MAINTENANCE OF EURODRIVE REDUCER l� ==============-� r�s�allation and ma intenance of cear reducers spot, and a blue-painted plug indicati�q the location !or the breather pluq. The breather Please read and !ollov these inatroctiona plug is shipped in • plastic bag att1c�ed to ca:etully to obtain aaximWII per!or:n.ance vhile tbe reducer. Brear.her plugs !or geaootors are aaintaininq varranty riqhts oo the equipment shipped inside the aotor terminal box. Scee rece-ived. rO!ducers (i.e., R/lU" lO and S/SPJO) do not require veatilatioa. 't:7ery EURODRIVE product is factory tested and properly packaqed before it leaves our Wheo the installation o! the drive is coapany. Please report aoy transport da.maqe to co...pleted, the blue plug should be located on the aqent o! t.�e forvardinq carrier. the hiqhest spot on the reducer. The location of the level pluq and the ventilation pluq Storaae must be checked according to the r,ountinq position data contained in thia book, pases If t.�e reducers are to be store-d be!ore 21 to 26. iostallatioo, the storaqe area should be dry aod vell ventilated. Prolonqed storaqe and/or In certain mounting positions, slight oil loss storaqe in are•• of hiqh hwoidity, requires throuqh the breather pluq--due to fouo1nq o! special precautioos. Instructions !or lonq oil , or due to internal aqitation--■ight ter,a atoraqe c&J> be obtained !roa EURODRIV?:. oc=r. In t.hese c.ases, the ventilation plug c.an be substitute-d vith a solid pluq, since I! storaqe is done in an area o! extreme and our rO!ducers are sate to be run sealed. rapid te:operature chanqes, the ventilation pluq should be installed !or the period o! for vashdown applic.ations , specially protected atoraqe (See "Lubricatioo"). ventilation plugs are available to pr!��nt vater from beinq sucked into the qearc1se >!oun�inq enclosure. The reducers must be mounted on a !int, rigid, Some gear reducers, specifically types R/RPJO pl=• base, preferably vith a machined and S/SFJO, do not need any 111&intenance. They surface. The support aust oot !lex under load, can be aounted in any position and therefore, and the unit has to run vibration !ree at all do not have a level plug. For refills, see tiJtes. paqe 27 tor type and quantity. of oil to be used. --'"c-- . �re!ul aliqnmeot vith the driven aachinery is essential. In applicatioos that exert side Before starting the unit, the proper oil level loads onto the shaft, mechanical side stops, has to be checked at the red-painted level adjustable if possible, should be installed plug. If lubricant is aisaing, !ill to the onto the DOUoti:>9 surface. proper level vith the oil suqgested on pa9e 27. Mixing different types of oils should be To caintain the varranty, the reducer shall avoided. Osing types o! oils other th.an those not be modified or other equipment attached to sh""11 on page 27 aay void the warranty. Oil it. quantities needed for complete refills are shown on page 29. Installation of Driven Members After the initial st.art up, the oil level The shafts are protected aqainst corro,ion should be checked periodically, and the area vith a vinyl strippable coatinq, vhich can be surrounding the reducer should be inspected easily re.moved vithout usioq chemicals. If for evidence ot le.alting oil. chesicals are used !or shaft cleaninq, avoid ccctact vith the shaft seals to protect seal We suqqest ch.anginq the reducer oil every and bearing lubrication. 10,000 hours of operation, or every 2 years, vhichever is shorter. With the use o! EURODRIVl: shafts are machined vith tolerances synthetic lubric.ants, 20,000 hours or 4 years as sh""11 on the dimension sheets in our of operation can be obt.ained. Adverse cat.aloques. environments, hiqh humidity, aqqressive cedia , and high temperature vill shorten the useful Driven members, sprockets, pulleys, and lite of the lubricant. she.aves should be heated to 10 deqr. C (110 degr. Fl, .and pushed over the slightly CAOTION: Synthetic lubric.ants must not be qreased shaft. Metric shafts are provided vith mixed vith other types, or brands, under any centrebores vhich can be used for attachment circwnstances. o! mounting tools. Reducers vith keyless hollov shafts (Rinqfeder Bearinqs or Stueve taper-locks! require special attention. See instructions on the next page. Anti!riction bearings are either lubricated by the gear oil, or are provided vith sealed Never force driven •embers vith hAJNner strokes grease packinqs. £URODRIVE does not pre!er to onto the sha!t. Doioq so vill greatly decrease provide field re-greasable bearings (Zerk bearing life. !ittingsl since today's high quality q�eases vill likely outlast the bearinq. I! dcvntime, Belts, chains, etc., should be =ounted as due to bearing failure must be avoided �r.der close as possible to the castinq of the any cirCU111stances, periodical cleaninq, re<!�cer to reduce OYerhunq loads on the shaft. checking and re-qreasing vith specified qrease Val�es !or aaxiaum perinissible overhunq loads is reco�.o1ended. As option, the input covers of are �ublished in !:CllODRIV?: catalogues, or can belie.al gear units can be provided vith be ootained fro• our o!!ices. regreasing facilities, or oil bath lubr�cation on larqer units. r-?.C�RIV! reducers are shipped vith the proper oil level accordin9 to th• ■ountinq position Oiscantling Reducers specified on t.h• ori9inal order. Please refer to page S of this 111&nual. ne reducer is provided vith1 a red-painted level pluq, a drain plug located on i:1 lovest Mountinq and Dismounting Hollow Shaft Reducers tUROORIVE's keyed hollow shaft units are JymMetrical. The driven sha!t c�n be 1nserttd from eitehr side. C=.- I! th• reducer has been de!1vered with the !�steners on th• i•proper s1de.b0lt� .vashers. c1rclip and the safety Co7er should be removed and aounted opposite o: the d�cven shaft. See riq .l. Note that some reducer styles have • plast1c pluq instead of t�e safety cover. To avoid freddinq corrosion. the inserted matinq sh�ft must be undercut and finished with tolerances shown on p�qe ◄� Corros1on retardinq qreases such as �olykote )21R (or equivalent) •ust al�o be appl1�d before slipp1nq the reducer over the driven shaft. See table fiq.S !or other reco�mended lubricants. The Removal Fia.l: Mounting of :Keyed Rollow Shaft Onits R=oving hollov shaft reducers can be accomplished with the use of simple tools. One simple method is shovn in Fig.2. To make this method practical, we suggest inserting a modified thrust washer into the hollow shaft b<!!ore mounting the reducer onto the driven shaft. The washer IIUIY be inserted aftervards i! there is sufficient space b<!tween the shaft-end and the circlip. The ■odi!ied washer is not included with the unit. It can be easily aanufac:tured on-site with dimensions shown on page 4 of this booklet. Rollow Shafts Without �eyvavs CIIQ.JP 019"0(.lllf 101.f This reducer uses the Stueve or Rinqfeder-shrink fit to hold the reducer onto the driven shaft. These reducers are not s�etrical. The shrink-fit asselllbly is always located opposite the output shalt. A change of the output side requires ( disassembly of the reducer. See page S of this Fia.2: Discountino of �eyed Rollow Sh•ft Onits aan-l for instructions. �o install these reducers. first remove the protective cover and make sure that the locking screws are loose. Next. clean the hollow shaft bore and the driven shaft. and then slip the reducer over the shaft. See Fig .J. A thin coat of ,10TfCTIV( (\)"#(I Molykote can be applied to the shaft, at the L0(&1"4 � location indicated in Fig.J. COLL.,U.$ •1'"'•...c• ,_ __ ___1__:... " I , l - Slightly tighten any three screws which form the � /'·, £] ·· ., points of an equil•teral triangle (screws l, S and -'�T "•1" CCAT 9 in Fig.4J, until locking collars lose all their OI "°'-tT..:Tt lOClll-.;I play, but still can be turned. SCIC•l CAUTION: Heavy tightenir.g of the screws at this time can cause pe�nent defono•tion of the inner ring. Measure the gap between both locking collars at various poiACS to ensure equal spacing. After aeasuring. tighten all locking screvs Fia.3: Mou��ina of Shrink-Fit Hollow Sha!� :nits gradually and in the sequer.ce shovn in Fig.4. Several passes are required until all screws are tightened to the specific torque which is embossed on one of the coll•rs. A torque wrench must be LUBRICANT (�o S2l T'tPt used. � MOLYXOTE 321 R (LUBE COAT) SPRAY Re,ooval of these units is si=ilar to the install•tion procedure. Crzdually loosen the MOLYXOTE S?lUY screws in the order shown in Fig.4. (POwOER· SPAAYJ SPRAY Oo not remove tbe screws or the locking collars MOLYXOTE C AAPIO SPRAY co111pletely. The locking collar asse111bly shoul·d (>.£.�SOL �O 19PJ OR PASTE only be removf!d if the asse�oly is rusty or dirty. rt it is to be reco·,ed. it 111ust be cleaned OIO-SETRAL !i N SPRAY and lubricated on the sli�i�g sur!aces with one o! (L::BE C�>.':"J CR ?AS:"'Z the lubrican�1 shown i� ta=le :iq.5. Th• locking screws should =e lubricated with multi­ Fig. S: Lubr:cants for Fia. 4: Tiahten!�a purpose grease. Shr1nk-rit Collars Seo·�ence Disassemblinq Gear Reducers Cene-ral removal o! the remaining gears .
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