ww.mccrackencamps.com w or her, and we look forward to receiving next year’s schedule. year’s next receiving to forward look we and her, or f 10:30Out Lights of the week and asked her how it went, I was relieved to find out what a positive experience it was it experience positive a what out find to relieved was I went, it how her asked and week the of Director: Todd German Todd Director: 9:00-10:00Program Night xperience at attending a camp, and it was two hours from home. But when I picked her up at the end the at up her picked I when But home. from hours two was it and camp, a attending at xperience e • My daughter was really dragging her feet about going to camp this summer since it was her first her was it since summer this camp to going about feet her dragging really was daughter My • 6:30-8:30Games League different sessions throughout the summer. the throughout sessions different 1 2 for all your work, and I look forward to seeing you this coming summer. coming this you seeing to forward look I and work, your all for 5:30-6:30 Dinner which most of us can thank you for because you taught us a lot at your camps. Thank you very much very you Thank camps. your at lot a us taught you because for you thank can us of most which Last summer I went to one of your shooting camps and learned a lot. My freshman team went 16-2, went team freshman My lot. a learned and camps shooting your of one to went I summer Last • 4:30-5:30 Swimming/Recreation nd other travel teams. travel other nd a 3:15-4:30 Drills and Scrimmage 3:15-4:30and Drills emembers some of the skills that he learned that weekend at camp. We’ll see you guys next summer. next guys you see We’ll camp. at weekend that learned he that skills the of some emembers r for high school & middle school teams or AAU or teams school middle & school high for CAMPS TEAM My seven-year-old son and I attended your player/parent camp and had a great time. I can tell that he that tell can I time. great a had and camp player/parent your attended I and son seven-year-old My 2:15-3:15 Contests for awards 2:15-3:15for Contests spending extra time with him on his shooting. He was the top scorer on this year’s freshman team. freshman year’s this on scorer top the was He shooting. his on him with time extra spending • My son attended your junior gold camp this past summer and really improved his game. Thanks for Thanks game. his improved really and summer past this camp gold junior your attended son My • 2:00-2:45 Lectures and Demonstrations and 2:00-2:45 Lectures players INDIVIDUAL for programs different Five 1:00-2:00Write Rest, Read, nd the team that I was with. was I that team the nd a I probably could not have made it completely through Defense-Day and Stations without the coaches the without Stations and Defense-Day through completely it made have not could probably I 12:15-1:00 Lunch Over 100,000 Campers Have Attended Have Campers 100,000 Over I learned so much about basketball during my week at camp -- and also some things about teamwork. about things some also and -- camp at week my during basketball about much so learned I • 9:45-11:45 Drills and Scrimmage and 9:45-11:45 Drills good sportmanship and FUN. Kudos to the entire McCracken Organization!! McCracken entire the to Kudos FUN. and sportmanship good 9:15-9:45 Lectures and Demonstrations and 9:15-9:45 Lectures mploys terrific coaches for the camps, coaches who can communicate and teach, while promoting while teach, and communicate can who coaches camps, the for coaches terrific mploys e skills and lessons your child will come home with are priceless. The McCracken Organization McCracken The priceless. are with home come will child your lessons and skills OUR 45th YEAR ! YEAR 45th OUR 8:00-9:00 Breakfast s a parent get the satisfaction of knowing your money isn’t being wasted, but more importantly, the importantly, more but wasted, being isn’t money your knowing of satisfaction the get parent a s a • If you’re looking for a basketball camp that is truly worth the “price of admission,” THIS IS IT. You IT. IS THIS admission,” of “price the worth truly is that camp basketball a for looking you’re If • 7:30 Rise experience and memory in my son’s life that he will carry with him forever. him with carry will he that life son’s my in memory and experience (May be varied) be (May face spoke volumes as to how much he enjoyed his stay at your camp......you have put a wonderful wonderful a put have camp......you your at stay his enjoyed he much how to as volumes spoke face SCHEDULE SCHEDULE uch your staff helped to, and I quote, ‘Step up my game.’ But most important to me, is that his his that is me, to important most But game.’ my up ‘Step quote, I and to, helped staff your uch m Ages 8 - 18 - 8 Ages • When my son came home from your camp, it was all he could talk about for days. He said how how said He days. for about talk could he all was it camp, your from home came son my When • Y DAIL TYPICAL Y DAIL TYPICAL Unsolicited Endorsements Unsolicited For BOYS and GIRLS and BOYS For Sponsored by McCracken Camps McCracken by Sponsored physical limitations, while deriving the benefits of physical health, self-improvement, and teamwork. teamwork. and self-improvement, health, physical of benefits the deriving while limitations, physical welcome. It is not our aim to develop everyone into professional athletes; rather we would like our youngsters to improve within their within improve to youngsters our like would we rather athletes; professional into everyone develop to aim our not is It welcome. movies, printed materials, competition in age groups, and morning, afternoon, and evening activities. All ages, sizes, and abilities are abilities and sizes, ages, All activities. evening and afternoon, morning, and groups, age in competition materials, printed movies, 9. The basketball instruction program includes lectures, demonstrations, individual and group instruction, drills and fundamentals, and drills instruction, group and individual demonstrations, lectures, includes program instruction basketball The 9. WILL RECEIVE AN INFORMATION SHEET WITH SPECIFIC DETAILS FOR YOUR SESSION OF CAMP. CAMP. OF SESSION YOUR FOR DETAILS SPECIFIC WITH SHEET INFORMATION AN RECEIVE WILL STARTING AND ENDING DATES OF YOUR CHOSEN SESSION, which are listed on the schedule inside this brochure. YOU brochure. this inside schedule the on listed are which SESSION, CHOSEN YOUR OF DATES ENDING AND STARTING .RGSRTO: o l ap tallctos hc-ntm sno .. ESR OCEKCRFLYTHE CAREFULLY CHECK TO SURE BE p.m. 2 - noon is time check-in locations, all at camps all For REGISTRATION: 8. You will receive a receipt and final instructions by return mail. return by instructions final and receipt a receive will You (U.S. Sports Camps) Sports (U.S. 260/459-3803 1-800-433-6060 .mccrackencamps.com www OR OR FAX completed application to: application completed FAX at: on-line Or call TOLL FREE: TOLL call Or Fort W Fort a yne, Indiana 46804 Indiana yne, i 502 Timberlake Trail Timberlake 502 McCracken Basketball Camp Basketball McCracken a FOUR WAYS TO REGISTER TO WAYS FOUR Mail completed form to: form completed Mail To: To: your full payment or a $100.00 deposit for each week you plan to attend, to: attend, to plan you week each for deposit $100.00 a or payment full your 7. HOW TO ENROLL: Choose the session or sessions you wish to attend. Then fill out the application form and send it, along with along it, send and form application the out fill Then attend. to wish you sessions or session the Choose ENROLL: TO HOW 7. MasterCard or Visa. or MasterCard and dinner, and the camper attends from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 p.m. For your convenience, you may charge full camp tuition to your to tuition camp full charge may you convenience, your For p.m. 10:15 to a.m. 9:00 from attends camper the and dinner, and each type of camp. Special day camper rates are $75.00 less than the cost of the regular camper rates. Day camper rates include lunch include rates camper Day rates. camper regular the of cost the than less $75.00 are rates camper day Special camp. of type each 6. COSTS: The total cost of each camp includes room, meals, tuition, movies, and all activities. See the application blank for the cost of cost the for blank application the See activities. all and movies, tuition, meals, room, includes camp each of cost total The COSTS: 6. 5. WHAT TO BRING: A complete list of everything you will need will be returned upon receipt of application. of receipt upon returned be will need will you everything of list complete A BRING: TO WHAT 5. c ampers will be a gymnasium, outdoor courts, pool, and other college recreational facilities. Facilities vary from campus to campus. to campus from vary Facilities facilities. recreational college other and pool, courts, outdoor gymnasium, a be will ampers 4.
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