended to get disease lor salo by druggists mostly J back lii a week or ten day mil he struck cents a bottle If In doubt writo to Prof- nueh a wealth ot color tint lie stayed on Munyon nt Philadelphia Pa and get medical and on painting away for dear lite and advlco frco North and Eastf mover thinking low Wslons slleneo would strikv Uio ltttto girl that ho was working tin for iAt last tho brilliant colors began to fade Memphis ehlll winter winds arose and Philip or St Louis m packed up his trails and went back lo in Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars town for New Years night Ttho same DrsBettsBetts uvcvilnjc ho wont to call an Doris and this is tho and Quick Line found tliit she liid gone ty tho musloule- 1M St CliarlM Street New Orlran Li- Short Tho hostess wms mi oTd irlemt to lio- l h lcUns ami Surgeons And ninivhod otT < o tho house iletermlnivl to- Hiirpriso l>orls Ho arrived < Mivy and af- ¬ Young middle ter a welcome pinned towanls the eon aged nnd old Hours are Saved er lory single By Purchasing Your Tickets to This Route was a girl nsleoti or married iff What he found there men mid all Who among the etishrons ot a divan a girl with I information apply lo Ticket AgeoU a lvilr- suffer with 1CST or further vr white aiflo In her of Connecting I Inev to tt tl lo softly behind and slooptil nd- MANHOOD Ner or stole 0U Debility Sper mlrhigly over Then a spirit of anneliU f- J C Lewis TiaiellngPassVAaenti it ho gently iiiiitotrhtu Homi selitKl him and drew the white ual lAseva ijexual Austin Te pfy rosii fiom her lvilr and reidneed it wih a Decay Falling led ono from his roil She stirred us ho Memory vv o n k II C TOWNSCND G I and T A ST LOUS did so niid one of tho red petals fell It her 7 Dyes Htunted De lap Then feur rhe llmt time ho noticed l of an- velopmeiit ack that kIio looked tired and worn and in lmi >ovcr- excent ot loving solicitude stooped itil- IshtfHlood Ilitiii IlKhtly us bIio lri fvd 4ier then drew buck Irs Hupedlmenti to Hushed and mullcied his name He waB Marring also Just nbcMit hi loiiHii her when the sound Syphilid him and Dm Is ntuit M- Htood mm Skin DIsniScS of oiees foroattO Kalllng Hoiio Pahis tJwol up with a silght excliiiualloii- tlons Hair nt M c J> very be- ¬ Bore Throat Ulcers Kffeots Tho drcun had bona renl and Uiuiliter Troubles Weak plnee I In < 11 she Kidney and llnnclicx of flower mIIH niiccIiiI hIriiIIIciiii it lime tnUeii lie of Vcir Yenrn fore ln hut utilto ivcovenvl slw Sr iraciirHiiniing Urine Incontinence Umij George ami his Ulster coming straight Ho ¬ orrhei oleet rttrluture receive reirch iig wards hor she Jialf ioso to meet them tieiument pioinnticllif and cure for lire when lo her nstoniliflimrlit Hlr Guorgo Hoth sexes treued cotitldeiitlally Wd P- I suddenly ilialtcd an1 with a foniutl licw FLOWERS TELL HER L0 E HER tiirmd uwuy tifdng his sister who pileV Iistula Klssarc Stricture nnd- seemed lo tie ou the verge ot leais with Itupturo uiired liy our now methods Bend chrytanthomunifa enough for a tall aeo- tor circular MIXED NEW YEAR ROSES lilmDors gured thorn with tlit uo t- fl- as much as 1 luivo a fslendly fculliM after ear iiroTcmiiil iistonlhhmnnt until her eye was S3 New No 3H St Cliarlts Street New oral Calendar in Place of the New for all jour family By Aqulla Kempbter caught by the red petal lying curled In hor Orleans La Tansies too mean Think of me but lap Hlin stinted ami gasped and her Year Call they are dcei cr Tbo heait iu uffllcllou It was the diy birforo New Youra VUUip and she rmd 1iowmj Ijilllptluii io oared hand went gropimgly to ber hair Hlin sends them to tho heart The had not for thrco weeks awl ami was prei ir l to l > lloolthit love wrs drew forth a rod ro e mid stnmt it It M i lereacd written lorl3 DRHSSOD thoughtful person them to the stu- better than fame for him is widl as for with wide upon eyes us her dream came THO PINBST FINISH In NHW OUliHANH ST IOI1IH KANSAS sends was vory angiy for while llKy weto not heir jlow well Iff Mi u fuil dlouH girl Tho tcntlmontal poot Ohoosia ami she had back tin her Turning she saw Philip C1TV MDMIMUH and points Kant of tho I0LETS ARE WISHES ncliully engaged Htlll there wax a kind that wuh all and she IuuhIhhI her jiaiiu tninlllig mllllig behind Intuitive-¬ SI 2a FORGOOD thom for tho woman who has suggested a- hetiuid MISSISSIPPI IllVKIt December and wf iiiideraluinlliig betfrcpn llietii imt tho lustily hciioss hot cyM to rlmr tlu iiiittH ly grasping the tiutli of Die dream IIks- 23 Hood thirty 30 dayB nt ONI3 KAItlS btenzrt to him They mean intellectual that proviiitml her J elng Hlr ticorges let- ¬ tulnfully I two the ¬ girl rrmcmbeiort that ht had butriyol- he enloied utthe And to Irficill Points In TI3XAS Deiomber thought and are tho ideal gift for u stu- ter nose Hiiddenly nho caught slight nl tbo of feelings nho into id- Ho mwled 21 2T aud 31 and January t Limit Jan- ¬ > anil dent You can not wish Happy New Year uioro her than litd by siylng llmt ho was Rolug while rose on hli eoit the whWo roje- tarnation loll of Deep r I < 1 uary 3 ONU mid ON13TIUUU liAUK li In any better wav- e l tho night before ho had gwo away ou- abroad unles sho him stay that he Willi Dm crliiisoin heart nt rilium Aiiiiruulnliiiu of Hospi- ¬ would nat i tln her t y nhklng f r un you get It
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