The Journal of Historical Review index, 1980-1998 COMPILED BY GREG RAVEN To mark the publication of the first 17 volumes of Lewis Brandon, p. 184. the Journal, we have compiled a listing of all arti­ 16. Eggleston, George. Roosevelt, Churchill & the cles and reviews that have appeared in the Journal World War Two Opposition. Reviewed by Lewis over the years, and are providing it here as a supple­ Brandon, p. 184. ment to this issue. Also included are signed readers' 17. Ennes, James. Assault on the Liberty. Reviewed letters, and some notable quotations. by Lewis Brandon, p. 184. The main listing is arranged chronologically by 18. Faurisson, Robert. "Letter to The New States­ volume and number, with individual entries man, Nov. 30,1979," p. 157. arranged alphabetically by author and title for each 19. Faurisson, Robert. "The 'problem of the gas issue. Items with no author are arranged by title chambers'," p. 103. before the other listings. Each listing shows the 20. Felderer, Ditlieb. "Auschwitz notebook: More page number where the item starts. impossibilities of the 'Gerstein statement'," p. At the beginning of each entry is a reference 169. number that is used with the topic and author 21. Ferencz, Benjamin. Less than Slaves. Reviewed indexes. by Lewis Brandon, p. 179. To use the topic or author index, locate the topic 22. Gilbert, Martin. The Holocaust. Reviewed by or author in which you are interested and note the Lewis Brandon, p. 182. reference numberCs) that follow the index listing. 23. Grieb, Conrad, editor. American Manifest Des­ These numbers correspond to the reference num­ tiny and the Holocausts. Reviewed by Lewis bers at the beginning of the entries in the main, Brandon, p. 183. chronological listing. 24. Harwood, Richard; Felderer, Ditlieb. "Human soap," p. 131. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1980) 25. Kanold, Otto; Weber, Mark. "Letter from Berlin," 1. App, Austin. "The 'Holocaust' put in perspective," p.141. p.43. 26. Maser, Werner. Nuremberg: A Nation on Trial. 2. Butz, Arthur R. "The international 'Holocaust' Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. 173. controversy," p. 5. 27. Page, Bruce. "Letter to Arthur Butz, Jan. 24, 3. Diwald, Hellmut. Geschichte der Deutschen. 1980," p. 162. Reviewed by Charles E. Weber, p. 81. 28. Ponsonby, Arthur. "The corpse factory," p. 121. 4. Faurisson, Robert. "The mechanics of gassing," p. 29. Schonfeld, Moshe. The Holocaust Victims 23. Accuse. Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. 178. 5. Felderer, Ditlieb. "Auschwitz notebook: Certain 30. Verrall, Richard. "Letter to The New Statesman, impossibilities of the 'Gerstein Statement'," p. 69. Nov. 10, 1979," p. 155. 6. FitzGibbon, Louis. "Hidden aspects of the Katyn 31. Wiesel, Elie. Report to the President: President's massacre: 'The lost 10,000'," p. 31. Commission on the Holocaust. Reviewed by 7. Walendy, Udo. "The fake photograph problem," p. Lewis Brandon, p. 174. 59. 32. Zayas, Alfred M. de. Nemesis at Potsdam. Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. 181. Vol. 1, no. 2 (Summer 1980) 8. Barnes, Harry Elmer. The Barnes Trilogy. Vol. 1, no. 3 (Fall 1980) Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. 183. 33. Alpern, Sara. "Letter to the editor," p. 199. 9. Barnes, Harry Elmer. "Winston Spencer 34. Bailey, Thomas; Ryan, Paul. Hitler vs. Roosevelt. Churchill: A tribute," p. 163. Reviewed by Thomas J. Marcellus, p. 278. 10. Bennett, John. "In the matter of Robert Fauris- 35. Barnes, Harry Elmer. "The public stake in revi­ son," p. 115. sionism," p. 205. 11. Brandon, Lewis. "The mendacity of Zion," p. 147. 36. Beck, Philip. Oradour: Village of the Dead. 12. Brandon, Lewis. "A note from the editor," p. 101. Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. 276. 13. Butz, Arthur R. "Letter to The New Statesman, 37. Berger, Elmer. Memoirs of an Anti-Zionist Jew. Nov. 18, 1979," p. 153. Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. 283. _ 14. Butz, Arthur R. "Letter to The New Statesman, 38. Brandon, Lewis. "A note from the editor," p. 197. Jan. 17, 1980," p. 162. 39. Chaim, Bezalel. "Letter to the editor," p. 202. 15. Connors, Michael. Dealing in Hate. Reviewed by 40. Dobson, Christopher; Miller, John; Payne, THE JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL REVIEW - November / December 1998 37 Ronald. The Cruelest Night. Reviewed by Lewis Circles of Hell. Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. Brandon, p. 282. 378. 41. Felderer, Ditlieb. "Auschwitz notebook: Lids and openings," p. 255. Vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 1981) 42. Fenelon, Fania. Playing for Time. Reviewed by 74. Ash, James K. "Letter to the editor," p. 8. Lewis Brandon, p. 267. 75. Bennett, John. "The Holocaust debate," p. 11. 43. FitzGibbon, Louis. "Khatyn - another hoax," p. 76. Bensman, Marvin. "Letter to the editor," p. 7. 231. 77. Brandon, Lewis. "The big lie technique in the 44. Gold, David. "Letter to the editor," p. 200. sandbox," p. 35. 45. Hastings, Max. Death From On High. Reviewed 78. Brandon, Lewis. "A note from the editor," p. 4. by Charles Lutton, p . 247. Bomber Command: 79. DiCenzo, R. J. "Letter to the editor," p. 9. The myths and reality of the strategic bombing. 80. Donat, Alexander, editor. The Death Camp Tre­ 46. Lapides, Fred. "Letter to the editor," p. 202. blinka: A Documentary. Reviewed by Horst Kehl, - 47. Menuhin, Moshe. The Decadence of Judaism in p. 91. 'Holocaust' pharmacology vs. scientific Our Time. Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. 283. pharmacology. 48. Mirchuk, Petro. In the German Mills of Death 81. Friedrich, Leonhard. "Buchenwald and after," p. 1941-1945. Reviewed by Lewis Brandon, p. 267. 85. 49. Muller, Filip. Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years 82. Fulton, Maureen. "Letter to the editor," p. 7. in the Gas Chambers. Reviewed by Lewis Bran­ 83. Landwehr, Richard. "The European volunteer don, p. 267. movement in World War II," p. 59. 50. Stuart, Karen. "Letter to the editor," p. 200. 84. Martin, James J. "Raphael Lemkin and the 51. Unterberger, Betty. "Letter to the editor," p. 199. invention of ,genocide'," p. 19. 52. Vernon, Eric. "Letter to the editor," p. 201. 85. O'Keefe, Peter. "Letter to the editor," p. 9. 53. Weber, Mark. "The Boer War remembered," p. 86. Weber, Mark. "The Japanese camps in Califor­ 235. nia,"p. 45. Vol. 1, no. 4 (Winter 1980) Vol. 2, no. 2 (Summer 1981) 54. Armstrong, Mason. "Letter to the editor," p. 297. 87. Faurisson, Robert. "Confessions of SS men who 55. Baumhaft, Joe. "Letter to the editor," p. 299. were at Auschwitz," p. 103. 56. Bliss, Robert M. "Letter to the editor," p. 300. 88. Lilienthal, Alfred M. "Zionism & American 57. Brandon, Lewis. "A note from the editor," p. 292. Jews," p. 181. 58. Chaim, Bezalel. "Letter to the editor," p. 298. 89. Merriam, Ray. "The Malmedy massacre and 59. Felderer, Ditlieb. "Auschwitz notebook: doors trial," p. 165. and portholes," p. 365. 90. Ross, Sandra. "Letter to the editor," p. 100. 60. Hagen, John Holte. "Letter to the editor," p. 302. 91. Smith, Wayland D. "Letter to the editor," p. 102. 61. Hagen, John Holte. "Letter to the editor," p. 300. 92. Wainwright, Peter. "Fire in the Reichstag," p. 62. Konkin, Samuel Edward. "Palestine: Liberty 177. and justice," p. 349. 93. Weber, Mark. "The Civil War concentration 63. Lawson, Richard. "Nationalism, racialism, and camps," p. 137. early British socialism," p. 355. 94. Wesserle, Andreas R. "Allied war crimes trials," 64. Schonfeld, Moshe. Genocide in the Holy Land. p.155. Reviewed by Bezalel Chaim, p. 377. 65 . Seleshko, M. "Vinnytsia - the Katyn of Vol. 2, no. 3 (Fall 1981) Ukraine," p. 335. 95. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to The New Statesman, 66. Stein, Howard F. "The Holocaust, and the myth Aug. 26, 1980," p. 197. ofthe past as history," p. 309. 96. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to the West Palm Beach 67. Stewart, John; Brandon, Lewis. The Crime of Post, Sep. 15, 1980," p. 198. Moscow in Vinnytsia. Reviewed by Lewis Bran­ 97. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to the Home News, Sep. don, p. 376. 15, 1.980," p. 198. 68. Thion, Serge. Verite Historique ou Verite Poli­ 98. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to California State Uni­ tique? Reviewed by Arthur R. Butz, p. 323. versity, Oct. 28, 1980," p. 199. 69. Tolstoy, Nikolai. The Secret Betrayal. Reviewed 99. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to Panorama, Nov. 10, by Charles Lutton, p. 371. 1980," p. 199. 70. Tucker, William. The Fascist Ego: A political 100. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to the Detroit Free biography of Robert Brasillach. Reviewed by Press, Nov. 12, 1980," p. 202. Bezalel Chaim, p. 377. 101. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to the American 71. Weber, Charles E . "Letter to the edit9r," p. 299. Library Association, Nov. 12, 1980," p. 204. 72. Weber, Mark. "Letter to the editor," p. 301. 102. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to the Pasadena Board 73 . Wytwycky, Bohdan. The Other Holocaust: Many of Education, Dec. 11, 1980," p. 205. 38 THE JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL REVIEW - November / December 1998 103. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to Commentary, Dec. lationists in the Cold War. Reviewed by Bezalel 12, 1980," p. 207. Chaim, p. 95. 104. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to The New York 136. Emry, Sheldon. "Making it all simpler," p. 12. Times, Jan. 7, 1981," p. 212. 137. Fischer, R. H. ''We're blushing," p. 13. 105. Brandon, Lewis. "Letter to the Pittsburgh 138. Gerke, Hermann A. "Moral support," p. 13. Press, Jan. 27,1981," p. 213. 139. Kalvoda, Josef Czechoslovakia's Role in Soviet 106. Buchner, Reinhard K. "The problem of crema­ Strategy. Reviewed by W. K. F. Schuldes, p. 89. tor hours and incineration time," p. 219. 140. Landwehr, Richard. "More on 'Oradour'," p. 7. 107. Butz, Arthur R. "Letter to Commentary, Dec 16, 141. MacDonough, H. R. "Monument-building for 1980," p. 210. fun and profit," p. 9. 108. Chaim, Bezalel.
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