CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS FOR SALE CARS CARS FDR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR6ST Ridae Town- MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ 1980 CAMARO Coupe. house. 316 baths, 3 bed­ room apartment. Folly D O DG E 600 1907. 4 door, '% Spcciolis^D#if! I Beautiful condition. rooms, 1900 square feet carpeted, stove- II Olr, automatic, AM-FM On target of livtno space, fire­ refrlgerotor Included. Loaded. Best offer. 646- cassette. Best offer. place, air conditlonina, 8 7 3 6 Days and Call 643-4263. $650 per month. 643-5168 weekends. deck with view. Par­ Bill. HONDA Accord 1981. New putter helps Maltbie tially finished wolk-out THREE Bedrooms on fenCARPENTRY/ RSI M m » ^ E 0 U 8 MERCURY Monoarch Mint condition. Origi­ basement. Pool, tennis first floor, $650. per CHILOCARE ISSIREMODELMO | S ! J FLOORINO SERVICES 1976. New exhaust sys­ nal owner. Low mi­ take lead at the GHO /13 court. Priced to sell at month. One month se- tem, good tires, olr, leage, automatic, olr, $159,000. Coll owner at curlty. Coll 645-8201. NANNIES Unltmltgd. 108,000 miles. 8475. 644- cruise control, sunroof 647-07<«.______________ FARRAND REMODELINS yrilhHfeAM niliR 3968.__________________ THE Olcott Is now man- Profosslonol child care Room addhlons. decks, rooflng, rLUlinoflllUlllU DELIVERING and loaded with many N EW 6/6 Duplexes. AAol- aged by Beacon Man­ placement agency pro- skNng, .windows end guNscs. • Floors like now Rich, clean, stone-free CADILLAC Cimarron other features. Call 646- lord view. 3 bedroom agement Corporation. yldes high quality, Bsokhos and buNdozer ssrvioe • Spedallzlng In oWor floors loam. 8 yards. *80 Plus Tax. 1983. Loaded, Q cy­ 1112 until 5pm.________ townhouse mokes an We are now accepting screened Nannies. avsHable. Call Bob Forcand, Jr. Also, sand, gravel, stone linder, 4 door, 5 speed. excellent Investment. • Natural A stained floors NOVA 1978. One onwer. applications for our 1 Long term (live In or and horse manure. 60K, $3850. Call 646- Very well kept. Many Each unit has fire­ Blit. 647^8600 • No waxing anymore 2213.________________ _ and 2 bedroom units. out). 232-7084. R u. 845-8840 new parts, no rust. place, private base­ Fully appllanced kit­ LIC E N S E D Mom has op­ John Virfoilli. 848-5750 643-9504 1983 Plymouth Reliant 4 ment, carpeting, ap­ Runs great. Must see. chen, wall-to-wall car­ ening for children up to door, om/fm stereo, $1500 or best offer. Call pliances and garage. WEDd'lTALL' peting, private parking 5 years of oge. Full and OemMie. Ralaed amhee. Tap Sail Scraaaai LaaM olr, very clean, low 072-7996 after 5:30pm. Invest today for T o ­ and swimming pool. port time. Call Sheri AddNloiw. Oeoke. We oan oueloin Any amount delivered. Also, flH, mlleoge. 643-9559. morrow I Blanchard & MM your hoiM OempeWlve ELECTRICAL COUGAR 1981. For ports. We are near schools 647-1761. ersvsl, Slone and bark, muleh 1981 CHEVY Citation. $150. Coll after 5:30pm. Rossetto Realtors," and shopping mall. piloae. ixooSont reNronoeo. jBobcsL baokhoe A loader rental. We're Selling Houses" inoureO, SooimO end poctfoHo. Power steering, om/fm Please telephone 643- 646-7At2.a Conveniently located 5 ELECTMCAL WORK DAVIS COHSTRUCnON cassette, low miles. 9741. minutes from 1-84 and $1650. 429-4515.________ 15 minutes to down­ luWSCWIE "iiS S ; 64B-7379 Need a new Service with 872-1400/eS0-95SSV iH anrlffH tFr B fra lJi LOTS/LAND town Hartford. No pets circuit breakers? Rrloss are down! Check us out in MANCHESTER MORIARTY FOR SALE allowed. Residents pay 8 ILBERT UWN the MsnehesNr ysSow psgss. own utilities. For more SERVICE PAINTIN6/ TAL MASONRY BROTHERS Information please call PAPERINO JOSEPH DUMAS Briok, block, etone. HONDA MANCHESTER. Level, FrefessIgRal LaRdscapiRg 64S42S3 clear lots. % acre. 643-0612 or 643-6432. Stone, Loam, and Mulch Chimneys and repairs. USED CARS NAME your own price. No lob too small. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Already With city O N E Side of 2 family for Deliveries. NEATINO/ sewer and water. 647- rent. 3 bedrooms, Free Estimates Father A Son Painting FREE ESTIUATES 84 Honda CRX *5127 USED 30 Cents 0426 days. 646-7207 washer-dryer hook-up, and Papering. Remo- PLUMBIN8 647-71S6 Call 83 Buick Skylark *2978 evenings._____________ carpeting. Nice loca- Yfll. __________ 645-8063 se Honda Civic CRX *6897 CARS tlan. $695 per month. LARGE, lovely, scenic, PJ'8 nwabln , Halting A 85 Dodge Lancer *6973 Coll 644-2673 or 644-3313 Ronovations/Plus 88 Markur Soorpk, *19,495 wooded, residential lot CARPENTRY/ Custom Interior 4 Exterior AIrr ilsnlng HANDYMAN 86 Toyota Tercel *5749 In South Western sec­ evenings. Pelntlng • Celling Repelr 4 Bollkrg, pumpo, hot wator Hems Imerovemsnt - Folntlno 88 Marc. Sable *11,995 tion. $125,000. 563-1413 MANCHESTER 5 room, 2 REM00ELIN6 Renew ■ Power WesMng tanks, now and' - eatementi FlnWied - Tlllne - 87 Pont. Sunbird *5123 I 87 Marc. Q. Mar. LS *13,695 Junk car proposal wins support in Manchester rapla iamants. Llaht Carpentry - OOD JOeS - 54 Honda Civic Wg. *6453 between 8:30 and 1:30. bedrooms, second Free Eef/metee ■ iNsuaeo INDUSTRIAL Proper­ floor end unit. Applian­ 858 HOME Inturad • Stnior Pbcountr FREEE iriUATES 85 Honda Prelude *8922 87 Marc. Topaz *6795 ties. Bloomfield- ces plus 2 air condition­ 843-0840 / 128-0818 BARRY SCANLON sevwscirocco *10,124 87 Marc. Cougar •10,999 By Nancy Concelman It just seems like they (abandoned cars) sprout up IMPROVEMENTS 646-2253 vehicles before permanent disposal. Under the Industrial land with oil ers, hot water In­ 6 4 6 -2 4 1 1 tree ettlmotee 85 Honda DX Civic *6773 Manchester Herald overnight." equitable system” to require landfills with clud ed . $700. plus 87 Marc. Q. Marquia *11,395 proposal, the state would have the power to utilities near by. Ideal a REPAIRS R00FIN6/ 55 Chevy Cuet. Van * SOLD adequate capacity to accept non-metallic debris utilities. Zinsser i.' One of the problems municipalities face in for sub-divislon. 18 "No Job Too Small" PIRSONAll' sWRVjcSS 84 Ford Tempo *4197 87 Lincoln MK7 LSC *19,995 Town officials say a six-point proposal released override local zoning laws to locate these from junked cars, which could mean the state acres, $550,000. Coll Agency 646-1511. Registered end Fully Insured SHMNR getting rid of the vehicles is finding scrap dealers facilities. • OwcKboofc Control 84 Pont. 6000 *5181 by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities to Bob Petrovic, 727-9050. MATURE Adult tor very FREE ESTIMATES 87 Ford Cr. Vic. *10,995 who can take care of the carsand dispose of debris would require landfills to accept debris from other MAMCHESTER ROOnNG • Incomt T« r Freperetlon 54 Olds Clera *5372 deal with abandoned cars should be considered Zoning Enforcement Officer Thomas O’Marra towns, O'Marra said. Peter Sovin nice 4 rooms. Fully ODD lobs. Trucking. • UFo 6 Hooitti inturonM Advieo 87 Marc, Cougar •10,495 in the face of decreasing landfill space and Properties. 647 0593 All typos of rooflng A 86 Honda Civic SI *7968 even though it has its flaws. said a regional facility would be the most carpeted. New applian­ Home repairs. You • iotfoof Consuttotlon environmental roadblocks. The only facility in the practical. CCM and the state Department of Environmen­ ces. Great location. ropairs. Wood thinglas • Nnoncfol 4 Ifleto Plonnint S3 Mazda RX-7 88 Toyota Camry *8995 CCM last Thursday released the proposal and UMim hw iin li peat if name It, we do It. Free *5427 state which accepted such debris stopped doing so tal Protection have agreed to try to reach $600 per month In­ — Cadar Shakes. 86 Marc. Marquia has asked that its six principles be considered as " I think it’s an approach that at least needs to be CwbictlN. lab I Tris DM. estimates. Insured. 643- Call Dan Mosler • A49-3329 81 Chev. Monte Carlo *3928 *5995 on Monday. agreements with public and private landfill cludes heat and hot 27 Yaan Exparlanea (W4. ________________ legislative initiatives. Among other things, the explored,” O’Marra said. " I don’t think a whole Mam’l l bpin ln$und • UoDODOtf • OuirDoftotf D. B. Moslar, inc. sa Merc. Ceprl *6331 86 Merc. Q. Mar. LS *11,495 "Th e problem is bigger than enforcement and operators that have the capacity to accept M0RT6A0ES water. Call Mr. Lind­ If you'f* BJob of cofHrtciofB notrUum- bunch of little ones will do the trick." Ba Dy SIT or housework 83 Ply. Turltmo *2567 proposal calls for a quadrupling of fines against non-metal debris. sey 649-4000. Ing your eoH, o it uo PuHy IfiMirod. 645-8830 88 Olda Clera Wagon •6895 rem oval,” said Capt. Robert Guliano of the O Marra said the state overrides local zoning anytime. Responsible "Tha Aoto Profstsleaals” those who violate laws regulating abandoned Manchester Police Department. FALUm BEHIND77 and experienced. regulations on other projects, including recycling But that proposal would go over "like a lead CONDOMINIUMS MAR Gamlructlon UW08CAPINB 24 Adama St., Maachastar 86 Mere. Mirqult Brog. *5995 motor vehicles and the establishment of regional Guliano said Parker Street Used Auto Parts STOP FORECLOSUREII Please telephone 742- facilities to temporarily store abandoned motor plants, landfills and other facilities. The main balloon,” O’Connor said. FOR RENT si Mllia m M , b4 niM140.1' 7 2 n 9500. 85 Lincoln Cont. *12,995 Inc., which makes scrap metal of many of the If you are felling behind on aOORING 646-3515 vehicles prior to permanent disposal. concern is that facilities aren’t located in areas O’Connor said he doubted the state would your mortgage payments... L5RBgeXPiN5" 85 Buick Wagon *8995 abandoned vehicles the department has towed, where they may have a negative impact; for MANCHESTER.
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