Momaexh 0760 Masterchecklist

Momaexh 0760 Masterchecklist

!. \ II /00'7/ MoMAExh_0760_MasterChecklist CH~Cj(LIS'T' . T H ,PH01'() BSAY }larch 16 - May, 16, 1965 Musetnn of Modern Art, Ne,1York Checklist for THEPHarO TISSAY Pg. 1 Cm1PLf<TEl'SSHS (v,ALL MATERIAL) 1. Blind Boys Play. JUBILEE, September, 1962 Phot.ogra pher: Charles Harbutt (Magnum) 1Iditor: EdwardRic e 2. "Notre Damede la Grande Trappe" in Soligny. B"RLINl'R ILLUSTiURTTo:ZF,ITUNG,January 6, 1929 Photographer: Andre Kertesz T\ditor: Kurt Safransky 3. Prize-fight. MUNCIF:N''RILLUSTRITRTE,September 22, 1929 Photogrcp'lers: Scheid and Dephot-Man Editor: Stefan Lorant MoMAExh_0760_MasterChecklist 4. Behind Closed Doors. FORTUNc:,Sept,mber, 1932 Photographer: Dr. &ich Salomon Art director: Eleanor Treacy Managing Fditor: Ralph MeA.Ingersoll 5. Pension. FORTUNE,January, 1933 Photographers unknown Art director: El.eanor Treacy Hanaging Mitor: Ralph MeA. Ingersoll 6. Fasching. MUNCH":Nl'RILLUSRIffiTB,February 26, 1933 Photographer: Alfred l',isenstaedt Editor: Stefan Lor-ant, 7. Mr. G. MiiNCHElPRILLUSTRI"RT1';,Merch 5, 1933 Photographer unknown Editor: Stefan Lorant 8. Mussolini. \,'hat is He Planning? WF,EKLYILLUSTRPTT.D,August 4, 1934 Photogrepher: Felix H. Man Fditor: Stefan Lorant 9. Hitler's Take-over. BFRLIN'R ILLuSTRIRT1cZ'~ITUNG,March 26, 1935 Photographer: Hartin Munkacsi FCditor: Kurt Safransky 10. Franklin Roosevelt's 1rJild West. LITE, November21. 1936 --- 'Photographer: 'Margaret Bourke-Vhit e Art director: Howard K. Richmond Managing :editor: John ShawBillings 11. Chamberlain and the Beautiful Llama. LILLIPUT, London, July, 1938 Photographer unknown F.ditor: Stefan Lorant 12. Golden Gate Bridge. LIFE, May 31, 1937 Photographer: Peter Stackpole Art director: Howard K. Richmond Managing Fditor: John ShawBillings 13. Candidate Taft Stumps Florida LIFE, February 19, 1940 Photographer: Robert Capa Art director: Peter Piening Managing 1i'ditor: John ShawBillings 14. The Lindy Hop. LIFF" August 23, 1943 photographer: Gjon Mili Art director: Charles Tudor Managing -'ditor: John ShawBillings Checklist for THEPHarO '"'E,SAY Pg. 2 Complet e ""':ssays(,mll mnterial) continued "'u,t] hr1"r~r 5. Rodeo. WOK, January 22, 1946 ;"7~~~:~ Photographer: Hy Peskin : ,!,.>'i- j,' Art director: William E. Fink Editorial Director: Daniel D. Nich '-r:,-; :'11. HowAmerica Lives: The Sullivan Struggle • 'i Ji . 16. LADIFSHO,~E JOURNAL, Mar-ch , 1948 ,.....j~ :~Ofa Photographer: Fons Ianelli : ro,JJJ' Picture T'ditor: John G. Norris . 17. International Brigade, Dismiss! PICTUREPOST,London, November12, 1938 .; ',:" 1 Photographer: Robert Capa MoMAExh_0760_MasterChecklist Editor: Stefan Lorant , !"~'i. "r) J - .; ::; '1-07:7 18. The Roosevelt Face in the Roosevelt Recession • ...:", -!'r!l LIF!':, January 24, 1938 I • .'\~ ;fl~'l Photographer: 'I'homas D. McAvoy Art director: Howard K. Richmond .;,', '~"rf· ..,q , ~-_.. - Managing Frlitor: John ShawBillings '. J t'l ~ 19. And Again! Back to SchooL PICTUREPOST,London, October 8, 1938 Photographer: Kurt Hutton '.... ....,. Editor: Stefan Lorant 20. Country Doctor. LIFE, September 20, 1948 Photographer: W. Eugene Smith Art directors: Charles Tudor, Hichael Phillips Managing "ditor: Joseph J. Thorndike, Jr. 2L Returning of the Austrian Prisoners. Hr.:L'l'E,1948 . '·i;·~,_rlt~ .' Photographer: lIrnst Haas -';~ ~'Tl Art director: Harren Trabsnt i:v. ".fT . ; \." 22. There Was a Christmas in i\orea• LIFE, December25, 1950 Photographer: David Douglas Duncan Art director: Charles Tudor Managing "nitor: li'dward K. Thompson .-~~ " ': 4 • 23. Spanish Village. LIFE, April 9, 1951 Photographer: Iv. Eugene Smith Art director: Bernard Quint ,'.1 ··r· Managing fditor: Fdvrar-d K. 'Phompson "J 24. A Portfolio of Distinguished Britons. LIFE, January 14, 1952 Photographer: Alfred T,isenstaedt Art director: Bernard Quint Managing Editor: Edward K. Thompson 25. Hunger. WOK, February 10, 1953 [(; ) Phot.ographer: \verner Bischof (;Ie.:o;nCJm) .-j/f Art director: Merle Armitage Ex:ecutive "ditor: vJilliam Lowe 26. Rverything Goes on in a RomanPiazza. ') ,~ LIFE, July 20, 1953 ---"--' ". , ~ I. Photographer: Henri Cartier-Bresson (Magnum) Art director: Bernard Quint Managing llditor: Edwar-dK. Thompson 27. Old Age. LIFE, July 23, 1959 Photographer: Cornell Capa (Magnum) Art directors: Charles 'tudor, David Stech ._, . .' ~. Managing "ditor: Edwar-dK. Thompson ; r ..~ " ~ Checklist for THE PHOTOr::SSAY Complete ":ssays (wall material) continued Pg. 3 , . - J , 8. The Sioux Indians. LOOK, April 19, 1955 " 'Photographer: John Vachon , '1 ., Art director: Allen Hurlburt .- .. Producer: Thomas B. Morgan To;ditorial Director: Daniel D. Mich 9. Air Age: 11an's High New Realm. LIFE, June 18, 1956 " ' Photographer: Howard Sochurek Art directors: Charles Tudor, David Stech Managing Editor: Edward K. Thompson O. Image of Japan. LOOK, September 10, 1963 PIiotographer: Art Kane MoMAExh_0760_MasterChecklist Art director: Allen Hurlburt 1".ditorial Director: Daniel D. Hich 1. Cutting the Waves for a Classic Cup. , LIFE, August 24, 1962 Photographer: George Silk Art director: Bernard Quint Managing l"ditor: George P. Hunt 2. Ominous Spectacle of Birmin ,ham. LIFE, May 17, 1963 Photographer: Charles Moore Art directors: Bernard Quint, David Stech Managing Pditor: George P. Hunt , 3. K:U Klux Klan. PARIS-MATCH,September 14, 1963 Photographer: Paul Gelinas .To;ditorial Director: Roger 'I'herond 4. The S egs. f-SQUJRE, January, 1964 Photographer: Carl Fischer Graphics l".<litor: David November 'r' Editor: Harold Hayes 5. The Lash of Success. LIFB, November 16, 1962 Photographer: Grey Villet Art directors: Bernard Quint, Robert Clive Managing Ed i.t or ; George P. Hunt 6. Le Duel de 1I0scou. PARIS-HATCH,August 8, 1959 Photographers: Elliott JTwitt (Hagnum) and Lucien Nau Editorial Director: Gaston Bonheur Pditor-in-chief: Roger 'I'her ond 7. Hhat Makes SammyDavis, Jr., Run? FSQUffiE, October, 1959 Photographer: Burt Glinn (Magnum) Art director: Robert Benton Features "'ditor: Clay Felker 8. The .Jay-Out Hay of Life. LOOK,September 25, 1962 Phot ographer: Cal Bernst ein Art director: Allen Hurlburt Produc er: George T. Harris l'ditorial Director: Daniel D. Hich 39. Limbo. PAG)i"Am',November, 1957 Photographer: Simpson KPlisher Art director: Conrad 1rJien.1.:: Executive ":ditor: Sey Chassler O. The Congressional. FORTUNE, Noveml:'er, 1955 Photographer: Robert Frank Art director: Leo Lionni Monaging f'ditor: Hedley Donovan 41, The Real West Side Story. LOOK,F ebr uary 16, 1960 Photographer: Paul Fusco Art director: Allen Hurlburt Producer: Thomas B. Morgan Editorial Director: Darri e'l, D. Mich Checklist for THBPHarO ~SSAY Complete r:ssays (w?ll material) cont.Lnued Pg. 4 Chartres. LIFE, December 15, 1961 Photographer: Gjon i1Ui Art director: Bernard Quint ~ '; Managing l',ditor: George P. Hunt .,~~1,f..1 " 's •.,) "r 3. Christmas at Cuzco. VOGUH:,December, 1949 "'. >.Gl! Photographer: Irving Penn Art director: Alexander Liberman :''':CjJOj-, 4. Il Monsone. EPOCA,October 1, 1961 ·:.t~)MoMAExh_0760_MasterChecklist ,''1 Photographer: Brian Brake (Magnum) I' Menaging F.ditor: Nando San Pietro Layout: Alberto Guerri ... .....) . 5. Mousson. PARIS-MATCH,September 23, 1961 Photographer: Brian Brake (Magnum) &litorial Director: Gaston Bonheur &litor-in-chief: Roger Therond 46. Monsoon. LIFE, September 8, 1961 Photographer: Brian Brake (Magnum) Art director: BerQArd Quillt> Menaging &litor: George P. Hunt 47. The Honsoon. THEQUl\EN,October 11, 1961 PhoGographer: Brian Brake (Nagnum) ._.'£" F.ditor-in-chief: Jocelyn Stevens 1{ 1 [... - 48. Ballad of the Bird. "SQUIRE,December, 1957 Photographer: Saul Leiter Art director: Henry Half "0 49. Ballet Folklorico. AWRYKA(Polish "',dition), No. 73, 1965 Photographer: Herbert H. Higdo11 Art director: 11000 Bennett r .;. J I~ ·"I • '·1 . !. .-'.: ~ Checklist for THE PHarOESSAY Pg. 5 EASTPROJECTOR .', 1. MaineFinter. LIFE, February 12, 1945 Photographer: Kosti Ruohomaa (Black Star) Art director: Bernard Quint ManagingEditor: Daniel Longwell 'f . 2. Displaced Germans Pour Unwelcome into Berlin. LIFE, October 15, 1945 MoMAExh_0760_MasterChecklist Phot ogra pher: Leonard McCombe Art director: Charles Tudor ManagingEditor: Danne L Longwell 3. Bad Boy's Story. LIFE, May 12, 1947 Photographer: Ralph Crane Art director: Bernard Quint !!anaging Editor: Joseph J. Thorndike, Jr. 4. HarlemGang Leaders. LIFE, November 1, 1948 Photographer: Gordon Parks Art direc tor: .:',Bernard Quint ManagingEditor: Joseph J. Thorndike, Jr. 5. Spain. LIFE, April 4, 1949 Photographer: Dmiti'±jKessel Art director: Charles Tudor !·!anagingEditor: Joseph J. Thorndike, Jr. 6. Childbirth. U. S. CAMERA,19L9 Photographer: Fayne Hiller ( Magnum) Editor: Tom Maloney 7. Nurse I'lidwife. LIFE, December 3, 1951 Photographer: W. Eugene Smith Art director: Bernard 0uint I'ianagingEdi tor: EdwardK. Thompson 8. ~e'JJ'!~L to Look at the U. S. LIFE, April iI" 1952 Photographer: I.'iargaret Bourke -1rJhite Art director: Charles Tudor ManagingEditor: Eduard K. Thompson 9. People in Russia: Travel in the U. S. S. R., Part I LIFE, January 17, 1955 Photographer: Heari, Cartier-Bresson (Magnum) Art director: Bernard Quint !1§.nagingEdi tor: Edward K. Thompson 10. Isles of Romance in the South Seas. LIFE, January 2L, 1955 Photographer : Eliot Blis of on Art director: Bernard Quint l~anaging Editor: Eduard K. Thompson 11. The Magic of Color in !1otion, Part I LIFE, August 11, 1958 Photographer: Ernst Haas (lVlagnum) Art director: Charles Tudor Hanagi.ngEditor: Eduard K. Thompson 12. S ectacle of Spooks to Be ovary of on Halloween. LIFE, ctober 31, 19 a Photographer:

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