BULLETIN 2004 Responsible editor: István Monok ❦ Editor: Péter Ekler Translation: Eszter Timár, Elayne Antalffy Publication manager: Barbara Kiss Design: László Kiss ❦ Address and contacts: National Széchényi Library H–1827 Budapest, Buda Royal Palace Wing F, Hungary http://www.oszk.hu phone: (1) 22 43 700 fax: (1) 20 20 804 e-mail: [email protected] ❦ Cover 1: The Apponyi Room of the library Cover 2: Pelbartus de Themeswar: Pomerium de sanctis (Augsburg, 1502) App. H 1583 Cover 3: Janus Pannonius: Panegyricus in laudem Baptistae Guarini Veronensis (Wien, 1512) App. H 1613 Cover 4: The Széchényi Family’s coat of arm Cover photos: József Hapák Pictures illustrating the featured articles are representing the art objects of the exhibition “The World of Yesterday”. Photos taken by Ágnes Bakos and Bence Tihanyi (BTM) ❦ THE NATIONAL SZÉCHÉNYI LIBRARY IS SUPPORTED BY issn: 1589-004x CONTENTS 5 PLAN FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A EUROPEAN CENTRE OF BOOK HISTORY MOKKA-R: THE DIGITAL SHARED CATALOGUE 9 OF EARLY PRINTS FOUND IN THE CARPATHIAN BASIN 1 3 MAGYAR HELIKON. SERIES OF FACSIMILES OF OUR BOOK TREASURES RETROSPECTIVE CONVERSION OF OUR BOOK CATALOGUES IN PROGRESS 1 7 2 1 THE WORLD OF YESTERDAY. LITERARY CONNECTIONS AND ZEITGEIST FROM HISTORICISM TO AVANT-GARDE SÁNDOR APPONYI THE BIBLIOPHILE AND HIS 27 COLLECTION OF HUNGARICA 3 1 MODERNISATION OF OUR MUSIC COLLECTION WITH JAPANESE GOVERNMENT AID OUR ILLUSTRIOUS GUESTS 3 3 3 5 ZOLTÁN FALLENBÜCHL IS EIGHTY )3( Arthur Schnitzler was one of the best known representatives of Austrian literature among the Hungarian readers at the turn of the century. His play, Der Ruf des Lebens was first published in Hungarian by Nyugat Könyvtár, a considerable review being written on it by Zoltán Ambrus in Nyugat 1911. 23. )4( PLAN FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A EUROPEAN CENTRE OF BOOK HISTORY In the tasks defined in the deed of foundation of al of the National Széchényi Library or the deputy the Hungarian national library and in the legal doc- director general for scholarly affairs. An interna- uments regulating its activity, scientific research is tional board of trustees will ensure professional qualified as an area of special emphasis. The sci- supervision of the work of the centre; its members entific research work is directed principally at the will be nominated by the heads of the National study of its own holdings and by its nature falls in Széchényi Library and the Institute of Literary the field of book history. The organised catalogu- Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ing and study of documents of Hungarian rele- after consultation with the HAS Working Committees vance not found in Hungary is also an important on Book History and Press History, and appointed task of the library, one which cannot be carried for a period of one year by the director general of the out without close co-operation with members of library. The board of trustees will meet annually foreign collections, research and higher education or as necessary. The central research programme institutions. There is a growing demand among will be adopted by the general assembly convened experts dealing with book history research in the annually. The presidents and secretaries of the European countries for research of a comparative HAS Committee on Cultural History and the Working nature and this is one of the reasons why the Hun- Committees on Book History and Press History garian national library has expanded its foreign must also be invited to the general assembly. relations. The heads of the National Széchényi Library and the Institute of Literary Scholarship of Members of the centre: the Hungarian Academy of Sciences have therefore • foreign invited researchers (who do not receive decided to establish a European Centre of Book a remuneration), History to provide a framework for the already • Hungarian invited researchers (who do not existing research and co-operation. The proposed receive a remuneration), centre will operate in the library, and the HAS will • members of the HAS research group (remu- support it not only through professional co-oper- nerated by the HAS), ation and the co-ordination of plans of work but also • researchers of the National Széchényi Library by placing an “academic research group” here. whose research area is related to the institu- tional aims (the library supports their activity ¶ Aims of the centre, its members with research days), and management • employees of the National Széchényi Library given the assignment of attaining the objectives The main aims of the centre are the following: of the centre (remunerated by the library). • research on Hungarian book history (pub- lishing, binding, illustration, trade, libraries, The head of the centre will be responsible for co- reading, small prints, press); the co-ordination ordinating scholarly research carried out in all areas of Hungarian research, exploring sources, of the library; the following organisational units, producing bibliographies and summaries, either existing or to be created, belong under his/ • compilation of a retrospective bibliography her direct supervision: of Hungarian books and periodicals, • HAS–OSZK Research Group on Early Biblio- • research on the European links of Hungarian graphic Relics, book history, • 16th–18th Century Book History Department, • organised co-operation with European book • 19th–20th Century Book History Department, history workshops and professional commu- • Press History Department, nities in Hungary and elsewhere, • Humanities Literature Bibliography Department, • participation in European comparative book • special collections: Collection of Early Books, history research, Manuscript Collection, Map Collection, Collection • creation and operation of a humanities litera- of Theatre History, Music Collection, Collection of ture database. Historical Interviews, Restoration Department, The head of the centre will be the director gener- Cistercian Antal Reguly Historic Library at Zirc. )5( The work of the centre is assisted by the Special • Bibliotheca corviniana digitalis, Library for Book History and Library Sciences, an • Bibliotheca eruditionis 1500–1750, organisational unit of the Library Institute of the • Lectio (national shared catalogue of prints National Széchényi Library. The book history and manuscripts before 1850, with digitised holdings of the special library comprise Hun- versions of the documents), garian and European journals on book history, • Clavis typographorum regionis Carpathicae and Hungarian and European literature on book 1473–1948, history. In addition to the holdings of the special • Data bank of typefaces and ornamentations library, there are also considerable holdings of used in early Hungarian prints, handbooks and literature in the holdings of the • Catalogue of Hungarian watermarks, National Széchényi Library and the reference • Hungarian book history Minerva, libraries of its special collections. A generous gift • Database of Hungarian press history, from the Republic of Italy has helped to lay the • Bibliography of Hungarian book history, foundations of the book history section of the • Lexicon of Hungarian cultural history, special library. • Bibliographic database of Hungarian human- ities. ¶ Publications of the centre Types of publications: ¶ The special library of book history and library sciences • periodical – Magyar Könyvszemle [Hungarian Book In 1959 the national library established the Library Review] (the periodical was established by the Sciences and Methodology Centre, which now national library in 1876, between 1956–2000 it operates as the Library Institute on the basis of Act was the organ of the HAS Institute of Literary CXL of 1997 and the deed of foundation drawn up Scholarship, published by Argumentum Pub- in 2000. The Institute’s library has been keeping lishing House), pace with the international literature of library sci- • catalogues ences, including also the literature of book history, – reconstructed historical catalogues: Libraries for close to fifty years. At the same time, the core of the Early Modern Age in the Carpathian collection of the National Széchényi Library devo- Basin (the series founded by the Institute of ted special attention to European book history Cultural History of the University of Szeged in (catalogues, bibliographies, monographs etc.), and 1996 has been published since 2000 by the placed these works mainly in the reference libraries National Széchényi Library), of the special collections. The great advantage of – still existing catalogues of old collections of the collection is that, thanks to the close contacts books and manuscripts, maintained with Central European, former socialist • conferences and volumes of studies countries, it has collected more of the book histo- – Vernetztes Europa. Beträge zur Kulturge- ry literature of the region than similar collections schichte des Buches (a joint series of the École in Western Europe. Our book history holdings now Pratique des Hautes Études and the École des amount to close to 12,000 volumes. Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales of Paris, the Universität Leipzig, the Institut für Höhere In 2004 the Republic of Italy very generously sup- Studien and the National Széchényi Library, plemented this library with several thousand vol- published by the Universitätsverlag Leipzig), umes and at the same time recommended that the – the Libri de libris series published since 2000 facsimile editions of manuscripts and prints of the by the National Széchényi Library and the Osiris
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