E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 No. 102 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Despite all the furor, there is only lies? Well, the proposal that I have in- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- one solution which is broadly sup- troduced would cost less than 25 cents pore (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee). ported, which is easy to implement, a day, and those families that would f and which does the job. That solution pay the increased user fees are suf- is raising the gas tax. fering over $350 a year damage to their DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Now, we heard at the hearing on vehicles from poorly maintained roads. TEMPORE Ways and Means the three basic argu- The American Society of Civil Engi- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ments that are offered against that: neers suggests that that cost per fam- fore the House the following commu- that it is not politically possible, that ily is going to be over a $1,000 a year by nication from the Speaker: there is really no time to do this so we 2020. And the American public is pay- WASHINGTON, DC, have to extend it to the end of the ing by being stuck in traffic, in conges- June 24, 2015. year, and that this would somehow be a tion, costing $120 billion a year. It I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN J. burden on families. costs money to them—money that DUNCAN, Jr. to act as Speaker pro tempore Actually, that is not true. The notion could have been used for more produc- on this day. that it is not politically possible is not JOHN A. BOEHNER, tive purposes—and time away from Speaker of the House of Representatives. remotely the case. There are 20 States their families. in the last 21⁄2 years that have stepped f Imagine if we just came back from up to raise their gas taxes. our July recess and dedicated the week MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Ironically, information submitted by of July 13 to solving the infrastructure The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the American Road & Transportation crisis in this country where America is ant to the order of the House of Janu- Builders Association at our Ways and falling apart and falling behind. The ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- Means hearing pointed out that the people who were experts at the hearing nize Members from lists submitted by legislators in those States who voted that weren’t heard from could have an- the majority and minority leaders for to increase the gas tax were reelected swered all those questions. at an over 90 percent rate, and the leg- morning-hour debate. Where else are we going to find some- islators that voted for the gas tax in The Chair will alternate recognition thing that is broadly supported by the States were reelected at a higher between the parties, with each party business and labor, by truckers and percentage than those who voted limited to 1 hour and each Member AAA, bicyclist, engineers, environ- other than the majority and minority against it. If anybody needs more proof, just mentalists, local governments? We leaders and the minority whip limited would have all of those people before us to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- look at what has happened already this year where six very red States—Idaho; supporting a solution to this important bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. challenge. I can’t think of any other f Utah; South Dakota; Iowa; Nebraska, overriding a Governor’s veto; and Geor- issue that would bring all those people REBUILDING OUR NATION’S gia—have all met their responsibilities together and support congressional ac- INFRASTRUCTURE raising the gas tax. It absolutely is tion. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The something that can be done with a lit- We could stop the slide of America Chair recognizes the gentleman from tle political courage. falling apart and falling behind. We Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- The notion that somehow there is no could put hundreds of thousands of peo- utes. time, that we have got to fuss around ple to work at family-wage jobs all Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, and it is going to take extensive hear- across America while we strengthen there has been a flurry of activity re- ings to come forward with the pro- our communities, make them more liv- garding infrastructure funding in re- posal—well, only if it is a complex, able, and provide an economic boost for cent days. We had the first hearing in convoluted, untested, and controversial the future. the Ways and Means Committee in the proposal. Raising the gas tax would Why don’t we do that? Why can’t we 55 months since my Republican friends take about 1 week’s work, could be im- take ‘‘yes’’ for an answer, deal with the took over to deal with transportation plemented quickly, and is the simplest broadest coalition of support for any finance. There have been press con- and least expensive revenue measure to major issue, and have another victory ferences and proposals, and actually, a implement. like we did with the SGR? We can do it, few other hearings have been sched- What about this notion that some- and it is hard to think of something uled. how it is a burden on American fami- that would be more important. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4595 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:01 Jun 25, 2015 Jkt 094046 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JN7.000 H24JNPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 24, 2015 HEALTHCARE.GOV DATA BREACH tems and protect sensitive informa- such tragedies from happening again. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tion. In the past several months, we Let’s remember that after Katrina, we Chair recognizes the gentleman from have been inundated with reports of se- talked about FEMA and national readi- Georgia (Mr. LOUDERMILK) for 5 min- curity breaches of government com- ness. But the gun lobby doesn’t want us utes. puter systems, disclosing personal and to have this conversation. They accuse Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, official information that potentially anyone who tries with exploiting the throughout my life, I have learned that harms our national security. deaths of innocent people. the American people are strong and re- With many Americans being forced With that logic, we couldn’t talk silient. Throughout our history, we into the government healthcare ex- about solutions when 13 people were have shown time and time again our change, over 11 million people have killed and 8 were injured during the unique ability to overcome every ob- registered with healthcare.gov. A shooting in the Washington, D.C., Navy stacle and every adversary that has breach of this system could be larger Yard; or after a person opened fire dur- blocked our path to freedom. This re- and potentially more disastrous than ing a midnight screening of a film, silience is what has advanced our Na- any of the previous breaches, which is ‘‘The Dark Knight Rises’’ in 2012, kill- tion from being a ragtag rabble of citi- a serious concern. ing 12 and injuring 58 others; or when zens who took up arms in the American Mr. Speaker, the last time I checked, 28 people were shot and killed, includ- Revolution to being the greatest super- our Founders gave us a government of ing 20 innocent children, at Sandy power in the world. the people, not a government of Hook Elementary School; or when a Throughout our advancement as a elitists, establishment, or executive man shot 3 people and killed 7 others nation, we have not always been per- privilege. We are a nation of laws, not at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis- fect. In fact, we have made some grave a nation of feelings or good intentions. consin; or when 14 people were shot and mistakes. However, our shared dedica- We are bound by the Constitution, but 6 were killed in 2011 during a con- tion to liberty and justice for all people that Constitution is only as sound as stituent meeting hosted by our col- has put us back on course. And though the integrity of those who have sworn league, Congresswoman Gabby Gif- it sometimes takes years, or even gen- to uphold it. fords, in a supermarket parking lot in erations, the spirit of American The American people expect their Tucson; or when a man opened fire in exceptionalism overshadows our mis- government to operate within the con- Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009, killing 13 takes and, with the spirit of forgive- straints of the Constitution, the limits people, injuring 30 others; or in 2008 ness and reconciliation, we move for- of the law, and to be transparent and when a man opened fired at a lecture ward. accountable. Unconstrained activity by However, when the government and hall at Northern Illinois University, government agencies has gone on far its leaders purposefully mislead the shooting 21 students and killing 6; or too long, and now their deceptions and American people, they are much less when a senior at Virginia Tech went on reckless behavior is threatening the willing to forgive and forget, especially a shooting rampage on campus in 2007, safety and the security of the Amer- when such deception puts the people at killing 33 people and injuring 23 others; ican people.
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