’Taint Right We Know-—Somebody is Going to Remind You Though- -Christmas is Two Weeks Away AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF April 13, 1860 AROOSTOOK COUNTY To December 27, 1916 HOULTONCary Library TIMES HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1921 VO L. L X I No. 50 JOHNNIE’S CANDY SHOP MENDELSSOHN TRIO EASTERN STAR MEETING Those having the privilege of hear­ PRESS CONGRESS Another business concern look its BUSINESS AND NEW SOMMER The annual meeting of Fidelity ing the Mendelssohn Trio of Ft. place among the list of Houlton enter­ Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star Fairfield last Friday evening in the prises Saturday night when Jonnie’s was held at Masonic hall on Dec. 5. GUESTS AT THE Candy Shop made its debut to the PLEASURE AT High School auditorium are indebted RESORT ON SHARES I lie re was a fine six o'clock su] per to the Houlton Woman’s Club for public. served with .Mrs. Annie E. Newell as securing such a fine entertainment. MOANA HOTEL Situated in the small store formerly GRANGE MEETING OF GRAND LAKE chairman. Several names were ballot­ The trio composed of Miss Edna occupied by Wood and Pond, Johnny ed on and accepted and several peti­ Knowles, violinist, Mrs. Parsons, Woodard has fitted out a candy store J tions were received. The Chapter is cellist and Miss Osborne, pianist, Jttr.T m D q s Press Meeting with strictly up-to-date fixtures and Albert G. Merritt for Second Sunset Park is Enterprise of eceiving plenty of work. each an accomplished artist, rendered ; having as the principle point of in­ The following owcers were elected We Left for Trip Arm ti some very fine selections. terest a very modern American eight Time is Elected Master F. £. Stephenson Veteran for the coming year: Mrs. Lenora Miss Osborne played a piano solo j foot soda fountain. Carr, worthy matron; A. E. Astle, and then in a witty manner responded | the islands For the past month the proprietor — Other Notes Resort Manager worthy patron; Annie Mcllroy, associ­ to an encore with a character song. | -------- has been the busiest man in town j ate matron; Elizabeth McGar.v. sec­ Houlton Grange No. 16 held their Miss Knowles and Mrs. Parsons i A new summer resort is to come t r e . t?m" s °4setting his new place of business into! retary; Mattie Clough, treasurer; regular session on Saturday, Dec. 10. each played solos which were very | into being at Grand Lake, twenty-live ■lad to give, in a series of articles, shape for it’s opening night, and the i Hannah Edblad, conductress; Susie with an average attendance which, much enjoyed. j miles from Houlton, to be known as ?hi*Wj;'u^*onh‘niS'« Wihr!ph (TVonnluft results certaiuly showed that all his! Hamilton, associate conductress ; where be attended the sessions of the endeavors were certainly not unavail- j by the way, we wish might be increas­ The Trio was ably assisted by Miss I Sunset Park, more pretentious than Prasa Congress of the World during James Archibald. Mabel Cates and ed during the winter n,tilths. First Marion Chase of Houlton, reader. { any at present in the vicinity of the October.) ing. Every patron received a small i Clara Niles, finance committee and potted plant with the complments of j came the business session nothing of Miss Chase is a graduate of the town, with all the possibilities foi The headquarters of the Press particular importance coming up for Wilbur Carr trustee for three years. the Candy Shop. j Powers School of the Spoken Word of bathing, fishing, hunting and picnics Congress of the World was at the Reports were read showing the The front end of the store contains i dismission at this time. Boston and each of her four readings which this large and beautiful body Moana Hotel situated on the far famed chapter to lie in good condition. the fountain and ranging down on ! Next in order was conferring of were of a humorous nature which of water affords, coupled with a large Wakiki beach three miles from the This being the 25th anniversary of the left hand side are two show cases j the third “ nd fourth degrees ■ on a brought forth much laughter from the pavilion, 40x30 feet for dancing and city proper which was reached by Fidelity Chapter it was voted that the j filled with a tempting display of class of candidates, the degree team audience. an unlimited ipnmbqr of secluded and ■street cars every five minutes, and coming installation be made out of i sweets. In the back of the store Is i l,elnK asslste<1 the b ilia r y and It was an evening’s entertainment picturesque picnic spots in the myriad the hotel, modern in every way, offer­ the ordinary and the following com­ j found a small room partitioned off j tableaus being given to complete the long to be remembered, and if they of islands dotting the surface of the ed a fine opportunity for the meet­ mittee was chosen to look after all ! which contains four tables for parties 1 work which was all accomplished in ever come this way again it is hoped lake, as well as in the cool, fresh j ing place of this organization as well arrangements: Mrs. Hannah Edblad, wishing refreshments. a highly creditable manner. that more people will be present. I woods surrounding the shores, as an Ideal place to reside during our Airs. Mabel Cates and Mrs. Margaret. | The shelves and showcases and all This was followed by the usual j Sunset Park will be built on the four weeks on the island, catering as Pennington. As to whether the in­ the wooden work in the store are | Grange dinner which is always en­ Patrons of the Snell House are ! present site of the Ludwig cottage at It doe* to the winter traffic to the . „ . , . , stallation is to be public or left to joyed. i iding to the station now with a trifle Grand Lake and will comprise all dtlands, is in one of the finest climates i . members of Mason’s families is also shows up to good advantage against The Master called the meeting less speed than usual due to an un­ the Ludwig property as well as what in tho world and this reputation 13 left to the opinion of the committee. j the white background of the rest of to order at two o’clock and after re­ fortunate accident which occurred to is known as Bartlett’s grove adjoin­ •fmlUled to the very letter, as the maining business details were dis­ | the interior. the regular bus Saturday. Two horses ing. Setting up on comparatively temperature never goes above 86 and The ladies of the Episcopal Church Giving due credit to the enterprise posed of, officers were elected to serve are now doing the work of twenty- high land the Park will command a never goes below 70 and during the will hold their Xmas sale at Watson of the new proprietor it is to be hoped the ensuing year. Following is the three and a half. It is expected that; view all over the lake. The pavilion that we spent at the cross roads Hall on Dec. 14th at 2.30 p. m. At 8 i that his new endeavor will be success­ list : the other twenty-one and a half will j will face the south on the north shore j of the Pacific we did not have a rainy j Master o’clock a public supper will be served ful in all ways. Albert G. Merritt around again soon. | of the lake and there will be a 500 day although there was rain two and everyone is cordially invited. Overseer Harry B. Crawford j _____________ , foot frontage on the water which i nights. In fact, the writer left Lecturer Mrs Grace A.ll,cr I pfJXNAM HARDWARE CO. includes an excellent bathing beach. Chicago Sept. 29 in a rain storm and {HOULTON EASILY Steward The buildings as they stand on the NEW COUNTY AGENT the next time that he saw rain was BEATS ISLAND FALLS JOT-‘Y Y Logan.; IMPROVING INTERIOR Assistant Steward property will be kept intact but in FOR AROOSTOOK COUNTY Dec. 5 In Houlton. j The Houlton High School basket- Chaplain Milo W. Com;; The Putnam Hardware Company is I addition there will he erected a big Edward W. Morton, formerly dairy Honolulu Is a thoroughly up-^p-date bailers effectively christened their Treasurer Geo. W. Alt-Gin ley the scene of a change in the arrange- 40x60 foot pavilion for dancing and instructor in the agricultural exten­ city In every way, situated in a setting new playing quarters last Thursday Financial Secretary i ment of its interior which will make banquets. On one end of the pavilion sion service, later county agent in 6f unexcelled tropical beauty. It has evening when they sent the invading Airs. Pearl Crawford , for a greatly increased appearance, running to within twenty-five feet of Cumberland and recently engaged in a fine street railway system, many quintet from Island Falls back home Gate Keeper Wm. L. Scribner and also will add immeasurably to the lake will he a long promenade Hmt class hotels, many clubs (to Ceres business in Portland, is to return to* with the very one sided count of 53 Airs. Ada Somerville the efficiency of handling trade. twelve feet wide with benches on each which all the members had cards dur­ the College of Agriculture extension to 15 attached to their seasons 1 Pomona Airs.
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