SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. DYCE COLLECTION. A' CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS, MINIATURES, DRAWINGS, ENGRAVINGS, RINGS, AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS BEQUEATHED BY THE REVEREND ALEXANDER DYCE. LONDON: PRINTED BY GEORGE E. EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. FOR HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE. MDCCCLXXIV. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/dycecollectioncaOOsout DYCE COLLECTION PAINTINGS, MINIATURES, DRAWINGS, ENGRAVINGS, RINGS, AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. 25991a. A SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. DYCE COLLECTION, A CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS, MINIATURES, DRAWINGS, ENGRATINGS, RINGS, AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS BEQUEATHED BY THE REVEREND ALEXANDER DYCE. LONDON: PRINTED BY GEORGE E. EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN’S BIOS! EXCELLENT MAJESTY. FOR HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE. MDCCCLXXIV. SI — — V NOTE. This catalogue refers to the Art portion of the Collection bequeathed to the South Kensington Museum by the Reverend Alexander Dyce, the well-known Shakespearian scholar, who died May 15, 1869. A companion volume contains a catalogue of the remainder of the Bequest, the printed books and manuscripts. The following is an extract from Mr. Dyce s will : “ This is the last will of me, the Rev. Alexander Dyce, of Oxford Terrace, Paddington, Middlesex. As to all my books, works of art, and other such effects, I dispose of them as herein-after specially mentioned. And I appoint my friends, John Forster, of Palace Gate House, Kensington, esquire, and William Macpherson, of Lancaster Gate, esquire, executors of this my will. As to my collection of books and works of art, consisting of the whole of my rare and valuable and other books, and of my pictures, paintings, drawings, miniatures, antique rings, and curiosities, and all my printed books and manuscripts, and any other effects which may, in the opinion of my executors, come under the description of works of art or articles of vertu (the same being herein-after described as “ my said collection”) I give the same in maimer following, in which I have had regard to the gift of the Sheepshanks collection of pictures and works of art, which I desire generally to follow, that is to say, I give and bequeath my said collection unto the Member of Her Majesty’s Government for the time being charged with the promotion of art education now undertaken by the Department of Science and Art as the ex-officio trustee thereof, upon the following terms and conditions, viz. : “1. That such ex-officio trustee do within six months from the probate of my will sign a memorandum of the acceptance of the trustee- ship, and deliver the same to my executors, and to be by them copied on the probate of my said will, with a memorandum to be signed by them of such acceptance. “ 2. That a proper and sufficient separate room or gallery in or near to the public buildings built, or to be built, for the Department of Science and Art, now called the South Kensington Museum, or elsewhere, be set apart or provided for the purpose of holding my said collection (to be called “The Dyce Collection ”), and that my said collection be deposited and kept in such room or gallery. “ 3. The right of property in, and possession of, my said collection shall be solely in the ex-officio trustee for the time being, but subject to the conditions herein-after expressed, and to be and remain always under his control, and he shall be the sole arbiter of any question that may arise touching the management or disposition thereof under this my will. “ 4. My said collection shall be used for reference and instruction, and shall be exhibited to the public at such times and under such regu- lations as the ex-officio trustee shall prescribe, and so soon as arrange- ments can be properly made by him for that purpose ; but no part of my VI said collection shall ever be sold or exchanged or be dealt with contrary to the true spirit and meaning of the use, disposition, and control thereof herein prescribed ; the books to be the subject of special care and preservation, and never to be lent or removed from the collection. “ 5. My said collection, or the conditional bequest thereof hereby made, shall not be subject to the provisions of the Act of the 19 & 20 Victoria, cap. 29., intituled ‘An Act to extend the Powers of the ‘ Trustees and Directors of the National Gallery, and to authorize the ‘ Sale of Works of Art belonging to the Public,’ or to any future enactment of the legislature which but for this declaration to the con- trary shall or may have the effect of placing my said collection under any other care or ordering than is herein prescribed, or would otherwise alter or interfere with the disposition thereof hereby made. And in case of such interference on the part of the legislature, or if the terms and conditions as herein expressed be not strictly adhered to (subject as after mentioned), or in case the said bequest should not be accepted as aforesaid, then and in either of such cases the gift thereof hereby made shall wholly cease, and my said executors or the ex-officio trustee for the time being, as the case may be, shall thereupon hold my said collection in ti’ust for the University of Cambridge, to be added to and for ever thereafter form part of the Fitz-William Collection of the said university. “ 6. The ex-officio trustee (or university aforesaid, as the case may require) shall provide for the payment (by Government or out of any funds available or to become available for the purpose) of the Govern- ment legacy duty which may become payable on the said collection, and also for so much and such part of the duty on the probate of this my will as shall be payable in respect of the estimated value of my said col- lection so hereby given for the purposes aforesaid, this provision being necessary as my general estate is otherwise of small comparative amount or value. n In testimony whereof I have to this my will, written on six sheets of paper, set my hand, this Ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine.” CONTENTS. Page Paintings and Miniatures. By Samuel Redgrave - 1 Drawings. By George William Reid. Introduction - - - - - -13 Catalogue - - - - - - 25* Prints and Etchings. By George William Reid. Introduction - - - - - - 137 Catalogue - - - - - -145 Rings and Miscellaneous Objects. By Charles C. Black 302 Index ------- 309 CATALOGUE. PAINTINGS, MINIATURES, &c. Oil Paintings . —The strength of Mr. Dyce’s valuable bequest to the Department of Science and Art does not lie in the portion included in this section, which is in its nature of a very miscel- laneous character. The collection was made apparently as objects offered themselves, and without any special design. Many of the paintings are probably by artists whose works would not entitle them to posthumous repute, and their names have been lost. To other paintings great names have in some instances been given, which can hardly he accepted yet it is right ; to say that the collection includes several good works by painters of eminence, and some which, on special grounds other than their art-merit, are objects of general interest. Miniatures . —The Miniatures include works of the chief continental schools, with some good examples of the early English miniaturists. Of these works it is still more difficult to speak than of the oil pictures. They are almost exclusively unnamed, and it is only by some traditionary name, either of the artist or the person he represented, that these particulars could instances supplied and, in most be ; except in the few instances where names have been given, it would be almost guess-work to attempt identification. The collection is largely composed of small works in oil of the Dutch and Flemish schools ; but it no less includes some works of the distinguished English artists Samuel Cooper, Isaac Oliver, and Thomas Flatman, with some others of recent date, whose characteristic manner has warranted the addition of their names. Sam. Redgrave. [ The number at the end of each description is that under which the object is registered in the Museum.~\ 9 Oil Paintings, ANDREA YANNUCCHI, called DEL SARTO. Born at Florence in 14S8, died in 1530. Portrait of Lucretia Fede. Small half length life size. Canvas, 21 in. by 16 in. 1 2 PAINTINGS. GIOVANNI DA PONTE. The Annunciation. Panel, GG in. by 244 in. 2 PEETER BREUGHEL, the younger, called “HELL” BREU- GHEL (ascribed to). Born in 1569, died in 1625. An Incantation Scene. An original work ; the accessories carefully painted. Panel, 18f in. by 14f in. 3 ROELAND SAVERY. Born at Courtray in 1576, died at Utrecht in 1639. A Group of Flowers, signed and dated 1G21. Panel, 9^ in. by 7f in. 4 CORNELIS JANSSENS (attributed to). Born at Amsterdam in 1590, died in 1665. Portrait Head of Dr. John Donne, Divine and Poet. B. 1573, D. 1631. Canvas, circular, 24 iu. diam. 5 PIETRO FRANCESCO MOLA. Born in the Milanese in 1609, died at Rome in 1665. Hagar and Ishmael the angel appearing. Canvas, 37 in. by ; 43 in. 6 AART VAN DER NEER (ascribed to). Born at Amsterdam in 1619, died at Antwerp in 1683. Moonlight, river scene, with vessels and distant village. Panel, 13 in. by 19^ in. 7 PHILIP DE KONINGH (ascribed to). in Born at Amsterdam in 1619 ; died 1689.
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