July 92 LIBERTY PLEDGE NEWSLETTER Published exclusively for members of the Libertarian Party's Monthly Pledge Program Perot Quits! Marrou the Only Real Choice for Change In the wake of Ross Perot's announcement last week the news, which was included in a New York Times that he was not running for President, LP phones article that quoted 10 other key political figures, have been ringing off the hook around the country. including Bush, Clinton, Democratic National Committee Chair Ron Brown, and House Minority In the 36 hours after Perot's announcement, for Leader Bob Michel. example, our national 800 number logged over 2,000 calls, many from former Perot backers looking for a Many Perot backers had never been active in politics new candidate and possibly a new political home. before this year. To reach these people, the LP will send a prospecting mailing to Perot petition National office staffers were unable to handle regular circulators whose names and addresses we can obtain business as they all took turns soothing distraught from Secretaries of State in those states where Perot callers on our regular phone line and offering them has already turned in petitions. information about the Marrou/Lord ticket. Media coverage for both the Marrou/Lord ticket and LP of Los Angeles County staffer Don Meyer talked the LP has skyrocketed, with appearances on Larry with 75 callers in the first few hours, some of whom King's radio show, as well as C-SPAN's Road to the were "practically in tears." National Chair Mary White House and Viewer Call-In, planned for this Gingell received a call from a local Perot coordinator coming week. who suggested that 30% of his volunteers were likely candidates for getting involved in the LP. Ballot Drive Still on Track And in a call-in show in Tucson, Arizona, 40% of the Crucial Deadlines Approach Perot supporters who called in announced that they were now considering voting Libertarian, in the wake We are still on track for 50-state ballot status, of Perot quitting the race. especially important in the wake of Perot's actions. But it is not necessarily smooth sailing ahead. The Marrou/Lord Campaign is urging Libertarians around the country to reach out to Perot organizers, Between July 20, as this article is being written, and hoping to bring a few of these newly-minted activists August 4, we need to collect over 50,000 signatures on board in our campaign. Around the country just to meet all deadlines coming up during that time Libertarians are meeting face-to-face, one-on-one, with period. Another 55,000 will be needed shortly Perot coordinators at all levels, to tell them about the thereafter. We have over 20 paid petitioners working only real option for change in this election, and invite directly for the LP around the country, and several them to work for the Marrou/Lord ticket. petitioning firms, as well as some volunteers, but it's Within minutes of Perot's announcement, National still touch and go, and cash is very tight. Chair Mary Gingell issued a media release reacting to LIBERTARIAN PARTY NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 1528 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20003 • (202) 543-1988 CHUCK ASAY -T R UNION LEADER, Manchester, N.H. — Friday; June 12, 1992 think enough is enough in this election, vote Libertar- Larry Bra dy ian " declared Windham businessman Miriam Luce files Independent lig Senate bid. yesterday to the de ht of a crowd of enthusiastic H. Ross Perot supporters on the State declaration of In- House Plaza. tent filed. Luce, who in 1990 at- Page 4 tained 14,000 votes as the party's gubernatorial nom- inee, was responsible for g ballot status in this year's MIRIAM LUCE, Page 12 MIRIAM LUCE Bain Shucks, ifwhattheywantisissues,Liber- ask. get Perottobespecificaboutissues. ian paper,communicationsdirectorRon into thenextafternoon.Allyouhavetodois in maybe80years. tarians willtalkissuesallnightlongandwell shoo-in foranotherterm." become thestrongestthird-partycandidate ion-molders areexcitedlyclimbingallover Democrat ClintonandRepublicanBush trying togetafootholdontheslippery Perot, whohascomefromnowhereto start, nominatedMarrouinChicagolastfall. At thetime,accordingtoAssociated the election,PresidentBushlookslikea the Democratsindisarray14monthsbefore much chancetobeelectedbecause,"with mostly ignored. Press, eventheLibertariansdidn'tgivehim Vegas. Andacandidateforpresident. successfully challengingthetraditionalsys- So it'sissuesyouwant? sider theplightofLibertarians,wholike Consider theLibertarians to thinkofthems I thetwo-partypoliticalestablishment,con- n thisyearofunusuallyfierceattackson In theMayissueofColoradoLibertar- Media peoplearecomplainingtheycan't That wasthen.Now,reportersandopin- The Libertarians,whobelieveinanearly Charles . Roos ,cantioned partyFnernbrsgotto terday, after attendingtheLibertarian Partyof T ancy Lord,theLibertian vicepresidential candidate, visitedAlbuquerque, N.M.,yes- -- (Denver) RockyMountainNews,June191992 a statelegislatorinAlaska. He isnowacommercial real estateagentinLas in the.i,lorldisAndreMar- Brown andBillClinton. And RossPerot.Butwho rou? Bush, PaulTsongas,Gerry tem. Pat Buchanan,George knows aboutDavidDuke, Andre Marrouwasonce Gacha! By noweverybody Fort WorthStar-Telegraph,June151992 fieonly party VIEWPOINT `let Bernafillo County's firstconvention.Lord,a former Virginialawyer, isontheLibertarianticket with former Alaskastatelegislator AndreMarron. political regularssquirm.' going tobefunthissummerwatchingthe ingly franticattacksonPerotbyopinion- makers andestablishmentpoliticiansofboth parties. "If youbelieveinAmericaFirst,Votefor States ofAmericacannowbereturnedto more amusedthanpanickedbytheincreas- the people." Pat BuchananforPresident.") nuts? is hopethatthegovernmentofUnited ton." Itgoesontosaythat".RossPerot has declaredwaronthe'insiders'andthere publisher PhoebeCourtneyofLittleton. dent: PerotcandefeatbothBushandClin- tion, No.241,of other politicalsins,favoringprotectionism. phlet ofaloyalcorrespondent,conservative guns, restrictingcivillibertiesand,among different pointofview.It'sthelatestedi- dismantling oftheBillRights." election ofPerot"asamandateforthe Many Americans,Bainsaid,wouldseethe the thirdworldofU.S.politicscomesa he signed Perotpetitions,theyshouldn'thav Marrou ontheNovemberballot. Perot mayturnouttobe,Bainsaid,it'sclear Tax Fax, he's noLibertariansince,atleasttimes, gathering signaturestogetLibertari;n he said.Instead,theyshouldhavebe. the mediaiswhippingup."Iftheyha. themselves becaughtup"inthePerotfey. QUOTE: — CarlRowan. Vote forhiminNovember?Nah.Butit's (You thinknothingchanges?Anearlier As formostoftherestus,Iguesswe're - No. 241iscaptioned:"PerotforPresi- By coincidence,fromanothercornerof Mercy! ■ For whateversortofcandidateRoss ■ Vfavored cinThingthemedia,controlling No. 238,February1991,advised, Is thiscountrygoingalittle Tax Fax, • a periodicpam- Napalmed . San Francisco Chronicle, June 26 1992 Libertarian Says The Tampa Tribune, May 29 1992 She Is the Outsider Personal responsibility June Genis wants America is a nation of individuals, Mar- rou said, who should take responsibility for to fill Senate seat their own actions instead of having a pater- nalistic and wasteful government do things left by Cranston for them. With fewer government agencies to take By Jerry Roberts ' Chronicle Political Editor money from citizens and provide services, a total free-market economy would leave Despite all the year-of-the people with more money to spend on them- woman hype about Dianne Fein- selves and give to charity. stein and Barbara Boxer, June Charitable contributions, Marrou said, Gents says she is "the woman PALM TREE POLITICS would increase, and these charities would who's really an outsider" in Cali- fornia's U.S. Senate campaigns. Ray Locker - • then provide the services now handled by the government. A 45-year-old computer pro- grammer from San Mateo County, Trade restrictions, which limit our pro- Genis is the Libertarian Party can- ductivity, would be gone. Floridians wor- didate for retiring Senator Alan If you really ried about free trade with Mexico won't Cranston's seat and believes that find Marrou to be their man; he'd let the the polarized choice offered by the BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Mexicans ship as many tomatoes and or- major party nominees provides a JUNE GENIS want change, anges here as they can sell. splendid opportunity in this turbu- No stranger to politics "Tariffs are bad by their very nature lent political year. and should be done away with," he said. "I saw what happened in the votes, even though he scares me," try Marrou "Tariffs always cause friction." primaries, and it's just an unac- she said. "I like the fact that he's - So much for the support of the agricul- ceptable choice," she said in an in- given the two-party system a kick What would it be like if a Libertarian ture lobby. terview. "We're not going to see in the posterior." got elected president? real change until people start vot- ing for what they want, rather Among her ideas: • It wouldn't be boring. Uphill struggle than the lesser of evils." ▪ A 50 percent, five-year cut in • If Americans really want change, then the defense budget, with half the The political establishment isn't doing When liberal Bay Area Repre- Libertarian presidential candidate Andre sentative Boxer and conservative savings going to reduce the federal Marrou is their man. the Libertarians any favors. They've got to commentator Bruce Herschen- deficit and the other half returned When it comes to change, H. Ross Per- Jump through all sorts of hoops
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