To Serial Numbers Vols 1 to 50

To Serial Numbers Vols 1 to 50

Cross & Cockade International THE FIRST WORLD WAR AVIATION HISTORICAL SOCIETY Registered Charity No 1117741 1970 – 2019 SERIAL NUMBERS for JOURNAL 1 to 50 . This year the index list also has the manufacturer name of each aircraft after the serial number for easy reference. The index was compiled using computer software and used colour blue text to represent photographs for emphasis. Following under separate headings below give the detailed subjects, drawings, locations, equipment, vessels and author indices etc. Page numbers give only the first of what may be a series of reference to the subject in any given article or part, in the case of serials running to more than one issue will be indexed again. Derek Riley 1/8/2020 Serial Number List British & Empire Aircraft pg. 1 French, airships & balloons pg.57 Other Countries Aircraft pg. 47 German, airships & balloons pg.57 Austro-Hungarian, airships & balloons pg. 55 Italian, airships & balloons pg.57 Belgian, airships & balloons pg. 55 Russian, airships & balloons pg.58 British & Empire, airships & balloons pg. 55 United States, airships and balloons pg.57 . Aircraft Serial Numbers, Individualoooooo 69 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 37.2.122 154 (DFW Arrow biplane) 15.4.162, 15.4.163 2 (Short Biplane) 15.4.148 73 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 03.4.140, 161 (Short Admiralty Type166) 15.4.162, 9 (Etrich Taube Monoplane) 15.4.149, 37.2.124 18.4.149, 44.4.233, 47.1.011, 47.1.014, 46.4.266 75 (Short Admiralty Type 74) 03.4.138, 47.1.020, 47.3.202, 47.3.204 10 (Short Improved S41 Type) 23.4.171, 15.4.156 162 (Short Admiralty Type166) 19.4.179, 34.1.065, 50.4.275, 50.4.276 76 (Short Admiralty) 16.2.064 34.1.024, 42.4.261, 42.4.262, 44.4.236, 14 (Bristol Coanda monoplane) Military Trials 78 (Short Admiralty Type 74) 13.1.044, 45.2.087, 47.1.012, 47.1.014, 47.1.018 number 45.3.176 50.3.196 163 (Short Admiralty) 44.1.018, 44.4.238, 16 (Avro 503) 15.4.150 80 (Short Admiralty) 26.2.cr2 47.1.011, 47.1.015, 47.1.021, 47.3.204 17(Hydro Recon.Experimental No.2) 15.4.168, 81 (Short Folder Seaplane) 07.1.024, 164 (Short Admiralty Type166) 44.4.236, 18.4.163, 42.2.129, 42.2.130 07.1.027, 15.4.162, 50.4.279 45.2.087, 47.1.011, 47.1.016 20 (Short Improved S41 Type) 09.1.002, 85 (Avro 504A) 47.1.068 165 (Short Admiralty Type166) 44.4.236, 10.3.cr1, 15.4.149, 15.4.150, 16.2.049, 88 (Borel Seaplane) 15.4.167, 16.2.056 45.2.087, 47.1.011, 47.1.015, 47.3.206 50.4.278 95 (M.Farman Seaplane) 03.4.139, 16.2.057 166 (Short Admiralty Type166) 18.4.151, 21 (Improved Short S41 Type) 50.4.278 97 (H.Farman Biplane) 16.2.057 42.4.262, 44.1.018, 44.1.235, 44.4.235, 26 (Naval serial. Avro Type D) 45.3.159 98 (H.Farman Biplane) 15.4.157 45.2.087, 47.1.011, 47.1.015, 47.1.017, 26 (RAF RE5) 15.4.149, 42.2.132, 45.1.023 103 (Sopwith Tractor Biplane) 15.4.157, 47.1.018, 47.3.206 27 (Sopwith Tractor Biplane) 15.4.151 15.4.165 170 (Sopwith Special Seaplane) 15.4.164, 28 (Short Biplane S38 Type) 37.2.122 104 (Sopwith Tractor Biplane) 03.4.143 41.4.261 29 (M.Farman S.11 Shorthorn) 09.1.004, 115 (H.Farman Seaplane) 03.4.144, 15.4.145 172 (Wight Type AI) 19.4.180, 42.4.262 15.4.cf1, 37.2.124 118 (Sopwith Bat Boat) 21.4.182, 21.4.183 173 (Wight Type AI) 42.4.262 31 (H.Farman Biplane) 15.4.152 119 (Short Folder Seaplane) 06.3.144, 174 (Wight Type AI) 15.4.165 32 (Vickers FB5 Gunbus) 15.4.151, 16.1.038 15.4.158, 37.3.168, 37.3.169, 37.3.170 175 (Wight Type AI) 15.4.165, 42.4.262 33 (Sopwith Tractor Biplane) 15.4.152 120 (Short Folder Seaplane) 03.4.142, 176 (Wight Type AI) 18.4.155, 42.4.262, 38 (Sopwith Bat Boat No.1) 03.4.146, 15.4.158, 25.1.005 44.4.233 15.4.152, 21.4.180, 21.4.181, 21.4.182 121 (Short Folder Seaplane) 37.3.168, 184 (Short Admiralty Type184) 04.1.cr2, 42 (Short Improved S41 Type) 03.4.145, 37.3.cr2, 41.4.261 06.4.152, 06.4.cf1, 15.4.166, 16.2.064 15.4.152, 16.2.056 122 (Short Folder Seaplane) 15.4.158, 187 (Wight Twin Seaplane) 16.2.065 43 (Bristol TB8) 15.4.165 37.3.168, 37.3.170 194 (M.Farman MF.VII)(French) 44.2.105 46 (RAF BE2b) 40.2.082 126 (Short Gunbus Seaplane) 15.4.158, 201 (RAF BE1) 08.4.150, 36.4.256, 42.3.149, 47 (RAF BE2b) 18.1.039 16.1.038 45.2.136, 48.1.042, 49.3.163 48 (Borel Seaplane) 07.1.026, 15.4.156 128 (Wight Navyplane) 16.2.057 202 (Bréguet L.2 biplane) 08.4.149 49 (RAF BE2a) 49.4.252 130 (Avro 510) 15.4.159 203 (RAF BE3) ’Goldfish’ 08.4.152, 09.4.172, 50 (RAF BE2a) 49.4.252 134 (Avro 510) 15.4.159 20.3.134, 20.3.135, 23.4.169, 28.4.182, 50 (RAF BE2c) 15.4.152 136 (Short Admiralty Type135) 06.2.071, 38.4.239, 38.4.241, 38.4.242, 41.3.162, 51 (Avro 500) 15.4.152 06.2.072, 18.4.153, 34.1.024, 44.4.234, 50.4.265 52 (Avro 500) 15.4.154 44.4.232, 44.4.234, 47.1.010, 47.3.202 204 (RAF BE4) 20.3.134, 23.4.176, 36.1.058, 55 (Caudron G.2) 07.1.022, 07.1.023, 137 (Sopwith Seaplane) 15.4.160, 15.4.164, 38.4.244, 48.1.042 07.1.027, 15.4.153, 18.4.148, 25.1.002, 37.2.126 205 (RAF BE2) 08.4.173, 21.3.159, 23.4.177, 25.1.003 138 (Sopwith Seaplane) 15.4.161 39.2.100, 44.4.243, 44.4.244 56 (Caudron G.2) 25.1.002 142 (H.Farman Seaplane) 03.4.144 205 (RAF BE5)(RAF BE2) 48.1.042, 48.1.043, 59 (Sopwith Seaplane) 15.4.152, 16.2.056 143 (H.Farman Seaplane) 15.4.161 49.3.165, 50.4.295 60 (Sopwith Seaplane) 15.4.154 149 (Sopwith 'Churchill') 15.4.160 206 (RAF BE2) 08.4.173, 23.4.cr1, 40.4.233, 65 (Short Biplane S38 Type) 15.4.153, 150 (Avro 500) 15.4.161 46.1.041, 46.2.115, 46.3.175, 46.4.271 15.4.155, 37.2.121 151 (Sopwith 'Circuit' Seaplane) 03.4.141, 206 (RAF BE2a) 23.4.cr1, 40.4.233, 48.1.048 67 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 15.4.156, 15.4.163 206 (RAF BE6) military number 45.1.054, 41.2.101, 45.4.257 153 (Bristol TB8) 15.4.165 45.1.055, 45.1.056, 45.1.057 Cross & Cockade International 207 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 23.4.174, 290 (Avro 502E) 45.2.077 384 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.039 23.4.180, 23.4.181, 23.4.183, 45.3.177 292 (Blériot XI-2) 45.3.177, 46.1.039 385 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.039, 46.2.116, 46.3.174, 210 (Bréguet G.3) 23.4.170 293 (Blériot XI) 23.4.213, 45.3.177 46.4.270 211 (Bréguet G.3) 39.2.103 295 (H.Farman F20) 46.1.039 386 (Sopwith Tabloid) 46.1.040, 46.2.116 213 (Bréguet L.2 biplane) 08.4.154 296 (Blériot XI-2) 46.1.039 387 (Sopwith Tabloid) 46.1.039 214 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 20.3.135, 299 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.040, 46.2.114, 46.3.174, 388 (Blériot XI-2) 46.1.039 50.4.265, 50.4.265 50.1.044 389 (Blériot XI-2) 46.1.039 215 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 21.3.158, 303 (RAF BE4) 38.4.4f1, 38.4.246 390 (Avro 504) 45.2.085, 46.1.040 45.3.177, 50.4.296 304 (Cody V biplane) 08.4.156, 45.1.056 391 (RAF BE8) 45.2.085, 46.1.040 216 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 08.4.147, 306 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 10.3.133 393 (H.Farman F20) 45.2.085, 46.1.040, 45.2.134, 50.4.296 310 (Bréguet biplane) 26.2.112 50.3.161 217 (RAF BE2a) 10.3.cf1, 23.4.cr1, 40.4.233, 311 (Caudron G2) 45.2.076, 49.4.252 396 (RAF BE2b) 46.1.039, 46.2.114, 46.3.174, 49.3.163, 49.3.163, 49.3.164, 49.3.167, 312 (Bréguet biplane) 26.2.cr1 46.4.270 49.3.168 314 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.040, 46.2.114, 46.3.174, 397 (Avro 504) 45.2.085, 46.1.040 218 (RAF BE2a) 23.4.cr2, 50.2.134 46.4.271, 50.1.044 398 (Avro 504) 45.2.083, 45.2.085, 46.1.040, 219 (Blériot XI) 20.3.134, 27.2.cr1, 39.2.102 315 (RAF BE2a) 50.1.045 46.2.115, 46.3.175, 50.3.184 220 (RAF BE2a) 30.4.212, 46.1.041 316 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.040, 47.4.242 399 (RAF BE8) 45.2.136, 46.2.114, 46.3.177 221 (Blériot XI-2) 08.4.154, 38.4.240 317 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.040 401 (Bristol F2AFighter), with Dutch Air 222 (RAF BE2a) 23.4.cr2 318 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.040 Force 01.1.cr2 224 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 45.2.075 319 (Sopwith D1) 08.4.155, 45.2.077 401 (S.43, Short School Biplane) 39.2.105 225 (RAF BE2a) 11.4.189, 23.4.181, 23.4.189, 320 (Short Admiralty Type 184) 16.2.cf1, 402 (S.44, Short School Biplane) 39.2.105 43.3.184, 49.3.166, 50.3.229 46.1.040 409 (Nieuport monoplane) 23.4.176, 45.3.176 226 (RAF BE2a) 08.4.172, 41.2.116, 41.2.118, 321 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.040, 46.2.115, 50.1.043 416 (RAF BE4) 08.4.157, 38.4.247 41.2.120 323 (Blériot XI) 08.4.156, 45.1.023 417 (RAF BE4) 38.4.246, 38.4.247, 39.2.105 228 (RAF BE2a) 08.4.157, 46.1.041, 48.1.044, 324 (Sopwith D1) 45.2.077 419 (Deperdussin monoplane) 08.4.155 50.2.134, 50.2.135, 50.2.136, 50.2.137, 326 (Sopwith Tabloid) 08.4.155 421 (Deperdussin monoplane) 08.4.166 50.3.229 327 (RAF BE2a) 08.4.157, 46.1.039, 47.4.242, 423 (RAF RE8) 08.4.157 229 (RAF BE2a) 08.4.157, 23.4.188, 27.2.cr1, 48.1.044, 48.1.045, 50.2.136 424 (RAF RE8) 08.4.157, 08.4.cr2 43.3.184, 46.1.041, 48.1.045, 50.2.136, 328 (RAF BE2a) 50.4.296 428 (M.Farman S.7 Longhorn) 08.4.145 50.3.229 329 (RAF BE2a) 40.4.233, 45.1.057 437 (Deperdussin monoplane) 08.4.167 230 (RAF BE2a) 23.4.cr2, 25.3.146 331 (RAF BE2a) 09.4.188, 23.4.224, 23.4.cf1, 438 (RAF BE2c) 47.1.072 231 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.041, 46.2.114 43.3.184, 48.1.045, 50.3.228, 50.3.229, 438 (RAF BE7) 43.1.056 232 (RAF BE2a) 08.4.157, 43.3.186, 46.1.039, 50.3.230, 50.3.231, 50.4.298 440 (H.Farman F20) 46.1.040 46.2.115, 47.4.242, 48.1.045, 50.2.136 332 (RAF BE2a) 43.3.185, 50.3.230, 50.3.230 441 (RAF BE2a) 08.4.157 233 (RAF BE2a) 08.4.157, 23.4.190, 23.4.192, 334 (RAF RE5) 46.1.004, 46.1.006 444 (FBAType H)(French)(G4) 45.4.252 46.1.039, 46.3.174, 47.4.242, 48.1.045, 336 (RAF BE2a) 23.4.cr1, 28.4.183, 30.4.213, 455 (H.Farman F20) 45.2.085, 46.1.040 49.3.167 35.2.109, 46.1.041, 46.2.114, 46.2.116, 456 (H.Farman F20) 08.4.145, 45.2.085, 234 (RAF BE2a) 29.1.054, 30.4.213, 46.1.041, 46.3.174, 46.4.273, 47.2.131 46.1.040 46.2.115, 46.4.271, 48.1.045 340 (M.Farman F20) 50.4.269 460 (RAF BE2a) 46.1.041 235 (RAF BE2a) 50.3.230 341 (H.Farman F20) 45.2.085, 46.1.040, 461 (H.Farman F20) 45.2.078, 45.2.085,

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