UNITED STATES * * * NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 5 Ild'drT November 9, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman Meserve Commissioner Dicus Commissioner Diaz Commissioner McGaffigan Commissioner Merrifield FROM: Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Congressional Affaiirs SUBJECT: STATE DELEGATIONS IN THE 107TH CONGRESS Attached for your information is the list of State delegations for the 107r Congress. In the State of Washington, incumbent Senator Slade Gorton (R) is in a race that is still considered too close to call. In the House, there are two races that are considered too close to call. It appears that E. Clay Shaw (R) is ahead in Florida's 2 2nd district, and Rush D. Holt (D) is ahead in New Jersey's 12t' district, but they have not yet been declared the winners. Regarding NRC's oversight committees, in the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Chairmanships are likely to remain unchanged. However, if ranking minority member Senator Max Baucus (MT) moves to take over the ranking slot in the Finance Committee, Senator Harry Reid (NV) may become ranking member of the Environment Committee. In the House Committee on Commerce, Chairman Thomas Bliley (VA) is retiring. Representatives W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (LA) and Michael G. Oxley (OH) are rivals for the chairmanship. Rep. John D. Dingell (Mich) will remain as the Committee's ranking member. It is likely that Joe Barton (TX) will remain chairman of the Energy and Power Subcommittee; however, the Committee's ranking members are less certain at this time. Regarding the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, the full committee chairmanships and ranking members are expected to stay the same. In the House, Rep. Ron Packard (CA), chairman of the Energy and Water Development Subcommittee, is retiring and term limits will affect other subcommittee chairmanships. Attachment: As Stated cc: EDO OIG OGC/Cyr OIP OGC OCAA SECY CFO CIO OPA STT DLGIOSITH 07n ONRS Italic - new member, party control oj seat remains twe same Bold Italic - new member,party contro of seat changes ALABAMA 10 Ellen 0. Tauscher, D 11 Richard W. Pombo, R DELAWARE HAWAII Senate 12 Tom Lantos, D 13 Pete Stark, D Senate Senate• Richard C. Shelby, R 14 Anna G. Eshoo, D Joseph R. Biden Jr., D Daniel K. Inouye, D Jeff Sessions, R 15 Mike Honda,.)b "ThomasI. Carper,aL Daniel -IC.Akaka, D House 16 Zoe'Lofgren, D House 17 Sam Parr, D 1 Sonny Callahan, R How& 1 Neil.Abercrombie, D 18 Gary A. Condit, D AL Michael N. Castle, R 2 Patsy T. Mink, D 2 Terry Everett, R 19 George P. Radanovich, R 3 Bob Riley, R 20 Cal Dooley, D FLORIDA IDAHO 4 Robert B. Aderholt, R 21 Bill Thomas, R 5 Robert E. "Bud" Cramer, D 22 Lois Capps, D 23 Elton Gallegly, R Senate Senate 6 Spencer Bachus, R 24 Brad Sherman, D Bob Graham, D Larry E. Craig, R 7 Earl F. Hilliard, D 25 Howrd P. "Buck' MdCeci-4 R Bill Nelson, D Michael D. Crapo, R 26 Howard L. Berman, D House ALASKA 27 Adam Schiff,D House 1 C.L. "Butch" Otter,R Senate 28 David Dreier, R 1 Joe Scarborough, R 2 Mike Simpson, R 29 Henry A. Waxman, D Ted Stevens, R 2 Allen Boyd, D 30 Xavier Becerra, D Frank H. Murkowski, R ILLINOIS 31 Hilda Solis, D 3 Corrine Brown, D House 4 Arnder Crenshaw,R 32 Julian C. Dixon, D Senate AL Don Young, R 33 Lucille Roybal-Allard, D 5 Karen L Thurman, D Richard J. Durbin, D 34 Grace F. Napolitano, D 6 Cliff Steams, R Peter G. Fitzgerald, R ARIZONA 35 Maxine Waters, D 7 John L. Mica, R House Senate 36 JaneHarmanf, D 8 Richard "Ric"Keller, R 37 Juanka Mle•de-Maý D I Bobby L. Rush, D John McCain, R 9 Michael Bilirakis, R 38 Steve Horn, R 2 Jesse L. Jackson Jr., D Jon Kyl, R 10 C.W. Bill Young, R 39 Ed Royce, R 3 William 0. Lipinski, D House 40 Jerry Lewis, R 11 Jim Davis, D 4 Luis V. Gutierrez, D 1 JeffFlake, R 41 Gary G. Miller, R 12 Adam Putnam, R 5 Rod R. Blagojevich, D 42 Joe Baca, D 13 Dan Miller, R 2 Ed Pastor, D 6 Henry J. Hyde, R 43 Ken Calvert, R 14 Porter J. Goss, R 3 Bob Stump, R 7 Danny K. Davis, D 44 Mary Bono, R 15 Dave Weldon, R 4 John Shadegg, R 45 Dana Rohrabacher, R 8 Philip M. Crane, R 16 Mark Foley, R 5 Jim Kolbe, R 46 Loretta Sanchez, D 9 Jan Schakowsky, D 17 Carrie P. Meek, D 6 J.D. Hayworth, R 47 Christopher Cox, R 10 Mark Steven Kirk, R 48 DarrellIssa, R 18 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R 11 Jerry Weller, R 49 Susan A Davis, D 19 Robert Wexler, D ARKANSAS 12 Jerry F. Costello, D 50 Bob Filner, D 20 Peter Deutsch, D a Senate Judy Biggert, R 40 51 Rand "Duke" Cunningham, R 21 Lincoln Diaz-Balart, R 13 Tim Hutchinson, R 14 J. Dennis Hastert, R C., 52 Duncan Hunter, R 22 E. Clay Shaw Jr., R" Blanche Lincoln, D 15 Timothy V.Johnson, R 23 Alcee L. Hastings, D 0 House COLORADO 16 Donald Manzullo, R 'Shaw is in a race idlb Elaine Bloom. D. Senate 17 Lane Evans, D c-i 1 Marion Berry, D that is too close to call. 2 Vic Snyder, D Ben Nighthorse Campbell, R 18 Ray LaHood, R "0r"LnZ Wayne Allard, R GEORGIA 19 David D. Phelps, D D 3 Asa Hutchinson, R House 20 John Shimkus, R 4 Mike Ross, D 1 Diana DeGette, D Senate ".;2 Mark Udall, D INDIANA CALIFORNIA 3 Scott McInnis, R Max Cleland, D Senate 4 Bob Schaffer, R Zell Miller, D Senate Dianne Feinstein, D 5 Joel Hefley, R 6 Tom Tancredo, R Richard G. Lugar, R Barbara Boxer, D House V Evan Bayh, D House 1 Jack Kingston, R U CONNECTICUT 2 Sanford D. Bishop Jr., D 1 Mike Thompson, D House 0 3 Mac Collins, R 2 Wally Herger, R 1 Peter J. Visclosky, D Senate 4 Cynthia A. McKinney, D 3 Doug Ose, R Christopher J. Dodd, D 2 Mike Pence,R so 5 John Lewis, D 4 John T. Doolittle, R Joseph I. Lieberman, D 3 Tim Roemer, D House 6 Johnny Isakson, R 5 Robert T. Matsui, D 4 Mark Souder, R 1 John B. Larson, D 7 Bob Barr, R 5 Steve Buyer, R 6 Lynn Woolsey, D 2 Rob Simmons, R 8 Saxby Chambliss, R 6 Dan Burton, R 7 George Miller, D 3 Rosa DeLauro, D 9 Nathan Deal, R 7 Brian D. Kerns, R 8 Nancy Pelosi, D 4 Christopher Shays, R 10 Charlie Norwood, R 5 Jim Maloney, D 8 John Hostettler, R 9 Barbara Lee, D 11 John Linder, R 6 Nancy L. Johnson, R 9 Baron P. Hill, D 10 Julia Carson, D STT EEMISI TH 07T COGRS t.Itaic - new member, party control of seat remains the same Bold Italic - new memoer, parzy cosmro oj sew tranages 5 Steny H. Hoyer, D MISSOURI 12 Rush D. Holt, D" IOWA 6 Roscoe G. Bartlett, R 13 Robert Menendez, D "Holtis in a close race wib Dick Zimmer, R Senate 7 Elijah E. Cummings, D Senate R Charles E. Grassley, R 8 Constance A. Morella, R Christopher S. Bond, The widow ofMel Carnaban,D, who was killed NEW MEXICO Tom Harkin, D in a plan crash, wil be named0tfill tbksSet. House MASSACHUSETTS House Senate 1 Jim Leach, R Senate 1 William Lacy ClayJr, D R 2 Jim Nussle, Edward M. Kennedy, D 2 ToddAkin, R Pete V. Domenici, R L Boswell, D 3 Leonard John Kerry, D 3 Richard A. Gephardt, D Jeff Bingaman, D 4 Greg Ganske, R House 4 Ike Skelton, D House R 5 Tom Latham, I John W. Olver, D 5 Karen McCarthy, D I Heather A. Wilson, R 2 Richard E. Neal, D 6 Sam Graves, R 2 Joe Skeen, R KANSAS 3 Jim McGovern, D 7 Roy Blunt, R 3 Tom Udall, D Senate 4 Barney Frank, D 8 Jo Ann Emerson, R Sam Brownback, R 5 Martin T. Meehan, D 9 Kenny Hulshof, R NEW YORK Pat Roberts, R 6 John F. Tiemey, D Senate House 7 Edward J. Markey, D MONTANA Charles E. Schumer, D 1 Jerry Moran, R 8 Michael E. Capuano, D -. Senate Hillary Rodbam Clinton, D 2 Jim Ryun, R 9 Joe Moakley, D Max Baucus, D House 3 Dennis Moore, D 10 Bill Delahunt, D Conrad Bums, R 1 Felixj. GrucciJr.,R 4 Todd Tiahrt, R House 2 Steven Israei, D MICHIGAN AL Denny Rehberg, R 3 Peter T. King, R KENTUCKY Senate 4 Carolyn McCarthy, D Carl Levin, D 5 Gary L. Ackerman, D Senate Debbie Stabenow, D NEBRASKA 6 Gregory W. Meeks, D Mitch McConnell, R House Senate 7 Joseph Crowley, D D Jim Bunning, R 1 Bart Stupak, D Chuck Hagel, R 8 Jerrold Nadler, 9 Anthony Weiner, D House 2 Peter Hoekstra, R Ben Nelson, D 1 Edward Whitfield, R 3 Vernon J. Ehlers, R House 10 Edolphus Towns, D R. Owens, D 2 Ron Lewis, R 4 Dave Camp, R 1 Doug Bereuter, R 11 Major Velazquez, D 3 Anne M. Northup, R 5 James A. Barcia, D 2 Lee Terry, R 12 Nydia M. 13 Vito J. Fossella, R 4 Ken Lucas, D 6 Fred Upton, R 3 Tom Osborne, R 5 Harold Rogers, R 7 Nick Smith, R 14 Carolyn B.
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