ol. 11 No. 51 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Fridny. 4 pp il 2, 1').; THE NAVY SIDE TASK FORCE AIR, GROUND UNIT COMMANDERS REPORT HERE Commanding officers of two new units of the 1st Provisional Marine Air-Ground Task Force elements reported aboard this week for advance briefings prior to th' arrival of their or- ganizations. Lt. Col. Harry B. Smith, who will command the 1st Provi- sional Marine Amphibious Reconnaissance Group %hen present personnel are rotated. arrived to confer with Col. Boeker C Bat- Ex-Task Force terton, task force commander, and Maj. Robert McClean, whom he is scheduled to relieve. He CG to Japan arrived from Camp Pendleton, The former commanding gen- Calif. eral of the 1st Provisional Ma- Arriving from Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, Calif., was Air-Ground rine Task Force, Lt. Col. Al. S. Walker, Jr., who Maj. Gen. James P. Riseley, will command the famed "Black- current ABC at Camp Pendle- sheep" jet squadron which is ton, Calif., is slated for duty due to arrive soon from the West Coast installation. The squadron, as the 3rd Marine Division cern- which mander in Japan. The announce- underwent a six-months training tour here last year after ment was made by Headquarters its return from nearly three years Marine Corps, upon the notice of Korean combat duty, will be of the coming retirement of Lt. equipped with "Banshee" jet Gen. Frankling A. Hart, CG, fighter-bombers, and will become a based FMFPac. permanently element of Marine Air Group 13. Gen. Riseley will relieve Maj. The jet aircraft already have Gen. Robert H. Pepper, who will arrived on the air station and take over as FMFPac command- remainder of personnel are ex- retirement. pected next week, it was report- SEAGOING PLANNERS-Shown here is a part of the Navy staff which has taken up temporary er upon Gen. Hart's ed. efforts with the coming maneuvers of the 1st Pro- Arriving here in February, quarters at the air station to coordinate Na N Maj. Gaylord C. Greenfield the isional Marine Air-Ground Task Force' air and ground elements. From left are: John Bovain, 1953, Gen. Riseley activated .sait.1 the organization will prime D3: William J. Bent. YNZ: Lt. Cmdr. William H. lieddle. Gerald L. Zeman. 1*N3, and Lt. Marvel task force and served as its CG its personnel for the principal .1 Dixon. The Navy assault group is commanded hy Capt. Robert J. Magoffin, who is not pic- until he was selected for his task of developing a powerful tured here. present rank. 'tactical squadron. "Tax Money Can Be Saved," Says Recruit, Recruiter Find Each Other After Four Years It took nearly four years, a war tary fold by Sgt. Newell in the fracas were two-fold, he explains. and a good many thousand miles, Boston, Mass., recruiting station, "I felt I was needed," he states, Navy Supply Fiscal Dept. Head but M 'Sgt. James Newell, Jr., finds himself working under the "and I had found that the Ma- in the training Corps Cmdr. Theodore B. Purvis. supply and fiscal officer for the of task force headquarters final- master sergeant rine was the place I was section of the task force's head- happiest. I wasn't satisfied air station. delved into the subject of taxes and eau -ina cots ly had his past as a recruiting with sergeant catch up with him. quarters company. the type of jobs I was finding in this week to impress upon personnel aboard the station that Personification of The Past is Unlike the popular jokes about civilian life." they "can help themselyes." Cpl. Francis E. Kersey, who enlistees who run across the man Newell, when Cpl. Kersey re- -The station pays out some $15.000 each month for utilities.- was enlisted as a volunteer in who recruited them, Kersey and ported to his office for duty, ne pointed out, -which is ap- July, 1950, when the Korean Newell have something in com- wasn't altogether certain he proximately the amount of Fed- Bond Drive Slated War broke out. Actually, he was mon. The latter is a professional knew him. eral income tax paid by civilian reenlisting, having completed a Leatherneck and the corporal "I was sure about the face," workers aboard the station. Their For Base Civilians four year tour only a few months has aspirations in the same direc- ihe explains, "but the corporal taxes are just enough to pay Lt. Comdr. Theodore B. Pur- before. Now, the corporal, who tion. His reasons for reenlisting had gained something like 15 for our electricity, water and vis, commanding officer of Na- was hroug:it back into the mili- at the outbreak of the Korean pounds." telephone service. By simple con- vy supply. reported this week servation in these departments the beginning of a bond drive as well as others, tax savings within his command. which will Marine Team can be made." continue until June 1. The commander went on to A rally was held Wednesday r-.int out that "franked" envel- afternoon. which kicked off the on KANI uiz -; es are not -free" mail as many bond drive and included all per- reasons think. sonnel of his department. A three-member team of Ma- The drive will take the form of rines from the air station will Actually, these penalty en- payroll deductions idea with the a team of three -,pes cost the Navy nearly of working toward a goal of pit -nits against f r cents each." he explained. 100 per cent participation by all women from the Lani-Kailua We are not charged by the personnel in Navy supply. Outdoor Circle, over Radio Sta- m be go into r which actually To make the drive more in- tion KANI's weekly quiz show, ' e mail, but by the number teresting. the department will be' Friday at 7:30 p.m. :-:'ten off as expended." broken down into two teams. On Headed by 2nd Lt. E. R. Chris- As a result. when a penalty June 1, the losing team will have the team includes Woman envelope is spoiled and cannot to entertain the winners at a ; tian, be used, it costs the Navy De- picnic which will take place in Marine Sgt. Pat Thorley and partment just as much as one the Fort Hasa recreation area. Cpl. Bob Fisher, from headquar- Which actually reaches its desti- One team will be headed by ters company, task force. nation. MCAS, Kane- Richard J. Y. Lum, of the avia- Last year, The quiz show consists of a ohe Bay's share of the Navy's tion stock record section. The penalty postage till was approxi- other team leader will be Allan quiz master throwing questions mately $900. Walker, who is in the traffic of current happenings in the branch of the material division. By simply watching our waste, news at each team in turn. Five we all can aid in saving our points are received-for each cor- own money," urged the officer. 232 GETS NINE rect answer. The teams have 45 NEW OFFICERS seconds in which to answer. The Tit NSPORTATION OFFICE VMF 2311 th:74 wr-o.i received team with the highest score at An office of the Aircoach nine new officers from Air FMF- the end is declared the winner Transport Association has been Pac headquarters at MCAS, II and returns the following week BACK WHEN-For local personnel-If you can't identify the opened at the Naval Receiving Toro, Calif. to defend its crown. man on the left -It is Cpl. Francis E. Kersey. who now serves with They are: 1st Lt. Willis P. station, Pearl Harbor. according Christian declares, "We aren't the training section of headquarters company of the 1st Provision- Kellogg. 1st Lt. George F. Mad- al Marine A!r-Ground Task Force. The master sergeant at right to Miss Lou Eliane, military traf- 2nd Lt. Lawrence R. Ball, making any promises, but we dox. is M/Sgt. James Newell. non-commissioned officer-in-charge of fic representative. The office 2nd Lt. Franklin P. Guthrie, 2nd are scanning our newspapers training for the same unit. The picture was taken in Boston. Mass., will arrange transportation be- Lt. James F. Halen. 2nd Lt. Wil- and listening to every radio tween here and the Mainland l:am T. Garner, 2nd Lt. John newscast we can find.' in July. 1954, when Kersey was 15 pounds lighter than at present specifically for servicemen and Downer, 2nd Lt. Jack Hamilton Lt. Christian is with "Red awl was reenlisting. Sgt. Newell was on recruiting duty in the dePendentg. Phone is 2131FA and 2nd Lt. Gerald Smith. Perils" squadron. Baktd Bern City. Pate 2 THE WINDWARD MARLS I' Friday, April 2, 1954 "HAM" MEN IN ACTioN Oa the eq BY Sgt. Don Fergusson aPanalltalOwaoleadotsialladwiasesailesaaesaoraasesawaasseadoeadieadoesaiPaideadarsawaill*adoe This column is for master sergeants over 15) who are looking around for a way of getting rid of some of that heavy loot. Here's one costly suggestion. * Around here, television is the biggest thing sink the Corps switched from 03's to its present instrument of defense. Frankly, this little picture box seems to be here to stay. Right in your own quarters you can curl up with a frothy beei. a Lucky Strike and a box of crackers and enjoy the finest in entertainment. Cigars or pipes also are permitted. You need not be in the uniform of the day, nor must you per- m that tall PFC in front of you to continue rocking back and forth.
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