NEW SOUTH WALES DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1875-1994 By P. Mashman G. Campbell G. Brookes o Geological Survey Report No: GS1987/346 Updated: April 1994 If) Map Reference: NSW General @ Department of Mineral Resources 1987 The information contained in this report has been obtained by the Department of Mineral Resources as part of the policy of the state Government to assist in the development of mineral resources and furtherance of geological knowledge. It may not be published in any form or used in a company prospectus, document or statement without the permission in writing of the Under Secretary, Department of Mineral Resources Sydney_ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 R00006328 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1//11//111/ D001188950 GS1987/346 ABSTRACT This report presents a listing of all Department of Mineral Resources' (formerly New South Wales Department of Mines to October 1978) publications and unpublished publications from 1875 to 1994. The list includes Annual Reports, Bulletins, Coal Industry Profile, Coal Strategy, Explanatory Notes, Memoirs, Metallogenic Mine Data Sheets and Studies, Mineral Industry Review, Mineral Industry Series, Mineral Resources Series, Minfo, Miscellaneous Publications, Brochures, 'How To' Brochures, Gold Deposits Maps, Progress Reports, Promotional Booklets, Quarterly Notes, Records, Reports and Technical Reports. The report was first updated in 1985 and this second update was completed in April 1994. All items can be accessed through the Mineral Resource Library or online through the DIGS report viewer DIGS URL: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/minerals/digs Library Mineral Resource Centre 516 High St Maitland NSW 2320 PH: 02 4931 6666 GS1987/346 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ANNUAL REPORTS 1 BULLETINS 2 COAL INDUSTRY PROFILE 4 COAL STRATEGY 5 EXPLANATORY NOTES 1 : 1 00,000 SHEET 5 1:50,000 SHEET 6 1 :1,000,000 SHEET 6 MEMOIRS ETHNOLOGY 6 GEOLOGY 7 PALAEONTOLOGY 7 METALLOGENIC MINE DATA SHEETS AND STUDIES 9 MINERAL INDUSTRY REVIEW 1 1 MINERAL INDUSTRY SERIES 1 1 MINERAL RESOURCES SERIES 13 MINFO 15 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS 18 BROCHURES 19 'HOW TO' BROCHURES 20 GOLD DEPOSIT MAPS (INCLUDING NOTES) 21 PROGRESS REPORTS 21 PROMOTIONAL BOOKLETS (UNPUBLISHED) 23 QUARTERLY NOTES 24 RECORDS 35 REPORTS 57 TECHNICAL REPORTS 63 ii 11I1111I1I11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 D001188970 GS1987/346 NEW SOUTH WALES DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1875-1994 ANNUAL REPORTS ANNUAL REPORTS YEAR YEAR 1875 1911 1876 1912 1877 1913 1878 1914 1879 1915 1880 1916 1881 1917 1882 1918 1883 1919 1884 1920 1885 1921 1886 1922 1887 1923 1888 1924 1889 1925 1890 1926 1891 1927 1892 1928 1893 1929 1894 1930 1895 1931 1896 1932 1897 1933 1898 1934 1899 1935 1900 1936 1901 1937 1902 1938 1903 1939 1904 1939-1945 1905 1939-1945 (summary) 1906 1946 1907 1947 1908 1948 1909 1949 1910 1950 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111/111/111/ D001188980 GS1987/346 (Annual Reports cont.) ANNUAL REPORTS ANNUAL REPORTS YEAR YEAR 1951 1970/1971 1952 1971/1972 1953 1972/1973 1954 1973/1974 1955 1974/1975 1956 1975/1976 1957 1976/1977 1958 1977/1978 1959 1978/1979 1960 1979/1980 1961 1980/1981 1962 1981/1982 1963 1982/1983 1964 1983/1984 1965 1984/1985 1966 1985/1986 1967 1987 1968 1988 (January-June 1988/1989 1969) 1989/1990 1969/1970 1990/1991 1991/1992 1992/1993 # BULLETINS 1 Tin. (E.J. Kenny, 1922) 2 Silver, Lead, Zinc. (E.J, Kenny, 1923) 3 Copper. (E.J. Kenny, 1923) 4 Iron. (L.F. Harper, 1923) 5 Antimony. Arsenic. Bismuth. Molybdenum. Tungsten. (E.J. Kenny, 1924) 6 The Coal Resources of New South Wales. (The staff of the Geological Survey, 1925) 7 Gold. (E.J. Kenny, 1924) 2 GS1987/346 (Bulletins cont.) 8 Aluminium (Alunite and Bauxite). (L.F. Harper, 1924) 9 Limestone, Dolomi te, Lime, and Hydraulic Cement. (L. J. Jones, 1925) 10 Silica. (L.F. Harper, 1924) 1 1 Cadmium and Mercury, or "Quicksilver". {E.J. Kenny, 1924) 12 Coke. (L.F. Harper). Notes on By-products. (H.P. White, 1924) 13 Chronium, Cobalt, Nickel. Zirconium, Titanium Thorium, Cerium. (H.G. Raggatt, 1925) 14 Asbestos, Emery, Fluorspar, Fuller's Earth, Graphite, Phosphates, Talc, and Soapstone. (H.G. Raggatt, 1924) 16 Barytes, Ochres, and Oxides. (H.G. Raggatt, 1925) 17 Reconnaissance Geological Survey: Ulladulla 1-mile Military Sheet and Southern Part of Tianjara 1-mile Military Sheet. (C.T. McElroy and G. Rose, 1962) 18 The Botany Basin. (R.J. Griffin, 1963) 19 A Review of Groundwater in the Murray Basin, New South Wales. (G.S. Gibbons, R.J. Griffin and W.J. Staude, 1972) 20# Geology of the western Blue Mountains. (R. Goldbery, 1972) 21# Mining History of the Silver, Lead, Zinc, and Copper Mines of the Broken Hill District to 1939, excluding the Main Line of Lode. (K.J. Dickinson, 1972) 22# Geology and Coal Resources of the Southern Catchment Coal Reserve, Southern Sydney Basin, New South Wales. (M.R. Bunny, 1972) 23# Mining History of the Tumbarumba Gold Field. (J.L. Willis, 1972) 24# Mining History of Gold Deposits of the Far South Coast, New South Wales. (J.L. Willis, 1973) 25# The Geology and Resource Potential of the Wianamatta Group. (C. Herbert, 1979) 3 GS1987/346 (Bulletins cont.) 26# A Guide to the Sydney Basin. {c. Herbert and R. Helby, 1980) 27# Eustasy in the Australian Early and Middle Cretaceous. (R. Morgan, 1980) 28# Non-Metallic and Tin Deposits of the Broken Hill District. (S.R. Lishmund, 1982) 29# The Silurian System in New South Wales. (J.W. Pickett, 1982) 30# A Review of Industrial Minerals and Rocks in New South Wales. (G.G. Holmes, S.R. Lishmund and G.M. Oakes, 1981) 31# Contributions to the Geology of the Great Australian Basin in New South Wales. (J.M. Hawke and J.N. Cramsie, (Eds). 1984) 32# Metallogenic Studies of the Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks, New South Wales: 1. Styles of Mineralisation in the Broken Hill Blocks. (R.G. Barnes, 1988). 2. Mineral Deposits of the Southwestern Broken Hill Block. (R.G. Barnes, 1988). COAL INDUSTRY PROFILE Coal in NSW - Industry Profile 1984 Coal Industry Profile 1986 Coal Industry Profile 1989 Coal Industry Profile 1990 Coal Industry Profile 1991 Coal Industry Profile 1992 Coal Industry Profile 1993 Coal Industry Profile 1994 # 4 GS1987/346 COAL STRATEGY 1 Coal Export Strategy Study 1979. Report on Task Force. 2 New South Wales Coal Strategy 1981. Report prepared for the New South Wales Government by the Coal Resources Development Committee, 1981. (Published by the Department of Mineral Resources) 3 New South Wales Coal Strategy Study 1983. Report prepared for the New South Wales Government by the Coal Resources Development Committee, 1983. (Published by the Department of Mineral Resources) Volume 1 Strategic Plan (1983) Volume 2 Industry Review (1983) EXPLANATORY NOTES 1:100,000 SHEET Geology of the Berridale 1: 1 00,000 Sheet 8625 (map not included). (A.J.R. White, I.S. Williams, B.W. Chappell, 1977) Geology of the Braidwood 1: 1 00,000 Sheet 8827 (map not included). (E.A. Felton, 1977) # Geology of the Bobadah 1 :100,000 Sheet 8233 (map not included) . (E.A. Felton, 1977) # Geology of the Camberwel1, Dungog and Bulahdelah 1:100,000 Sheets 9133, 9233, 9333. (J. Roberts, B. Engel and J. Chapman). # Geology of the Canbelego 1: 100,000 Sheet 8134 (map not included). (E.A. Felton, 1981) # Geology of the Cobar 1 :100,000 Sheet 8035 (map not included) . (E.A. Felton, 1981) # Geology of the Cootamundra 1:100,000 Sheet 8528 (map not included). (R.E. Winchester, J. Adrian, D.S.L. Clift, H. Basden, 1978) . # Geology of the Drake 1 :100,000 Sheet 9340 (map included). (J. Thompson, 1976) # Geology of the Kilparney 1: 1 00,000 Sheet 8132. (S.J. Trigg) . # Geology of the Lachlan Downs 1: 1 00,000 Sheet 8033 (G. P . MacRae 1989). # Geology of Michelago 1 :100,000 Sheet 8726 (S. J . Richardson) . 5 GS1987/346 (Explanatory Notes cont.) II Geology of the Mount Allen 1: 1 00,000 Sheet 8032. (E. Scheibner) . II Geology of the Narooma 1:100,000 Sheet 8925 (L.E. Chalker and C.S. Bembrick, 1977). II Geology of the Numbla 1:100,000 Sheet 8624 (A.J.R. White, B.W. Chappell, 1989). II Geology of the Nymagee 1:100,000 Sheet 8133 (G.P. MacRae) II Geology of the Penrith 1:100,000 Sheet 9030 (D.C. Jones and N.R. Clark, 1991). II Geology of the Sydney 1:100,000 Sheet 9130 (C. Herbert, 1983). II Geology of the Taralga 1:100,000 Sheet 8829 (map included) . (E. Scheibner, 1973) II Geology of the Torrowangee and Fowlers Gap 1 :100,000 Sheets 7135, 7235 (map not included). (P.F. Cooper, K.D. Tuckwell, L.B. Gilligan, and R.M.D. Meares, 1978) II Geology of the Tumut 1:100,000 Sheet 8527 (map not included) . (H. Basden). II Geology of the wollongong and Port Hacking 1 :100,000 Sheets 9029, 9129, (Edited by L. Sherwin). II Geology of the Wrightville 1: 1 00,000 Sheet 8034. (R. A. Glen) . II Geology of the Yass 1:100,000 Sheet 8628 (map not included) . (J.N. Cramsie, D.J. Pogson, and C . J. Baker, 1978) EXPLANATORY NOTES 1:50,000 SHEET Geology of the Wollongong, Kiama, and Robertson 1:50,000 Sheets 9029 II, 9028 I & IV (maps. included). (H.N. Bowman, 1974) EXPLANATORY NOTES 1:1,000,000 SHEET Explanatory Notes on the Tectonic Map of New South Wales (maps not included). (E. Schei;bner, 1976) 6 GS1987/346 MEMOIRS ETHNOLOGY 1 Aboriginal Carvings of Port Jackson and Broken Bay. (W.D. Campbell, 1899) 2 Part I The Cylindro-conical and Cornute stone Implements of western New South Wales and their Significance.
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