UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BIOLOGY '3 COMPREHENSIVE INDEX TO THE FLORA OF GUATEMALA TERUA P. WILLIAMS tf FIELDIANA: BOTANY Volume 24, Part XIII Published by Field Museum of Natural History 1977 May 31, M ^ ri FG V FIELDIANA: BOTANY A Continuation of the BOTANICAL SERIES of FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME 24 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CHICAGO, U.S.A. 1977 COMPREHENSIVE INDEX TO THE FLORA OF GUATEMALA E -' g o .5 ' ."" S 13 1CO ^ QJ o P s .2 5 c -o 0) COMPREHENSIVE INDEX TO THE FLORA OF GUATEMALA TERUA P WILLIAMS FIELDIANA: BOTANY Volume 24, Part XI 1 1 Published by Field Museum of Natural History May 31, 1977 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 48-3076 US ISSN 0015-0746 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Acknowledgements We acknowledge the assistance of the National Science Foundation, program for Systematic Biology, given to the principal investigator, Louis O. Williams, over a period of many years. This most welcome assistance made possible both the field work and the research necessary to complete this work. The Museum and the prin- cipal investigator are most appreciative of this financial aid. COMPREHENSIVE INDEX TO THE FLORA OF GUATEMALA INTRODUCTION This comprehensive index covers the 12 parts of Volume 24 of Fieldiana: Botany which consists of 5,697 pages with many plates. The index does not cover the orchids, mosses or ferns of the flora since these are or will be separately indexed. The numbers following an entry refer first to the part number of the flora and second to the page or pages where the entry occurs. The index is intended to include all accepted names (in roman), all synonyms (in italics), and all common names of plants (in roman). Specific names of plants occasionally will appear in roman and in italics; the italic entry indicates a synonym while the roman entry indicates that the name appears in a discussion. Hyphenated words are treated in alphabetical order as one word. Names of persons, when considered potentially useful to the reader, have been indexed. Vernacular names, wherever available, have been used in the text and are indexed here. Languages are those of the informant and, if known, the dialect is given when names were supplied by indigenous peoples. Most dialects are Mayan in origin and the names usually transcribed by persons speaking English, Spanish or German. Consequently, the same Mayan name may have been transcribed differently. For example, the common names bisib and t 'isib apply to the same plant. Indian languages of Guatemala were all un- written and only in recent years have attempts been made to reduce them to writing. This work has been done by professional linguists. Botanical collectors have not been versed in the phonetic signs used by linguists, except in rare cases. Vernacular names often duplicate generic names and the two names do not necessarily refer to the same plant. The letters of the Spanish alphabet, ch, 11, and n are not given in separately at the end of c, 1, and n as they would be a Spanish index. 2 FIELDIANA: BOTANY, VOLUME 24 This volume will serve quite well as a check list of scientific names of plants for a much wider geographical area than Guatemala and Belize since a very large number of the plants in our floristic area occur over a much greater geographical range. INDEX Abababite 4-52 lignosum 6-332 Ababaya 7-148 megapotamicum 6-330 Abal 6-192, 193 mexicanum 6-328 Abalche 4-91 nelsoni 6-330 Abalo 8-215 orientale 6-331 Abanico 4-158 pachecoanum 6-331 Abelmoschus esculentus 6-349 permolle 6-332 Abies 1-36 pictum 6-332 guatemalensis 1-37, 38, 39 pittieri 6-333 guatemalensis var. tacanensis 1-37 pleiopodum 6-372 religiosa 1-38 purpusii 6-333 tacanensis 1-37, 38 sidoides 6-329 Abildgaardia 1-92 spicatum 6-370 monostachya 1-92 striatum 6-333 pubescens 1-97 tridens 6-334 Abitz 5-44 triquetrum 6-335 Abolboda 1-371 trisulcatum 6-335 Abono negro 5-175 umbellatum 6-335 Abril 8-93 venosum 6-333 Abrojo 4-145, 5-398 vexillarium 6-330 Abrus 5-156 Acaal 5-134 precatorius 5-156 Acabxiu 10-344 Abuta 4-259 Acacia 1-326, 5-3, 17, 135 rufescens 4-259 acanthophylla 5-4 steyermarkii 4-259 acapulcensis 5-49 Abutilon 6-326,330 acatlensis 5-6 acerifolium 6-365 albicans 5-69 americanum 6-332 angulosa 5-5 calderonii 6-327,328 angustissima 5-5, 6 calderonii var. longipilum 6-328 aurita 5-49 chittendenii 6-328 bucerophora 5-7 crispum 6-339 bursaria 5-10 discissum 6-365 calderoni 5-14 datum 6-328 calderoni 5-13 giganteum 6-328 centralis 5-6 hemsleyanum 6-329 collinsii 5-6 hirtum 6-329 cookii 5-7 FIELDIANA: BOTANY, VOLUME 24 Acacia costaricensis 5-7 ferdinandi 6-34 deamii 5-7 firmula 6-34 desmostachys 5-50 flagellata 6-46 diversifolia 5-47 guatemalensis 6-35 dolichostachya 5-8 gummifera 6-35 donnelliana 5-8 hirsutissima 6-39 farnesiana 5-8 hispida 6-36 filicina 5-5 indica 6-36 filicioides 5-6 indica var. mexicana 6-36 filicioides 5-5 interrupta 6-53 flava 5-66 lancetillae 6-37 gentlei 5-9 langiana 6-37 gladiata 5-10 laxiflora 6-44 glomerosa 5-10 leptopoda 6-34,37,46 gracilis 5-20 leptopoda var. glabrescens 6-38 hindsii 5-10 leptopoda var. mollis 6-38 hirtipes 5-12 leptostachya 6-33 mayana 5-12 lotsyi 6-38 neriifolia 5-13 macrophylla 6-39 pennatula 5-9, 13 macrostachya 6-32,38 platyloba 5-80 macrostachya var. hirsutissima polypodioides 5-13, 14 6-39 retinoides 5-13 macrostachya var. macrophylla riparioides 5-14 6-39 spadicigera 5-14 macrostachya var. sidaefolia 6-39 tetragona 5-27 matudai 6-41 tortuosa 5-15 mexicana 6-36 usumacintensis 5-50 mollis 6-40 yucatanensis 5-6 mortoniana 6-40 Acaciella 5-5 persimilis 6-40 angulosa 5-5 phleoides 6-41 angustissima 5-5 poiretii 6-41,42 polypodioides 5-14 polystachya 6-41 rensonii 5-5 porphyrantha 6-34 Acaena 4433,434 pseudoalopecuroides 6-42 agrimonioides 4-435 schiedeana 6-42 agrimonioides 4-434 schlechtendaliana 6-33 elongate 4-434,435 septemloba 6-43 Acahualera 12-92 setosa 6-43 Acalcumche 1-342 sidaefolia 6-39 Acalte 6-249 skutchii 6-43,44 Acalypha 6-28 subviscida 6-44 alopecuroides 6-31,35 tabascensis 6-33 arvensis 6-31 tacanensis 6-45 caucana 6-39 tenuicauda 6-44 costaricensis 6-32 trachyloba 6-45 cuneata var. obovata 6-34 triloba 6-45 diversifolia 6-33 unibracteata 6-46 diversifolia var. leptostachya 6-33 villosa 6-46 euphrasiostachys 6-33 wilkesiana 6-47 WILLIAMS: INDEX Acalyphayucatanensis 6-41 mexicanus 4-193 Acanthaceae 10-328,363 nigricans 4-193 Acanthocereus 7-190 Achij 4-140 horridus 7-190 Achimenes 10-243 pentagonus 7-191 antirrhina 10-244 tetragonus 7-191 autumnalis 10-245 collinsii 1-256 calderonii 10-247 Acanthospermum 12-187 Candida 10-244,246 hispidum 12-187,503 coccinea 10-245 Acanthus 10-330 erecta 10-245 Family 10-328 fotiosa 10-244 Acapate 8-47 gracilis 10-244 Ac-cui 11-282 grandiflora 10-246 Acebo 6-197 grandiflora var. incisa 10-246 Acederilla 5-382 hirsuta 10-250 Aceite 6-157 incisa 10-246 de castor 6-157 kleei 10-247 de palma-Cristi 6-157 longiflora 10-246 dericino 6-157 longiflora var. alba 10-247 Aceitillo 11-34 longiflora var. albida 10-247 Aceitunito 5-430 longiflora var. ilicifolia 10-247 Aceituno 4-450, 5-432, 433, 7-221 longiflora var: jauregiana 10-247 Colorado 4-451 longiflora var. latifolia 10-247 peludo 4-450 longiflora var. margaritae 10-247 Acelga 4-138 longiflora var. nobilis 10-247 Acer 6-230 longiflora var. rosea 10-247 mexicanum 6-231 longiflora var. sessilis 10-247 negundo 6-230 misera 10-246,247,248 negundo var. mexicanum 6-231,232 pauciflora 10-247 negundo var. orizabense 6-232 pedunculata 10-248,249 orizabense 6-232 pulchella 10-245 palmatum 6-230 rosea 10-245 saccharum 6-230,232 saxicola 10-244 serratum 6-231 skinneri 10-250 skutchii 6-232 tenella 10-245 Aceraceae 6-229 warszewicziana 10-247, 248 Acerillo 12-26 Achiote 7-65,66,67,97 Acerola 5-474,488 Achiotillo 6-236, 7-60, 61, 65 Acerolata 5-488 Colorado 11-93 Acezintle 6-231 Achote 7-66 Achaetogeron 12-128, 130 de monte 4-351 guatemalensis 12-130,483 Achotillo 4-201, 451, 6-436, 7-60 Achania mollis 6-363 Achradelpha mammosa 8-238 pilosa 6-363 viridis 8-243 Achicoria 12-441 Achras 7-365 AchiUea 12-387 chicle 8-227 lanulosa 12-387 mammosa 8-238 miUefolium 12-387,581 salicifolia 8-220 pecten-veneris 12-387 sapota 8-223 Achatocarpus 4-193 zapota 6-268 6 FIELDIANA: BOTANY, VOLUME 24 Achraszapota 8-223 Acocotli quauhuahuacensis 12-197 8-223 1-277 zapota ft zapotilla Acoelorraphe zapotilla 8-223 cookii 1-264 Achyranthes 4-144 cookii 1-264 altissima 4-160 pinetorum 1-279 aspera 4-145, 146 pinetorum 1-277 aspera var. indica 4-145 salvadorensis 1-264 bettzickiana 4-147 schippii 1-279 brasiliana 4-147 wrightii 1-279 calea 4-168 wrightii 1-277 halimifolia 4-148 hoffmannii 1-359 indica 4-145 wendlandii 1-358 laguroides 4-149 Acoque 6-388 megaphylla 4-149 Acotope 5-38,39 mexicana 4-150 Acourtia 12-429 obovata 4-150 carpholepis 12-430,591 polygonoides 4-151 coulteri 12-430 prostrate 4-161 reticulata 12-431 ramosissima 4-151 Acrocarpidium majus 3-257 repens 4-151 Acroceras oryzoides 2-269 sessiUs 4-152 Acrocomia 1-200,291 verschaffeltii 4-170 belizensis 1-201 Achyrocline 12-165 mexicana 1-201, 203 deflexa 12-165,496 Acrodiclidium glabrum 4-312 yunckeri 12-165 Actimpatli 8-354 Achyrodes aureum 2-184 Actinea integrifolia 12-371 Achyropappus 12-363 Actinidiaceae 7-10 Acilixtez 4-154 Actinocyclus secundus var.
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