APPENDIX III LANDSCAPE VALUE APPRAISAL Landscape Value Considerations Stated strategy of landscape conservation is a good indicator of value AONB, SLF Areas, Registered Historic Landscape, Conservation Area Special Landscape Chracteristics of the Mendip AONB Special Landscape Characteristics of the Cranbourne Chase AONB Note other than SLF Areas no new designations for many years and LPA's discouraged / under resourced for new designations SAM’s Listed buildings / Structures Land owned by Trusts – purchased or acquired due to some perceived value (often nature conservation but this may in turn relate to landscape interest as either semi natural or as setting for specific interest) or as simply accessible and welcoming. The factors in Box 5.1 of GLVIA are: Proposed 8 Special Landscape Chracteristics of the Mendip District Area 1. Valuable Collection of Distinct and Interesting Landscapes - as a collection there is a value in these Potential differential between well managed and maitained with wild characteristics. Areas where more intense agricultural management presents - Landscape quality (condition) landscapes as a sum greater than the sum of its parts. uniform and tidy but bland effect. Extent of farmland trees currently good in many areas but set to change with Ash dieback. 2. Geology and Geomorphology - the district landscapes encapsulate a complex geolggical history - Scenic quality Localised spesific views - varied nature of district results in ever changing views. Scale often means viewpoint is different LCA from area viewed. Some parts of district are highly distinctive to point of unique with complex relationships of geomorphology, landuse etc. Rare landscapes may only sit as 3. Biodiversity Potential - the biodiversity interest provides spesific contributions to the appearance and - Rarity small spot within wider LCA interest of the landscape Some parts provide good examples of spesific landscape types - e.g. areas of the Moors, the plateau landscapes and Cotswold landscape type in NE 4. History - the district landcapes includes a rich historical story that links across the whole collection - Representativeness corner. 5. Continious Landscape - there is a continuity of landscapes across the district providing the sense of an - Conservation interests Distribution of nature conservation, ancient woodland and historic landscapes vary across LCA's. area dominated by rural undeveloped countryside 6. Tranquil, Isolated and Semi Natural Landscape Resource - the district landscapes include many different - Recreation value Varriations in accessibility for countryside recreation exist, potential for substantive opportunities in some areas. aspects of peaceful and strongly natural landscape. 7. Views and Landmarks - exploring most parts of the district presents constantly changing good quality Wilderness qualities exist in many parts, along with opportunities for remote experience, tranquility mapping for LCA's provides indicative overview but - Perceptual aspects views. Within these key features recurr as interest and orientation points. localised varriations should be noted. 8. Rich cultural Heritage and Recreational Resource - the district landscapes accomodates, inspires and Only minor historic associations for art and litertutre noted across whole area, signficant cultural activity and even aspects of extractive industry have - Associations attracts people for events, creative interest and as a cultural resource. The area includes a comprhensive direct connections to communities. network of recrational routes and the settings for adventure. Value Judgements - Generally based on whole LCA areas for largest areas where a simple subdivision would capture signficant differences areas broken down along most obvious lines. Judgements made on basis of Low Medium High + Not Applicable or N/A Poor Low Medium High Exceptional None and Exceptional N/A P L M H Ex Landscape Value Considerations 1. Contribution to District Collection & Status Interest Landscape Character & Quality Senses, Perceptions & Scenic Qualities 8. Cultural Heritage 8. Landscape Access Comments District Special Characteristics - Numbered 1 to 8 Distinctive Physical Characteristics Landscape Institute (GLIVA3) Landscape Value Factors - Rarity - Landscape quality (condition) - Perceptual aspects - Scenic quality - Associations - Representativeness - Conservation interests - Recreation value 6. Tranquil, Isolated & Semi Natural Landscapes 7. Views and Landmarks n o hology rp o o C eg logy & Geom o e & V 1. Contribution2. to Ge Collecti Ref Area Value Conclusion 6.1 Central Mendip Blackdown A1 Very High / Small LCA unique within collection, rare acid heath reflected in with limestone edges, substantial heritage interests, N/A H H M H Ex H H L L Ex M M M Ex Ex Ex Ex H H designations strongly semi natural but remotness reduced by o N/A AONB/SAM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A popularity. Highest point 360 views. The Mendip Plateau A2 West Portion around Charterhouse & Harptree Forest. Unique area of Velvet Bottom reflects geology, Very High / ancient & mineral/industrial history, mix of H H M L AONB/SAM Ex Ex H H M L M H H N/A M M M H H N/A N/A N/A H H H reflected in extensivley managed grasslands and more wildscape designations of lead workings. Upland remote setting evident even in managed locations. Mid Portion around Priddy, North Hill, Minneries, Stock Hill Plantation Pen Hill. Central part of Mendip plateau, Extensive Geo SSSI, Industrial heritage & biodiversity interest around leadworks, Extensive Very High / AONB/SAM/S forest. Traffic reduces tranquility but large landscape H Ex M L Ex Ex H H M L M H M M M M M M H N/A N/A M N/A H M Ex reflected in SSI with remote feel in places. Major wildspace with designations Mineries, Forest & North Hill. Priddy village distinctive settlement intergrated into to landscape. Sheep fair long-standing cultural event. Substantial areas of open access land, caveing centre. East A39 to Binegar. Extensive area of open landscape but predominantly managed farmland with limited Moderate Value woodland cover or habitat. Geological, historic but extensive & M M M M N/A L L M M M M M L M L L M M M M N/A N/A N/A N/A L L L interest more limited. Extensive plateau landscapes contigious with around strategic road links provides strong AONB. contribution to continuity of landscape. PROW network limited by main roads. The Harpstree/Chewton Edge A3 High Value - Distinctly different area of landscape, extensive consistent with enfolded wooded landform creates hidden valleys AONB area to explore, sections of busy road pass through distinctive landscape. Strong natural & more mining interest, small nature reserve, small scale land use/management alignes with semi natural H H H M AONB/SSSI H H H H H M M H H M M M M M M N/A N/A N/A N/A H H M character, intimate landform & convoluted lanes.provide tranquil remote conditions, limited views but attractive lanes & woodlands, small villages with historic character subservient to landscape. Good PROW network & areas of accessible woodlands. The Mendip South Western Facing Slopes A4 - The Draycott - Westbury Slopes A4.1 Strongly distinctive section of scarp slope helps define Mendip ridge in distant view, underlying geology defines landscape, woodlands and important grasslands, positive nature conservation land use, Very High / extensive habitat and heritage interest with dramatic AONB/SSSI/S H H H H H H H H H H H Ex H N/A Ex M Ex H Ex N/A N/A N/A N/A Ex Ex L reflected in setting to SAM's, active managment to maitain AM designations landscape & habitat value, visibility in distant views contributes to continuity of landscape, strong semi natural character, remote and tranquil, exceptional views will used view points, accessible landscape with strong natural interest. - The Strawberry Belt A4.2 Unusual settled landscape pattern defined by natural landscape setting, aspects of landscape diminished High / Moderate. by aspects of busy road and development but some Upper edges link interest. Contributes to continuity as string of small M M M M Part AONB M M H M M M H M L M L L H H H N/A N/A N/A N/A L L L to AONB scale villages and long views out provide setting to boundary. busy through road. limited semi natural, unspoilt or tranquil conditions. Recreational access diminished by busy roadscape. - Ebbor Gorge and The Upper Axe A4.3 Noted as important to Mendip collection although small extent area synomus with district as setting to gorge show cave. Karst and Axe resurgence unique with added interest of spectacular gorge. Ancient woodland and unimproved grasslands. Habitat & Very High / heritage high level & multiple intrests. Distinct reflected in landscape in good condition activley managed for AONB/SSSI/ Ex Ex H M H Ex H H H M M H H M H M H H H N/A N/A N/A N/A H H H designations - also habitat & recreational landscape. Tranquil NNR exceptionally landscape in sense of unspoilt & minimal intrusions, popular locations. can be quite busy in spesific points, away from these opportunities for tranquil experience. Classic views from higher sections of scarp enjoyed by many visitors. Open access land with wider PROW network and long distance paths and hill climbs, occasional climbing and caving interests. - The Wells Bowl A4.4 High quality area of landcape may be overlooked due to seculded landform & other more well known Very High / areas neaby. Interesting landform, woodland, reflected in farmland. Habitat and historic parkland interest. AONB/ designations & role Isolated condition away from built up edge, positive H H H M Reg istered H H H H M M M H H M M L H M H N/A N/A N/A N/A H H M as backdrop & backdrop to the historic city. Visually intresting every Parkland setting to historic changing views, long distance panoramas and views city & buildings. to land mark buildings. Pen Hill Mast on edge of LCA identified as landmark for whole district.
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