Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1980-1984 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 6-30-1983 June 30, 1983 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_80-84 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons On the cover The dangers of civil religion by l arry Braidfoot One of the greatest dangers both to' gov­ political leaders is the mampulation o f reli­ ernment and to au then tic religion is civil gious leaders and programs for political religion. Civil religion is a mixture of reli­ purposes. gion and politics which !erves the interests In the Unitl•d States, rel1gious liberty and of the state In c•vll rel igion. organized reli­ separation of church and state help the gion is used as a means of generating sup­ churches maintain the1r independence. port for political positions. pprova l is While--clear delineation of these principles sought from religious leaders to justify ac­ is difficult. thi independence is necessary tions of the state. The religious insti tutions for freedom of religion to be preserved. assume a role of secondary importance in Efforts frequently are made to get reli· supporting the iniliatives and actions of gious grol1ps to vote in blocks on the basis political leaders. of certain iss ues which are generall y Civil religion is idolo1try which gives chosen fo r their emotional appeal to spe­ higher loy01 lty to some ideo logy or political Cia l iniCrcst groups. Protestants. Catholics. institution than to the l o rd God. Any per­ and Jews are all sometimes viewed by poli· son who gives grea ter allegiance to some­ t1cians as groups likely to vote 10 mass for thing other than God is pra c ticing idolatry. the candidate who ascerta.ns what select Idolatry is living life in a way that gives issues sway the m Relig1ous groups who Cod's place to something else. accept such overtures a re agreeing to t;e This week 's cover addresses the Chris­ The spirit of nationalism can become a manipulated tian's responsibility to w01k for justice in dominating ideal that subordinates religion Civil religion neglects the poor and pow· society. as God commanded in the Book to the role of supporling a particular politi· erless members of society. Civil religion of Amos. An article by Larry Braidfoot, cal system or ideology This generally ha~ views with apathy those who are poor and general counsel and director of research pens in times of war. In World War I. Cer· therefore powerless In the Bible, these are for the SBC Christian Life Commission. mans and Englishmen and Frenchmen and widows, orphans, and strangers. Today, writes (in an article on this page) about Americans all went to battle confident that there are many new kinds of orphans - or­ unbiblical paths in the pursuit of public Cod was supportihg their positions in the phans of war. of neglec t, and of divorce righteousness. war. Cod is not tha t diverse in his commit· and separat1on, as well as of death. The ments and his loyalties weak may be the sick, the hungry, or the Civil religion compromises Jnd trivializes non-white members of our society, the prophetic role o f Christia nity. Any posi­ Ci\11 l religion wants little to do with those tion which seeks to mute the prophetic who are powerless They a re dirty, smelly. voice, rooted in clear biblical values. op­ and have problems. They are of va lue a t poses authentic Christianity. Civil religion times o f voting and for taking pic tures. intermingles religion and politics so that Otherwise, things go better if they stay with In this issue the prophetic message is compromised. their "own kind." Civil religion encourages then eliminated. society to focus on the powerful. the Clergy and involved Christians who give wealthy, and the respectable. More SBC news 8 their support to political leaders fr equently o greater test of Christian influence on Reports from the auxiliary meetings pre-. become their defenders. The prophetic role society can be found than in that society's cef!ding the Southern Baptist Convention in tends to be forfeited quietly and gradually. treatment of its poor and powerless. Chris­ Pittsburgh. plus Arkansans named to boards It can be lost through pride resulting from a tians live with the Cod-given mandate to and committees, complete coverage of the visit to the White House or from a meeting feed the hungry. to give drink to the thirsty, annual meeting. Southern Baptist journalists with an important government official to give clothes to the naked, to visit those are the writers. Christians who are involved in the political in prison. and to preach the gospel to the process have an obligation never to give poor (Matt. 25 :31 -46) Double lessons 12 their political support in a manner that Authentic Christianity is compelled to Sunday School lessons lor July 3 and Jul y 10 would forfeit their rig ht to speak the pro­ abide by th is mandate; but civil re ligion re­ are included in this issue since there will be phetic word of demand or judgment. jects iL no July 7 publication. Civil religion manipulates re li gion for the Any governme nt which does not respond purposes o f political leaders. A danger of a to this mandate has not been penetrated by close rela tionship between religion a nd . the transforming power of the gospel. No issue next week News about missionaries july 7 will be one of three weeks th is year when there is no issue of the ABN. The next issue of our 49 in 1983 will be july 14. Mr. and Mrs. Orvell Bryant Jr., missionar­ to Brazil. have arrived in the States for fur· ies to the Windward Islands, have com­ Iough (address: Rt. 7. Box 364. Fayetteville. pleted furlough a nd returned to the field Ark. 72701). A Texan, he was born near (address: Box 621, Kingstown, St. Vi ncent}. Wills Point and grew up in the Terre ll area. He is a native of Spearsville. La .. and she is The former Barbara Evans, she was born in the forme r Suzan Ward of ElDorado, Ark . Hazelvalley, Ark .. and lived in Wichita and They were appointed by the Foreign Mis· near Haysville. Kan.. while growing up. sion Board in 1977. They were appointed by the Foreign Mis· Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Burne tt. missionaries sion Board in 1966. Page 2 ARKANSAS BAPTIST NEWSMAGAZINE The cure for worry The editor's page J. Everett Sneed Most of us have, at one time or another, been caught with problems. These are: (1) to blame God; (2) to have a up in senseless worry. Some worry about their financial situa­ stoic or "grin and bear it" approach; or (3) to have a vital tion while others worry abo ut the well-being of their fami­ relationship with God which sustains us in the very midst ly. Some worry about things they consider to be of major of difficuhy. God wants us to depend upon him in such a imporlance while others worry about everylhing. Yet, jesus way that we will not be over-anxious about the events of admonished all who worry anxiously and gave the cure fo r life. Actually, a major problem can be one of a person's best the problem. opporlunities for spirilual growth if he properly relies upon The word "worry'' in English conveys very accurately God. the idea Christ dea l! with in Man hew 6:25-34. Worry may In Mallhew 6:25-34, Jesus lim three ways for a person be defined as a feeling of anxiety, trouble, or uneasiness. to overcome worry. First, we are to recognize that God is The Greek wife who wrote her husband, " I cannot sleep the giver of life and, if he gives us both physical and spiritual night or da y because of the worry I have about your life, we can trust him for the smaller th ings (Man. 6:25). Jesus welfare;' gives insight into the word our master used. Jesus illumated this with the birds and the flowers. He pointed was not suggesting th at we have no concern fo r our loved to the providential care of the birds who fulfllltheir nature ones, but he was saying th at we should not be full of care. by trusting and laboring. Man Is encouraged to follow this , Very practically, worry cannot change the events of the simple example. past or help the future. All the opporlunilies of yesterday Nowhere does the scripture condone idleness or are gone. This is not to say that a person should disassociate laiiness. Jesus himself worked in a carpenter's shop until himself from the past, bu t it can only be used as a spur or he was 30 years of age. The thrust of Jesus' teaching is that guide for the future. we are to work as though it all depended on us and to trust Worry about the future is especially useless. Often we God as though it all depended on him. worry about things which never materialize. Planning for Perhaps the greatest problem or modern man is a lack the future is good, but worry provides no help. Someone of trust in God. When we recognize that he Is a God of love, has said, " The biggest troubles you will ever face are the power and care, it will do much to eliminate our worries.
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