'JVZ' S A T V K P A T , UCTOBEK 26. IWB. CwirtttB gw att AVBRAOB DAILT ORKIULATIOM for Hw M ona of SeptMobM'. 1888^ _ THEWRATHBR Campbell .Council, K. of C., will A Hallowe’en party was given by Mias Doretbaa Kemp of CMUage Mias UlUan BLiSerger of Wapping •tanaet of D. 8. Wertber anw ^ receive communion in a body a t the lAura, Norma and EMa Andtelo, at etret who U spending the week-end left yesteray for a two weeks’ motor ' HaitfMA ' ABOUT TOWN 8 o'clock mass in St. Bridget's church their home, 461 tVoodbrldge street with Dr. E. V. Ludlow of New Haven trip to the South. On her way 5 , 5 7 1 taaigkt, TM rtn taenaal^ on Sunday morning, November 3. last night Twenty of their school­ and Mrs. Ludlow, will attend the down she will stop in Wssbington, IlMBbw Of Iho Aadtt •tnOnoO’ pnhably feSoired by ee- Bighteen tsblea were filled with: mates at the Manchester Green The members of the Council will Yale-Army game with them this p. C., and visit her brother Howard Boren ef.Orealatiem o M o n l ntm. Not Bmak ehng. In ptayei^ last night at the Manches­ meet In the church hall at 7:30 and school were Invited. The recrea­ afternoon. , 'Who is at school there. CARD tm p e m te ie . ter Green Community club's bridge will march to the church where a tion room in the' basement was deco­ and setback. It was the first ses­ section will be reserved for Jtbem. rated with pumpkins, cornstalks and sion of a tournament of five sittings There will be no Communion break­ other Hallowe’en trimmings. Games PARTY NECKWEAR VOL. LV , f i o . 24. (O oioWed AdvertMag on Pago 18) and Thanksgiving. turkeys wUl be fast. The committee In charge of of various sorts were played with MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28,1935 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTb awarded for the highest score-mak­ arrangements is composed of Ber­ prizes for the winners. Elida Be- ers in. each section. The men car­ nard Fogarty, W. J. Messier,. Fran­ Ictti gave acrobatic dancca. Re­ Monday, Oct, 28 For Fan is- ried the honors in bridge last night, cis Coleman, Leo Kwash, John Mc- freshments appropriate to the occa­ iron can’t help bat recog­ James'Forde, first; Axel Anderson, Cluskey, James Tlcmey. John Mur­ sion were served by the hostesses ANNOUNCEMENT nize tbem by their smart, Brush Fires Ravage Vast Coast Area second and Walter Walsh, third. In phy, Thomas Morlarty, Daniel Mc­ and the fun lasted until 10:30. St. Bridget's setback Mrs. Alice Lauritsen of colorful designs. BELIEVE 2,000 LOST Kenzie, Philip Mahoney, Walter N. SPECIAL Hartford was first. Harold Ku^, sec­ Lcclerc. John ,\Ierz, Anthony Glral- 50 GALLONS TYDOL KEROSENE ond and Mrs. M. Donahue, third. The | tis and Ernc.st Roy. Parish Hall Buy Them ITALY’S TROOPS PUSH attendance prize. was won by Mrs. SPECIAL! 50-GALLON BARREL AND FAUCET DOOR PRIZE! for their extra good looks Leon Daoust The Silver Grill will celebrate a IDEAL RANGE BURNER, Single or Double. Factory and and longer wear. IN HA fnA N STORM grand opening tonight. There will 1 /2 Dozen Guarantee With Burner. 1 O O be much In the way of entertalp- ALL FOR................................................ ^ i O e Z O REFRESHMENTS! ment, such as a floor show, dancing Photographs, $3.00 FURTHER INTO AFRICA ATLANTIC and a ten-piece orchestra. The 4x6 Size Admiaaion 25c. GHENEY HALL Other Thonsands Reported Silver Grill Is one of the few places YOUTH MAY DIE No. 2 FURNACE OIL in town where liquor Is sold by the For the Month of October drink. Only I BOLAND OIL COMPANY ; SALESROOM Homeless and Hungry ~ In One Sector Fasdrt Le* 6c pec gallon » PHONE 6320 Benmanta and Imperfecta IN ACCIDENTAL Harbor at Alexandria L. T. WOOD CO. The New Studio Hartford Road Most of Bodies Swept Ont gionsPndi On for Over Read The Herald Adva. 8 Johnson Terraoe Wholesale and Retail to Sea by Floods. H R IN G W RIFLE Bristles with Warcraft Photo Finishing SAVE Dozen Miles in Ike Direc­ The Pieces! — TONIGHT — Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, Oct. 28.— Charies Tedford of Birch Alexandria, Egypt, Oct. 28.— The fiylngboat in which this cor- tion of Makale; Mnssobd '(AP)—At least 2,000 persons - are 'The easing of tension between ; respondent approached Alexandria SOMETHING SPECIAL AS USUAL AT Great Britain and Italy has not Tonight dead or missing In a storm whic'n j from Athens was picked up by a Has Engineers Seeking Moimtan) Road Badly Hoyt caused the British land and sea . beam at least five miles out and was ravaged the southern peninsula of forces to relkx their vigilance In held steadily In that beam imtll It REYMANDER^S TAVERN HalU. Egypt. wn.s close enough to be Identified. Gold m the O c e n ^ DANCE 350 Oak Street a u t k e Most of the casualties were in Taking Gun from Cab Alexandria’s harbor bristles today Sightseers still ore permitted to Where Good Eats and Good Beer Are To Be Had caused by floods v/hlch followed the with British lighting craft and hos­ , take excursions through the harbor d u p U c d e il hurricane a week ago. Thousands of Anto Tmck. pital ships. Ashore there Is unceas­ and see the warships close by, but Tigre Territory^ HUSKING BEE Turn Hall At All Times! were reported homeless and hungry. ing military activity. cameras have been barred for the (Jiven by St. Bridget’s Holy Naliie Society BROILED LOBSTER Populations of valley villages Within the lost few days, British last two weeks, ever since the Ital­ Sat. Night, Oct. 26 We have a method where­ were believed to have been wiped forces have closed the Meriia Matruh ian S. S. Ausonla burned In the har­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS STEAMED CLAMS out as rains sent the streams from Charles Tedford, 21, son of Mr. by broken lens can be dupli­ Airport, 80 miles up the coast to­ bor. Prepared for any counter-atUek Good Orchestra SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS their channels, demolishing the and Mrs. John J. Tedford of Birch ward Ubya, to. civlliim planes. This A rumor, which officials say Is not cated in a few hours. by Ethiopian tribesmen. Roly’s H ollister St. School H all and a AND THE BEST OF HOT AND COLD SANDWICHES frail, thatched huts of the natives. Mountain road was accidentally previously was one of tho Royal true, persists In Alexandria that the Information received here indi­ Dutch Airline's stops on the route Ausonla was meant to block the Fascist armies drove deeper today Good Time For All! EXPORT AND BLUE RIBBON Prescriptions Filled cated the bodies of most of the shot this forenoon In Glastonbury between Athens and Africa. narrow channel and to bottle up the Into the Interior of Halle Beloasle’fi Admission 2.TC. On Tap Glasses Repaired missing were swept out to sea. when he pulled his rifle, barrel first, Here In Alexandria, the military British'ships. Empire. Adjustments and Minor Official reports, based on frag­ from the cab of the automobile has taken over the Casino Stefnno, Tho British land forces are being In the northern t down-Adlgntt Com Husking Contest mentary data gathered by a small truck In which he was -riding. His the big Resort hotel a foyv miles up continually supplemented. LociU sector, Mussolini’s Roman Repairs Without Charge airplane, the only meims of com­ marching on Makale, fidvoaeeai munication with the stricken dis­ condition Is crlUcal. the shore from the heart of tho newspapers no longer carry Infor­ Charles and his brother, Donald city. mation concerning troop movements, their llnei more than 12 ihUsfi. -t’ tricts, doubled the number of dead General EmiUo da Done, eoa^' ^ .or missing after initial estimates had been In Glastonbury, near the FHaines topped by Immense billows ot smoke licked down mountaiiisldes and through canjrons, as pictured Officially, tbe hotel will be occu­ yet It Is almost Impo^ble to visit C A S H P R I Z E pied by the headquarters staff, but the harbor without seeing a fresh monder-in-chlef of D Duee’s B u t ' Richard Stone Saturday had put the toll at possi­ Manchester reservoir to get a truck here at Correll canyon, to drive back Are fighters and take toll of more than 17,000,000 in California’s latest African troops, hurrlod to the R u t ^ bly 1,000. load of meadow hay and had taken devastaung brush fires. A 150-square mile area was damaged, the series of fires at one time extending an unofficial source stated that the detachment of some helmeted Brit­ DOOR PRIZE ^ ELECTRIC MANTLE CLOCK. hotel was, In reality, being equipped from Eritrea and assumed OPTICIAN Relief operations could not be the rifle, a 25.30 caliber gun, with from San Juan Capistrano. 60 mllea south of Los Angeles, to Malibu Beach. 25 miles north. Homes of a ish soldiers unloading from some­ command of the offensive. He MODERN AND OLD FASHION DANCING 738 Main St., State Theater Bldg. Instituted until the arrival of the him. In some manner the trigger miml^r of movie notables were amor.g the buildings in the path of the conflagraUon. More thaa 2.000 with hospital. facilities. where. formal possession of the new Close-Out Sale of Phone 4720 Standard fruit steamer Truxton, de- caught on something within the men fought the flames, which destroyed crops, killed livestock, burned but power lines, and blackened thou­ From dusk until dawn, 10 power­ Oldtimera say that the military en­ tory and ordered the consoUdatteii:^ ART McKAY’S ORCHESTRA 1a}red by strong winds .north of cab, the bullet entering his right sands of acres of woodland.
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