SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH REPORT 2019 The Southern Institute of Technology Research Report for 2019 is published by Southern Institute of Technology. July 2020 Editor Dr Sally Bodkin-Allen Design and Photography Elana Bai Printing SIT Printery Cover Image Bex Stanley The cover comes from Patrick Gillies’ book: Who Ate Our Ball? Contact details Dr Sally Bodkin-Allen Research Manager Southern Institute of Technology [email protected] 0800 4 0 FEES (0800 4 0 3337) www.sit.ac.nz Southern Institute of Technology Private Bag 90114 133 Tay Street Invercargill INTRODUCTION It is my pleasure to present the Southern Institute of 7HFKQRORJ\6WD൵5HVHDUFK5HSRUWIRU,Q VWD൵DW6,7XQGHUWRRNUHVHDUFKLQDYDULHW\RIDUHDV LOOXVWUDWLQJDGLYHUVLW\RIDFWLYLWLHVDQGRXWSXWV7KH VWD൵SUR¿OHGKHUHVKRZFDVHVUHVHDUFKLQWHDFKLQJDQG Penny Simmonds OHDUQLQJWKHFUHDWLYH¿HOGVFRPPXQLW\DQGLQGXVWU\ Chief Executive Southern Institute of Technology HQJDJHPHQWDQGWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIVSHFLDOLVHG NQRZOHGJH Research is an integral part peer reviewed platform for staff composer Claire Cowan, using of the Southern Institute of to publish in, as well as many his jazz composition skills to act Technology, as it strengthens outside academics. as a creative consultant on her teaching and learning on higher School of Nursing Head of School, score for the Royal New Zealand level qualifications, as well Johanna Rhodes and fellow tutor Ballet’s production of ‘Hansel and as providing opportunities for Mary McMillan were selected Gretel.’ In the School of Screen creative and artistic endeavours to give two presentations at the Arts film tutor Patrick Gillies has and the generation of new 7th Sino New Zealand Vocational expanded his talents to write a knowledge. Many staff were Education and Training Model children’s book, with illustrations supported by the Southern Symposium in China. Bachelor by an SIT graduate. Institute of Technology Research of Environmental tutor Anna Staff in Southern Institute of Fund to present their research Palliser spent several months Technology’s distance learning at conferences. Staff gave at Johnson and Wales University faculty SIT2LRN are also presentations at conferences in Rhode Island on a prestigious represented here. Barnaby Pace’s throughout New Zealand and Fulbright Scholarship researching theoretical research delves into internationally: in the USA, local food systems. Christine the field of quantum physics and Hong Kong, Malaysia, Canada, Liang, Programme Manager wave function collapse. Annabel Australia, Spain, South Africa, in the School of Environmental Schuler’s focus is on historical and China. Many SIT staff Management, along with tutor research, with a detailed study presented their research Tapuwa Marapara, were a part of the life of Constance Grande, findings at the fourth joint of the organising committee for a pioneering New Zealand research symposium with Otago the New Zealand Coastal Society female journalist. Robyn Hill and Polytechnic in 2019. Annual Conference, held in Robert Horrocks explore the use A number of staff at SIT are Invercargill in November 2019. of discussion boards in online engaged in PhD study through Te A number of student projects learning. ā ā Whare W nanga Awanui rangi. supervised by Environmental Two tutors from the Faculty of This doctoral study programme Management tutors were Trades and Technology also is part of an ongoing initiative presented at the conference, feature in this report, reflecting to foster collaboration between with one student project winning the growth of research capacity the two institutions. Duncan a national award typically won to support the new degree McKenzie, a Programme by PhD students or experienced programmes in the faculty. Carlo Manager in the School of Sport researchers. Gabriel’s research focuses on and Exercise is exploring well- Community engagement improving learning outcomes being in relation to a pastime and industry success are for students, while Naveed ur he is passionate about: surfing. features of the outputs of audio Rehman has explored solar While Debbie Ruwhiu who works production and music staff. energy potential for bus routes in in the Academic Support Unit and Music Programme Manager Jeff Invercargill. oversees Te Awa Rau, the Māori Wragg and Audio Production It is pleasing to see the continuing Mentoring Programme at SIT, is Programme Manager Doug Heath evolution of research capability at examining culturally responsive both attended a conference in Southern Institute of Technology practice at the institution. Boston, where they delivered and I hope you enjoy reading SIT celebrated ten years of presentations on their practice- about the range of research SITJAR, the Southern Institute led research. Research Manager activity featured here. of Technology Journal of Applied Sally Bodkin-Allen’s research Research, in 2019. Jerry Hoffman, into the community singing Academic Leader in the School of concept of Outreach focused on Business, has been editor of the the connection between singing journal since its inception. This and wellbeing. Mark Baynes, Penny Simmonds journal has had an important role Programme Manager at SIT’s Chief Executive for research at SIT, providing a MAINZ campus, collaborated with Southern Institute of Technology CONTENTS 3 INTRODUCTION 24 TEN YEARS OF SITJAR Jerry Hoffman School of Business 6 FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP IN RHODE ISLAND MENTORING AND COLLABORATION Anna Palliser 26 School of Environmental Management IN THE SCHOOL OF NURSING Johanna Rhodes and Mary McMillan 8 GETTING TO KNOW CONSTANCE School of Nursing GRANDE Annabel Schuler 28 HANSEL AND GRETEL Faculty of SIT2LRN Mark Baynes MAINZ 10 OBJECTIVE-COLLAPSE THEORY VIEW OF THE WAVE-PARTICLE 30 SOLAR POTENTIAL OF PUBLIC BUS PARADOX ROUTES IN INVERCARGILL Barnaby Pace Naveed ur Rehman Faculty of SIT2LRN School of Engineering 12 UNDERSTANDING MOTIVATION, SELF-EFFICACY AND ANXIETY IN 32 WHO ATE OUR BALL? ENGINEERING STUDENTS Patrick Gillies School of Screen Arts Carlo Gabriel School of Engineering 34 USE OF DISCUSSION BOARDS IN ONLINE LEARNING 14 SUPERVISING STUDENTS AND Robyn Hill and Robert Horrocks CELEBRATING SUCCESS Faculty of SIT2LRN Christine Liang School of Environmental Management 36 OUTREACH SINGING AND WELLBEING 16 IMPROVING ACHIEVEMENT FOR Sally Bodkin-Allen MāORI LEARNERS School of Contemporary Music Debbie Ruwhiu Academic Support Unit 38 DAIRY FARMERS IN THE WAITUNA CATCHMENT AND ADOPTION OF 18 PRACTICE-LED RESEARCH IN RIPARIAN PLANTING HEAVY METAL AND DUB REGGAE Tapuwa Marapara ELECTRONICA School of Environmental Management Doug Heath School of Audio Production 40 STAFF RESEARCH OUTPUTS WAVES OF WELL-BEING. 20 2019 Duncan McKenzie School of Sport and Exercise 22 AUTOSONIC SELF-QUOTATION Jeff Wragg School of Contemporary Music FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP IN RHODE ISLAND Contact: Anna Palliser School of Environmental Management [email protected] 6 Research Report 2019 Anna Palliser School of Environmental Management Faculty of Health, Humanities and Computing Dr Anna Palliser Anna’s interest in local food and several of them became systems stems directly from her close friends who I am still in WUDYHOOHGWR work in climate change. ‘It is so touch with.’ The support of the clear that the current global, university was an intrinsic part 5KRGH,VODQG chemical and fossil fuel intensive of what made Anna’s scholarship 3URYLGHQFHLQ agricultural system is not going a sucess, as this paved the to be able to meet our food needs way for opportunities to meet $XJXVWWRWDNH for much longer when faced people, deliver talks and attend with the predicted changes due gatherings. One gathering Anna XSKHU)XOEULJKW to climate change,’ Anna says. attended was a First Nations 6FKRODUVKLSDW ‘One recomended solution is conference on food sovereignty to focus far more on local food in Green Bay, Michigan. This -RKQVRQDQG:DOHV systems in local economies, gave her the opportunity to learn food systems that directly about first nation ways protocols 8QLYHUVLW\WKHUH support local communities, and issues as well as about the 6KHVWD\HGWKHUH not only economically but also ways many tribes are investing by providing highly nutritous heaviliy into their own local food IRUIRXUDQGDKDOI food that the global system systems on tribal land. Another often doesn’t provide for poorer gathering was organised by PRQWKVUHVHDUFKLQJ communities.’ the USA Fulbright Association in Kentucky, where Anna was WKH3URYLGHQFHORFDO Anna carried out twenty-two invited, along with about 100 other interviews with gardeners, urban Fulbright Scholars, to a seminar IRRGV\VWHPDQGKDG farmers, food bank staff, food about the opioid crisis in America. market sellers, herbalists, food DZRQGHUIXOWLPH ‘This was a wonderful opportunity hub managers, soil remidiators, to meet other Fulbrighters and WDNLQJDGYDQWDJHRI councillors and others in learn more about a crisis which Providence. ‘The interviews gave is also impacting people here in DOOWKHRSSRUWXQLWLHV me a good grasp of the amazing New Zealand, although currently local food system in Providence,’ RIIHUHGE\VXFK it seems far less than in the USA,’ says Anna. She is currently Anna explained. DSUHVLJLRXV working on a report she hopes to deliver around New Zealand as Johnson and Wales University VFKRODUVKLS she does a speaking tour. provided Anna with office space and a laptop and access to The research was only one part university libraries and other of her role in the USA; another facilities. ‘It is actually quite important part was to be an similar to SIT in some ways,’
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