Tribe Coelaenomenoderini Weise 1911 Coelaenomenoderini Weise 1911:51 (catalog). Weise 1911b:76 (description); Maulik 1915:372 (museum list); Handlirsch1925:666 (classification); Uhmann 1931g:76 (museum list), 1931i:847 (museum list), 1940g:121 (claws), 1951a:25 (museum list), 1954h:181 (faunal list), 1956f:339 (catalog), 1958e:216 (catalog), 1959d:8 (scutellum), 1960b:63 (faunal list), 1960e:260 (faunal list), 1961a:23 (faunal list), 1964c:169 (faunal list), 1964(1965):255 (faunal list), 1966d:275 (noted), 1968a:361 (faunal list); Gressitt 1957b:268 (South Pacific species), 1960a:66 (New Guinea species); Gressitt & Kimoto 1963a:905 (China species); Würmli 1975a:39 (genera); Seeno & Wilcox 1982:163 (catalog); Chen et al. 1986:596 (China species); Jolivet 1988b:13 (host plant), 1989b: 310 (host plant); Gressitt & Samuelson 1990:259 (New Guinea species); Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995:153 (host plant); Cox 1996a:169 (pupa); Jolivet & Verma 2002:62 (noted); Mohamedsaid 2004:168 (Malaysian species); Staines 2004a:313 (host plant); Chaboo 2007:176 (phylogeny); Borowiec & Sekerka 2010:381 (catalog); Bouchard et al. 2011:78, 513 (nomenclature); Liao et al. 2015:162 (host plants). Pharangispini Uhmann 1940g:122. Uhmann 1951a:36 (museum list), 1958e:216 (catalog), 1964a:456 (catalog); Gressitt 1957b:275 (South Pacific species); Gressitt & Samuelson 1990:272 (synonymy); Staines 1997b:418 (Uhmann species list); Jolivet & Verma 2002:62 (noted); Bouchard et al. 2011:513 (nomenclature). Type genus:Coelaenomenodera Blanchard. Balyana Péringuey 1898 Balyana Péringuey 1898:115. Type species:Coelaenomenodera sculptilis Fairmaire 1895 (=Balyana algoensis Péringuey), by monotypy. Donckier 1899:567 (catalog); Gestro 1899b:215 (subgenus of Coelaenomenodera), 1901b:436 (noted), 1905b:459 (noted), 1909b:247 (noted); Weise 1901:226 (noted), 1905:56 (sculpture), 1910d:501 (faunal list), 1911a:53 (catalog), 1911b:79 (catalog); Uhmann 1931i:848 (museum list), 1958e:221 (catalog), 1959d:9 (scutellum), 1964a:456 (catalog); Würmli 1975a:44 (genera); Bouček 1976:410 (parasites); Viggiani 1980:3 (parasites); Seeno & Wilcox 1982:163 (catalog); Silfverberg 1985:270 (noted); Berti & Chenon 1987:79 (revision); Jolivet 1989b:310 (host plant); Cox 1994b:449, 450 (parasites); Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995:153 (host plant); Staines 1997b:412 (Uhmann species list); Santiago-Blay 2004:56 (host plant). Balyana (Perrotella) Berti & Chenon 1987:86. Type species:Balyana ornata Gestro 1908, designated by Berti 1988. Berti 1988:264 (type designation). C. L. Staines. 2015. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Coelaenomenoderini. 1 Balyana (Balyana) armata Gestro 1908 Balyana armata Gestro 1908:122 (type:Madagascar, MCSN). Gestro 1909b:250 (description); Weise 1910d:501 (faunal list), 1911a:53 (catalog), 1911b:79 (catalog), 1922:66 (noted); Uhmann 1958e:221 (catalog). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Unknown. Balyana (Balyana) maritima Berti 1987 Balyana (Balyana) maritima Berti 1987:92 (type:West Madagascar, MNHN). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Unknown. Balyana (Balyana) pauliani Uhmann 1954i Balyana pauliani Uhmann 1954i:41 (type:Madagascar, Isalo, MNHN). Uhmann 1958e:222 (catalog); Berti & Chenon 1987:93 (redescription); Staines 1997b:412 (Uhmann species list). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Medemia nobilis Pharm. ex. Wehmer (Arecaceae) (Uhmann 1954i). Balyana (Balyana) sculptilis (Fairmaire 1895) Coelaenomenodera sculptilis Fairmaire 1895:39 (type:Madagascar, MNHN?). Gestro 1905b:547 (catalog). Balyana sculptilis (Fairmaire). Donckier 1898:362 (noted), 1899:567 (catalog); Gestro 1905b:459 (noted); Weise 1905a:56 (noted); Uhmann 1928g:69 (faunal list); 1931i:848 (noted), 1934b:391 (museum list), 1956f:339 (catalog), 1958e:222 (catalog), 1964a:456 (catalog); Descarpentries & Villiers 1959b:502 (types); Berti & Chenon 1987:87 (redescription). Coelaenomenodera reticulata Gestro 1895a:465 (type:Ethiopia, Boran Galla, MCG). Gestro 1898c:712 (noted), 1899b:217 (catalog), 1901b:436 (noted), 1905b:546 (catalog); Weise 1905:56 (synonymy). Balyana reticulata (Gestro). Donckier 1899:567 (catalog). Balyana sculptilis reticulata (Gestro). Berti & Chenon 1987:91 (redescription). Balyana algoensis Péringuey 1898:115 (type:Mozambique, SAMC). Donckier 1898:362 (synonymy); Gestro 1899b:217 (catalog); Weise 1905a:56 (noted). Coelaenomenodera clathrata Kolbe 1897:341 (type:Tanzania, ZMHB). Gestro 1899b:218 (catalog), 1905b:546 (catalog). Balyana clathrata (Kolbe). Donckier 1899:567 (catalog); Weise 1905a:56 (noted). Balyana sculptilis clathrata (Koble). Berti & Chenon 1987:90 (redescription). Balyana sculptilis chiromensis Berti 1987:89 (type:Malawi, Nyasaland, Chiromo, MNHN). Distribution: Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. Food plant: Unknown. C. L. Staines. 2015. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Coelaenomenoderini. 2 Balyana (Balyana) sculptipennis (Fairmaire 1904) Coelaenomenodera sculptipennis Fairmaire 1904:269 (type:West Madagascar, MNHN). Balyana sculptipennis (Fairmaire). Gestro 1909b:248 (Madagascar species); Weise 1910d:501 (faunal list); Berti & Chenon 1987:92 (redescription). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Unknown. Balyana (Perrotella) mariaui Berti & Chenon 1987 Balyana (Perrotella) mariaui Berti & Chenon 1987:94 (type:East Madagascar, Sambava, MNHN). Mariau 1999:234 (noted), 2001:135 (noted); Santiago-Blay 2004:56 (host plant). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Cocos sp. (Arecaceae) (Mariau 2001). Balyana (Perrotella) oberthuri Gestro 1908 Balyana oberthuri Gestro 1908:122 (type:Central Madagascar, Antsianaka, MNHN). Gestro 1909b:248 (description); Weise 1910d:501 (faunal list), 1911a:53 (catalog), 1911b:79 (catalog); Uhmann 1958e:222 (catalog); Berti & Chenon 1987:97 (redescription). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Unknown. Balyana (Perrotella) ornata Gestro 1908 Balyana ornata Gestro 1908:122 (type:Madagascar, MCG). Gestro 1909b:249 (noted); Weise 1910d:501 (faunal list), 1911a:53 (catalog), 1911b:79 (catalog); Uhmann 1958e:222 (catalog); Berti & Chenon 1987:94 (redescription); Berti 1988:264 (type of subgenus). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Unknown. Bulolispa Gressitt & Samuelson 1990 Bulolispa Gressitt & Samuelson 1990:271. Type species:Bulolispa bimaculata Gressitt 1990, by original designation. Bulolispa bimaculata Gressitt 1990 Bulolispa bimaculata Gressitt 1990:271 (type:Papua New Guinea, Bulolo River, BPBM). Distribution: Papua New Guinea. Food plant: Unknown. C. L. Staines. 2015. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Coelaenomenoderini. 3 Bulolispa sublineata Samuelson 1990 Bulolispa sublineata Samuelson 1990:272 (type:Papua New Guinea, Okasa, BPBM). Distribution: Papua New Guinea. Food plant: Unknown. Coelaenomenodera Blanchard 1845 Coelaenomenodera Blanchard 1845:181. Type species:Coelaenomenodera cucullata GuérinMéneville, designated by Baly 1858. Baly 1858:118 (redescription); Fairmaire 1869:255 (noted); Chenu & Desmarest 1870:341 (noted); Chapuis 1875:304 (redescription); Gemminger & Harold 1876:3608 (catalog); Donckier 1899:566 (catalog); Gestro 1895b:465 (faunal list), 1899b:217 (catalog), 1905b:546 (catalog), 1909b:231 (Madagascar species); Alluaud 1900:327 (faunal list); Weise 1905a:56 (noted), 1910d:501 (faunal list), 1911a:51 (catalog), 1911b:77 (catalog); Collart 1928:341 (host plant), 1934:249 (host plant); Uhmann 1931i:847 (museum list), 1958e:217 (catalog), 1960b:63 (faunal list), 1960e:260 (faunal list), 1961a:23 (faunal list), 1964a:456 (catalog); Lepesme 1947:552 (host plant); Jover 1950:156 (biology); Piquemal 1950:710 (control); Anonymous 1965:527 (noted); Würmli 1975a:41 (genera); Morin & Philippe 1978:429 (control); Mariau et al. 1979:51 (control); Philippe & Diarrassouba 1979:229 (control), 1980:187 (control); Seeno & Wilcox 1982:163 (catalog); Jolivet 1989b:297 (host plant), 1997:12, 55, 82, 104 (noted); Cox 1994b:448, 449, 450 (parasites); Mariau 1994:253 (noted); Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995:153 (host plant); Staines 1997b:414 (Uhmann species list); Basu 1999:165 (India species); Staines & Staines 1999:525 (Baly species list); Staines 2004a:313 (host plant); Santiago-Blay 2004:59 (host plant); Chaboo 2007:20 (noted); Flowers & Chaboo 2009:6 (noted). Diplocoeloma Thomson 1858:226. Type species:Diplocoeloma cucullata Thomson, by monotypy. Chapuis 1875:304 (synonymy). Coelaenomenodera (Anomalispa) Gestro 1909b Anomalispa Gestro 1909b:229. Type species:Anomalispa crioceriformis Gestro, by monotypy. Weise 1910d:501 (faunal list), 1911a:51 (catalog), 1911b:77 (catalog). Coelaenomenodera (Anomalispa). Uhmann 1958e:218 (catalog). Coelaenomenodera (Anomalispa) crioceriformis Gestro 1908 Coelaenomenodera crioceriformis Gestro 1908:123 (type:Madagascar, MCSN). Anomalispa crioceriformis (Gestro). Gestro 1909b:230 (transfer); Weise 1910d:501 (faunal list), 1911a:51 (catalog), 1911b:77 (catalog). Coelaenomenodera (Anomalispa) crioceriformis Gestro. Uhmann 1958e:218 (catalog), 1960b:63 (faunal list). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Unknown. C. L. Staines. 2015. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Coelaenomenoderini. 4 Coelaenomenodera (Anomalispa) gestroi (Achard 1915) Anomalispa gestroi Achard 1915:310 (type:Madagascar, Mahatsinjo, MNHN?). Coelaenomenodera (Anomalispa) gestroi (Achard). Uhmann 1958e:218 (catalog). Distribution: Madagascar. Food plant: Unknown. Coelaenomenodera (Coelaenomenodera) Coelaenomenodera (Coelaenomenodera).
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