Homecoming Football Welcome Home St. Lawrence Saturday Afternoon FIAT LUX Alumni Phone 587-5402 Vol. 51, No. 4 ALFRED, NEW YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1963 President, Deans to Host New Phi Ep, Tau Delt Houses Alfred Exhibit in Syracuse Following the "Open House" at Called 'Urgent' by Committee High school guidance counsel- ors from eight counties in the the bank, the counselors joined Syracuse area have been invited alumni and parents of students Alumni to Return Fraternity Presidents Comment from Syracuse and the surround- to an "Open House," held today New housing for Phi Epsilon Pi and Tau Delta Phi fra- fcy Alfred University at its speci- ing area art; the University Club For Homecoming al exhibit in the Onondaga Coun- for a social hour and dinner. ternities will be recommended to the new University Planning President Drake talked to the Homecoming is here again as ty Savings Bank in Syracuse from Alfred prepares to greet alumni Committee this Saturday as an "immediate urgency," said Dr. 4 to 5 p.m. group following the dinner and Milton A. Tuttle, chairman of a Board of Trustees subcom- entertainment was provided by (returning to the campus for the The . exhibit includes a series the Alfred University Varsity 7. weekend. The program begins mittee concerned with fraternity housing, in a Fiat Lux in- of pictures and informative pan- Friday, Oct. 11, with the tradi- terview yesterday. els, demonstrations of operating University personnel in the tional fraternity parties. host group who attended the Dr. Tuttle, who is also associ- laboratory equipment, and dis- An Alfred-St. Dwrence football ate professor of ceramic engineer- No Comunication plays of ceramic materials design- "Open House, " and the dinner George Turkingfcon, president included: Dr. Seymour B. Dunn, game, scheduled for 2 p.m., Sat., ing, said that the University sup- ed to withstand the blasting heat will highlight the program. All ported the presence of fraterni- of Phi Ep, said that his house of rocket engines, the thermal dean of the College of Liberal was in the "best financial situa- Arts; Dean John F. MdMahon, the fraternities and sororities ties on campus and that his com- shock of missile or satellite re- will make posters for the game, mittee existed to help them meet tion in recent years," and had entry into the earth's atmosphere. dean of the College of Ceramics; sufficient funds to build a new Dean I. Vernette Grau, dean of and three judges from the faculty possible financial difficulties In Pres. M. Ellis Drake and house if a site is made available. the School of Nursing; Paul F. will award prizes for the best dis- maintaining their houses in the a group of deans and faculty will All fraternities need help, he said, Powers, dean of students; Miss play. future. The subcommittee is com- serve as hosts to the visitiig or face eventual condemnation of Barbara Bechtell, associate dean The festivities will begin at 8 posed of two Alfred alumni from counselors at the exhibit. They their houses. Turkington criticis- of students; Dr. Melvin Le Mon, a.m. with alumni registering in each fraternity. •will meet informally with the ed a "lack of communication" be- chairman of the music depart- the Campus Center, after which group, answering questions about tween the administration and the ment, and Dr. John L. Stull of the they will hold a Council meeting ithe University's academic pro- Frosh to Elect fraternities. iphysics department. in Howell Hall. grams, admissions policies, place- State authorities are consider» The exhibit which opened yes- Following a Master Plan Com- Officers Friday ing construction of a road ment procedures and other topics mittee meeting in the Herrick of concern to the secondary school terday will remain open to the Nominations for freshman of- through the site of the present public during banking hours, until Library, Alfred will play host fices were held last week by the Tau Delt house, said Howard counselors in helping plan their to Buffalo in a cross-country higher educational programs. Oct. 11. freshman class. The primary elec- Schnabolk, president, and until meet at Terra Cotta Field. tions will take place on Wednes- a final decision is made, the fra- Charter Day The footbp.ll game will follow day from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and ternity is making no plans for a picnic-style lunch. After the (the election will be held Friday construction of a new house. crowd leaves Merrill Field, they from 9 am. to 7 p.m. Both will Schnabolk said that if road plan« Art, Science Rift Grows/ will gather in the Campus Cen- be in the Parents' Lounge of the are dropped, the fraternity would ter for a "post game buffet." Campus Center. continue using its present struc- The day will end with an op- The freshmen nominated were: ture. "•Financially, we are in good Convocation en house at the Alfred Rod and president—J. Cella, W. Donner, T. condition," Schnabolk said: Eiseley Tells Gun Club on Belmont Rjoad. •Hamm, P. Harvey, and J. Zim- Trustees Concerned Dr. Loren C. Eiseley, guest merman; men's vice-president— The concern over adequate fra- speaker at the annual Charter D. Gardner, R. Goldstein, M. Ros- ternity housing arose at a meet- Day-Opening College Convocation, Marine interview sein, and R. Steinberg; women's ing of the Board of Trustees in spoke of the ever growing rift Marine Captain Joe P. San- vice-president—J. Danzig, M. Bur- the fall of 19611. The fraternity Ibetween science and the arts. Dur- ders will visit the campus Oct. dick, M. Kremzier, J. Napoleon, presidents were informed that an ing the ceremony, Dr. Eiseley and 9 and Oct. 10, from 10 a.m. and M. Wolin; secretary — C. inspection would 'be made some- Bishop George M. Barrett were to 2 p.m., to discuss the Marine Bockes, H. Herling and M. Rys- time the following spring. As a presented with honorary degrees Officer Training Program« kind; treasurer — Bokock, W. result of that inspection, the Phi ¡by members of the faculty. available to college students Brown, M. DeMario, J. Kapner, K. Ep and Tau Delt houses were The guest speaker of the con- and interview those students In- Trainor, J. Schoen, M. Sugar and partially closed. Since that time, vocation held Oct. 3, wm Dr. terested. W. West. the State has purchased the old iLoren C. Eiseley, professor of an- Phi Bp house and brothers of thropology and the history of sci- Leader in Ceramics that fraternity now are living in ence at the University of Penn- Dobson House. According to sylvania. Introduced by Pres. M. Schna'bolk, Tau Delt has correct- Ellis Drake, he spoke on "The Binns Honored at Charter Day, ed the original deficiences Illusion of the Two Cultures." and the house has been approved Dr. Eiseley stated that man Becomes Fourth Alfred Great by both insurance underwriter» teels he is a tool-user and there- Alfred University paid tribute and the administration, although fore rejects the idea of using his during the Charter Day - Opening some occupancy restrictions re- mind creatively. In pre-historic President M. Ellis Drake con- College 'Convocation to Charles main. days, a cave man carved a tool fers honorary degree upon Dr. Fergus Binns, the first man to •What of the financial and phyct- to suit a particular purpose, then Loren C. Eiseley at the annual head what is now the College cal situation at the other Uni- embellished it by decorative cut- Charter Day - Opening College of Ceramics. versity fraternities? ting. This extra handicraft serv- Convocation. Prof. Robert M. Campbell, ohair- Neal Valois, president of Delta ed no usefulness, but satisfied Following the speech, honor- mian of the ceramic engineering Sigma Phi, told the Fiat that his certain creative instincts. ary degrees were conferred on department, presented the tribute fraternity had invested $3,000 in The field of science has devel- the two guests. Bishop George W. twhjioh placed Professor Binns its physical plant recently, to in- oped into a professional body, Barrett of Rochester was present- among the select company of "Al- clude new fire extinguishers, fred's Great." Professor Binns be- paralleling a trade union, con- ed with the doctor of humane let- emergency fiTe lights, a rewired came the fourth figure in Alfred taining traditions and regulations. ters degree by Myron K. Sibley, sleeping porch, and a heat-operat- University's history to receive Young scientists are prone to imi- chairman of the department of ed fire alarm system. He said the distinction of being designat- tate their successful elders. Some philosophy and religion; Dr. Eis- ithat Delta Sig had "no financial try to escape the established dog- ed one of "Alfred's Great." eley was given the degree of doc- problems" and did not anticipate mas, such as the literary natural- He was born in Worcester, Eng- tor of laws by Dr. George H. any in the future. ist who writes with imagination. land, In the year 1857. He stud« Gardner, associate professor of At Kappa Psi Upsilon, Presi- (However these few are judged as ied science and drawing in the sociology. dent Pat Donaldson said that his schools of Birmingham and Wor- outmoded by others in their pro- Charles Fergus Binns house was in "good shape" finan- fession. cester. In 1897, Professor Binns according to Dr. Campbell, cially. The insurance underwrit- resigned from his post as head of life. Dr. Eiseley reaffirmed that a ers, he noted, were satisfied with Last and Found the sales department of the Roy- was s>ummed up in his 1925 doc- barrier exists between these two Ithe fire precautions and the fra- al Worcester Porcelain Works to toral address, when he stated, cultures by referring to his The University's lost and ternity was budgeting funds to com$ to America, where he was "Out of fir comes firmness, out cultures by referring to his found is located at the Cam- of stress comes strength." provide for the future physical award-winning book, The Firma- director of a technical and art pus Center desk.
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