San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1931 Special Libraries, 1930s 7-1-1931 Special Libraries, July-August 1931 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, July-August 1931" (1931). Special Libraries, 1931. 6. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1931 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 22 July-August, 1931 No. 6 F PROCEEDINGS of the TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL CONFERENCE At Cleveland, June 10d12, 1931 A NEW INDEX OF INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY by Col. Leonard P. Ayres LABOR AND UNEMPLOYMENT by Whiting Williams a VG AHEAD-The Place of Commercial Research by Randolph Eide - -- --. Entered ns Ircond clnsa matter nt thc Post Olllcc, Pmvidcncc, !L I., under thc Act of 3lnvh 3, 1879. Acc~ptuncrfor mulling at apcrinl rate of poatngo pruvl,io,~l for In srcrlsrn 1103, Act ol Octnllrr 9, 15:' authorlzcrl October 22, 1017 Raw $6 00 a yenr. Ford~n$5.60, rvW cr~pi(r3fl renu. l4* SPECIAL LIBRARIES A$SOCIATION Official Magazine - Special Libraries Edilm RUTH SAVORD Librarian. Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Now York. N. Y. Asson'aU Edilora for thls Proceedlnp Number ALTA B. CUFIJN Libranan. F~IcralReewe Bank of Cleveland REBECCA B. RANKIN Libranan, New York Municipd Reference Library -AM ALCOTT Libranan. The Boston Globe A full Editorial Baud is to be announced in the September hue. Adraiinng Manauer M. DOROTBY HOWARD Officers for 1930-1931 Prluidcnl Diraclora MARGARET REYNOLDS TVI.LI,IAM ALCOTT Ltbrnrian, Firat Wisconsin National Bdnk Librnr~nn The Boston Globe Milwaukee, Wlaconain P.' 0. Box 189 Boston. Maaaacbusotts JESSIE CALLAN L~brnrian SL Lauie Public Lbrary Libmrinn Bwmer and Lake Erie Railroad S~.'LO;IE, M~saouri Plttnburgh, Penmylvnnln ELEANOR S. CAVANAUGH MRS. LOUISE P. DORN Libranan. Standard Stat~t~mCompany, Inc Llbranan. Detroit Ediaon Company New York Detroit, Michigan ANGUS FLETCHER L~brenan,Brdish Librnry of Information Trcclsura New York ELIZABETH 0. CULLEN Editor oJ "Spedal Libraries" Dureau of Rallwny Economics 1024 Trnnsportation Building HERBERT 0. BRIGHAM Washmgton, D. C. Librarinn, Stale Librnry Providence, Rhoda Island Scndary MRS. MARY H. BRIGHAM Officers for 1931-1932 Elected at the Cleveland Convention June 12,1931. l'ies-Preside1118 New ~ork.N. Y. JOSEPH CONFORTI ELEANOR S. CAVANAUGR J,ilrnrian, Pm Ic's Gru Licht Q Coke CO. ~Eicago,~llinols Librarian. Stnndnrd Stntisth Co., Inc. New York, N. Y. hIRS. LOUISE P. DORN Lihrian Detroit Ed~sonCompany betroit, Michigan FREDERICK A. ROBINSON Librnrian. Hydro-Elcetrlc Powor Cammiadon Trroaurer Toronto, Ontnrlo, Canmdn ELIZAl3ETII 0. CULLEN Bureau of Bnilwny Bconomien hlARCARET REYNOLDS 1024 Trsns~iortationBldg. Wnshmpton, D. C. Librarian. Wrst Wisconsin Natlonnl Dank Milwaukee, Wisconsin Grnaral Oiiicr STANDARD STATISTICS BUILDING 346 Hudaon 8t~t New York Secrdary REBECCA B. RANKIN PRINTED IN THE U. 5. A. CONTENTS ADDRESSES Address of WelcorneLitrda A. Easfman . 203 A Welcome-Nell G. Sill. 203 Response--Joseph A. Conforti.. 204 Museums and Their Librarie-Lewis B. Williams. 207 Labor and Unemployment-Whiting Witliams. 2Q9 The Steel Industry-John JV. Love. 217 The Agricultural Situation-0. S. Powell. 222 The Money Market-David C, Elliott.. 228 A New Index of Industrial Activity-Colonel Leonard P. Ayres.. 234 Planning Ahead-The Place of Commercial Research-Randolph Bide. 240 President's AddreskMargaret Reynolds. 247 CONFERENCE The Cleveland Conference (Summary). 205 Heard at the Convention. 246 Our New President. 249 Reports of Officers and Comm~ttees . 252 Reports of Local Associations . 264 Reports of Groups.. 274 Business Session. 277 NOTES AND DEPARTMENTS Editorials . .. 250 President's Page. .. 251 D~gestof Business Book Reviews.. 281 Little Lesson in Mnemonics. 283 Eventa and Publications. 285 OUR SEPTEMBER ISSUE , Addresses at Group Sessions Proceedings of the Groups Report of the Membership Committee Message from Miss Bradley, Membership Chairman Local and Group Officers for 1931-32 Special Libraries Published Monthly September to Apr~l,bi-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publication Office, 45 Richmond Strut, Providence, R. I. All payments should be made to Special Libraries Association, 345 Hudson Street, New York, N. Y. SPECIAL LIBRARIES July-August, 1931 Institutional Members California Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco Library, Cambridge California State Library, Sacramento Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco Sprmgfield Standard Oil Company of Californ~a, San Massachusetts State Library, Boston Francisco Metcalf & Eddy, Boston Technical Book Company, San Francisco Social Law Library, Boston United Fruit Company, Boston Connecticut Michigan Hartford Public Library, Business Branch, Detroit News, Detroit Hartford Detro~tPublic L~brary,Detroit Phoenix hIutual Life Insurance Company, General hlotors Corporation, Detroit Hartford University of Detroit, Detroit Yale Unwersity Library, Sew Maven Missouri Delaware Kansas City Power B: Liglll Company, Kansas du Font de Kernours, E. I., ll'ilmington C1ty Illinois New Jersey . Bgllesby & Co., H hl., Chicago Bakehte Corporat~on,Bloomfield Chicago Tribune, Chicago Combustion Utilities Corporation, Linden Comnlonwealth Ed~son Company, Chicago RIontcla~rPublic Library, Montclair Ehzabeth RIcCormick Memorial Fund, New Jersey Bcll Telephone Company, Newark Ch~cago Kewark Publlc Library, Business Branch, Illmois Chamber of Commerce, Ch~cago Newark Illinols State Llbrary, Springfield Public Service Corporal~on of New Jersey, Insurance Library of Chicago Ne\\ ark 1Iitltlle \Yest Tjtilitics Company, Ch~cago R C A Radiotlon Co , Inc., Harrison Museum of Scier~ceand Industry, Ch~cago Sianda~dOil Development Co , Elizabeth People's Gas Light and Coke Company, Unitcd States Rubber Company, Passaic Chmgo New York Indiana Alexander Hamilton Inst~tute,New York Lincoln National L~feInsurance Co Fort , American Dankers' Assoc~ation,New York \\'aye American Electrx Railway Association, New Maryland York American Geographical Society, New York Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. American Institute of Accountants, New York Baltimore American Museuni of Natural History, New hlaryland Casualty Co., Baltimore York Massachusetts American Society of Mechanical Engineera, New York Baker L~brary-Harvard School ol Business American Telephone & Telegraph Co., General Administration, Boston Library, New York Boston Elevated Railway, Boston American Tclephone & Telegraph Co., Law Rostun Globc, Boston Library, New York Ch~~stianSc~ence Mon~tor, Boston Association of life Insurance Presidenta, Edison Electric Illuminating Co., Boston New York Federal Reservc Bank of Boston Baker & Taylor Co., New York First National Bank, Boston Bankers Trust Co., New York Insurance Library Association of Boston Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, New York Jackson & Moreland, Boston Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York July-August, 1931 SPECIAL LIBRARIES New York Ohio Blacknian Co , Se\\ York Ohlo Oil Co., F~ndlay Ihit~shLll~rar} ol Information, Sew York Procter Br Gamble. Cincinnati nrookly~lEd~son Company, Brooklyn 13rookmire Economic Service, Seu York Oklahoma Child Study .Assoc~at~on,Sew York Cleanlr~ress Inst~tute Library, Sew York I!. S Bureau of Jlines, Bartlesl ilk C~nsolid~rtedGas Co or Sc\v York Uolicrry. Henr) L S; Co., Sen York Pennsylvania Elcrtric Bond S. Share Co., Sew York Federal Reserve Ihrik ol Sen York Armstrong Cork Co., Lancastcr Ford. Bacon S. Davis. Sen Sork Franltlm Ins~~tutc,Philadelpli~a General Electrw Co , Marn I.~Ilrar!, IIoughcon, E.F S: Co , Plirladelpl~ia Schenectatly Jones & Lauglilrn Stccl Cornpan!. Prttsllurgh Goldman Sachs 'l'ratl~ngCorp . Set\ Sork i\Iellon Institute. I'ittsburgli Grant Co . \\'. T , Scv York Xew Jersey Zmc CO., Palrii~rto~i Grosveno~Library. RuRalo Pennsylvania lluseuni of Art. Ph~ladelphia Gunrant! Conipany oi Sew Sork Pliilatlelpli~aCollege oi Pharniacy and Science, I-1,lskins & Sells, Sew Yorlc Philndclphi.~ Iriclustr~alIluok Co~iipany.Sew Sork Pliilatlelpliia Cornpan! . PIItsburgli 11rrlustri.il Relnt~onsCounselors Sew York Pliiladelpli~a Electric Company. Pliilndelpli~n Intcrnat~onnl Telephone S. Telegraph Co., I'li~laclclphia Rapd l'm~is~tConipany. Pliila- Ue\\ York delpliio John Pl~ceJoiies Corpora(ron, Sew York Provident llutual Lile Insurance Co , Ph~la- lI~(;r.lu-Ilrll Publishing Company, Sew Yolk delphia I\Ierchants Assucr.~tion of Seu York School oi F~ne--Irts, Cni\ crsrry or I'ennsyl- hle~ropol~tat~I.ile Insurance Company, Sen' vanla I'li~ladelpliia York \\ cstingliousc Electric Research Libra1 ! 13. I\lun~c~palIZelerencc Llbrary, Se\v Sork 1'ittsl)urgll S,~tional.Aniline k Chemical Co., Sew Turk \\'yonitssing Tr,ttlc School, \V! oni~ssin~ Sarional :\utoniol~~leChaniher oi Commerce, St\\Yolk Rhode Island Sn~ionalC~ty 1:inancial Lil~rnry,Seu York Sa~~onalIll\ cstors Corporation, Kew Yo1 k Sen Jcrse! Zinc Conipa~iy.Sew Sork Seu York Tclcphonc Co~iipany,Sew Yolk Wisconsin Sen York Ti~nes,Tlie. Sew York Sol 111 America11
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