U.S. POSTAGE BULK RATE I™ PAID tfora-fS aopaoo PERMIT NO. 33 Port Washington* Wli Not t*£' be ^ffufCTrf" *y tbe with delivery to begin In January waukee or Kenosha plants.' technically as 'shocking* or mor­ 1^ three atttal makersH( <§JMw* of 19751. M certain options are Obviously.1 with KM* lit' servj ally as outrageous as making Chrysler and Ford), American picked up, the total contract could ious financial difficulties ever napalm* it's still part and parcel Motors Ms biitf or and been awar­ reach a value of more than 172 since George Romney left AJM. of the same war machine, tt ded a 105.8 million-dollar con* million dollars.'' - for the not so greener political might be useful to let AM and tract to build a new quarter ton , Allegedly, the jeep wW be built pasture, this contract Is a real other local war manufacturers jeep for the United States Army. by General Products which has lift financially, though at the' know how you feel about their As farasweknow, this contract, Its headquarters' la Wayne, Mich­ expense of becoming part of the complicity la the War in South­ awarded to the General Products igan with plants la Indiana, A all too real' military-industrial east Asia. It's obvious gov- Division of AJMt, la' tlie first press release put out by Hoy complex* &** too bsd that XM» % , emment isn't listening - maybe such military contract for Amer­ Chapin Jr. KM* chairman, does needs the UUS. Army's money business will - if they can be ican Motors.. not mention if any work on the (your money) to survive, "s convinced that war is "bad for The contract calls for the pro­ Jeep will be done in the Mil* - - Though • making'^ jeeps- is not business*'. duction of almost 35,000 vehicles *C' ;-,r:'i • —Dennis Gall Local psychiatrists and psy­ dividual, family and group prob­ ' at a session with another speaker/ chologists will give their views on lems, mental health education rotating each 30 minutes fblH mental health at special freeMen** and therapy. Participants will their three separate sessions. gistration forms may be tal * Health Rap sessions .which have die, chance to talk with Topics to be discussed Include picked up at the UWM Union will start on Thursday. March 11, three different experts. ";.v * "Fear* and Addictions"? **F*sW main desk, VWtfs Student Hea­ at 8 p.m. in the tMversify of Groups from 12 to 15 mem­ etiological Aspects of Drugs % lth Center, the Student Activities Wisconsin-Milwaukee Union sec- bers wUl meet with one speaker, "Adrift Therapy^ Group Therapy, office, the Department of Pay*- von4 floor. The sessions, are In­ for 30 minute sessions. Indivi­ and T* Groups", "Psychosis, chology office, or at the Union tended to offer Insights into in­ duals will then join another group Generation Gap, Psychology of Activities Board office. \ We're at the end of an era. | when the court felt that such (hp. right of federal courts to in­ It is interesting to note that .A n era In which the Supreme prosecution tended to have a terfere In state prosecutions. Court of the United States, led ; the original MIRANDA ded- ^^^^^^eit^^,|^^st' In effect, the DUMBROWSKI de­ ; slbn' was also made by - a - 5 to 4 by former Chief Justice Earl gAoumdment, •,',-, " cision no longer applies except in Warren, took an active role In With the election of Nixon, and majority. The addition «f Burger cases where there is a strong: and Blackmun to the high court shaping the law of -the -land, I with the- resignation of Earl M&r- snowing that the prosecution is I t& many areas where -the Con­ "ran and the forced resignation of being made in bad faith. It Is not effectively swung the decision the gress or state courts and legis­ Abe Fortas, the president was enough, as In the past, so con­ other way. - *• . >,£ < - • >y » latures were reluctant -iter make i;. in a position to alter the courts vince a federal eourt that First The MIRANDA decision may still stand, but nowthere's a loop­ changes, the Warren court made \ liberal balances First with the , A*nendme«t rights are being ab­ the changes for them* appointment of Warren Burger hole through which over-anxious ridged. Instead, a defendat must . cops and prosecutors will soon In the 'areas of defendant's | as Chief Justice and later, after -•'' first exhaust bis state court re­ rights, the First Amendment and the Carswell and Havnesworth medies and then appeal to the' be Jumping. civil rights, the Warren court debacles, with the appointments Of the two decisions, the most damaging appears to be the one took the lead* In BROWN vs Harry Blackmun as an Associate The next day, the 24th, the . THfe BOARD It struck down the Involving the* right of federal % Justice, Nixon was able to get court.' fe a 5 to 4 decision, di­ , <©Jd; theory of "separate but eq- the court swinging his way.. luted the effect of the MIRANDA >. courts to stop state prosecutions uel** accomodation In public ed- Until last week, however, no decision by holding that confes­ In cases where, the law being used , ucaetaa —* thereby, striking a . one was too sure.about what el* sions that would be inadmissible in unconstitutional. What this deathblow at legalized segrega­ feet the' Nixon court would have as part of the prosecution's case means is that instead of getting tion In public schools. In MI­ on the decisions of the Warren may still be used to challenge immediate relief from a federal RANDA, the court protected the court. Some liberals ha4 hoped the testimony of a defendant if he 1 ^courtj, ^''petk^''^$\ .take ti*a citizen from forced confessions that all the court would do was has the audacity to take the lengthy process of appealing th­ 'tad provided that be be given a •• refuse, to go- any further in cer- stscod ip ids own defense. Any - rough the state court system. lawyer &$& informed of Ids con­ * tala areas «? there was hopethat statements he might have made Even then, be baa little chance stitutional rights. And In DUM- of prevailing. Most state courts ; •Mai court would not begls rtaoa*. prior to trial, though they still BROWSKt ys PHSTER tliecourt~ ing back the clock." can't be used directly as evi­ are very reluctant to rock the authorized federal courts to In­ - On February 23, the court, In dence, can be used to point out 1 boat. Federal Judge John Rey­ tervene in state prosecutions six separate decisions, limited how a defendant changed his story. nolds of the Eastern District of Wisconsin once pointed out In Coat, page 17 A group called Accent on Art The show, which la billed as for their biting humor and gen­ Is presenting a show dealing with an exhibit and sale, will feature erally progressive nature. He's the "Fine Art of Cartooning.*' -SHI :%&ders ejl'^M^jMllwaukee atrip in himself* The show will be held on Sunday Journal* '%hders» who wiJl also • Also being ieatared is Tom and Monday, March 7 and 8 from Judge the snow and present aw­ Curtis, of:the Milwaukee Senda*? .11 a.m. to 9 p>m. at 2500 S. ards* 1$ reason enough to at­ ei» the right-wing answer to San­ —•*«* t ***** uMresxora, Jim Mitch— '.Jar^t "Street.' tend. His cartoons are famous ders, though Curtis can't even ell, Wendell Pugh, Dennis IQltch- en and others, ft you dig car- .toons,- it should be a good show proposal. James Shallow and Br­ is a nameless entity in his day to Chce again, the Milwaukee Brier, usually close mouthed, uce Hanson, both attorneys, sup­ day contact with people*'* Cbmmon Council has shuffled ro spoke out vigorously against the ported the name tag idea and Sheliow also charged that the tune of Chief tferoM Br|er * proposed ordinance pointing out Sheliow was especially critical of , "there are either standing or­ favurrte melody, "It's not in the that when' Kaleidoscope printed, police who had, according to him. ders or it's custom not to give best Interest of the Department/* the names, addresses and phone, "refused on numerous occas­ the names of police officers even *- An ordinance introuucedbyAI- numbers of all Milwaukee cops it ions to give their names." on request." derman Oville Rtts to require led to "continued harrassmeW'* Sheliow argued that the name At this point the Chief inter­ police officers in uniform to wear of Ms men. tags were needed not only so rupted Sheliow, saying *% never name tap at all times came up ' Tbe<»mm&tee also liad a com­ citizens could Identify officers got a complaint from Mr. Shel­ before a cowBCtl committee on munication from the Cfty Actor-:; In complaints but also pointed out iow and I don't know what Ms February 24. KsA as expected, aey saving in effect <hat what' how having name tags would %*ve motive Is." **Brfer wants. Brier gets* and' the commitsee rubber^smnped : . the of&ce* * taMf-MM'** res* j "Just be quiet and listen'* the Chiefs J9t» century thinking citing a IH4 court case involv­ possibility" toward the people < Sheliow told Brier* adding that **ith alt the grace of an ostrich ing uniforms' as precedent for" he dealt with. he didn't knew what the Chief burying Its head in the sand, giving the Chief absolute audi* *Vs effect I test** Sheliow thought bis motives were. Brier opposed the ordinance oriry ever the issue of name? argued about the present system Again Brier interrupted and as everyone knew he would and of badge numbers only, "is that Sheliow shot .back, "Please don't his- reasons were the usual about As usual, no one on the coun­ the officer feels less responsi­ interrupt — a little civility win "best interest of the depart­ cil committee spoke out in fa­ bility for his sets and he tends go a long way -~ my interest ment" and seme generalities vor of the ordinance — they to retreat behind his uniform and is in a more professional po­ about how wearing name tags deferred to the Chief, this anonymity.
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