Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-28-1948 Bee Gee News July 28, 1948 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News July 28, 1948" (1948). BG News (Student Newspaper). 865. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/865 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WELCOME BROWNS Bee Qee Neupi A^feBBBaBB % BBBBBV ' ¥ m 32nd Year Bowling Green. Ohio. Wednesday. July 28. 1948 No. 39 17 Year-Old Violinist Is Moten Concert '■ ill1 d^ >» 1 «aiTV^ •»■ Summer Chorus Soloist Receives Acd aim Jp9» ■ ■?*& Mary Katherine Katz, 17-year- by Helen Mueller old violinist from Toledo, will be Hi Dynamic, attractive, poised, all ■ the soloist with the University Lee Miesle (ncond from left) rehearses one of the two high school Summer Chorus in a concert of describe Etta Moten, negro mezzo- cast, who will present "Stardust" Monday and Tuesday evenings. varied music to be given Friday. soprano, who was so well liked by July 30, at 8 p.m. in the PA Audi- the audience gathered in the Uni- torium. versity's Main Auditorium, Wed- 'Stardust' Opens Monday Miss Katz has done solo work nesday, July 21. The first and second portions of with the Friends Music Orchestra the program consisted entirely of of Toledo in the Children's Con- For A Two-Night Stand classical numbers including "When cert, and also with the Treble Clef "Stardust," a three-act play pre- I Am Laid In Earth" by Henry (Joan) Redman - Hurvey Lodge in in their Christmas Concert sented by members of the Summer Purcell; "Tu Lo Sai" by Torelli; and Put Heath; Cynthia Keene— in 11)45. The young violinist has School of Speech, will open Mon- also won a state contest sponsored "Che Fiero Costume" by Giovanni Ann Barrett and Joyce Hainan; day evening for a two-night run, by the Ohio Music Teachers' Asso- Legrenzi; "Suicidio" from the Raimund Brown — Newell Tuple Aug. 2 and 3. ciation at Columbus, and played opera IA Gioconda by Ponchiclle; and Keith Johnson; Mavie Moriar- at the Ohio Music Teachers' Con- "Disappointed Lover" by Brahms; Directed by Lee Mieslc, instruc- ity—Mary Ann Cook and Carol vention in Dayton this spring. "Death and the Maiden" and "Erl tor in speech, the play is double- PaJmer; Miaa Freeman — Joyce Under the direction of Dr. King" by Shubert and an aria cast with four exceptions and will Wnlbolt; Miaa Robinaon — Eileen James Paul Kennedy, the Chorus from the opera Carmen by Bizet. be presented by a different cast Carper and Anne Hiestnnd; Miaa Jonea—Hetty Herman; Tad Voor- will present such numbers as: Some Numbers Only Fair each night- hi. — KogcrDudlcy; Stella "Gallia" by Gounod; "Preludes to Mary Katharine Kata These classical numbers and the Tickets will go on sule tomorrow Brahma—Norina Lavin and Jac- Eternity" by Franz Liszt and a in front of the Main Auditorium. queline Roarty; Mr. Bach—Dale variety of Fred Waring novelty group of English songs which fol- Keighley und Lurry lllumcnthnl; numbers including "Mr. Frog" and lowed: "Out In The Fields" by Student tickets are five cents Dean of Women — Joanne Lcnz "Dry Bones" arranged by Living- Alumni Receive Dawson; "Revelation by Sacco; plus ac card and regular admission and Marilyn Harris; Prudence ston Gearhart; "Comin' Through "The Pasture" by Naginski and tickets are 50 cents. Maaon—llurbara linker and Eliza- the Rye" and "Song of the Volga New Positions "Joy" by Watts were only fairly beth Fuchs; Claire Carter—Bar- Boatmen." The Chorus will be The double cast will include: bara Loechler and Virginia Mc- accompanied by Virginia Miller. I. William Millar, director of done. Perhaps Miss Moten had Janet Rosa — Audrey McCoy and Croskey; Jerry Flanagan — Fred the Alumni Bureau, announces the forgotten that the sliding tones Carol Littler; Phil Ford—William Skok and Arthur Scott—Rod King following placements of Univer- which go over well in spirituals Renn and Charles Eynon; Marion and Larry Kurber. sity alumni: and in semi-classical music have Phippa—Mildred Maxwell; John Harold Bayleas, '48, will join no place in the classics. the personnel of Oliver Corpora- The third part of the program New Workshop tion in Cleveland. was excellent. It included two Glenn H. Bingmall, '48, has Spanish folk songs by Manuel de joined the personnel division of Starts Monday Ford Motor Company. Fa 11 ii, " Cancion" and "Lullaby;" John Carrington, M.A., '48, is a group of West African folk "Problems in Teaching The going to be executive head of the songs collected by Miss Moten Language Arts' 'is the topic of the Webster Township School, Wood when she was in West Africa and third and final session of the spe- three Negro spirituals, "The Po' County. Li'l Orphan" and "March Down to cial summer Work Conferences Lloyd Dull, '41, will teach his- Jordon" arranged by Eva Jessye, for Elementary Teachers in Ser- tory at Findlay, O. and "O, What a Beautiful City" vice, commencing Aug. 2. Eugene Eneman, '40, summer by Boatner. session '48, also goes to Findlay as Miss Cora Day, supervising elementary principal. Taught Audience Tuna teacher of the second grade at Charle* LaRaau, '48, has accept- Before singing the West Afri- Ridge Street School, now studying ed a position at the Higbie Com- can folk songs Miss Moten not for her M.A. degree at O.S.U. will pany in Cleveland. only taught the audience one of conduct the third session together Harold J. Martin of this sum- the tunes, but also gave the listen- with William S. Wagner, assistant mer's class will be athletic coach ers a glimpse into the lives and professor in the Education Dcpt. "How about going to the 'Moon- at East Palestine. customs of the inhabitants of this light Mtiqutrida' Saturday night Elisabeth Ann Poland, who strange country. There were Committee study, discussion three songa in this West African "Sure thing. Everybody'^ go- from 9 to 12 in the Rec Hall?" graduated last January, will be groups as well as lecture sessions, with the Austin Construction Com- group; "Esso, Esso," the story of ing. I'll dig out my formal right film strips and recordings will com- Registration Open pany in Chicago. a snail who travels slowly but now. See you Saturday night." Howard E. Roberta, '39, a sum- finally arrives at its destination; prise the majority of the work, ac- mer session student this year, be- "Gbo Gbo Wani Falla Satiday" cording to Prof. Wagner. Emme Accepts Post For Post-Summer translated means "everybody loves comes executive head of the Tiffin "It is the intention that this Students planning to attend schools. Defiance County. Saturday night;" "An African At Bradley University Chant," in which the wife of an session will solve classroom prob- post-summer session, Aug. 9-27, Robert Roper, '48, will be with lems concerning the relationship should register prior to Aug. 9 in African Chieftan mourns his Associate Professor Earl Emme, Newton, Pierce, Coughanor, ac- death. of reading, spelling, writing, lis- acting chairman of the Psycholo- the Registrar's Office and pay the countants. tening and talking," declared Prof. required fees of J5 per credit hour gy Dept., has resigned his position M.rjorie Ro»«, '48, will teach Proud Of Anceatry Wagner. and $1 for library fee. here in order that he may accept home economics at Decatur, Indi- a full professorship at Bradley Courses offered during post- Besides telling a few of her ex- Library facilities are remaining ana. University, Peoria, III. summer include: Education 306, periences while touring West open to teachers. The library ar- John Sabel, graduating in Aug- Africa, Miss Moten gave some He has been hired to head the Education 343, Economics 321, ust, haa accepted a position in ranged for the workshop courses very valid reasons for her pride in will contain material especially ap- Psychology Dept. there and his Geography 201 and Sociology Woodville. immediate task will be to organize her ancestry. Then, and again plicable to this session. "Outside 202. Classes will generally meet William Schlegel, also graduat- and build up the department to a in the morning, but instructors and when she sang her two encores, reading will be necessary as no ing this summer, will be with a "Summer Time" from the musical specific textbook is being used," point where it will be able to offer students may arrange other hours paper company in Chillicothe. graduate work. at their convenience. Porgy and Bf in which she Prof. Wagner said. Maade Thompson, '48, will be at played the title role and 'Cario- The appointment at Bradley is Summer school students who the Plaakon Corporation in Toledo. ca," from the movie Flying Down Attending teachers will receive effective immediately and Dr. wish to register for the fall term Emme has already left for Peoria. Carl Whitacra, '39, is going to to Rio, the soloist, portrayed her three semester hours of credit for may fill in cards and pay fees sparkling humor and dynamic per- the three weeks period of the last The Emme family will join him until Aug. 3 in the Registrar's be music supervisor in the Erie sonality. session. next Monday. office. County schools. I Ree (jee. AetuA I. Q. U.
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