104th Year No. 128 ** CHAPTER TWO The Day JFK Was Shot By JIM BISHOP in the jump seat of the President's car, Gover- nor John Connally, a hunter, knew the sound. The expression under the pale cowboy hat changed to page 10—&:V.Extuititur *7=1-.* Tues., Nov. 26, 1968 open-mouthed disbelief. His mouth formed words not yet on his tongue: "Oh, no, no, no," as his head swung to the left to see the, President. Agent Roy Kellerman, in -- `Day JFK Was Shot' the front seat, thought he The Examiner today heard Kennedy speak and continues with the second turned to see both hands of ten parts, the exclusive coming up toward the face. serial condensation of He ordered the Secret Serv- "The Day Kennedy Was ice driver, William Greer: Shot." Jim Bishop had Shock, Agony "Let's get out of herel" Per- talked to President and haps three seconds had Mrs. Kennedy in the White elapsed since the first shot House a few weeks before from the 6th floor window of the assassination. He ob- the Texas School Book De- tained from President After Sniper pository. Mrs. Kennedy, dis- Johnson the only interview turbed by the sudden sound, Johnson has given contain- looked toward her husband. ing his recollection of the His eyes sought her in a daze. assassination. The man in the window had Fired on Car the target plainer now. In the four-power telescopic' sight Kennedy was about 85 left thigh and become inert —From Page 1 chest sucked air. "My God," against his Ieg. feet away. This time the trig- jumped up high enough to sit -he screamed, "they are ger was squeezed more stead- The Governor had a sensa- down on his man. going to kill us all!" as he ily. The bullet, aimed dia- tion of being punched in the heard the third shot. His gonally downward, went back. President Kennedy Mrs. Kennedy, seeing the wife, cradled his head in her through the clothing between struggled to clutch his throat. agony on her husband's face, hands and murmured: "Be screamed. His last conscious the' bottom of the neck and Rufus Youngblood rose quiet. You are going to be all effort was a slump toward the right shoulder. It separ- from the front seat of the car right." her—who knows?—maybe to ated the strap muscles, cut second from the President's, through the trachea into sun- yelling, "Get d o w n!" He protect her. Spectators who Pathetic light, drilled into Governor shoved Vice President John- had struggled to approach the President began flight, The Lincoln bucked the Connally's back, came out son's right shoulder over to- sudden acceleration, but the front of the rib cage to ward Mrs. Johnson and Sena- William Greer hit the ac- Agent Clint Hill, who had shatter its elf against his tor Ralph Yarborough, then celerator of the President's grasped a handrail, hung on, raised right wrist and de- car as Kellerman roared into —Turn to Page 10, Cal. I reached over with one hand, flect downward to furrow the a microphone for the police and shoved Mrs. Kennedy escort, "Take us to a hospi- back into the seat. The agony tal, quick!" in her face turned full upon him. She shouted: "They Another Shot have shot his head off." Hill The head that was sinking looked down. The President to the left came up in the ri- was on his left side, his head fle sights again and the trig- in the roses his wife had been ger was squeezed. As before, given. The eyes, wide open, the explosive sound swelled stared at the back of Mrs. through the plaza. The bullet Connally. One foot hung over entered the right rear of the the right door. skull. Portions of the head exploded from the body in As the car swerved onto two chunks. One flew back Stemmons for the race to ward into the street. The oth- Parkland Memorial Hospital, er fell beside the President. four miles away, Mrs. Ken- Shock froze the mind of nedy pathetically held up an Mrs. Kennedy: She had seen arm. "I have his brains in the piece of her husband's my hand," The agony on head turning in air to drop Hill's face was screened by behind the car. She tried to the big sunglasses. He looked climb out on the trunk of the back and shook his head no. automobile. * * * As Governor Connally tried f The man at the 6th floor to breathe, the wound in his window of the Depository Minutes before he was shot, JFK waved to crowd while Jackie held her hair in place —.AP Photo carried the rifle across the agents s u r r o u n d e d Mrs. otomy and found the right and traced the sign of the room and placed it between Johnson. spot. He enlarged it and. cross on the forehead. cartons of books. A fourth Am ambulance cart was thrust a cuffed tube down "Though this holy anoint- shell remained in it. The beside the car, but no one into the bronchial area. He ing,"he said softly, "may spent shells remained where could get over Governor Con- was dead, but the work was God forgive you whatever they dropped, when the as- nally to reach the President. going on as though some- sins you may have commit- sassin walked downstairs. Mrs. Kennedy still refused to thing magnificent was about ted ..." Mrs. Kennedy, Doc- In the press pool car, Mer- let. anyone touch her hus- to happen, when Dr. George tor B u r k I e y, and Father riman Smith of United Press band. Clint Hili whispered to Buckley, the President's phy- Thompson s to o d repeating International lifted the pool her urgently, "Please let us sician, came into the room. part of the prayers. As he phone from bet w e e n his remove the President." She He had been assigned turned to leave, Mrs. Kenne- knees, got the Dallas bureau repaated, "No." Hill re- against g his protests to the dy hurried to Father Huber and said: "Three shots were moved his jacket and 16th car of the motorcade by and took his arm. fired at President Kennedy's dropped it gently over the Kenny O'Donnell, the general "F a t r," she said, ob- of the palace squad. motorcade in downtown Dal- head. viously frightened, "do you las." Meager word was out Inside the hospital. John- Mrs. Kennedy knew 20 in- think the sacraments had ef- to the world, son now followed the phalanx terminable minutes ago he fect?" "Oh, yes," he said. "Yes, indeed." Out in the * * * of Secret Se r vi c e agents was dead. Now she sat wait- Howard Brennan, who had without question. He had ing for a priest. It would be hall, two. Secret Service men took the priest by the arms. watched all of it from his po- 'men convinced by the agents unthinkable to p e rmit his sition at Dealey Plaza, was this might be a plot against soul to leave for an unseen "F a th e r," one of them dismayed to see the police him also. For a while he un- place and an unknown judg- said, "you don't know any- ment without absolution. thing." He understood. "running in the wrong direc- derstood fear. O utside, walking toward ton." He convinced a police- At last, the stretchers were * * * going in at a run. First there their parked car, reporters man, speaking desperately, Reporters, held behind a engulfed them. "Is he that the whole thing had was Governor Connally; be- hind was President Kennedy , barrier by police, saw Father dead?" "Tell us what he come from that window up looked like." "Did Mrs. Ken- there. Brennan gave him a on his back with the coat Oscar Huber and F a ther over his face. Mrs. Kennedy James Thompson escorted nedy say anything?" description of t he man be- Father Huber rubbed his hind the gun. Officer W. E. trotted along, her fingers through tfie Emergency en- trying to maintain contact trance. Some rushed back to mouth and begged God's for- Barmett wrote the words: with him: Damp blood had radio cars to report. Led to giveness. "He was uncon- "White male, approximately penetrated the white gloves Trauma One, with Father sciousl" he said—an answer 5 feet, 10 inches tall, weigh- Thompson following his pas- that was to be misquoted and ing 165, in his early thirties." to her fingers. The pink wool suit was soaked down the tor, the priests saw a falsified—and h u r r i e d into It was the first "make" on wheeled table with a figure the car. Lee Harvey Oswald. right side, as was the stock- covered from over the head From the book, "The Day Kennedy * * * ing. Was shot," published by Funk & to knees. Wagnalls: A Division of Readers Di- At the Emergency over- gest Books, Inc. World Copyright (c) No Pulse Seeing the snowy feet, Fa- 1968, by Jim Bishop. Distributed by hang, at the Parkland Hospi- ther Huber thought, "There King Features Syndicate. tal, cars whipped to stops in The Governor was wheeled is no blood in this man." He TOMORROW: While the di s a r r a y. and men threw into Trauma Two as the themselves out wildly, yell- P r e s i d en t was taken into crouched to open the bag for assassin was roaming Dallas the holy oils, the cotton bat- without design for escape, ing.
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