MARCH 1962 R.EPOffi' NO. 62--12 OP.ERATIOOAL mG MASS SURVEY OF ft]EAS PROPOSBD .FOR EU'. :3?.A.Nv-IORM CONTROL HIGHLAND . DISTRICT - l!ANTAiIA1A NATIOntL FOREST NO::ml CAROL'.l:NA R. L. Flora a.ttd w. D~ Bu.chana11. An operational survey of high use areas pro:x>s~d fc r c,:mtrol of elm span­ wc:rm, Ennomos subsignarius, Hbn. ,. was made on thE: Eif h Land District of the Nantahala National Forest on February l:l, -1·762, t.y (1. ). Buchanan and R. L. Flora, Zone 1., Pest·Control Brc:!,neh, Asheville, North Ca.n:)lina. The purpose Q! this survey was to evaluate :the defoliation :pQtEnii-ll based on the ritio of 1960 to 1961 egg mass depositien. All proposed areas were eY.aminecl to.r host s:Jecies cf oak" Quercus ~•, hickory, Ca.,rya fil2.., or ~ut, (ru~ians sp. ~ai""!!ple~ .t !e re taken on trees · at random using the method devel,Qped by Orooz, et. aJ.. 'J:/ for predicting defoliation potential of the eltQ. ·spa.nwom, in the scuthsrn Appalachian Mountains. This consisted of taking four 5--foot brarlch samples from each o:f si.}c host trees located on the sampling plot. D~:t~ coUected is recorded in Table l. Following is a summary of areas exalhinedt Glenn Falls Recl'eation Area: 'l'his area. is appro:drrately 200 acres in size and is located two miles southwest 'Of Ifigl3la..'1ds, Ncrt,,h C.arolina. Forest cover type consisted mainly of eastern hemlock, 7',.§_r,~_n: _m., yellow poplar, Liriodendron fill•, white pine, Pin.us f12.•J and red Ill.r',ple, Acer §12.•, mixed · with tne predominant oak, · ~erc11s ml• Def'Qliatio.n ill t:his area in 1961 · was nil. Data collected in this.siirvey ind'ic-atea no change in the defolia­ tion potential for 1962. Cliffside Recreation Area: Thi:s area is appro;dr.)at~ly 500 acres in size, "Ji Drooz, A. T. &. Solomon., J. D• .., The Elm Spant-:orin Potential Defoliation. · . ,!or 1962, USDA, _Forest Service, Southeastern For. 1:1x:per. Sta., Unpub. For. · Ir_ _ .t Survey Report 61-3. located five miles northwest of Hieh2.nr..ds, Nort h C:troJ.ina on route North Carolina 28. Area is drained by the Stitt.J.es Cree'.c, Cliffside Lake and other small streams. The campsite I:")n.!' Van Hook GlaJo in this recreation area was examined. Forest type was -.rhite pine exc ::p '.:. for scattered, solitary oaks. Adjacent areas of ha rdwood co·rer contained 1. /1~.f;h percentage of hos~ species. However, samples made in t.:1is area. indic,it e Yery light or no de­ foliation is anticipated for 1 s·62. Table l _Lo__ ca_t_i __· o__ n___________________ E""• f! ..._"'___._N.~ sr?s/120 linear feet/sample 1960 1961 Glenn Falls .o 0 Cliff.side 0 0 ------·--------------- . Egg populations are located pr:lmari l7 uest of Jcalf :fountain and northwest toward Franklin, North Carolina. fro1· t his point . V€-::r light defoliation may be encount er ed i n the areas ex.cu:ined; however, it, is expected to be . negligible and not to impair t he recr eational ;,-alues .~or 1962. .
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