SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14,1040 Averagt Dkllr drealatlon Far the Moath a t November, 1946 Tht Wsatlior HUmrlirstrr Cantteg Hwralit Fsraeost of U. B. Westbor Banaa 6 , 5 ^ M t 63 Oxford street Aearer %than Roto, warmer teolght; Toeedag, epidemic and one by one the others Mrastar a( Nw Aadtt rata er «ww, eleariag >. Ja a lta r- The American Legion auxlllai'y faint with him at each mention oi required reetrlctlon of four Appeals Bc^rd feet from the boundary Une in a DANCING -^IG H T Boreas ot Clraokrtleas nooo, net maeb edbaaga *i --Taf i r i will postpone its annual Christmas In Star Part the word. There’s a riotously funny ta re. ^ party and meeting from Monday climax to this gay farce. reaidence A tone. to Wednesday evening,, December Others in the cast, directed by Calls Hearing John FUher od B0-61 Bridge Manchester—‘A City of Village Charm 18, at the Legion home on IJcon- , Of New Play F.dgnr Martin, are Edward Breen, ■treet asks permission to build an IcaulctinM p»rty ot the Senior ard street. Past presidents head­ Richard Brannlck, Elieabeth Wash., addition to a present three car DANTE'S RESTAURANT V0L.LX^N0.6S (ClMaMea AdMvtlatng m Fago U) WUI be held thU ed by MarJorie Bradley, Junior garage nearer than the required MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) klc'.vieh. Mary Bolinsky, Lucia Sets Date for Session for 16 E n n e m te r S treet PRICE THREE Cl nt 7:30 In the South past president, wUl be in charge. Ann Waslikiewic* Takes Dwlre and Donald McCann. three feet from the boundary line [1st church. All members Each member is asked to bring a Dec. 19 to Discuss In a reaidence B sons. Featnrini Freah Clama and Oyatera On the Oochtnil ^'tbose planning to Join the ten cent gift for the grab bag. Principal Role in Hila­ Chun or Oyster Fries „ v..,. _______ • are requested to bring s toy Zoning Permits Here. Orchestn Every Thurs. and Sat Nlghla Songa At Four Bequeat Plenty of Tanks Here „ donated to the Toy Center. Temple Chapter. No. 53, Order rious Cometly. Name Coniiiiittee WINES- UUIIORS ANU SEEKS -.—i,- I 4late of the Intermediate par- of the Eastern Star, will give a Urges Elim ination Three queetlone of property Send Your Food At Ita Beat Sucii Aa RavtoU, *" rlll be annoiinccd later. reception Ihia evening in honor of Miss Ann Washkiewlci, as the j Foi British’ Night iieage are to comb before the Zon­ Order* Made Cp To Take Out Britain’s Vanguards Giand Martha MarJorie R. Straw eci.entilc Mias Tick, will convulse ing Board of Appeals at a public E ilra John Hurley of 150 Walnut of this town, a past worthy ma­ Phonograph audiences who attend the presenta­ hearing scheduled for Thursday, ■Mat, accompanied by her sister, tron of the chapter, to which all Commander Lindsay presided at December 19 a t 8 p. m. in the Of Laws Barring K d ‘Dorothy Farrand, will spend membci's of the local chapter are tions to be staged by the Pariah the regular meeting of Mons-Ypres municipal building. Xmas Greetings E w eek end in New York City. cordially invited. The reception 'Players in St. James’s school hail Post last Wednesday night in the John F. Howard, of 41 Delmont will take place at eight o’clock In tomorrow evening at 8:15 o’clock. British American Club. Plans street, seeks permission to enclose From Our Radio Dept. Cross Libya Border; Pfhe name of Miss Helen Gould the main lorige hall. In the “Hummingbird’ Htccupa." were advanced for “British Night” a . grease pit on the north side of Help for Britain h a inadvertently omitted from .Miss Wa-shklewic* discovers that whicli will consist of an enter­ a gasoline station at 134 Oakland E | women’s division of the Center Simply talk Into n microphone The Headquarters and Antl- tainment and dance, the proceeds street in a residential zone A. nnd yonr voice la recorded on a Legion Bingo Tonight E ^ h every member yesterday. Tqnk Companies will bid each to go to the Manchester Commit­ James A. Harrison, of 62 Oxford E a Gould is a member of Mls.s amall record,Good for over 200 other adieu -at the State Armory tee for British Relief. street, requests permission to build playings. A novel and wonder­ Dec. 14,1940 .\l7 :3 0 Bloom Favora Change in Copy of Conutitation Seen E trude Carrier’s team. tonight at a farewell banquet held A committee consisting of an attached garage to a dwelling ful way to greet your distant Fighting Now Bitteri Best Chrintmaa Metnagie to mark the separation of the two Charles Garrow, Thomas Conn, frlenda and reintivea. Johnson Act Which FBids on the renewal of roofiUK units. Hemlqiiartcr.s Company, Wllli'am Bristow and Leslie Ken­ Leonard Street Now Bans Credit to Na-; (Jf^ Md waterproofing at the local which has been stationed at the ny has been named to procure the Only 10c Per Record Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 16.— Kate Armory will be received In local armory, will move to Hart­ entertainment for the night. The a HOLIDAY GREETING * lion in Default oh - Striking a patriotic note in Severe British, Greek I Soldiers Help Railroads Italiann Admitted to lo«m 402, .State Office building. ford. and Ilielr pi'.'it will be taken d ,tc for the p.arty has been select­ » C.ARDS- Ji Yuletlde greetings. District 5 Attarks Reporter! in , On Christmas Packages “ Iford. until two o’clock, De- up by the new anti-tank company ed—January 25, and the event will Serial Game at 8:30 Sharp World War Debts, Re-' officials of the United Mine ‘Still Holding Stron§||j|d pdlber 20, It was announced t^ » Made From Your Own K Montgomery I Workers of America are mail­ under commanfl of Capt. Raymond be held in High school hall. Libya, Albania; Des­ I»ndon, Dec. 16.—ijp — Sev- ^ I)<;fended Pofiitioilffi ay by the Commissioner of Public Hagedom, The banquet l.s .sched­ Members of the post are a.sked 3 NeRative. JJ peal of Neutrality Act.; ing each union member a copy forks. Plans and specifications era] Ihoinsand soldiers today be­ uled for seven o'clock. to work for this event as there Individual Seats For All of the Constitution of the Unit­ ert Asnaiilts Marie gan helping the railroads dis- About Salum,’ Egypt* a now available in the same will be plenty of work to be done 3 ELITE STUDIO W ard S t Co. I Washington, Dec. 16.—(IP). ed States ami Its amendments. •patrh (Christmas card.s and om for prospective bidders. Group No. n of the Memorial to line up all the various loose “In this hour of confusion Umler Bonibard merit ian Port Five Mile#| ends. We desire that this benefit —The elimination of all legal, packages—their help sought CThe annual meeting of the Man- i HospiUl Womcn'.a Auxiliary. -Mrs. and misunderstanding through­ Of Italian Planes because of public response to a event be the outstanding event of Early Bird Games at 7:30 obstacles in the way of expe-! out the world," said District Eafit of Frontier ini a te r Rod and Gun club will be I D. M. Caldwell, leader, will meet the season. Fred B aker will be in "mall early" plea. this evening at the club's Monday afteinpon.nl two o’clock dited aid to Great Britain was President P. T. Kagan, “this is M' hieh Clause Heavy The soldiers will work eight- 1 Coast Sector Whernl charge of tickets. The commit­ the most appropriate Christ­ ,—tera in Coventry. Slipper will in the Clinic building on Haynes tees will meet from time to time Dance After Bingo .Vs Guests of the Legion. urged today by Chairman hour shifts at all main tcriM- street. mas message that could go to lyoss; Greeks Repulsed nals and railway stations until Battle Rages 3 Dayt* aerved by Osano at six o'clock so that progress on the plans may Bloom (D.,'N.Y.), of the ... i the meeting will be opened at be reported. — PHONE ■/254 — Real OJd Fashioned Numbers. the officers and members of our the night before Christmas. Sun.set Kebekah Lodge will meet House Foreign Affairs Com­ organization.’’ ht o’clock. William J. Robb, of I was very glad to sec that our Buses Run Right By Leonard Street. Rome, Dec. 16.—(IP)—Bit­ Besides, thousands of volim- Cairo, Egy-pt, Dec, 16.—(d>>, Hartford, formerly of Man- in Odd F'ellows hni! Monday eve­ old friend. Bcel, is back in the col­ mittee. Bloom outlined his po­ ter fighting in Libya and Al­ teer wives and sweethearts of ksster, is the vice-president diie ning. A Christmas party will fol­ SPECIAL! One Week Only! —Vanguards of Britain’a: umn again. Now that he has re­ 1 Plenty of Parking Space. .Vdmission 50c. sition as the capital awaited liar;,. bania against severe British pfistal employes arc helping Army in the western de6Wk;| I be elevated to the presidency. low the meeting and each member turned, we hope that he remains (Dec. I6th le g ist) the return of President sort the mail. „_nes O. McCaw has ^een presi- is asked to bring a ten-cent gift for a long time, but that bird has a ■' _____ —■ Tanks of the Army’s Second Armored Division presented this scene of military might In a field near and 'Greek attacks was re- are “well across” the ixirder ' l4 e n t th is year.
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