Number 5 Volume XXVIII. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FEBRUARY 4, 1933 SHE SMILES SADLY*.• • Kwan - Yin, Chinese Goddess of Mercy, some­ times called the Goddess of Peace, has reason these days for that sardonic expression, although the mocking smile is by no means a new one; she has worn it since the Wei Dynasty, Fifth Century A. D. The Goddess is the property of the Bos­ ton Museum of Art.— Courtesy The Art Digest. Featured This Week: Stuffed Zoos, by Dr. Herbert H. Gowen "Two Can Play"—, by Mack Mathews Editorials: (Up Hill and Down, Amateur Orchestra In Dissent, by George Pampel Starts, C's and R's, France Buys American) A Woman's Span (A Lyrical Sequence), by Helen Maring two THE TOWN CRIER FEBRUARY 4, 1933 By John Locke Worcester. Illus­ Stage trated with lantern slides. Puget "In Abraham's Bosom'' (Repertory Sound Academy of Science. Gug­ Playhouse)—Paul Green's Pulit­ AROUND THE TOWN genheim Hall. Wednesday, Febru­ zer prize drama produced by Rep­ ary 22, 8:15 p. m. ertory Company, with cast of Se­ attle negro actors. Direction Flor­ By MARGARET CALLAHAN Radio Highlights . , ence Bean James. A negro chorus sings spirituals. Wednesdays and Young People's Symphony Concert Fridays for limited run. 8:30 p.m. "Camille" (Repertory Playhouse) — Spanish ballroom, The Olympic. —New York Philharmonic, under direction of Bruno Walter. 8:30- "Funny Man" (Repertory Play­ All-University drama. February February 7, 8:30 p. m. 16 and 18, 8:30 p. m. Violin, piano trio—Jean Margaret 9:15 a. m. Saturday. KOL. house)—Comedy of old time Blue Danube—Viennese music un­ vaudeville life by Felix von Bres- Crow and Nora Crow Winkler, violinists, and Helen Louise Oles, der direction Dr. Riesenseld i lau. Translated from the Ger­ Screen • • • pianist. Women's Century Club (symphonic). 6:00-6:30 p. m. Sat­ man and adapted by AI Otten- "13 Women" (Music Box)—Drama­ Theatre. Monday, February 6, urday. KOMO. heimer. Mary Louise Sullivan, tization of Tiffany Thayer's popu­ 8:30 p. m. Musical Mannikens—8:15-8:30 p.m. member Seattle Junior League, lar novel. Ricardo Cortez, Irene Voice Student Recital—Pupils of Saturday. KOMO. making debut with Repertory Dunn, Myrna Loy. Ella Helm Boardman, beginners Vincent Lopez—And his Hotel Con­ Company. Thursday and Satur­ "Strange Interlude" (Paramount) and advanced. Cornish Theatre. gress Orchestra. 9:30-10:00 p. m. days, 8:30 p. m., for limited run. —Eugene O'Neill's drama return­ Thursday, P^ebruary 9, 8:30 p. m. Saturday. KJR. "The Sunken Bell" (Repertory ing at popular prices. Norma Violin and piano students—Berthe Nathan Milstein—Young Russian Playhouse)—Hauptmann's gigan­ Shearer and Clark Gable. Poncy Jacobson presenting en­ violinist, soloist with New York Philharmonic Orchestra, direction tic drama, Florence Bean James "Isle of Lost Souls" (5th Avenue) semble pupils. Cornish Theatre. directing. Probably necessitating Friday, February 10, 8:30 p. m. Bruno Walter. 12:00-2:00 p. m. —Charles Laughton and Kathleen Sunday. KOL. installation of a revolving stage. Burke. Also "Employes Entrance'' Sergei Rachmaninoff—Famous Rus­ Opening date not yet announced. sian composer-pianist. Auspices "'I'h rough a. Locked Door"—NBC with Warren William and Loret- Drama Hour. 8:30-9:00 p. m. Mon­ Penthouse Players (Edmond Meany ta Young. Ladies Musical Club. Metropolitan Theatre. Thursday, February 23, day. KJR. Hotel)—Repeating by popular re­ "Mystery of the Wax Museum" "The Hunger March"—The Alas­ quest previous program of one- 8:30 p. m. (Blue Mouse)—Lionel Atwill and Don Cossack Russian Chorus—Un• kans program. Dramatization of act plays, including Schnitzler's Fay Wray. true story. 7:00-7:30 p. m. Mon­ "A Farewell Supper," Babette der direction Serge Jaroff. Aus­ "Secrets of the French Police" pices Associated Women Students. day. KOMO. Hughes' "The First White Wom­ (Liberty)—Frank Morgan and Meany Hall. Tuesday, February Curtis Institute of Music—Program an," Strindberg's "Pariah," and Gwill Andre. 21, 8:30 p. m. from Philadelphia. 1:15-2:00 p. Moeller's "Helena's Husband." m. Tuesday. KOL. Sponsored by Glenn Hughes, di­ Mardi Gras—"Beautiful" idea—10:- rected by Sophie Rosenstein. Gold Music • • t Art Exhibitions • • 00-10:30 a. m. Tuesday. KJR. Room, Edmond Meany Hotel. Sat­ Volker String Quartet — Including Henry Gallery (University campus) Ed Wynne—And the Laugh Paradi urday (tonight), 8:30 p. m. Theodore Anderson, Wilma Wills, —One-man show of oils by Walter 6:30-7:00 p. m. Tuesday. KOMO. "The Shelving Up of Blanco Posnet" Walter Sundsten, Iris Canfleld. F. Isaacs of University of Wash­ Vic Meyers—And dance orchestra. (Cornish Theatre)—Shaw's idea Assisting artists—Gere Fiset, pi­ ington faculty. Through Febru­ 9:00-9:30 p. m. Tuesday. KOMO. of the west and cowboys. Mary anist; Whitney Tustin, oboist; ary. The Symphony Concert—Direction Louise Bennett of Vancouver, B. John Sundsten, pianist. Gold Harry Hartnian's (1313 5th Ave­ of Sandor Harmati, guest con­ C, playing lead. Direction Koir- Room, Edmond Meany Hotel. Feb­ nue) — Chinese lithographs by ductor. Playing several move­ ansky. Tonight (Saturday), 8:30 ruary 5 and 12. 3:00 p. m. Thomas Handforth, new prints by ments from Haydn's Symphony in E Flat and Strauss' "Don p. m. Spargur String Quartet—Present• Roi Partridge, and group of six ing third concert of the season. drawings of shacks in Hoover Juan." 6:00-6:30 p. m. Wedn City by Harry Wolfe. Through day. KOMO. P^ebruary. Fred Waring—And his Pennsylvan- Northwest Galleries (1210 Fifth ians. With comedian. New Old Avenue)—New paintings by Gold program. 7:00-7:30 p. m. Northwest artists. Wednesday. KOL. Washington state Museum (Univer­ Golden Memories—8:15-8:30 p. m. sity Campus)—Permanent exhibi­ Wednesday. KOMO. tion, including important and Johnny Hamp—And Hotel Mark complete items relating to the Hopkins Orchestra. 8:30-9:00 p. , Northwest Indians. m. Wednesday. KJR. Seattle Public Library (top floor art Colonel Stoopnagle and liudd—6 department)—Exhibition of col­ 7:00 p. m. Thursday. KOI.. USE ored reproductions of Chinese art, si a nil anl Symphony—San Francis­ including ceramics, embroidery, co Symphony under direction Al­ paintings, screens, etc. fred Hertz. Playing Parisian Carnival by Svendsen, several movements from "L'Arlesienne," SMMV 5 Special Features « • suite No. 2, by Bizet, Overture to j "Killing to Live"—Russian film of Merry Wives of Windsor by Nick- the animal kingdom's struggle olai, and a concert waltz by ^ PLENTY OF for the survival of the fittest. Glazounow. 8:15-9:15 p. m. Thurs­ Made in remote deserts of Asia day. KOMO. and Armenia, on uninhabited is­ Railroad stories—"The Lap Order." r LIGHT lands of the Aral Sea, and on 10:00-10:30 p. m. Thursday. KJR. Steppes of the Ukraine. Also "Of­ Cosmopolitans Orchestra, 5:45-6 fice Girl," British burlesque of p. m. Friday. KJR. ~ THIS WINTER 5 Viennese operettas. World film series, under direction Glenn PHILIP D. MACBRIDE Hughes, of University of Wash­ GEORGE W. WILLIAMS ington Drama division. Egyptian 912 Hoge Bldg. BUY LIGHT GLOBES Theatre, University Way. Friday, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE February 10, 2:00, 3:30, 11:15 p. Stat.- of Washington for K m. Oountv. Notice to Creditors. In Pro­ bate. No. 56057. NOW Book Reviews—By Edward Wagen- In the Mattel- of the ICstate of Lewis knecht, of Univ. of Wash. Eng­ R. Hardenburgh, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un­ lish Dept. Guggenheim Hall. dersigned has been appointed and lias Second and fourth Tuesdays of qualified as Administrator w. w. a. of each month. 8:15 p. m. the estate of Lewis R. Hardenb" Deceased; that all persons bavins claims against said deceased are here­ by required to serve the same, duly Lectures • • • • verified, on said Administrator or its "Technocracy''—By Richard G. Ty­ attorneys of record at the address be­ low stated, and file the same with the ler. Illustrated with lantern Clerk of said Court, together with , slides. Auspices Puget Sound proof of such service within six months Academy of Science. Guggenheim after the date of first publication of Hall, campus. Wednesday, Febru­ this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication. Januarj ary 8, 8:15 p. m. 1933. "Marine Phytoplankton"—By Ly­ PEOPLES BANK AND TR1 COMPANY, man D. Phifer. Illustrated with Administrator of said Es lantern slides. Puget Sound PHILIP I). MACP.UTDE- Academy of Science. Guggenheim QEORGE W. WILLIAMS, PUGET SOUND Hall. Wednesday, February 15, Attorneys for Estate. it 12 Hoge Bldg.. 8:15 p. m. Seattle, Washington. I? ower &r Light Comp any "Early Phases in Our Existence"— 1-28-33—3t—2-11-33. TH€ TOWN CRI€R Volume XXVIII. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FEBRUARY 4, 1933 Number 5 Published every Saturday at 2100 5th Ave., Seattle will not stand alone. Special alcoves might and its appreciation. Additional informa­ Wood & Reber, Inc. Publishers C. B. Rath bun Editor well be reserved for a few of the bnreau- tion can be secured by calling the director, Margaret Bundy Callahan Associate Editor Roscoe C. Torrance Business Manager cracies which have had a liberal share of Mr. Albert P. Adams—who was for twelve ENTERED as second class matter September 24, the national fodder in recent years. years the best band and orchestra director 1910, at the Post Office of Seattle, Washington, under the act of March 3, 1879. Only it is to be hoped that the method by the University of Washington ever had. SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.00 per year, payable in ad­ vance. In all foreign countries within the Postal which our Zoos are to be transformed into Full many a time in my younger days I Union, subscription $5.00 per year.
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