CATHOLIC PRESS SUPPORT SUNDAY YOUR DIOCESAN FEBRUARY 3 The Catholic Times NEWSPAPER Vol. 1, No. 17 Columbus 16, Ohio, Friday, Jan. 25, 1952 Price Ten Cents; $3.00 A Yoar Call To Arms In War Of Spirit Is Sounded At Retreat Banquet Catholic Press Sunday Feb. 3 James F..Twohy Gives Inspiring Address On Role Of Bishop Asks New Dedication New Tinies Feature February is Catholic Press Month Layman In Crisis Of Modern Society To Apostolate Of The Press James F. Twohy, distinguished Catholic layman, industrialist, and Makes Appearance Federal official, underscored the “moral and spiritual breakup which With this issue The Catholic is sweeping away so many of the complacencies of modern society,” in Sunday, Feb. 3, will be Catholic Press Sunday in the Columbus Times announces a new feature Diocese, Bishop Ready announced this week in a pastoral letter. an address Sunday night at the annual banquet of the Catholic Laymen’s which will appear every week: Retreat League of Columbus in the Virginia Hotel. At the same time be praised the Catholic press as “a positive “Inquiry Corner.” Found on guide in pointing out the way of truth amidst the false directions of In an eloquent plea for clear page 6 of this issue, Inquiry evil philosophies.” understanding of the present world Corner will provide answers to Urging continued support of The Catholic Times, the Bishop crisis, Mr. Twohy traced the con­ questions of the moment of in­ also called attention to the “steady flow of tremendously worthwhile sequences of three centuries of Give Diocesan periodicals and books from Catholic publishers, with which our people secularization: "Master of how to terest to all. The Rev. Edward Healey, professor of Latin and should be acquainted.” live with no remembrance of why, The text of the Bishop's letter follows: loaded with goods but with a lost Lay Retreats English at St. Charles Semin vision of the Good, with a grow­ ary, Columbus, will answer the read y ing terror in his heart before a questions sent in by our read­ world-wide spectacle of human dis­ New Impetus ers. All questions should be ad­ order, misery and defilement, man Bishop Ready called the retreat dressed to: “Inquiry Corner”, % Cathcd stands today at the dead end of a movement an “immensely import­ The Catholic Times, P.O. Box long, wrong road.” ant work for the Diocese” in a 636, Columbus 16, Ohio. Official brief address to the Catholic Lay­ Speaking with quiet emphasis 71 and telling effect, the one-time men’s Retreat League at its annual Governor of the Federal Home banquet Sunday night in the Vir­ DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS Loan Bank System called it an ginia Hotel, Columbus. Men’s Society “oversimplification” to make Rus­ Several hundred retreatants at­ 198 East Broad Street sian Communism “the villain of all tended the dinner, which followed Will •Organize Columbus 15, Ohio our ills.” Pontifical Benediction and recita­ tion of the Rosary in St. Joseph Communism is "a poisonous Cathedral. January 23, 1952 weed of the West,” he said, Study Groups Cornelius J. Tracy was installed To the Reverend Clergy. Diocesan and Regular, “grown in-our secular philosophy.” To the Members of the Religious Communities, Describing the modern exclusion as new president of the league at the dinner-meeting, succeeding Weekly Meetings Planned And to the Faithful of the Diocese of Columbus. of religion from the “organized My beloved Brethren: culture and business of living,” he James P. Charles, who served in During Lent; Each Club that office for two years. Th Catholic Sunday, February 3rd. will be Catholic Press Sunday in the Diocese deplored the fact that “so many of Columbus. It will serve to open the annual appeal in our parishes of our own people seem ready to Other new officers installed Sun­ To Have Own Chairman day were: A. E. Fernandez, vice for renewing or obtaining subscriptions to our diocesan newspaper, identify their great Christian in­ THE CATHOLIC TIMES. heritance with the ruling culture president; and Ed 0. Ryan, treas­ Lenten Study clubs for men of urer. Ralph J. Kramer, Sr., contin­ Times It is no longer necessary to argue the value of the Catholic Press and the jungle economics of our the Holy Name Society will be or­ and the conscientious duty of Catholics to read it No one can be truly ues as secretary. ganized throughout the Columbus “Read Your Catholic Press—Millions Wish They Could," is the slogan for the official poster issued by time.” Principal speaker at the banquet informed about the meaning of current world events without Mr. Twohy concluded with a Diocese, it was announced this the Catholic Press Association of 'he United States. Catholic Press Month will be observed throughout the aid of the Catholic Press. It is a positive guide in pointing out the ringing appeal for enlistments in was James F. Twohy, Catholic lay week by the Rev. James W. Kulp, the nation during February. (NC Photos) leader and former Catholic Hour way of truth amidst the false directions of evil philosophies. It is “this great war of the spirit.” “Our Diocesan Director of the Confra­ the one unfailing source of responsible reporting on personalities, contribution,” he declared, “is to radio orator. (A report of his ad­ ternity of Christian Doctrine. dress is carried in the adjacent col­ events and pronouncements which make up news of the Church today. live our faith up to the hilt—not Sponsoring the project, in addi­ We have had recent examples in the secular press of garbled accounts in high disputes and pretensions, umn.) tion to the Confraternity, are the Indian Bishops Press Is "Fruitful Apostolate,’ which have done great injury to the Holy Father and to the Catholic but in all the bread and butter The secretary’s report of Retreat Bishop, the Rev. Albert E. Culliton, League activities for 1951 showed position regarding present-day grave, moral problems. dealings and duties of our daily Diocesan Holy Name Director, and It is the duty of our laity to keep well informed so that they may a total number of 475 retreatants diocesan officers of the society. Warn Against Deserves "Careful Examination lives, in a spirit of charity, of hu­ who took part in the 25 retreats in turn inform their non-Catholic neighbors on matters of Catholic mility, and of purity of heart, as A meeting for discussions lead­ importance. In this, our zealous and energetic lay men and women are citizens of a young and beloved for men at St. Therese’s Shrine, ers will take place Sunday, Feb. Birth Control Bishop Gorman, Chairman of NC Press Dept., Urges wisely directed by the Catholic Press. It is dedicated to the apostolate Columbus. 24, at 3 p. m. at St. Charles Semin­ Republic whose mysterious destiny, Leading group in the Central of truth. But it will be just as helpless and ineffective as it is in irrelig­ now wrapped in the folds of God’s ary, Columbus. The preparatory New Dedication to Catholic Press in February ious countries today if Catholic people do not receive it into their Deanery was Holy Rosary parish, meeting will be open to any inter­ NEW DELHI, India—(NC) — A Providence, we must help to shape, with 45 retreatants. Other leaders new warning against the Nehru- homes, and more importantly, if they do not read it. and as children of the Catholic ested men, Father Kulp said. By Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Reno, The clergy, religious and laity of this Diocese have always been were St. Mary’s, Delaware, with 40, Weekly meetings of the study backed program of birth control as Episcopal Chairman, N.C.W.C. Press Department Church to which by divine war­ and St. Agatha’s, Columbus, with a “sin against marriage” was read most devoted to the Catholic Press. They will continue to do so. We rant is committed the spiritual clubs will run through Lent and To the friends and patrons of the Catholic Press: bespeak a word of gratitude to the Reverend Fathers, to the Religious 37. Easter week, with a 75-minute time to Catholics throughout the coun­ During Press Month we urge you to take another good look at your fortunes of the Race.” -------------------o try. and to all the devoted people in our parishes who have been loyal to Partial text of Mr. Twohy’s ad­ limit on each meeting. Catholic newspapers, magazines and periodicals. You will discover that our diocesan newspaper. We call the attention of all to the business dress follows: Cleveland Is Site During the first half of the The warning came in a statement you have come face to face with a vast institution which constitute; firqfis Jn various communities of the Diocese who have so con­ “There are abundant evidences course the groups will study and drawn up by the Catholic BisLops’ one of our most important, effective and fruitful apoStolates. ’ sistently mvited our patronage through advertisements in its pages. Conference and issued in the name that the laymen’s retreat move­ Of 6th Convention discuss the recent statement of the In fact, if you belong to that old- Their support enables us to publish THE CATHOLIC TIMES at a ment, as it is expanding and mul­ U. S. Hierarchy: “God’s Law the of Archbishop Joseph Attipetty of modest cost. Verapoly, the Conference’s Direc­ fashioned group whose opinions of tiplying in American Catholic life, Of Nurses Council Measure of Man’s Conduct.” For the Catholic press date from a It is common knowledge that in the past few years costs in print­ is destined to become one of the the second half of the course they tor of Catholic Social Action.
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