T!HVU ; ■ iUAN xit* Pag* Fouf THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON, OHIO ' Friday* July f, 1955 SUL IT![ \cnrrr. WANT ADS Automobiles-Used Feed-Fertilizer: Building Materials 1 6 Help Wanted _25| A RE AL DEAL—1950 Studebaker, ALL PURPOSE Strand Steel Build­ John A. Gaynard Livestock Co. COMPANION and care for Mrs fine shape .runs extra good, lots AGRICULTURAL LIME, road ston>-, ings for farm and industry. Com- James F. Bell, Sr.. Live in, Board of extras with very good rubber. bag and bulk fertilizer and r<>ck >- plcte crop drying and aerating E. Center St* and Salary. Call 589, 25—5; 25 gals. FREE gas goes with this? phosphate. Call W. D. Dennehy, equipment Paul V Reed, 9 South PLUMBER QR PLUMBER’S HELP | Phone 817-R4, London, agent foe. MONTH END deal. Pirn* 4 744-B, Lundoo. Union guoet* Lugdea, tJUa. Phone Daily Livestock Marlceh # 2—52 Fayette Limestone Co., Inc., Box 1168. 6—52 ER. 4/itv and; country work - I 32. Washington C. H., Ohio. Phone Highest Net Hog Price Springfield and Vicinity. Write j ’51 FORD Custom Club Coupe, 6 cyl­ 2-7871, Washington C. H., Ohio. Box MB, c/o Madison Press Co I inder. Phone 802JX2. 2—52 5——tf Services 37 Na Commission Charges London, Ohio 25—53 —4..................................................... ............. ——- 1950 MERCURY, 4 door, new paint. uiMTNG SERVICB: Marble Cliff Cali or See Me before yod sei! white wall tires. Terms. J’h<>ne Quarrie products, Cecil A. Reed, ’ 1290-W2. e 2—5.2 agent. For the best of service and your livestock Northside Acre Estates prompt delivery, call Ixtndcn 945- LONDON GRAIN W2 or Alton 8*5581 and reverse Poultry 4 chargea 8—tf MARKET John A. Gaynarcl • Mgr. SPECIALS TOP PRICES PAID for heavy hans HAY. Good, wire-baled, clover, reas­ LOTS and Leghorn hens. Have your onable. Phone 756W. 5—52 Close of Market on * Phone - Office 35$ Ret. 1154 flock culled and sell the non pro­ FOR THE BOSS SAYS MOVE THESE CARS M . ducers. Call Robert Rhodes, South Thursday, June 30 Charleston, 8-8291. 4—55 Building Materials 6 Corn .......... $1.25 Appliances 14 Services 37: HIS LQ§S YOUR GAIN Feed-Fertilizer 5 POLE-TYPB_ FARM BUIT-DINGS. Wheat ....... .... $1.79 SALE Completely erected or materials FOR SALE. 4 burner “Grand” gas AGRICULTRUAL lime and bulk fer­ only. Free planning service. Phone Soybeans ... $2.28 1954 DODGE, Royal Club Coupe. 2 tone fin­ tilizer, and spreading Don For­ 2721 or drop us a card. LaKay Oats No. 2 range. Phone 8-8996. 14—52 160 Ft. deep - 100 R. rest, West Jefferson 8-8642. Farm Lumber Co., Pata.sk.ala. O. -!•■■■ 6—52 SERVED G A3 REFRIGERATOR, ish. Radio apd heater. Power flite. floor sample, price cut $110.00. Minimum width. Water, ModTson Form Bureau 1955 Model electric refrigerator Washer Repair DODGE, Coronet, 4 Dr. Sedan, tinted $165 00. Kitchenette gas range I Ges, and liectrig avail­ 1954 $86.50. Full size deluxe range $125. I Factory Authorized Co-op. Inc. London Appliance Co., Winchester; glass, 2 tone paint, Air condition heat­ Bldg. 14—52 ' able. Excellent location. LONDON BRANCH er, New tubeless tires, Power flits. 1954 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR I CALL - Phones - used (2) months, automatic de-1 frc.st, price $375.25. (One) Frigi- Maytag *Acstiai X. 195,4 DODGE, Coronet, 4 Dr., Rhdio, Heater, Don’t buy any daire automatic washer S9!» 95. BridgmoD First St. —240 or 740 4 (One) Speed Queen washer $59 95. Walnut St—239 Tappan gas range $69.95. Westing- i SALTS ond SEFViCR and Power steering, Power flite trans*. house dryer $9!’.95. (Two) Frigi- : Phone - London 1574 daire Refrigerators, each $25.00. i Tinted glass, 2 tone blue. used car until you4 Fi igidaire Elec tric range $69.95 i WE REPAIR ALL MAKES Articles For Sale Ohio Edison Company. Call Frank ' 12 Stuthard. Office phone-<76; Hom» ! NOTICE OR APPOINTMENT | 1953 PLYMOUTH; 4 D4 Sedan. Lo# mileage. phone 792. 14—tf Cutlip Electric Co. Estate of C. H. McDaniel aka i BLSCH 2’1x3 1/4 PRESS CAMERA. Charles Herman McDaniel Deceased ; Good condition. Ride it and Rate it.1/ —with Hugo Myer range finder Notice is hereby given that Francis ‘ and flash attachment; 3 cut film ZD E* High St Pk. S. McDaniel f>T 1717 Shroyer Road ! holders and film pack adap'er Dayton, a, Ohio, has been duly ap- ) sunshade and filters. Can be seen pointed and qualified as Executor o' 1953 PLYMOUTH, Club Coupe. Cranbrook. at Dixon's Variety Store. 12—52 the Estate of C. H. McDaniel aka Charles Herman McDaniel, deceased, ; with Radio and Heater. , e BED. springs and mattress, and roll­ late of Fairfield Township, Madison ! away bed. Dike new. Phone 925Jl LIVE County, Ohio. Case No. 12379. ! ___________ 12—52 Houses For Sale 19 Dated this 2nd day of June. 1956 ’ 1953 PLYMOUTH, Hardtop. Chib Coupe, Ra­ Joseph S. King. Probate Judge of FOR SALE CHEAP. 16 foot house said County. i dio and heater, 2 tone finish. trailer, full bod, bottle gas, oil June 16 23 3> ! heat, ideal for vacation <>r fishing. 56 South Oak St., London, I’hone COVRT OF COMMON PI,FAS 1953 CHEVROLET, 4 Dr., Station wagon, Ra­ Come in and Make USED BAIT •fe - ' 19—50 M ADISON 0O1 vri, OHIO dio and heater, New Goodyear Double THREE BEDROOM RANCH HOME Maty Vickers the Tip Top Check on Spring Valley Road, close to 47 South Street London Country Club. Has 25 ft. London, Ohio ' Eagle Tires. A nice one owner car. , Yourself. You make living room, large kitchen, with Plaintifl TV plenty of eating space; full base­ sure you’re getting ment. 35x38 on foundation, 2 acres 1953 DE SOTO, Firedome, Radio and heater. London, Ofiio of ground. This home is priced to (Address Unknown) > a good buy because sell. Call Doug Rinehart, 1286-M4 Defendants I 2 tone finish, Low mileage. Same as new. or JO6381, Columbus, Ohio. N. C. KOTICK you check the car SETS Berry and Associates. Realtors, Samuel Ray Vickers, whose plae« 19—52 of residence is unknown will tak> PLYMOUTH, Club Cpe.. New paint, Ex­ yourself. And every notice that on May 31. 1955 the un 1951 As Low As S25.0Q New Merchandise 15 dersigned filed her petition against Tip Top Used Car ‘ Wanted To Rent 24 him in the Court of Common Plea- tra good condition. "AN Are Guaranteed** FIRST QUALITY VENETIAN blinds, of Madison County. Ohio, praying Standard stock sizes now $3.f'<i. ROOM AND BOARD for elderly gen­ for a divorce and relief on th> , on our lot is Washable window shades, 85c. tleman. Needs no special care. Pre­ grounds of gross neglect of duty 1951 DODGE, 4 Dr. Sedan, Radio and heater, Drapery rods $1.98. Nursery chair fer country but not necesary. Said cause will be for hearing on : $.r>.!t5. High chair $9.50. -Cosco stool Write Bost Office Box 8, i»ond«>n, and after the 16th day of July, 1955 ■ Dark green finish. ^inspected BALLENGERS $3.95. 1’earl-wick hamper $7.50. Ohio. 24—51 Mary Vickers by I Automatic toaster $9 95. Automa­ Forrest E. Sidener, Jr. i preconditioned tic iron $4.95. I^ondon Appliance her attorney. ; Co., Winchester Bldg 15—52 USE THE WANT ADS June 2 9 16 23 30 July 7 1950 CHEVROLET. 4 Dr. Deluxe. A good ^guaranteed sound car* in writing 1949 PLYMOUTH, 4 Dr., Special Deluxe, New painh, 1954 DESOTO, Firedome Conv., Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Flite 1949 MERCURY, Club. Coupe, Radio, and Trans. P. E. McDANIEL heater, Overdrive frans. 1954 PLYMOUTH, Belvedere Convertible, 1949 MERCURY, 4 Dft Sedan. A 900c! family Radio. Heater, Royal Master Tires. car. 1954 PLYMOUTH, Belvedere, Hardtop, Ra­ dio, Heater. 1954 DOOGEj 4 Dr., Royall, Radio, Heater, The Wild Trader HERE ARE SOME GOOD BARGAINS Power Flite Trans. THEY NEED A LITTLE WORK BUT 1954 FORD, Victoria, Hardtop, Power Steering^ Power Brakes, Fordomatic. RUN GOOD 1954 PLYMOUTH, Savoy Club Sdn., Radio and Heater. 1949 DODGE, 4 Dr. Sdn . R & H . $225 1954 FORD, Custom, 4 Dr., V-8, Radio and Retails At Wholesale 1946 CHEV, 2 Dr. (Choice: of 2) $150 Heater. ■954 CHEVROLET, Belcire, 2 Dr., Radio 1946 OLDSMOBILE, 4 Dr ....... $175 and Heater, 6500 Miles. 1946 HUDSON $125 1953 DODGE, Coronet, 4 Dr., V-8, Radio and Heater. * * 10 Day Sale 1946 PLYMOUTH. RAH $125 1953 OLDS., V-8, 4 Dr., Radio and Heater, 1942 DODGE, < Dr.. R & H $75 Power Brakes. 1952 DESOTO, Firedome, 4 Dr., Power LONG TRADES - EASY TERMS - ALL GUARANTEED 1941 OLDSMOBILE __ $ 65 Steering, Radio and Heater, Royal T941 CHEVROLET, 2 t>r. ... $115 Master Tires. SEE THESE WONDERFUL CARS TRADE PRICE 1939 PONTIAC $50 1952 PLYMOUTH, 4 Dr. Sdn. no Trade PRicq 1952 PLYMOUTH, Club Cp& ■k Aft The se Ca rs Can Ba Financed^- 1952 CHEVROLET, 2 Dr. Sdn. (27/ 1954 FORD Victoria, Fully Equipped. $2095 $1795 • Low Down Payments 4 tow Interest Rafes 1952 CHEVROLET, Convertible Cpe. 1954 FORD 8 Easseoger. Country Sedan. 2395 951 PLYMOUTH^ Cranbrook, 4 Drtt (2). • Up To 24 Months To Pay 1951 PLYMOUTH, Cranbrook, Club Cpe. 1954 FORD 4 Dr. Custom, Sharp. 1950 1750 1951 CHEVROLET. 2 Dr. Sdn. 1954 (HUDSON Club Coupe (Hornell L 2095 1550 951 OLDS.. 4 Dr.. V-8. R.N.ARDREYInc 1950 DESOTO, Custom, 4 Dr. Sdn. 1953 FORD, Custom, 16,000 Miles. 1195 995 South Mala St. Let • Between The Railroads 949 CHEVROLET. 2 Dr. Sdn. 1953 FORD, Custom. 4 Door. U25 975 1949 PLYMOUTH, 4 Dr. Sdn.
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