CALL, FRIDAY, 8, 14 THE SAN FRANCISCO NOVEMBER 1901. BANKERS ARE WARNED TO LOOK OUT BOYIDENTIFIES BOSSES' DEFEAT BOOKER T. WASHINGTON FOR NOTES STOLEN BY HIGHWAYMEN — RICE'S MURDERER A GOOD LESSON Endorses Pe=ru-na Says "Pe-ru-na A.Cleve Gives Damaging Pinkerton Detective Agency Actively Engaged in Work of Republicans Are Happy Is a Certain Cure for Catarrh." Testimony Against Running Down Members of Notorious Curry Gang, Over Result of the Suspect. Who Are Wanted for Many Robberies and Murders Battle. Prosecution Rests Its Case Greatest Gain for Clean After Examining Many arrival in this city yesterday Government Since Elec- of Colonel William A. Pinkerton, Witnesses. the noted head of the National tion of Bard. Detective Agency, will result in THE vigilance on part extra the of The preliminary examination of William bankers and business men throughout the The independent Republicans, to the Buckley, Thomas Moran, Charles Donnel- State in watching for persons who may number of 10,000, who filed a Duncan, potent protest ly and Edward on the charge of try to pass a quantity of bank notes against bossism by voting for Eugene murdering George W. Rice, the non-union stolen in the hold-up of the Great North- E. Schmitz or Joseph S. Tobin, are not machinist, at Twentieth and Howard ern Railway train, near Wagner, Mont., likelyto Join in any movement for the es- streets, on the evening of October 11, was July 3 last by the notorious "Curry yesterday. on tablishment of a new political party. continued before Judge Mogan gang." They are determined, however, After over a dozen witnesses had been to have examined, the prosecution rested and the The vigilance of the Pinkerton detec- their rights in the Republican party. The case was continued till to-morrow morn- tives Is being exercised not only on the machine politicians have learned a lesson ing, when the defense will announce Pacific Coast but throughout the entire that they will long remember. A any new whether evidence will be offered. republic, and the word passed all over order of party leadership must be the re- The most important witness examined Cleve, years age, the country is to secure the members of sult. It is no wonder that Republican •was Arthur a boy 16 of the gang, despite the cost. ¦who works for A. J. McNicoll & Co., ele- voters were disgusted at the spectacle of vator repairers. He testified that he was two Democrats— W. F. Herrin and Jere sitting on the front of the car and saw Burke— preparing a ticket for the Repub- W. J. Piatt and his daughter, who were lican party. the first witnesses examined, sitting there. The independent anti-machine Republi- He also noticed the defendants, Buckley can voters now present their compliments and Moran, standing- together on the car. to Judge McKinley of Los Angeles, Moran, he said, occasionally jumped off Johnny Mackenzie of San Jose, A. B. the' car and looked behind where Rice Lemmon of Santa Rosa and others of th=s was sitting. When the car reached Twen- State Committee and beg to remind the I tieth street he saw a man clubbing Rice, gentlemen from the interior that State but it was not Moran. Buckley got off interference in local concerns is not a : the car and fired the shots at Rice as he good thing for the party that interferes. lay on his back on the street. He was The Call desires the Republican news- asked to identify Buckley, and he walked papers throughout the S*ate to recall an from the witness stand to where Buckley incident of the State Central Committee's was sitting and placed his hand on his Indorsement of the Kelly-Crimmins- i shojlder. Buckley turned perceptibly pale. Burns-Lynch County Committee: Judge | He pointed to Moran as the man who ran McKinley of Los Angeles came here with away with Buckley and the man who did a typewritten decision of the controversy; the clubbing. They ran toward Shotwell within fiveminutes after Augustus Tilden street and he saw Buckley turn the cor- and A. Ruef, representing respectively the ner -toward Nineteenth street. two contending factions, had closed the The boy's evidence differs from that of argument. Judge McKinley produced Cue Piatt and his daughter, who testified that typewritten decision and read it to the Moran was the man who did the clubbing, members of the State body assembled in but otherwise it entirely corroborates it. Golden Gate Hall. It was instantly The other witnesses examined were: adopted. Drs. Maher and Rlxford. of the City and The friends of Kelly, Crimmins, Gage ; County Hospital: Lieutenant Price, Detec- and Burns went away from the hall tives Graham and Fitzgerald, Dr. Baeiga- laughing immoderately at the undoing, as lupi.autopsy surgeon; Dr. W. J. Mahonev they supposed, of the Republican Primary E. H. Mills. Miss Fannie Dowdall, Charles League. The merriment was premature, Angelus, motorman, and William Spiess. as the league came forward again with conductor of the car; W. H. Kidd and renewed strength, and the machine bosses Booker T. "Washington, the famous educator, founder of TusKejee Institute John Boost. were compelled to expend $25,000 or $30,000 i Alabama, has done more than any colored man now living for the advanceiu^w to buy Democratic votes in order to de- of his race in this country. In a recent letter from Tuskegee, Ala., he says: feat the anti-boss Republicans at the pri- j ADVERTISEMENTS. mary. Now comes the revelation that The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio: Wells, who was nominated for Mayor by i — Peruna, the bosses did not receive as many votes j Gentlemen "Your remarkable remedy, is certainly unexcelled at the general election as were thrown as a tonic. Ihave used one bottle and Ican truthfully say that Ihave for the Republican ticket in the primary contest last August. never taken any medicine that has improved me as much as Peruna. Ol The downfall of the bosses in San Fran- ; f\J"WE will add strength to the Republican Peruna has my hearty commendation as a catarrhal tonic and a certain Cisco j party in the State. It is the greatest vic- cure for catarrh." BOOKER WASHINGTON. NEED tory for clean politics since the election I not noted says in- i shatter, dry up i the States Senate. What this man must nerves and secretions un- of Mr. Bard to United The passing of Herrin, Lynch and Burke spire faith. The late President McKln- ' der its blighting presence. So stubborn to Dibble and Cosper in retirement i ley said of him In an address at Tuske- and difficult of cure is this disease that to Join ¦ a remedy BOAST is observed with peculiar satisfaction. gee.tree- "Hewe (BooKer(Booker Washington)Washinsrtnnt ha<s w-m ' lnvent to cure chronic catarrh I I has won hag Rainey will go back to the Democratic I been th ambitlon of the srea test a worthy reputation as one of the great ;minds in all ages party, where he belongs, and should take ] race, Herrin and Burke along as an escort. | leaders of his widely known and Is it therefore any wonder that the Jere much respected at home and abroad as an vast multitude people Ex-Senator Frank McGowan and his educator, of who have been Greene, accomplished a great orator cured of chronic catarrh by are law partner, Carlton W. are to and a philanthropist." Peruna of the superiority of our ! be joint attorneys for Public Adminis- true so lavish tn their praise of this remedy" Farnham. The appointments are ! Catarrh hovers ominously over every That the discovery of Peruna has made > glasses or cur trator city, and nestles treacherously In every of skill in fit- in fact announced- by the Administrator- ! the cure of catarrh a practical certainty ting them properly to the elect. !hamlet. It flies with vampire wings is not only the testimony of the people. A vast sum of money was given out to } from country to country and casts a black but many medical men declare it to be need Fisk, | shadow of despair over all lands. Its true. eyes. You only ask promote the success 6f Arthur G. stealthy you neighbor the Examiner's candidate for District At-! approach and its lingering stay If do not derive prompt and satla- your who has had The story goes that the promo- make it a dread to the physician and a factory results from the use of Peruna, torney. pest the patient. to giving glasses fitted by No and took the unfortunate i to write at once Dr. Hartman. a us. ters strikers Catarrh in some form, catarrh in some full statement of your case, will candidate's coin and then took a much enemy and he better recommendation needed rest. Sadness prevails in some lo- , stage lurk3as an in the slightest be pleased to give you his valuable ad- calities over the defeat of ex-Assembly- cough or cold. vice gratis. could be given than his or hangs No tissue, function or organ of the bo'ly Address Dr. Hartman. President of The r.an Fisk, but no cloud of sorrow ravages: her testimony. The history of the Curry gang reads over Suisun, the home of ex-Speaker Al-| escapes its muscles wither. Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus. Ohio. What we novel, express car wa3 blown to splinters with like a dime for it is replete with dynamite $20,000 in den Anderson. Ihave done for them we can robbery and cash and a quan- outgoing County j and cold-blooded murder.
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